Rape as a Fantasy

Ebonyfire said:
Yep, it is a lot of work! That is why I balk when someone says that being is Dom/me is just tying people up and beating them.

That's why I generally choose the [ath of a Top
TOOOOO much responsibility being a Dom
Marquis said:
I have noticed that a commonly recurring theme in the fantasies discussed by subs on this forum is that of rape. Not just play rape, but a lot of submissives talk about being raped as one of their ultimate fantasies, wishing it would come true. As an example, one Litster talks about wishing she could be raped but knowing the only thing that would prevent her from allowing it to happen would be being the uncertainty of the disease free status of their "partner."

Obviously rape is one of the most traumatizing things that can happen to a person, and a horrible crime for anyone to commit. However, in light of a lot of the posts on this board I could also see how it might be the ultimate humiliation/domination fantasy for someone who is into that sort of thing. My question is, how many subs out there have had this as a fantasy? Not play rape or scene rape or anything like that, but how many of you have actually wondered if you might like actually having sex forced on you by a stranger? Are there any of you that have ever tried to put yourselves into a situation to be raped?

A final and admittedly extremely controversial question; have any of you ever been raped and liked it?

just had to dig this one up...(note, i have only read the first few posts)

i think it's pretty safe to say that no one can "like" being raped. it's abuse, a violation, a shock, often a betrayal, and it always, always kills a bit (or a lot) of something inside of you. it hurts (and no i'm not talking physical pain here). however, as i've confessed on another thread, i do have a desire/craving, maybe even a need, to be raped. not a play rape. not any kind of rape "scene". but a true rape, with all the painful grisly aftermath. it's not something i would "like", it's not something i would enjoy. but it would satisfy a need i have within me for pain and suffering of the deepest kind. and for the record i have been raped, repeatedly throughout the course of my 23 years in this lifetime, and still suffer today and everyday because of the wounds that just refuse to heal. so why would i "want" to be raped, again? haven't figured out the answer to that one yet. perhaps i feel it's what i deserve.
Marquis said:
Did your other rapes satisfy this need for you?

no...i don't think it's a need that can ever be wholly satisfied. i think it's a need i'll carry with me for the rest of my days...to be constantly/frequently used abused and damaged, inside and out.
Have you ever been in counciling or anything, sub gal?

To read your post just about breaks my heart. It makes me want to reach out and give you a hug. (I have a need inside of me to make everyone's hurts go away)
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Ebonyfire said:
Yep, it is a lot of work! That is why I balk when someone says that being is Dom/me is just tying people up and beating them.

but that's fun too though, right?:p
Re: As much as I tried .. I can't keep my big mouth shut!

Hecate said:
Advance statement:

a) I am not submissive
b) I have had rape fantasies - which makes me think most women, sub or not, have had them.
c) Try and do anything to me against my will and bear the consequences (trust me, you DON'T want to go there!)

That said...

Sorry - where are you getting that info from? Fantasy yes, but ALL women I know are very clear about it being just that - a fantasy, and never would they want it to happen under any circumstances they were not ultimately in control about or assured of the outcome of the scene and the preset limits it has to stay within.

And I bet if asked a bit further it would show that, yes, it would have to be someone disease free, good looking, washed and at least average hygienic, not too much older than herself (or younger or ...), without the whole affair resulting into any physical damage such as fractures, abbrasions and other unpleasant painful issues like knife cuts or a blown out brain thanks to a handy gun to avoid later identification in a court case. And of course we don't want to get pregnant by it either, right?

Plus - it will be a warm night in a cozy bit of the woods or any other semi-romantic place, no other witnesses to ever know about it, and the "victim" would feel turned on by this whole scene.

All this is how we imagine "rape" to be - truth is: no control to what happens, where it goes and how and when it ends. No way to stop it if it doesn't turn out the way we imagined. He may stink out of his mouth with yellow tooth stumps and not have washed in ages ... yummy pics to think about, right? Wanna give head to that baby? He may hurt you in ways that are not on your "love it when it hurts so good" scale at all, and when he is done you are left with pain, disgust and fear for long times to come.

Nothing to add to that! definitely no but, however or any other word that may sanction the issue!

Emphasis again on fantasy in the above paragraph, and in that I agree.

