Virtual Literotica Convention 2025 Author Challenge Official Support Thread

Yeah. That's what I figured. Thank you!
My comment up above was more tongue in cheek, but I agree with the others, put the links at the end.

In fact, I've done this myself: I've got a story series here where the lead recognises herself in a story (or at least, in the opening scene) and gets in contact with the author, because she's intrigued. The woman in the first story is nothing like her, but she knows it's her in the opening scene. The author she contacts is the other character in the first story, who is really just a writer of stories.

It goes all self-referential, very meta, because I'm the author, the MC is my often used lead, and the opening scene is in fact true. I link all of the stories they talk about at the end of the first chapter.
@FreyaGersemi - Glad to see the challenge is now official and there is already so much interest from so many even if it's scheduled for April-May 2025.

The characters in my stories are available to anyone wishing to give them new experiences - I would only request you let me know what you intend leading them into (through PM).
You may want to list them on this thread.

Here's a thread with characters available for use in this challenge: Characters Available For Use
If anyone is making characters available for use, it would help if they provided a brief character description of each one with key characteristics they want maintained. Is the character a specific height/weight/age/hair color/sexual orientation or have any interesting kinks or personality quirks? Then name one story which might best describe them.

Basically, tell us why we might want to use them in our stories.

The problem with saying "You can use all of my characters" is that requires us to read all of your stories. And while that might be necessary to get a better feel for the character before we write them, if everyone does that, I won't have time to read every story every author offers.

I'd rather read a synopsis of a character who catches my attention, then open a story to read more about the ones I need.

Write an ad for your character the way Freya started with hers to sell them to us.
The problem with saying "You can use all of my characters" is that requires us to read all of your stories. And while that might be necessary to get a better feel for the character before we write them, if everyone does that, I won't have time to read every story every author offers.
You are right - I'm quite busy at the moment but I'll try to write up a small presentation of my characters as soon as possible. Problem is I'm still learning to know them as well!
Still, I don't have that many stories posted (only 4), so reading them might not be such a tedious task and they are not very long (3.6k for the shortest and 17.5k for the longest). But the 3 longer ones have quite a number of characters and all the stories are standalone (for now, I have some ideas for more stories with some of the characters).
You can still have a look and PM me if you want more details. Anyway, I'll try to come up with a CV for some of them soon - others will follow later.
Anyway, I'll try to come up with a CV for some of them soon - others will follow later.
And it doesn't have to be long. Here's a suggestion that I offered to another author:

Female Character Name - short, blonde, early 20s, has a fetish for older men (contact me for more info)

As simple as that. An author may see that and thing, "Oh, I have my old guy character going to the convention and she would be perfect for him." You never know!! šŸ˜ƒ
Think of the character descriptions we'll all list in Characters Available For Use like a pre-convention "Meet & Greet" cocktail hour. You're standing at the bar and see:

A Five-foot seven, 140-pound, fiftyish woman with green eyes, and long auburn hair worn in a left flip-over style but falling to the middle of her back. She walks up to you confidently saying "Hi, I'm Janet Smith, but everyone calls me 'Jan'. My husband, Ted, will be here soon. I'm into daily exercise and yoga a few times per week. My husband and I have been together since high school, but we've started into the swinger lifestyle a few years ago. At first, I'd never touch another woman. But I've come to enjoy their touch, and even returning the favors, if you know what I mean."

If you're a man, she glances coyly down at your pants and runs a finger along the protrusion she notices growing down your right thigh, saying "I see I've caught your attention. By the way, I like to flirt. My husband calls it my 'sport'. Would you like to play my game? I'm not into pain, but a sharp slap on my ass is sometimes appreciated. And I do EVERYTHING!"

If you're a woman, she looks at your chest, saying "Hmmm, I'd love for our girls to have a playdate together. By the way, in case you haven't noticed, I like to flirt. My husband calls it my 'sport'. Would you like to play my game? But my preference is to be 'The Maneater'!"

Now, you don't need to read my stories to see one of the convention attendees. You can already have your fun with her.
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Virtual Literotica Convention 2025
Author Organized Challenge by Freya Gersemi

Youā€™ve all lovingly written and read characters in Literotica stories that just seem oh so lifelike. Well, what if they actually came to life? Hereā€™s your chance make the entire Literotica Universe some to life!! In this Literotica Challenge, you get to flex your writing muscles and weave other, already established, characters into your own stories using them as your own. Crazy, huh?

