Quick! Quick! Trivia...

100 x 4000+

Originally posted by Senna Jawa The poem, "Waves of Time" by Chicklet, was posted in 2003 hence it will progress rather fast. Anyway, soon all 100 top Literotica poems will be able to claim over 4000 views each. [/B]
Yes, it has happened already. The Chicklet's poem's score now is 4006.
1' page 75 x 5000+ views

Each of the 75 poems from the first page of the top viewed poems has already scored over 5000 views. The 75th one has 5005 of them.

"1 Image 7 Voices" has just moved to position 49, one up from 50th. It has scored 6246 views. It should pass the next three poems within a few days.

The very top poem is not ougunning the next one 2:1 as in the past but nevertheless it is outrunning it steadily. Since they crossed the 60K and 30K mark respectively, the top one has gained over the runner up over extra 1000 views. They have now 64,494 and 33374 views.
2K+ views

My third most read on Literotica poem, posted on 2002-05-14 under an unassuming title "***", has scored 2002 views (funny, I'd swear I saw 2005 just before I refreshed my Members page to get an up to date score).

My second most read poem, "19th hole", posted on 2002-05-16, has scored 3921 views.

Literotica's 100th most read poem, posted on 2002-08-26 has scored 4194 views.

My most read poem 'round, posted on 2002-05-17, is on the 66th place, with 5145 views.

"1 Image 7 Voices", posted on 2003-05-08, is on 41st place, with 6946 views. It is still scoring just under 100 views per day.

A likeable poem "A Mother's Nightmare" by Svenskaflicka, posted on 2002-12-10, is on 5th place, with 20267 views (a bit over 75 views per day--nice).

The very top 1st most read Literotica poem, posted on 2001-08-03, has scored 65086 views.

Long live trivia!
votes & you

I have posted 6 poems a year ago (2002), between 07/20 and 07/29. And I have posted 6 poems this year (2003), these days, between 07/20 and now--07/25.

Here are the ratings (average votes) for the 2002/07/20-29 posted poems:

                5.00   5.00   5.00   5.00   5.00   4.50

And for the 2003/07/20-25:

                1.00   2.00   2.33   3.00   4.00   0.00

Enjoy yourself thoroughly,
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a 2003 1K, my 9th 1K+ overall

My poem posted this year, on 2003-02-10, has scored exactly 1000 views. It is my 9th poem to score 1K or more views while of my poems posted this year the next best one in this respect has scored only 292 votes.

Of the poems (by other authors, none of them mine) posted this 2003 year seven have made it already to the top 100. The absolute 2003y views leader is "1 Image 7 Voices", placed 37 with 7447 views. The other six are placed 45 57 59 82 90 93.

None of my poems, except for one which already has made it to the top 100 a longer time ago, has any realistic chance to get there. My "1-word poem" is going to score views pretty well but not that well. It has scored 116 views in 5-6 days, which is nice but illustrated poems score that much on their first or second day, just in one day (or two).
Dynamic "1 Image 7 Voices"

Senna Jawa said:
The absolute 2003y views leader is "1 Image 7 Voices", placed 37 with 7447 views.
Just within a day "1 Image 7 Voices" has gained 114 views, for a total of 7561, and is already in the 36th place.
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Literotica! It's time for 150 in place of 100

The list of top 100 most read poems on Literotica consists of page 1, which features 75 titles, and page 2 which features the remaining 25 of the top 100.

The number of poems on Literotica is growing so much that it makes a lot of sense to expand the top 100 list to at least top 150. This would not cause much trouble since it would still take only 2 pages, 2x75 titles, the 2nd page would be used in full.

If that happened I am curious if my 2nd most read poem would make it to such an extended list. Maybe, maybe not. It just has scored 4000 views, yey!, but it lags 257 views behind the 100th poem.

BTW,   1 Image 7 voices   is in the 35th place, it has scored 7646 views. It has left in dust poems by Angeline, by me, two by sp (the second one only now; his is on 36th place) and it is one place and 183 views behind Judo's poem. Mine top one is still in 66th pace, 8 views behind the one in front of it, and 130 views ahead of the next one. It has 5450 views.
local news

Senna Jawa said:
1 Image 7 voices   is in the 35th place, it has scored 7646 views. It has left in dust poems by Angeline, by me, two by sp (the second one only now; his is on 36th place) and it is one place and 183 views behind Judo's poem. Mine top one is still in 66th pace, 8 views behind the one in front of it, and 130 views ahead of the next one. It has 5450 views.
Both poems have made further progress.   1 Image 7 voices   is now in the 34th place, ahead of Judo's poem. "1 Image..." has scored 7868 views.