As stated above, I am not submissive but have had that fantasy as I woudl assume most women have - let's face it though: it is not about rape!!!! it is about being passive, being helpless, being "not guilty" for what is happening and thus ultimately free from the "sin of enjoying sex with a stranger". My fantasies were always "perfect" - good looking strangers, freshly bathed and clean, and doing to me miraculously just the things I would love them to do ... never fear to not live through it, never disgust, never pain and ultimately never any "afterwards" to deal with desease, pregnancy, humiliation as you have to make your way home in tattered rags, crying from the pain and shame.

I can only speak for myself but NO! definitely absolutely NO!

I have never had any even remote occurances in my life to resemble rape, never have I directly been subject to rape and I have not even ever had any encounters with being molested in any form, not even lightly.

Of the people I know who were less lucky I do not know a single one who came out of this tragedy without sever damage to their psyche and unfortunately a few with as severe damages to their bodies. I truthfully can say none wanted it and none enjoyed it.

Marquis, this statement against rape is not directed to you as a person - I just used your post as it offers some pointers to the "clichees" that seem to go around in many people's (men and women alike) heads. I was trying to not comment as I knew I had nothing nice to say, but rape - and specially rape in the BDSM-context - is a topic that irritates and irks me to no end.

Too many excuses have been made by selfprofessed Dominants under the guise of "all women secretly yearn to be raped" too much damage has been done to the reputation and understanding of our lifestyle by this, and too many fine women have had their lives destroyed by rape

There is no way ever that rape can go under the "mantle of BDSM". You can scene rape, you can scene non-consent, you can arrange for things to happen with strangers. But it then is not rape - it is then an act happening between consenting adults who are aware of what it is they are about to get engaged in.

Rape is not about sex, rape is about violence !!

You said everything I wanted to say... but the part that really reflected the feelings I think are behind the fantasies I have you stated right here... [/B][/QUOTE]let's face it though: it is not about rape!!!! it is about being passive, being helpless, being "not guilty" for what is happening and thus ultimately free from the "sin of enjoying sex with a stranger". My fantasies were always "perfect" - good looking strangers, freshly bathed and clean, and doing to me miraculously just the things I would love them to do ... never fear to not live through it, never disgust, never pain and ultimately never any "afterwards" to deal with desease, pregnancy, humiliation as you have to make your way home in tattered rags, crying from the pain and shame.[/B][/QUOTE]
sweetnpetite said:
Have you ever been in counciling or anything, sub girl?

To read your post just about breaks my heart. It makes me want to reach out and give you a hug. (I have a need inside of me to make everyone's hurts go away)

oh gosh no sweetnpetite (and pls, just call me gal or osg)...i don't take hugs well, except from Daddy. besides, this is not a sad thing. as i was telling Daddy the other day, i think some people are good for, maybe even intended for, certain purposes. i think i was meant to be a servant...that that is my major purpose in life. and that means serving even when i do not wish to serve or when i am given no choice in the matter. and i think, better me, a submissive slave, than someone different who would likely be hurt far more. after all, the abusers need someone to abuse don't they? they have a need also that they cannot always stifle...better to release with me, or one like me, than one who would be permanently crushed by it. like you, i feel everyone's pain. i want no one to suffer (well, except myself)...the deranged psychopath, the seemingly callous serial rapist, the child lovers..they suffer just like anyone else and sometimes someone else may have to suffer in order for them to have a bit of relief. so, i will take what i can. i have accepted my place and purpose and am not resentful about it at all.
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sorry, osg. That just makes me want to hug you even more. To feel that your purpose is to be abused. I guess it's good that you don't feel sad about it, but I do. At the same time, it is somewhat fascinating, this mindset. But I don't believe that your purpose is to be 'someone for the abusers to abuse' I just don't believe that is anyones purpose. Although I do believe that everything happens for a reason.

As to the phycopaths- they don't actully suffer, because they have all of there emotions turned off. Which in itself I find quite sad.

Maybe I'm so fascinated by what you have to say because in a way I may have similer feelings- though not exactly the same, or at least I don't think so. But I do find myself physically attracted to some really nasty criminals. What exactly is behind this- I have to wonder? I had a really big crush on Eric Manendez and used to watch the trial on court tv every day. Then I found out another woman felt the same had been writing to him, and she actually ended up marrying him! (I actually felt kind of jealous!)

As an author I'd really be interested in exploring some of these ideas. (But I'm not really working on serious stuff at this time.)

Would you be cool with a PM?
sweetnpetite said:
sorry, osg. That just makes me want to hug you even more. To feel that your purpose is to be abused. I guess it's good that you don't feel sad about it, but I do. At the same time, it is somewhat fascinating, this mindset. But I don't believe that your purpose is to be 'someone for the abusers to abuse' I just don't believe that is anyones purpose. Although I do believe that everything happens for a reason.

