Random things you've made up for your stories

I only recently got comfortable making stuff up, but now I’m addicted to it, and my stories will only ever become more absurd and over the top.

I once featured a tennis tournament where the women play five sets instead of the customary three. I found a particular iconic real-world match I wanted to recreate and (because it was between two men) it was played in five sets.

I’ve invented porn stars, radio DJs... At one stage, I really wanted a Fidel Castro-esque Caribbean dictator in a story and thus "El Presidente" was born — a senile old man who wears army fatigues and terrifies all his officials despite clearly being on his deathbed.

Tech-wise, one of my characters wears a futuristic mood ring that uses 'biometric sensors' that I keep forgetting about.
I've gone overboard with creating businesses for my characters to engage in. The most recent is a franchise where I've developed the name, concept, logo and uniforms. It's such an interesting and fun package that I'm hesitant to publish as-is out of concern that somebody might take it and run with it IRL. It's in a market space which is sort of itching for something different.

Seriously, it's complete to the point where I'm considering registering the trademarks. Already registered the Internet domain.
I once featured a tennis tournament where the women play five sets instead of the customary three. I found a particular iconic real-world match I wanted to recreate and (because it was between two men) it was played in five sets.
I find the real world has far more things that people dismiss out of hand as myth or fabrication, too unbelievable to be nonfiction. Like, in the Virginia Slims Tournament, 1984, Vicki Nelson and Jean Hepner had a twenty-nine minute rally (just the rally - whole match was over six hours) composed of 643 shots. Toss in a monster like that, and everybody would be telling you that you're dreaming.
One of my historical stories needed a device for making women infertile, but not men. So I invented a disease that did this. It sprang up from nowhere, a mutation of some common disease like influenza, and then disappeared before it could be medically diagnosed and named. Since all this was happening in the 19th century, I figured that the science of the time wouldn't have been able to treat it.
One of my historical stories needed a device for making women infertile, but not men. So I invented a disease that did this. It sprang up from nowhere, a mutation of some common disease like influenza, and then disappeared before it could be medically diagnosed and named. Since all this was happening in the 19th century, I figured that the science of the time wouldn't have been able to treat it.
I needed a disease for my SF stories and had a terrible time naming it without sounding cheeseball-y.

I settled on morliosis, then later added something called turbojoltosis.
I like to have my college students and professors attending Aaron Burr University -- nothing quite as fun as having the all-American kids attend a school named after an American traitor.
I just invented a restaurant, and I feel I should share it here to establish priority before someone else thinks of it.

It's called Uh, Salt and Buttery. It is police-themed.

Carry on.
I was shocked when I googled it and found… not much. Like, I assumed someone would have actually started a real restaurant with that name.
I was shocked when I googled it and found… not much. Like, I assumed someone would have actually started a real restaurant with that name.
It's a good idea. It's extremely satisfying when you come up with a name for a character or restaurant or website or whatever and you search for it and find it's not taken. I've done that a few times and I have a few stories in the works with some names I'm a little proud of. One is a story title for the upcoming Geek event that I'm very proud of but I'm not going to say what it is at this point.
Here's an idea for a restaurant.

The Snow and Flake

Schtick is everyone there eats and drinks only what they're told to, then go and tell their friends to come do the same. Complaints are not allowed or you'll be told you can't be one them anymore. Its a great business model.

Drawback is the high crime rate, seems the place is always getting robbed and the customers mugged because tired of being reviled, the local police sit and watch them get what they deserve.

Alternate name was the mindless hyena-but I wasn't sure if it should be hyenas because they travel in packs and sniff each other's asses.
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Here's an idea for a restaurant.

The Snow and Flake

Schtick is everyone there eats and drinks only what they're told to, then go and tell their friends to come do the same. Complaints are not allowed or you'll be told you can't be one them anymore. Its a great business model.

Drawback is the high crime rate, seems the place is always getting robbed and the customers mugged because tired of being reviled, the local police sit and watch them get what they deserve.

Alternate name was the mindless hyena-but I wasn't sure if it should be hyenas because they travel in packs and sniff each other's asses.
Somewhere like this?
There is this: https://www.asaltandbattery.com/

It's a British style fish and chips place in New York.

