Rape as a Fantasy

i think that is a great question about holding my friend responsible. Personaly I do not. i realize that she put herself in that position, and created the situation. However, she tried to get away, she said no, and he could have stopped. i belive she should not have taken desicion as lightly as she did.

i still disagree. i belive that EVERYONE wants the 'rapist' to meet at least one critieria. For some it may be several critieria, ie...not lice infested, no rotten teeth ect. i belive no one actualy wants to die from the encounter. No one would choose someone with AIDS. i think the best validation for this arguement is what they picture when they fantisize. Would the sistuation not be as pleasureable if it did not play out the way it did in their mind?

If it wold not be as pleasurable, or they would no longer want it, then it is not a true desire to be raped, instead it is a desire to have forcefull sex with a stranger, however it is set up, where theya re in control of at least some of the charctoristics of the situation.

It could be said that your friend is not unlike someone with a fantasy about an encounter with a scary dog, and who sees a sign "Beware of Dog" on the neighbors yard, and goes in. Gets bit.

Legally, of course, the man should have stopped; he did assault.

One question though, is "Did your friend want what happened?"
She says afterwards she didn't, but all her actions point the other way, don't they?

As for flirting with death, yes, it's been done. Gay males have intentionally NOT used condoms where there's a high risk. Equating hot sex with risk of death. Or love with it. There's the old movie, "Looking for Mr. Goodbar" about a danger seeking woman bar hopper.

She felt terrible after. There's many things we want, at least for a while, that turn out quite badly-- at moments of anger, maybe the death of a loved one.
*sharpens his knives, slips on his gloves*

One of these days, I'm going to make my fantasy a reality...when I find a woman with whom I share a deep enough trust to attempt something this intense.
Johnny Mayberry said:
*sharpens his knives, slips on his gloves*

One of these days, I'm going to make my fantasy a reality...when I find a woman with whom I share a deep enough trust to attempt something this intense.

you won't inspire a lot of trust when you joke around like that!
Johnny Mayberry said:
*sharpens his knives, slips on his gloves*

One of these days, I'm going to make my fantasy a reality...when I find a woman with whom I share a deep enough trust to attempt something this intense.

you won't inspire a lot of trust when you joke around like that!
Pure said:
Luscious Landa, you make a good point:

Ok, while rape may be about violence and not sex, there are rapes of force without violence. Such as threats, intimidatation, drugs, etc. If you read your local sexual assault/rape statutes the legislature has outlined many possible ways to rape (without leaving a mark). Many date rapes occur this way and thus go unreported. Certainly, it is unlikely that any victims enjoy such an assault. Nevertheless, many young people, i.e., children have enjoyed being molested at one time or another (often it is a fleeting moment of pleasure before realizing the impropriety of it, or before reaching the age of understanding). Many such "victims", myself included, love and cherish their rapists for years until they realize that social mores do not approve.

In fact, you example shows that not only does there appear to be no violence, but no (unusual) force. The minor was persuaded, and in legal terms, did not consent. I understand 'unusual force' to mean 'more force than necessary for the usual sexual act'--penetration etc, needs a little 'force' after all. After all, if someone even touches you or a fly lands on your arm, some tiny force is applied.

If you get your 'date' a little too drunk to care, and s/he goes along with things, you may have a rape.

You sneak into the neighbors' house at night where husband and wife live, and sleep in separate rooms. You make love to one of them, let's say, the wife, pretending to be her husband; that too is rape. And enjoyable, in one sense (for that moment).

hmm, that makes a good story idea.

notice i said story idea, not real life idea. For me roll playing the situation or just maybe fantasizing or whatever is plenty. I would never want to set up a suprise ambush. I ALWAYS retain the right to say no. ALWAYS. If you violate that right, I will be pissed. I've had guys push themselves on me -- guys I had no problem sleeping with-- but I did have a problem with them not respecting my boundries.
some people may want to actually get raped by someone with AIDS, or some such thing. These people are severly damaged phycologically, and theres no arguing that they are not. For that matter, I think UCE is and I think she might be the first to agree. People DO have self destructive desires. If a friend of mine confided an actual desire to be malisciouly attacked, I wouldn't go about helping her to set up a "controlled rape" I would help her find a counciler. I believe that consentual adults can do as they want, but when people are self-destructive they need help. I will not be PC and say that they should be allowed to do whatever "makes them happy" because that is not what is happening. Men tend to turn there anger outward, and women tend to turn it inward, just becuase they are "only hurting themselves" is no reason to just let them. IF someone were cutting herself, she's not doing it to feel happy, she'd doing it to feel. There is a sad and scared little girl in there and she needs help.

