Quick question; Italics or quotation marks?

Pookie_grrl said:
I certainly like your attitude when it comes to the size of italics. ;) So many authors are afraid to show off their italics out of fear that they won't satisfy the readers looking at them.

I have heard of this "wonder font" that makes your italics look larger without having to actually enlarge them. But I hate trying to fool people into thinking that my italics are bigger than they really are. I would be so embarrassed the first time someone took off the wonder font I had put on and saw the real size of my italics. :eek:

It's refreshing to know that there are readers who appreciate what an author has to offer, especially me. ;)

Pookie :rose:

Well, Pookie, all I can say is size is often overrated and superficial attribute. What most lovers of literature appreciate is a focus on something far more important: satisfaction. And sometimes, that can result when one experiences a thoughtful interlude with the softness and slenderness (and sometimes the sensuality) from the use of italics: no hidden agenda, no subterfuge, no second-guessing.

Why, just look at them—enticing and waving and sleeking and writhing there for all to see. (Oh, God . . .)

How can one not appreciate what this "wonder font" has to offer in expressions of deep thought or special emphasis? Yes, there is a certain contentment (dare I say a self-pleasuring enjoyment?) an author could and should feel when using this beloved text style. It demonstrates our overt willingness to share, not just for writing’s sake, but as an added gift to our readers.

Have a wonderful evening. :kiss:
ProofreadManx said:
Edgar looked at her in despair and thought, Now what have I done?

i would have said "Edgar looked at her in despair. Now what have I done?"
Chicklet said:
i would have said "Edgar looked at her in despair. Now what have I done?"

The quote came directly from the Chicago Manual of Style, 14th Edition.
Chicklet said:
i would have said "Edgar looked at her in despair. Now what have I done?"

I may have written, "Edgar bitch slapped her and snarled to himself. 'Jeezuz Fucking Christ, now what have I done.'"


That came directly from "Form and Style in Thesis Writing," Stanford University Press
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