As to the phycopaths- they don't actully suffer, because they have all of there emotions turned off. Which in itself I find quite sad.

Maybe I'm so fascinated by what you have to say because in a way I may have similer feelings- though not exactly the same, or at least I don't think so. But I do find myself physically attracted to some really nasty criminals. What exactly is behind this- I have to wonder? I had a really big crush on Eric Manendez and used to watch the trial on court tv every day. Then I found out another woman felt the same had been writing to him, and she actually ended up marrying him! (I actually felt kind of jealous!)

As an author I'd really be interested in exploring some of these ideas. (But I'm not really working on serious stuff at this time.)

Would you be cool with a PM?

that would be okay :)
I find that mind state fascinating too. It's extremely hard for me to realte to, but I'm not going to judge how you want to live your life. It's hard for me to imagine why my girlfriend would want to be submissive to me, but I don't exactly question that either.

Even so, it is a fascinating perspective, and I'm all ears for any more you want to say about it osg.

By the way, I've noticed people asking each other if its ok to pm in the main chat. Is it considered rude to just pm someone randomly if you read a post you find interesting? Thats what I do.
Rape Fantasy

Hmmm... How many have been raped, what is the fantasy all about....
Well my take on it is this....
Many years ago I was molested at an agen when innocence meets truth.......
The rape fantasy holds for me the ability to give in to what transpired then.........
A certain part of me wants to be able to enjoy what happend mixed with reality...
Unfortunately, what transpired is devestating, you fought the urges of your body based on what is actually happening. In certain urges your body had, with respects it is pleasurae, but your mind will continue to fight what is the truth of the matter, in my case, my body verse my mind were at odds if you will.
The "rape" fantsay if you will is nothing more than my ability to given in to the "pleasurable" part - that which your body must deal with. I do not truly want to be raped so much as I want to be able to give in to the pleasures I feel. I have a hard time cuming if you will. This fantasy is just that - I could never take rape in it's literal concept, but on a fantasy basis the ability to given in to pleasure is high.

I've a partner that is truely wondeful. He always wants to know what I am thinking, feeling, and otherwise. We are able to discuss things I normally could not. He is the most incredible man I've ever known. He wants to know what I think when I am feeling him while he is asleep...while he is awake...... while we are doing those things that feel good. He passes not judgement on me, which I fear, but the sole response of what makes me happy. He is willing to accept ever aspect of my lfe, good and bad....
He makes me feel whole, secure without ramifications, and desirable beyond measure. Currently I have everything I could ever hope for, or want. He is the most perfect human being in the world for me.....obviousouly not for anyone else!, but for me.
Yes like all of us he has his flaws, but I welcome them, and the chance to deal with them. I've never been presented in such a fashion. I have managed to find what we all seek....
That which is good and pure of heart, that which will accept me for me, and could care less about what transpired so many moons ago. He loves me in a fashion I could only hope for, and thinks I'm perfect. Being human, we all know this is not possible, but he thinks so reagrding me. I feel so special, and loved I have no measure for it. Jeff I love you and always have. I will never change that which makes you you, because then I comprimize that whivh makes me.
Re: Rape Fantasy

curious2y said:
I've a partner that is truely wondeful. He always wants to know what I am thinking, feeling, and otherwise. We are able to discuss things I normally could not. He is the most incredible man I've ever known. He wants to know what I think when I am feeling him while he is asleep...while he is awake...... while we are doing those things that feel good. He passes not judgement on me, which I fear, but the sole response of what makes me happy. He is willing to accept ever aspect of my lfe, good and bad....
He makes me feel whole, secure without ramifications, and desirable beyond measure. Currently I have everything I could ever hope for, or want. He is the most perfect human being in the world for me.....obviousouly not for anyone else!, but for me.
Yes like all of us he has his flaws, but I welcome them, and the chance to deal with them. I've never been presented in such a fashion. I have managed to find what we all seek....
That which is good and pure of heart, that which will accept me for me, and could care less about what transpired so many moons ago. He loves me in a fashion I could only hope for, and thinks I'm perfect. Being human, we all know this is not possible, but he thinks so reagrding me. I feel so special, and loved I have no measure for it. Jeff I love you and always have. I will never change that which makes you you, because then I comprimize that whivh makes me.