AS for the friend, that is a tough one. My first reaction is to say no. But then I realize that she was very stupid to put herself in that situation.(I don't mean that in a mean way) So maybe. But I don't think her fault diminishes his in any way at all. I think she learned a very hard lesson, she's probably sadder but wizer. Hopefully she can get past the guilt and self blame and just realize that she was ignorant. (as in she had no way of knowing what it would really be like)
shameless plug

now, speaking of rape fantasies, my revisions are finally posted for my story "the stranger" it seemed to take forever.

"I-I'm I'm naughty." She said weekly.

Sorta getting to be a habit!
sweetnpetite said:
you won't inspire a lot of trust when you joke around like that!

Who's joking? I've got a whole scene worked out, and the gloves and a knife play integral roles...mostly, because I think they add authenticity, and cutting away clothing is part of the way I magined it.
Can anyone suggest what type of tape I could use over her mouth? I'm thinking of preparing a 'forced sex kit'. Nail gun, rope, a length of chain, tape...
Johnny Mayberry said:
Can anyone suggest what type of tape I could use over her mouth? I'm thinking of preparing a 'forced sex kit'. Nail gun, rope, a length of chain, tape...

Wide cloth surgical tape. It is made to go over skin.

Thanks Eb...oh, and in that last post, I meant to type 'staple gun'...the nail gun goes with an entirely different fantasy.
Rape Movie

A new French movie, just come to Ontario, is called Irreversible.
It has a 9 min rape/sodomy scene, very realistic. At Cannes,
250 people left the theater, and 20 fainted.

Did anyone see Baise Moi ?
I've neard of that movie...I'm not sure if I want to see it. I know I wouldn't be turned on by a graphic rape scene...yikes, I heard this one especially was harrowing.
Johnny Mayberry said:
Can anyone suggest what type of tape I could use over her mouth? I'm thinking of preparing a 'forced sex kit'. Nail gun, rope, a length of chain, tape...

night vision goggles
lockpick set
surgical gloves
duct tape
bolt-cutters with telescoping handle
small prybar
video camera
Hi-Power .22 with silencer: the famous OSS/SOG "Hushpuppy"
condoms: (don't leave DNA)
pepper spray: stops resistance very quickly
Johnny Mayberry said:
I know I wouldn't be turned on by a graphic rape scene...yikes, I heard this one especially was harrowing.

I can't think of anything that would turn me on more.
Marquis said:

Obviously rape is one of the most traumatizing things that can happen to a person, and a horrible crime for anyone to commit. However, in light of a lot of the posts on this board I could also see how it might be the ultimate humiliation/domination fantasy for someone who is into that sort of thing. My question is, how many subs out there have had this as a fantasy? Not play rape or scene rape or anything like that, but how many of you have actually wondered if you might like actually having sex forced on you by a stranger? Are there any of you that have ever tried to put yourselves into a situation to be raped?

i myself have never had this fantasy.. and i am not sure if this has been brought up in the last 8 pages (or more by now ~L~) but i have heard of the Doms taking a hand in this and helping His/Her subs need for it by actually going out unbeknownst to the sub and finding a "rapist"

Its more safe, not sure about sane or the rest.. but at least this one could be checked out and the Dom nearby if He/She feels the need to be .. i know it would involve alot of work but heck its just another way of experiencing this type of "fetish"


When you love,
you wish to do things for,
you wish to sacrifice for,
you wish to serve.

-Earnest Hemingway
I've had this re-occuring rape dream since I was quite young. Its always while asleep, prowler breaks in, quickly gags and binds me and has his way. It has always turned me on immensely. And gee - I thought I was the only one dreaming of this....... But alas - how to make it come true?????
rosco rathbone said:
night vision goggles
lockpick set
surgical gloves
duct tape
bolt-cutters with telescoping handle
small prybar
video camera
Hi-Power .22 with silencer: the famous OSS/SOG "Hushpuppy"
condoms: (don't leave DNA)
pepper spray: stops resistance very quickly

Carrying all that stuff is 1)way to violent for me, 2) too much like work and not enough like fun!

