Rehabilitating Desires ( Closed for Little_Tease)

Lizzy felt so safe in his arms she felt so there was this word in her head she could not explain it or say it, but it was simply perfect somehow or better said exactly right she belonged right there in his arms. Her breathing was calm and even maybe soothing for one that might listen to her so quiet and almost not there her heart beat also calm but, in a rhythm, as if trying to match his as if trying to beat as one.

She slept through the night deep she never really did that she was at least always twice up sometimes three times as if just to check the clock as of how long she had slept before but somehow being in his arms ok maybe all the pleasuring they had before helped as well made her sleep through the night. It was morning she had thought she would have been up before him since she had thought she would be waking those two or three times in the night or morning but since she slept through, she laid in his arms sleeping.

It was then that he shifted ever so slightly it did not wake her but made her grip ahold of him a bit more as if to make sure he did not disappear before she saw him in the morning as if to prove to herself this all and all those wonderful moments last night had not been some huge pleasing lustful dream of hers but reality. She nuzzled his chest some moaning softly as she stretched slightly and was walking slowly. She then looked at his chest as she stopped moving not sure if he were already awake or not, she could not help but smile as if saying to herself it was not just a wonderful dream, he really did stay the night.

She then slowly moved her head and raised it up to look up at him and then noticed he was awake and giggled some seeing him look at his phone she then leaned up and kissed him softly on his lips. She did not know why but it felt exactly right. She then looked him deep in the eyes and whispered.

“Good morning… did you sleep well?!”

She cuddled a few more minutes with him before she stretched some more and looked at him saying.

“It was really nice, and I slept so good in your arms…. I will get up now and brush my teeth and make us some breakfast?! Or what do you usually do in the morning?!”

She smiled as she turned on your belly and looked at him as she waited for an answer and she wiggled with her butt a bit as she just could not stop smiling and looking at him as her hand ran over his chest and shoulder softly.
Blaze could feel just how relaxed she was, which also made him happy. He couldn't really explain just why he was so very pleased with the situation, but well sometimes words weren't necessary to explain how one felt. Blaze had enjoyed his night of sleep, though as he had woken, he decided to delay his run for now, not wanting to disturb her as she was still sleeping. Besides. since he had the day off, he didn't really feel like rushing anywhere or anything. Also, considering even shifting to get his phone had caused her to 'cling to him' he inwardly had chuckled.

All right, all right I won't go anywhere.

He smiled at her little cute moan and thinking for the umpteenth time just how cute she was, Blaze smirked as he noticed her lift her head and their eyes sparkled together as they noticed one another were awake. As she 'snuck up' and kissed him softly, he kissed her back just as gently as he nodded to her easily.

" I slept fantastically, and you?"

though as she said that she had slept so soundly in his arms Blaze grinned with pride, though as she suggested breakfast, as she seemed to consider that his routine might be different than hers, Blaze watched as she moved a bit and laid on her belly, he in turn shifted to lay on his side facing her.

" Well, I usually go for a run. I'd invite you but I don't think your leg is up to that just yet, and besides, you should rest today."

He wasn't upset about that at all. Instead, he smiled to her and moving a bit he threw a leg over her and before she even 'really knew it' Blaze moved to straddle her from atop her as she laid down, though leaning down he kissed her shoulder and added.

" Though I can't say just how much rest you'll actually get."

He chuckled with those words, his hands sliding over her sides as he 'pinned' her there for now.
Lizzy smiled hearing he had slept just as well as she had slept, and some how that made her even happier than she thought it would or should. When he also turned on his side to look in her direction, she nibbled her lip and smiled some more in his direction, she could not help but think even in the morning he looked sexy as hell.

When he then told her about his morning runs and that she would not be up for that just, yet she giggled.

“Yeah, you would be able to run circles around me and at a certain point would have to carry me home sooooo nope staying here but you know you can take your run and come back right?!”

She said that so he knew she did not want to change anything for him but hoped to cover the fact that she wished for him to stay not really cause she was afraid he would not come back but to be able to enjoy his day off completely with him. Though she could not help but think maybe it was not such a bad idea then she could get some stuff ready to surprise him or such but before she knew it and could react maybe even change what she said she felt him suddenly on top of her straddling her.

She gasped and could not help but wiggle slightly her hips under him as she heard his words in her head echoing which made her blush some and look over her shoulder up at him as she brushed some of her hair out of her face.

“Mmm... I can rest in the night when I sleep Sir…!”