You know, I wonder if this is because I'm dominant or an asshole, or both; but I read this and just want to ask:

That's a lot he'd doing for you, what do you do for him?

I know you probably do lots of great things for him. I guess I'm more just remarking on the fact that I find it interesting how annoyed I would be if my partner wrote something like this.
ok, so this is shamless self promotion but I posted a new story here about a scenario where I acted this type of fantasy out with a friend
It's here My Lit author's page if anyone wants to read it
You asked if anyone had been raped and enjoyed it....I have, but both times it was by friends. One was extremely handsome, well muscled, and well-endowed. The other was as ugly as a mud fence, well-muscled, and well-endowed. Both took great care not to hurt me, but rather just pinned me and restrained me and worked on me for hours until they had aroused me enough for a pleasurable penetration.

Even though I enjoyed it, the mind-fuck over the next few weeks was not fun. I kept asking myself, over and over, how I could have enjoyed being raped (and make no mistake, it was rape...I said "NO" and I meant it). they were only able to get me because I trusted them and didn't see it coming. Eventually, I kind of did the 'internal shrug', admitted that I liked it, and went on to have affairs with both of them.

I have also been attacked by real rapists; strangers of the extremely unwashed, fetid breath, evil kind. Luckily, I got away each time, thanks to the adrenaline influx, and my martial arts training. I most certainly have not/do not wish that kind of rape, and will kick the shit out of anyone that tries it on me.

Having said all that, now let me say that I really enjoy rape roleplaying. It's the whole "big strong alpha male/sweet helpless female", swooning from sexual power sort of thing. But in r/l, I will only play at it with a man I trust completely, and whom I crave incessantly. And, I don't need it in order to climax, thereby proving that it does not qualify as a fetish. I suspect that many of us who engage in rape fantasy feel the same way. :catroar:
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I fantasize about nonconsensual sex. With women, it's always with her getting turned on, not really rape, but rather a powerlessness to say no because she is so overwhelmed by my sexual power and dominance. With men, more of an actual physical rape against his will (kind of like prison rape), or myself being raped. I big fantasy for me is 2 people wrestling or competing in some way, with the loser having to sexually service the winner (for example, by eating her pussy, or giving him anal sex).
I've spent all morning at home today, with my front door unlocked. I'm sitting in the living room at the computer, fantasizing that there will be a knock (or even just a swoosh of frigid air as the door swings open) and suddenly my life will get caught up in someone else's intentions.

In fact, I'm so caught up in this fantasy I feel like I should go take another shower to prepare the way.

I've been out 3 times this morning, driving uptown and downtown. As it takes a while to reach my destination I fill my mind with fantasies and think about what could happen when I reach my appointment, what I would have happen with some of the people I will be seeing.

I though of one lady I know as I drove by her place. I knew she was off work today. I remembered the magnetism between us each times we've met. My mind pondered all the dreams I've had about her and imagined what could happen.

Perhaps I could have stopped and found her alone, door unlocked, waiting for a visitor. Perhaps she would be working in her robe, curled in her chair before her computer, having a sexy conversation and thinking about what could happen if someone appeared at her door.

My head was filled with ideas about taking her, working my will with her, discovering and pushing against her limits, and filling a fantasy in her mind of her forced ravishment. I have my pleasure both in the taking of her and in her pleasure from being taken.


Two ships, passing in the night, so close and yet missing each other in the distance...
rape is, simply put, my biggest fantasy. im a female, 32, and nothing turns me on more than the idea of being taken by force. lots of force. im talking about walking into the house, into a dark room, and being slapped, my hair grabbed, shoved to the floor hard, a loaded gun being put to my head, and being told "behave, or die, bitch. your choice" by someone who's voice tells me he means it.

then my clothes cut off with a sharp knife..my face slapped...his fingers shoved inside me..finding me wet. his chuckle at his discovery of my arousal. 'you want to be fucked then?'. and then us fucking..me sucking him off..him fucking me, the gun still to my head, growling in my ear "cum for me bitch.".

*shivers* :) my biggest hugest fantasy. ive yet to get up the nerve to tell my bf about it tho. the most ive told him, recently, is that i want our sex to be rougher. he said ok but i dont know if he'll do it to the extent that i want.

ive had these fantasies pretty much since i was 12 years old. i dont want to be 'really' raped of course..justp lay out the fantasy in as real a way as possible, with someone i trust. i hope someday soon to be able to do that.
This thread and the anal sex thread has a pulse that cannot be stilled.