So, what in the world am I talking about?

Picture if you will, a Literotica Convention where all of the characters from all of the stories ever published on Literotica are invited to attend. Within the 3-day weekend of this convention, they meet, mingle, meander, andā€¦ well, what happens next is entirely up to YOU!!

STARTS: April 25
CLOSES: May 16

Please copy and paste the phrase "LIT CON 2025" (quotes not needed) in the "Notes to Admin" field of your submission.

Also, please copy and paste the phrase "LIT CON 2025" (quotes not needed) as a story tag so that your stories can be found easily.

Like right here: con 2025/

This thread is to support and encourage and just chit-chat about this challenge.

And there are a LOT of very good writers here, so if youā€™re new to this, please reach out. Weā€™re all here to help!

So, the specifics of this challengeā€¦

The setting: The 2025 Virtual Literotica Convention at ā€œThe Grand City Hotelā€ in Grand City (of course). It all happens over a long weekend.

The Grand City Hotel is (in reality) The Marriott Marquis in Washington, DC, United States. But to avoid any issues with using the real name, we're using The Grand City Hotel in Grand City. You can do an Internet search for The Marriot Marquis and see pictures, rooms, amenities, surrounding neighborhoods, etcetera.

On Friday, the first night of the convention, there is a meet and greet in the hotelā€™s main ballroom with a jazz band playing on the small stage at one end, and a bar and light buffet set up at the other end.

The next day (Saturday) consists of various workshops in some of the hotelā€™s smaller conference rooms (think: ā€œHow to Please a Man,ā€ ā€œHow to Please a Woman,ā€ ā€œSex in the Modern Age,ā€ autograph signings, etcetera -- make up whatever you want, if needed). That night, there is a formal dinner in the main ballroom with some keynote speakers, then dancing into the wee hours.

On the final day of the convention (Sunday), thereā€™s a brunch in the main ballroom, followed by a few more workshops and a casual buffet in the early evening back in the main ballroom.

No worries about overlapping stories or situations that someone has already come up with. Just write whatever you want to. For example, someone writes a story where a freak storm hits and the power goes out in the entire hotel. You can write a story that the weekend was perfectly sunny. Remember, this is all make-believe and YOUR story is for YOU to write!

Please mention/tag the authors whose characters you are using in a foreword to your story. The characters are their intellectual property, so be sure to credit them properly. And itā€™s a great way to get readers to read other authorsā€™ work (as well as your own) and readers wonā€™t do that unless they know where to click.

Here's a thread with characters available for use in this challenge: Characters Available For Use

This challenge is open to everyone.

1. The initial setting is a Literotica Convention where various Literotica Story Characters meet. Where it goes from there is up to you.
2. Get the approval of an author to use their characters!
3. Credit the charactersā€™ authors in a foreword with links to their profile page.
4. This is a challenge, not a contest. There are winners or prizes awarded.
5. Make sure to include ā€œLIT CON 2025ā€ (quotes not needed) in the NOTES TO ADMIN field AND as a TAG so that your story can be easily located and posted in a timely manner.

And please rememberā€¦ Be kind to everyoneā€™s characters!

These characters are the hard work of an actual human being. Characters may seem to take on a life of their own, but thereā€™s a real person behind them. Try to be cognizant of that fact. And please get permission to use a character. It only takes a few seconds to ask.

And, of course, if you have any questions about the appropriateness of something that you are writing, please contact the author privately as in: ā€œHey, Iā€™m writing So-and-so doing this-and-that. Are you cool with it?ā€ Some authors may not want their character involved in certain things.

So make your reservations at the Grand City Hotel for Lit Con 2025!!!
This sounds like a really fun and creative challenge. The idea of bringing so many established characters together in one shared universe is a great way to explore new interactions and dynamics. Plus, the convention setting gives a lot of room for different storylines, romance, drama, unexpected encounters. Itā€™s also great that thereā€™s a focus on respecting authors and their characters. Definitely looking forward to seeing what people come up with!
I think this is going to need an AH Room with padded walls and a pile of pool noodles to whop each other with.