Quote of the Day!


"Introverts, in contrast, may have strong social skills and enjoy parties and business meetings,
but after a while wish they were home in their pajamas.
They prefer to devote their social energies to close friends, colleagues, and family.
They listen more than they talk, think before they speak,
and often feel as if they express themselves better in writing than in conversation.
They tend to dislike conflict. Many have a horror of small talk, but enjoy deep discussions.“

—Susan Cain, Quiet

(reposted here from the Mansion by request of the Lady herself :rose:)​
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“For me, insanity is super sanity. The normal is psychotic. Normal means lack of imagination, lack of creativity.”
~Jean Dubuffet~​
"I'm an open book, boss. Granted, the book's in Spanish and half the pages have fallen out, but an open book nonetheless."
- Raul Tajeda, Fallout: New Vegas

Quote of the Day!

~Life is not lost by dying; life is lost minute by minute, day by dragging day, in all the thousand small uncaring ways.~

Stephen Vincent Benet
Quote of the Day!

“Everything hurt.

I closed my eyes, pressing my cheek to the street, and waited.

What for, I didn't know.

To be rescued. Or found.

But no one came.

All I'd ever thought I wanted was to be left alone.

Until I was.”

Sarah Dessen, Just Listen
Geniuses are like thunderstorms. They go against the wind, terrify people, cleanse the air.

It has been said that there is no fool like an old fool, except a young fool. But the young fool has first to grow up to be an old fool to realize what a damn fool he was when he was a young fool. -Harold MacMillan

Someone sent this to me, today. It made me smile.

"-You can't just turn on creativity like a faucet. You have to be in the right mood.
-What mood is that?
-Last-minute panic.”

“Well, remember what you said, because in a day or two, I'll have a witty and blistering retort! You'll be devastated THEN!”

“Some days even my lucky rocketship underpants won't help.”

"What fun is it being cool if you can't wear a sombrero”

~Calvin and Hobbes~​
Quote of the Day!

~May God grant you always...A sunbeam to warm you, a moonbeam to charm you, a sheltering Angel so nothing can harm you. Laughter to cheer you. Faithful friends near you. And whenever you pray, Heaven to hear you.~

Irish Blessings​
Quote of the Day!

Before you speak, listen.
Before you write, think.
Before you spend, earn.
Before you invest, investigate.
Before you criticize, wait.
Before you pray, forgive.
Before you quit, try.
Before you retire, save.
Before you die, give.

William A. Ward
Those who say it cannot be done, should not interrupt those who are doing it.-
George Bernard Shaw.​
Quote of the Day!

~ Love is needing someone. Love is putting up with someone's bad qualities because they somehow complete you. ~

Sarah Dessen, This Lullaby​
You can put a man on trial, but you can't make the guilty pay, and you can cage an animal, but you can't take away the rage.

-Lyric from Heroes by Shinedown.

Quote of the Day!

~It's just that...I just think that some things are meant to be broken. Imperfect. Chaotic. It's the universe's way of providing contrast, you know? There have to be a few holes in the road. It's how life is.~

― Sarah Dessen, The Truth About Forever​
Quotes of the Day!

~ Look up to the shy you'll never find rainbow if your looking down. ~

Charlie Chaplin.​
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When once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward, for there you have been, and there you will always long to return.

Leonardo Da Vinci