questions about pussies :)

Hey, I'm frustrated myself, though I do know the last time I had sex. It was Sunday night. I didn't come though. I was too sore from the previous three nights of sex.

Fury :rose:
FurryFury said:
Hey, I'm frustrated myself, though I do know the last time I had sex. It was Sunday night. I didn't come though. I was too sore from the previous three nights of sex.

Fury :rose:

Waaaaaaaaaa :-(
big waaa! :(

this is a serious question and i think i got my answer. ty the retraction like balls did come to mind.

is there really a frustrated thread? are you refering to that you know your sexually frustrated when one?
FurryFury said:
Okay time to admit this.

My puss is not completely closed most of the time these days. Maybe it's because I sort of stay all excited. In fact, it seems to me that it might be asking for something. Oh and it's very, very wet.

Fury :rose:

Enjoy it while it lasts. When I was a young girl I was very concerned, embarrassed even, about how wet I got, and now that I have arrived at a certain age, Astroglide is my friend.
SlickTony said:
Enjoy it while it lasts. When I was a young girl I was very concerned, embarrassed even, about how wet I got, and now that I have arrived at a certain age, Astroglide is my friend.

I'm of a "certain age" maybe not the same one, and hating it but inside I feel young.

Fury :rose: