Question for the guys...ah hell, girls too.

LOL!!! tooooo funny!! I wished our supermarkets were as much fun!! (hmmmmm on second thought I'm glad they are not.. i spend too much time and money there as it is hehe)

hey... along the lines of the orginal question.. I wonder if the contents of the persons grocery cart would sway your decision any??
Siren, are you off your nut? You want me to approach nurse for memory pills? My memory ain't that bad honey. I vividly remember nurse zooming around the parking lot last night, running over my halo! :D
What if the person only has a cell phone. Many of us have come to rely soly on this phone service. I don't have to call anyone back as they get me the first time. I carry it right in my pocket. The only problem I've had is that my horses took some time to get used to the ring. I about got my butt thrown in the weeds once. I do have a phone at the ranch and one in the office. My cook and secretary are the only ones who use a hard wired phone on this ranch. Its much cheaper for us to use the cell on the one-rate plan. The hard wire people are bandits around here...

[Edited by Randyrandy on 06-19-2000 at 01:22 PM]
Melody_lane said:
Girl/guy walks up to you (let's say in a supermarket)says, "hey, I'm new in town...

By "girl/guy" do you mean one of those exotic "lady-boys"?

I'd probably direct "him/her" to the nearest police constable. It's their job to show new folks round strange towns.
That was you I ran over last night Angilique???

I thought I dreamed it all until everyone on all these other threads kept pestering me & telling me that yes, indeed, I did swipe you with the car. I had to go check the bumper and low and behold, there was a bit of this goldish paint on the corner.

I am so sorry, I truely didn't mean to hurt you. I was just chasing after Thumper to kiss and make his 5th leg all better, and spread some Rogaine on it...


Oh, and on the topic at hand, I would take the number and call it every five minutes for 2 days straight and see if he wanted to play doctor...
ROTFLMFAO!!!!! OMG, Nurse, you kill me! No, no, not referring to you trying to run me over with your car last night. :)

You've simply outdone yourself with the above image honey. Bravo! *clapping*
*Stops laughing long enough to remember what the tread was originally about*
Oh. I'd just stare at the fellow and wonder if he was desperate, psychotic or both.

*gets on the store intercom* Clean up in the produce section. Clerk to produce for a clean up.
*Wonders if we could just hose down the carrots and cucumbers and still sell them* We'll mark them as organic and no one will question us about the funny taste.