She could not help it; it was something that tickled her and this twinkle sometimes in his eyes when she called him Sir was just delicious and she could not deny saying it also made her tingle. She felt his kisses and relaxed under him smiling and giving soft little purr like sighs with each kiss though her hips just could not let it be as she moved ever so slightly under him as if trying to make him scoot just a bit lower on her thighs so her ass could raise up a bit and tease him some more.

She felt all excited and was slowly getting aroused as he pinned her to the bed so to say and she nibbled her lip as she felt his big strong hands sliding over her sides as she tried not to let his touch tickle her in any way and she tried to relax and just enjoy.

“And the adventure and learning begin.”

She whispers under her breath to herself as she could not wait to see what the day holds for them and how much she would learn about him and about this new world she was so eager to learn more about and letting him know more about her, though that made her a bit nervous.
Blaze felt quite happy when she said that she had slept well. Even as he rolled onto his side, he certainly did have a disheveled morning just woken up look, which worked surprisingly well for him as well. As she mentioned him still going for a run, he chuckled ever so slightly to himself.

" I did consider that, and initially I thought that I would go for my run when you woke up..."

though as he trailed that off and moved atop her, he settled slightly as he added gently.

" But then I was thinking that I really didn't want to leave you for that long right now anyway."

As she said that she could get more rest in the night, he smirked and nodded to her, though as she seemed to keep wanting to shift him around, he smirked against her skin, though placing a soft kiss to the nape of her neck Blaze added.

" Having said that, I think it might be for the best... otherwise I might just pull you up to your feet and fuck you again right by the bed."

He said it huskily, she able to feel how even just the thought of doing such a thing to her was causing him to harden against her lower back. He was considering the pro's and cons of both, as though weighing if he actually wanted to fuck her here and now or wait for later. He inwardly wondered which she'd prefer after everything he had 'done' to her the night before. After all, he certainly wouldn't mind stretching that tight pussy of hers open around his cock as many times as he cared for.
Lizzy shivered at his words he spoke against her skin as he kept peppering her shoulders and neck with soft kisses. God if he wasn't sitting on her her thighs would be rubbing against each other just the way he said thst made her already create a wet pool between her thighs.

She bit her lips and tried not to moan as she then said.

"I'm yours....Sir pleasee...."

She had to take a deep breath to make sure she said the words she meant and wasn't thinking as she swallowed and added.

"Make yourself at home and take me wherever and whenever you like...."

She felt him growing hard knowing the thought alone already tickled his nerves and she couldn't deny it was also tickling her in so many places and not the ha ha kind of tickle. She wanted to learn more of what got him worked up and of course more of the world he enjoyed but she also found very exciting and lustful let alone also very beautiful in many ways.

She knew there would be times she would reach her limits but so many times she would feel more wanted and loved even prettier than a goddess and that only because she was his so to say pet, HIS good girl. She had read so many books and saw so many movies and documents about this world and she had always felt pulled to it but it was Blaze that let her be brave enough to dive in and now she was so eager to learn more.
Blaze chuckled at her little shivers, and even as she was trying to keep quiet, he smirked to himself as she pleaded with him, letting him know that she was his Blaze smirked even more so though.

" Oh I am aware you're mine... you made that very clear yesterday and last night Lizzy."

He said it so casually, as though he had already laid claim to her and the fact that he could have her anytime he wanted was simply a 'bonus'. As she said that about taking her wherever he wanted, Blaze groaned slightly, the thought of that VERY arousing to him, though he did shift a bit back, he pressed the length of his cock into the crevice of her ass, rubbing the plug there as he slid a hand up her back and tangled it into her hair.

" Hmm, I like that... I think your first fucking today will be standing up beside the bed."

He could feel how 'squiggly' she was and he grinned, having a feeling that she would be soaking wet already between her legs, Blaze 'suddenly' moved off her, though pulling her with his solid hold on her hair Blaze grinned as he guided her up to her feet, though moving behind her by the bed, Blaze wrapped his free hand around her and encircled her neck, holding her but not choking her... just... well pinning her there in place as he let go of her hair and slid that hand down and over her front, though ground his hard cock into her back.

" Hmm? you want this inside you?"