I found that one! My place isn't going to be a chippy, though.

Buttery, not Battery. I'm thinking it'll specialize in something improbable, like farm-to-table mustards or free-range haggis or vegan ice cream or something. Barrel-aged Worcestershire sauce; something funny.
Us clever writers make shit up all the time, so what are some of yours and which ones tend to get repeat mentions.
My biggest fabrication was the diabolical piss recycling machine in Club Emily. Totally batshit crazy and completely biologically infeasible.

However, still somewhat grounded in the reality of a rather twisted BDSM game I used to play with my best friend.

Nothing too crazy on my end, at least not yet.

There's a bar, Sharkey's, that's been mentioned in two different stories so far.

There's also a lawyer that's crossed over from one series to another, and might make an appearance in another story I'm currently writing.

I'm starting to realize most of my stories can easily exist in the same universe, so making those kinds of connections from time to time can be fun, even if only for my own amusement.
Random things I didn't make up.


When the people who think they're funny can claim these acts, or get up knowing any day of work could end in your death-especially because of people like you-you can talk. Until then, maybe a little respect...or do you need to be given the definition of that word?

Uh...who you talking to, bub?
Random things I didn't make up.


When the people who think they're funny can claim these acts, or get up knowing any day of work could end in your death-especially because of people like you-you can talk. Until then, maybe a little respect...or do you need to be given the definition of that word?
Why are you trippin'?
Here's an idea for a restaurant.

The Snow and Flake

Schtick is everyone there eats and drinks only what they're told to, then go and tell their friends to come do the same. Complaints are not allowed or you'll be told you can't be one them anymore. Its a great business model.

Drawback is the high crime rate, seems the place is always getting robbed and the customers mugged because tired of being reviled, the local police sit and watch them get what they deserve.

Alternate name was the mindless hyena-but I wasn't sure if it should be hyenas because they travel in packs and sniff each other's asses.

That sounds more like "The Sheeple".

Surely the Snow and Flake's schtick would be something about people getting tremendously offended by the most harmless of jokes?
Thread revving 101.

The site should hire me to liven up threads on a regular basis.
Could be the name of a club or restaurant, business or perhaps a fictional website, actor/actresses name of a movie, pretty much anything/one you created. Bonus for if you've revisited them in other stories as sort of Easter eggs or making your own sort of mythos by tying things together.

A few of my stories have dealt with women who were either former porn stars or trying out the industry because of financial reasons. I created a porn star "Molly Minx" who's name has been dropped whenever a character in a story is watching 'mom porn'. I have a porn director named Malcom Stone of Stone Cold Productions who produces taboo porn and has a back story of unrequited love for his mother who passed away and in two stories he has paid mother and sons he's encountered who need money to have sex in front of him

Along the same lines are made up porn series like "In between teens" a group sex series and Barely Legal Backdoor babes. The Masked Milf.

My more series creation that I've built a lot around in my horror novels-but was first mentioned here in my SWB series is The Black Flame an old hotel converted into a multi level adult club with each floor catering to a certain crowd and run by a woman the city sees as an eccentric recluse, but is a powerful witch who rarely leaves the club because people die when she does.

Us clever writers make shit up all the time, so what are some of yours and which ones tend to get repeat mentions.
I created a drug that was a combination of focusin, Cialis and a ADHD drug to increase sexual stamina and also aid recall which meant I had a way to do a flashback with the person able to see outside themselves and understand the viewpoints of others, which some BELLEND had a go at me for, like it was a REAL drug and not a narrative device.


Focusin was a fake drug from the Fricking Simpsons!
I could be all day with what I made up for my works. Technically I borrowed a lot as I more or less use mages from WoD in my setting, but I made up a good amount of things for my sci fi setting. Some don't get an elaborate explanation, but others have quite extensive back-lore. Alien species, smartphones that can just change shape and size, self-cleaning floors and furniture.

The stand out example might be something I put in my newest story which might not even be original like most else. They have this drink called kahve which is from a plant that has both capsaicin and caffeine. So it makes spicy coffee. It is no gargle blaster, but it can wake up people far better.