
I did NOT get the jist of Watchmen (movie).

I swear I watched it and paid attention....but it just didn't make sense


easy...power corrupts..shows how even the best of intentions can be corrupted...a good lesson for our own government.

I loved the way they started out with Rorschach being the crazy one by the end of the movie he was the most sane one. I promised, my self I would read the "graphic novel" ..still working on it..got buy it first.
I did NOT get the jist of Watchmen (movie).

I swear I watched it and paid attention....but it just didn't make sense


Don't feel too bad Zy. that was exactly my reaction after watching 2001: A space Oddyssey (worst movie ever).
Don't feel too bad Zy. that was exactly my reaction after watching 2001: A space Oddyssey (worst movie ever).

2001 ...humans are arrogant and don't have a clue so get your shit together because someone is watching!

(like How I tied that back into the Watchmen?..giggles)
2001 ...humans are arrogant and don't have a clue so get your shit together because someone is watching!

(like How I tied that back into the Watchmen?..giggles)

lol Ezra, at first glance I thought that said you were going to tie someone up to watch Watchmen

now I am....what are you doing tonight?*evil grin*

lol, well, if you're going to tie me up to watch The Watchmen then I'm busy...

but if you're going to tie me up for other things then I'm free

lol, well, if you're going to tie me up to watch The Watchmen then I'm busy...

but if you're going to tie me up for other things then I'm free


...oh, Watchmen is a big downer any way
..how ever..
tying you up sounds like a good start to any evening...

*not caring about the movie part any more, thinking about a nice spanking....a rosy bottom..and then my mind going some where very dirty..."
...oh, Watchmen is a big downer any way
..how ever..
tying you up sounds like a good start to any evening...

*not caring about the movie part any more, thinking about a nice spanking....a rosy bottom..and then my mind going some where very dirty..."


Watchmen made perfect sense. Not liking it is one thing, thinking it made no sense is simply false. I'm not gonna explain it since it would obviously spoil it for people who may still be interested.

I'm kinda surprised anyone could have a "that's it?" reaction to the end, unless they were expecting happily ever after. I thought it was unorthodox and brilliant. It also leaves open a good debate on whether or not the villain was right or wrong to do what he did. Everything wasn't just black and white like a Superman comic where Superman is the golden child of justice and the bad guys are moustache twirling stereotypes. All the characters in Watchmen had their justified goals, and were flawed, even the man who was nearly a god.

I guess it was just my sort of "superhero" movie, since I dislike most other comic books and most of their adaptations.
I did NOT get the jist of Watchmen (movie).

I swear I watched it and paid attention....but it just didn't make sense


Basic premise is this. One of the most powerful superheroes in the world decides that the best way to save the world is to unite humanity against a common foe. He takes it upon himself to create that foe, going against even his best friends to bring about a world in which they're not needed. That's The Watchmen in a nutshell.
I am sorry, we saw watchmen on the big screen and I was severely distracted by huge blue penis.

That's what the movie essentially boiled down to at that point.
I am sorry, we saw watchmen on the big screen and I was severely distracted by huge blue penis.

That's what the movie essentially boiled down to at that point.

<< >> I can't remember if that was edited or not for DVD/BluRay. I do however remember the unholy sight of a blue banana hammock *shudders*
ok, thats it.
I'm starting a thread called White Base where all gundam talk should go.
Have you ever just wondered what you would be like if you had been born a different ethnicity?
True.. but when you see it on an IMAX screen.. it tends to hold some sway. :D


Can we talk about something other than penis?

Looks at Draggy

No gundam!

Well there's your problem....

Um...I has a bright, shiny new GameBoy Advance SP (though I still need to get a power cord for it...). And I have a PSP on layaway.
ummm no!! I wanna play Phantasy Star...*sighs*

Well, you could always play the original versions. You can emulate them or pick up Phantasy Star Collection for the GBA (it has 1, 2, and 3). The remakes, sadly, are JP region.....Import Only outside of Japan, for the PS2 *sighs*
I am sorry, we saw watchmen on the big screen and I was severely distracted by huge blue penis.

That's what the movie essentially boiled down to at that point.

I wasn't the only one...thank God I did not opt to see Watchmen in IMAX.

It was a very good story however once you get past the giant blue penis.