I've come late to this discussion, and maybe someone else will have said this already.

What makes a sexual act rape isn't actually what's in the mind of the victim. It's what's in the mind of the rapist. If the rapist (who could be male or female) either
a) knows that their victim (who may be male or female) doesn't consent, or
b) doesn't care whether they consent or not, or
c) has either arranged their intoxication, or knows that they are so intoxicated that they cannot give informed consent,
then it's rape.

Forced sex is some people's game; personally it's not mine, since I like my partners to know what they're submitting to, and to submit before the event, and to have the pleasure of anticipating what might happen.

I don't understand why some people get so tangled up in this. There is no guilt in dreaming of forced sex, or of arranging a scene in which your fantasies can come true. To do that isn't even a commentary upon other people's experience of non-consensual sex. It's forcing someone to have sex when they don't consent that is the problem, and it's being the one doing the forcing that is the offence.
I have to say that ever since I was a little girl (I'm 32 now), the idea of consentual rape has been a turn-on to me. My parents definitely didn't take much effort in controlling what my brother and I watched on tv back in the 70's & 80's...Believe it or not, there were a lot of movies on network television that contained rape scenes. One in particular is called "Lipstick". (well, maybe that one was on HBO or Showtime). It always embarrassed me to watch it with my brother because I didn't get grossed out or angry or frightened...I would pretend to be those things so he wouldn't think I was weird for "enjoying" the rape scenes. Another movie that I remember seeing while at my parents' friend's house is called "House by the Lake". (You may wonder: "Why was a movie like that on the television when little kids were present?!" - who knows. they were all hippie party-ers and were perhaps to coked up or stoned to notice...) This was made in the 70's sometime and from what I recall is fairly low-budget. It's pretty violent, though, and I think the women survive in the end (after MUCH gore and rape by disgustingly dirty and crude hillbillies) and since I was so young when I caught mere glimpse of it, I decided to rent it some 20 years later...It riled me in the same way Lipstick did...

Perhaps being exposed to rape on tv at a young age helped to shape how I am sexually today, which is definitely submissive. Perhaps it is just my nature to enjoy the thought of being bound, gagged, and blindfolded from time to time, and to want/need to submit to someone else. It's a toss up, but I feel strongly about both.

I would have to agree w/ all the replies to your post - it's all about the fantasy. No one, male or female, wants to REALLY be raped, of this I'm convinced.

The idea of it is really such a turn-on to me, though. I will buy books that contain rape scenes and rent movies where there are forced sexual acts...No matter what the medium of delivery, it's good with me.

I've given thought to actually being raped by a stranger, but of course, there are always limits, or structures to that thought - and ultimately, the stranger wouldn't necessarily have to be good looking or smell nice; my only limits would be that he wouldn't have a disease and that he not break any bones, and that he not kill me. And of course, it goes on from there - it would be convenient if he raped me in a dark alley and didn't tear my clothes to shreds so I could walk away from the incident.

But REALLY be raped? No, never. Wouldn't wish it on anyone, much less myself.
I would be very interested in hearing more about this scene you've got worked out. I know it's none of my business, so you can tell me to mind it if you like, but if you're inclined to share, please do -

you can email me via my profile with an "ok" or "no way".

The use of knives doesn't scare me as long as I know they're not going to be used ON me....and surgical cloth tape over the mouth sounds like another great idea.

I went so far once as to ask a pharmacist how to get a hold of ether. I was completely unsuccessful, and was directed to the "sleeping pills" section.

hope to hear from you either way...

take care!

Johnny Mayberry said:
Who's joking? I've got a whole scene worked out, and the gloves and a knife play integral roles...mostly, because I think they add authenticity, and cutting away clothing is part of the way I magined it.
majka said:
I have to say that ever since I was a little girl (I'm 32 now), the idea of consentual rape has been a turn-on to me.
Your enthusiasm for consensual fantasy rape play is inspiring. It is
difficult for me to overcome my inhibitions as regards this type of
sex but reading a post like yours written by a WOMAN helps a lot.

> it would be convenient if he raped me in a dark alley and didn't tear
> my clothes to shreds so I could walk away from the incident.

A considerate rapist. Yes I can see the appeal.