Q 'n' A per se.

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bobsgirl said:
I'm sorry, the timeout chair is cancelled. I'm laughing too hard.

Just don't kill each other, and clean up any mess you make.;)
There she is, like a ray of sunshine. And it's not a fluke that bg would show up right about now, by the way. I've heard her say that her manta is "a pun a day keeps the mock turtle away."
Well I must leave this place and go out and earn a few squid, probably just as well , I think I was starting to flounder.

What do you call a sexy looking Finlander?
midwestyankee said:
There she is, like a ray of sunshine. And it's not a fluke that bg would show up right about now, by the way. I've heard her say that her manta is "a pun a day keeps the mock turtle away."

Oh buoy. Looks like oyster-ed something up.
quoll: it's a GB thread, and hence, goofy. right, bi? :>

so, it seems the tide of the conversation is changing...

silverwhisper said:
quoll: it's a GB thread, and hence, goofy. right, bi? :>

so, it seems the tide of the conversation is changing...


Thank goodness it is - the fish smell is making me sick! :eek:
midwestyankee said:
Noting that the goose who posed the question posted to another thread just down the hall over an hour ago, I'd say that she must have felt that it was good for the gander but not for herself.

I will answer it..truth be told I have always found you to be very interesting MWY... :kiss:
DLL said:
I will answer it..truth be told I have always found you to be very interesting MWY... :kiss:
I suppose we all have our little quirks. The trouble is, you see: I'm not really anything like mwy in real life, I just play him on the internet.
Question for Q~~~

can you make this AV size for me I love this print and would love it as an AV but i am clueless how to make it :D
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DLL said:
Question for Q~~~

can you make this AV size for me I love this print and would love it as an AV but i am clueless how to make it :D

Umm what print? :confused: I'm not seeing anything, and I seriously doubt you are clueless about much at all. :)
quoll said:
Umm what print? :confused: I'm not seeing anything, and I seriously doubt you are clueless about much at all. :)

I cant seem to attach it here its too big..and when it comes to anything with computers believe me I am totally clueless...its a print called leather jacket by boris vallejo..you can goggle it and see it ..it is very erotic and I think i might like it as an AV... :kiss:
DLL said:
I cant seem to attach it here its too big..and when it comes to anything with computers believe me I am totally clueless...its a print called leather jacket by boris vallejo..you can goggle it and see it ..it is very erotic and I think i might like it as an AV... :kiss:

I love his stuff, that's a great pic.



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Question: how cold does it have to be outside before you will change your plans to avoid the cold?
midwestyankee said:
Question: how cold does it have to be outside before you will change your plans to avoid the cold?

It would have to be in the teens. I'm like the US Postal Service, not rain, nor snow, nor dark of night can stop me.

Well, ok...the dark of night would stop me ~ I'm skired of the dark :eek: :eek:
midwestyankee said:
Question: how cold does it have to be outside before you will change your plans to avoid the cold?

Depends. I put in a lot of time freezing my bits off at late fall soccer games and early spring softball games. Nowadays, if I'm just getting in and out of the car, then the cold really doesn't matter.

Rain is another matter entirely. I do avoid going out if it's wet. There is nothing more uncomfortable than sitting on a wet wheelchair seat. *making an icky face* :rolleyes:
Originally Posted by DLL
I cant seem to attach it here its too big..

EJFan said:
i've had this same problem more times than i can remember. :(

Have you checked the O ring bro?


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