He knew she did, but even as he asked it he actually delivered a nice little slap to her right breast, sending a new sensation though her as he made her tit bounce, his breath hot and tickling her neck as he held her so securely. No ropes, no chains... just his big strong arms and hands... and her own desires to please!
She had to giggle and blush as he said that she had made that very clear that she was his now and she had meant it. She nibbled her lip as she then felt his cock move the plug that was still in her ass making her gaps ever so slightly and making her want to moan as well. She fought the urge or at least tried when he then told her her first fuck for today would be standing next to the bed she held her breath wanting to react but it was then his hand in her hair that stopped her from doing so.

Then when Blaze pulled her with hair hair up to stand next to the bed she gasped and even moaned with a slight whimper as she leaned back against him. It was then that her heart beaten faster when she felt his arm snake around her and his big strong hand wrapped around her throat not really choking her but holding her in place. She didn't understand why but this exicted her even more knowing she was fully safe in his hand though he could hurt her any second he wished though she knew he wouldn't hurt hurt her.


It was then that she felt his hard cock against her lower back and his husky low voice asking her if she wanted that in her, and it was then she hadn't noticed yet that his hand left her hair and was going dow her front and when she went to answer she felt the slap of her breast making her jump cry out but also moan softly this being a whole new feeling but arousing as well.

"YES..SS Yes Sir pleasee ..."
Oh Blaze certainly enjoyed her little giggles not to mention how she just submitted for him when he showed her any dominance, and even as she was gasping from his cock rubbing her plug, Blaze certainly made sure that he wasn’t hurting her as he took a good hold of her hair. Instead of just grabbing a handful of her hair at the tips and pulling, Blaze instead slid his fingers into her hair and tightened his hold there near the roots of her hair.

Pulling her, he didn’t just yank, instead he guided her up until she was standing by the bed. Hearing her mewl of excitement as he wrapped his hand around her neck, Blaze groaned to her, and even as she tried to form words he delivered that slap to her breast with perfect timing. With a grin hearing her little plea, Blaze’s hand squeezed the breast he had just slapped roughly, squeezing it firmly just to intensify things as he growled into her ear.

” Oh I don’t think you’re asking for it enough yet.”

He grinned though and even nipped her ear lobe as he let her hand go and instead delivered another slap, this time to her other breast just making her tit bounce from the impact. He didn’t slap her breasts overly hard, but it was certainly enough to let her know who’s she was. As soon as he had done that however Blaze slid his hand down and over her belly before he was cupping her pussy, his fingers curling to drag over her swelling and soaking wet lips.

” Down here seems to be begging for it…”

He of course WAS planning to fuck her, but she had wanted to be his, so, she was getting that in spades right now really.
Lizzy gasped and leaned more against him as he squeezed her breast as her thighs shivered some when he growled in her ear, she had not asked enough for it. She whimpered ever so lightly she did not know why but it just felt right as she added with a whimper.

“Oh, please Sir…. “

It tingled everywhere when he nipped her ear after telling her that, god she swore even that she got even wetter from his touch and the way his growl sounded and travelled through her. When he then did the same thing again just to the other breast she wiggled slightly under his hand as she could not help but grind back against him. Though it was now his hand that was travelling down her body till it was between her thighs cupping her pussy that made her moan softly and whimper ever so quietly.

“Mmmm… Sir!”

When his fingers curled and dragged themselves over her swelling and soaking lips, she bites her lower lip and moaned, she could not help but even try to move her hips to get his fingers to slip in her or such. God Blaze was driving her crazy and each time his growl came, or she said Sir this morning it just travelled through her such shivering tingles making her even hotter inside and wetter on the outside.

When he then said that her pussy was begging for it, she nodded ever so slightly as she reached back behind her to hold onto his hips as her hips just could not stop grinding on his fingers and the cock behind her that was pinned between them.

“Yes, Sir my… m... My Pussy wants you…no needs you inside dee...deep inside!”

She tried to purr towards his ear as she turned her head slightly in his direction as her breathing got quicker god, she thought she was going to loose her mind right there and then if he did not fuck her soon.
Blaze was smirking as she leaned more against him, and in turn she could feel just how safe and secure she was there against him. As she whimpered to his words though Blaze shook his head as he held her up just like that.

" Ah ah, that doesn't sound nearly needy enough..."

As she mewled that out, he could certainly feel her soaking wet lips, and even as she moaned, he chuckled as she couldn't seem to help but try and get his fingers inside her, as though anything was better than nothing right then. Even as she couldn't help herself but grind herself on his fingers, he held her just like that for a few minutes, enjoying making her whimper and beg him outwardly for what she desired and needed.

Finally, though she would feel him squatting slightly, moving his cock from pressing along her lower back before he growled to her.

" push it between your legs."