My own   'round...   has jumped forward even two places, to position 64, but it has scored only 30 additional views since my previous "report" (while "1 Image..." got 222 additional views :)). This was good enough to surge 1 view ahead of the next poem and 3 behind the one ahead. These two neighboring poems were posted in 2001 hence most likely 'round would leave them behind itself. On the other hand an over 7 month "younger" poem, placed 67, with 5340 views, will most likely overrun mine pretty soon.
The Four Year War

Here is the contribution of each of the Literotica years 2000   2001   2002   2003   to the top viewed poems placed 1-25   26-50   51-75   76-100, as recorded on 2003-05-09 and now, on 2003-07-31. For Lit stories the top lists are much more extensive. Literotica should expand also the top viewed poems list.

2003-05-09 status:

                2000  2001  2002  2003
         1- 25     2    13    10     0
        26- 50     1    14    10     0
        51- 75     3    13     7     2
        76-100     6    11     6     2

2003-07-31 status:

                2000  2001  2002  2003
         1- 25     2    13    10     0
        26- 50     1    12    10     2
        51- 75     2    15     6     2
        76-100     3    10     9     3

In nearly 3 months or 83 days to be precise the changes are not too drastic. Well, for the year 2000 posts it is dramatic:). One third of the year 2000 posts got kicked out of the top 100 list; that's 4 posts out of 12, and only 8 remain. The presence in the table of the 2002 posts is mainly, and of the 2003 posts totally, due to the illustrated poems.

It looks like within the 1-25 places no changes have occurred but actually the 2002 posts moved up within the 1-25 range.


"1 Image..." with 7954 is still in 34th place but it's gaining over the holder of place 33. Compare it with 5000 views on June 29, and 5879 on July 9--it is July 31 right now.

My 'round..." has progressed again to place 63 just by making it's customary small gains, which is enough to pass older posts. Now 'round... has 5500 views, which is a semi-round number :).
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29 times 600+ views

2003-12-15 stats for my (Senna's) posts which have collected 600 or more reads so far. The columns provide rating, the number of votes, the number of reads, E(rotic)/N(on-erotic), the posting date.

3.29 17 8173 E 05/16/02
3.57  7 5539 E 05/16/02
4.00  2 4303 E 05/14/02
2.67  3 3629 E 10/17/02
3.00  3 3243 N 05/26/02

4.00  7 3064 N 05/26/02
4.50  2 2754 N 05/26/02
3.67  6 2725 N 02/10/03
4.50  2 2653 N 06/18/02
2.14  7 1851 N 07/20/03

5.00  1  978 N 08/26/02
3.50  2  971 N 08/26/02
4.00  2  880 E 09/02/02
5.00  1  813 E 07/27/02
5.00  1  795 E 08/11/02

5.00  2  775 N 08/28/02
4.00  1  766 E 12/29/02
2.00  2  758 E 05/20/02
3.50  4  737 N 08/27/02
4.00  2  725 N 06/12/02

1.00  1  724 N 08/26/02
1.50  2  674 E 05/25/02
2.00  1  666 N 06/14/02
0.00  0  653 N 06/14/02
0.00  0  633 E 09/02/02

5.00  1  617 E 07/07/02
4.00  1  605 E 05/14/02
5.00  1  602 N 06/07/02
1.00  1  600 N 09/02/02
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the 4 year war about to become the 5 year war

Not much will change in the next two last days of the 2003 in the popularity war of the years 2000 2001 2002 2003. (If it will I might let you know :)). Here are the achievements of these Lit years, as measured by the number of "reads". The tables show how many poems posted on a given year occupy places 1-25 26-50 51-75 76-100. When it comes to the top 10 poems (1 2 ... 10) their posting year is as follows:

    2001 2001 2002 2002 2002 2001 2001 2002 2003 2002

We see no poem from 2000 (they are nearly extinct from the top 100--but the Lit-year 2000 had started only around July 1, I guess)?, and there is only one lonely text posted in 2003, which is of course 1 Image 7 Voices, initiated by Eve, and written to her illustration, by  7  participants of this board (it consists of  8  poems).

2003-05-09 status:

                2000  2001  2002  2003
         1- 25     2    13    10     0
        26- 50     1    14    10     0
        51- 75     3    13     7     2
        76-100     6    11     6     2

2003-07-31 status:

                2000  2001  2002  2003
         1- 25     2    13    10     0
        26- 50     1    12    10     2
        51- 75     2    15     6     2
        76-100     3    10     9     3

2003-12-29 status:

                2000  2001  2002  2003
         1- 25     1    10    12     2
        26- 50     1    13     9     2
        51- 75     2    12     5     6
        76-100     2     9    11     3

BTW, Eve, allow public comments under "1 Image 7 Voices".
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