Question for authors... music?


I used to call it music, back when they used to change and evolve with every new album.

Once they 'found a formula and followed it,' (the three F's of musical dullardry), they lost me.

Besides - I still like Frank Zappa, the Ramones, and the Butthole Surfers as well as Paganini and Motzart.

So I'd call anything music, even, I mean especially, heavy breathing.
RE: VeraGem

OOOHHH, I think I'm in love. The Ramones? The Butthole Surfers? Zappa?

Tell me you love the Clash (early) and Social Distortion and I'm ready to run away with you.

Wait... You also have to love Sinatra and Tony Bennett.
Tell me you love the Clash (early) and Social Distortion
Not Love, but a healthy amount of Like for sure.

Wait... You also have to love Sinatra and Tony Bennett
They're OK, but I just can't bring myself to love them - and I'm taken. I like to be taken too:D

Hell, maybe it's easier to list what I don't like:

Anything with inane lyrics and hackneyed melody lines, like boy bands and divas and 'soft jazz.' Ick.
PS: By divas I don't mean Madonna and Cher and Tina Turner - They kick ass.

I'm talking about Lopez and Brittany Spaniel and Whitney - cardboard cutouts with the same voice who all seem to recycle the same melody lines - they must all have the same writer...
Oooooh Karma Dog.........

...I love Sinatra and Tony Bennett! :p Do you like Pink Floyd?
How about Foreigner?

karmadog said:
Silk, I didn't mean any disrespect by my earlier statement about background noise.

To be more specific, I listen to music that I know so well that it doesn't require an active ear. It's memorized.

But, musicians don't automatically get the respect of being actively listened to. Lawrence Welk hasn't earned the respect that Coltrane has, or Glenn Gould.

Besides, I just want enough things going on so that it becomes a sort of white noise through which no distracting noises can penetrate.

Sorry karmadog it caught me wrong. I am a musician and a composer and I had just been asked to play "background music" for an art show. As if what I do is not art. I found it insulting and turned them down. No doubt they found someone more desperate for money than me to do it.
It's cool, silk. I don't blame you for being upset with the "art snobs".

Suzi, I just Tony Bennett a couple of weeks ago. He was amazing.

I'm with you on the Floyd, but I'm not so crazy about Foreigner.

It's always cool how people's tastes overlap, and how they don't, isn't it?

Oh well, VG. All of the good ones are taken.
Hey Karma you pup ;)

....does that mean that the ones who are NOT taken are NOT good? Think again baby! Vera you're a cool shit and all, but I got a lot to offer a man too! :D


I write in complete and utter silence. Mind you, the music may be turned on in my head, sometimes at quite a volume, but essentially, I am alone ~ with my thoughts, with my visions, with the rhythm and melody of my dreams.

I read the same way. Anything is a distraction to me until/unless I am so absorbed, so enraptured that I am simply living in that moment ~ and nothing else penetrates ...
Sound Thinking.

My first real job was writing copy for an AM radio station. After that, I could write in the middle of a riot. Which is lucky, because that is what I must do.

How do you control the background sounds while you are composing? Muzzle your spouse? Sell the kids to gypsies? Slaughter the neighbours?

Or, is that what happened to all those fallout shelters they constructed in the sixties?

it happens that ...

I live in the middle of nowhere. Right now, if I open a window ... the sounds around me include the rustle of the wind, peepers in the pond at dusk, perhaps the howl of a distant dog or wolf. These things, like my breathing or pulse, resonate somewhere inside but don't disturb.

And inside? It is as loud or as quiet as I make it. Right now, the hum of the hard~drive and the subtle harmony of Diana Krall singing "Let's fall in love" are keeping me company.