He grinned as he felt her desperately do just that, and as soon as she had him 'just right', Blaze straightened his legs and shoved a good four inches of cock up and inside her, his hips rocking against hers as he growled to her again.

" Shove your ass back, tilt your hips as much as you can."

All the while he began to rock and thrust his hips, using short demanding thrusts he began to fuck her right then and there!
Lizzy gripped to his sides some more and whimpered as he then told her that did not sound nearly needy enough, god she wanted to plead again as she grinded her hips more and more on his cock and fingers she could not really decide what she wanted in her more his cock which was not even inside her or his fingers that were so close to sliding inside her. She then felt him squatting and her breath got quicker and her heart beats faster as she only hoped it was the reason she so wanted to beg for.

When he then growled to her to push it between her legs, she almost squealed as she did just what he said, she wiggled and did what she had to, to get his cock to slide between her thighs where is belonged. When he then straightened his legs and she felt him slide four inches of his god so rock-hard cock inside of her made her moan and tilt her head back against him as her hands did not know where to go so, they just went to his wrists not to stop him or guide him just to hold onto him.

God, he felt so god as he pushed himself inside of her, she was so wet that he did not have to push to much, he was able to easily enter her. Then his hips started to rock against hers making her moan ever so slightly as she then heard his growl, she did it without hesitating.

“Yes Sir”

She moaned out to him in almost a whisper as her fingers that where wrapped around his wrist gripped for a second a bit more to him as if to hold herself steady. She tried to make herself bend as much as she could as her head stayed tilted and leaned back against him and her back arched as much as she could as she shifted her hips towards him moaning and biting her lips as she then moaned out.

She was his and she was starting to really enjoy being his and some how she was just so eager to please him she wanted to obey him and be HIS good Girl and only his. There was this warmth inside of her she felt when she thought of him felt him on and inside of her and when she called him Sir but also even when she said Blaze and she knew she did not want to be anywhere else but right here close to him and at the moment no where else but on his cock.
Blaze usually wasn’t this lusty. Usually, he was a more reserved person who did work hard to help others. With Lizzy however Blaze felt this intense desire to not only just fuck her, or have her… but to completely own her. Such feelings were new even to him, but he chalked it up to her actually wanting to be his. Not just in body, but in mind and soul intertwined so to speak.

As she picked up on what he did intend, though as she wiggled with her excitement, Blaze couldn’t help but chuckle in amusement. After all, it wasn’t every woman that would be held by her throat, naked beside her bed, practically begging to be taken right then and there. Even as he slid into her he could feel just how hot and wet she was, though as she moaned ever so slightly his growl was mixed with his own groans of pleasure.

As she uttered those words however, Blaze groaned in reply and even as he was bucking and rolling his hips there was one MAJOR benefit of that particular position… every thrust caused the bottom portion of his cock to rub right up against her g-spot, and even as she submitted so fully to him, his fingers gently cradled her neck. Making sure not to choke her, at least not yet, Blaze was focused instead on giving her as much pleasure as he could.

Yet as well, he made sure each thrust made her body quake and her breasts bounce, he not ‘taking it easy’ on her, instead he laid into her all his desires that she had brought to the surface, letting them flourish as he panted into her ear, enjoying her just as she was. A thought did enter his mind that the only thing which would make this even better would have been a mirror to see how much pleasure he brought her, but Blaze could certainly FEEL how much she was enjoying her morning fuck, and he certainly was as well.

Blaze had to admit that nothing felt more normal for him than this... being here, with her. It didn't necessarily HAVE to be amazing sex, although that was a very nice bonus. He honestly felt just right, being there with her was what was meant to be. Of course they would need to have an actual conversation at some point... but not right now.

Right now he was busy grunting and groaning as he fucked his lusty and busty redhead into sexual nirvana, and he wouldn't change a thing!
Lizzy could not believe how much she could handle but Blaze was showing her each and every bit and she was enjoying it very much and it was like a drug and only he could give it to her, and she was addicted more than ever before. his hand was on her throat his cock buried deep in her and he was rolling his hips to thrust in her and each thrust he made, made her breasts bounce and jump to match her movement of her quicker breathing and his thrusts.

“Oh god… Mmmmm…!”

Her thighs shivered and she thought her knees were going to get weak, just something about the way he was holding her and fucking her made her already want to melt on him and under his hands. She closed her eyes biting her lip as she tried to keep her mind on holding back but it was getting harder and harder to do so and fight the urge to just make a beautifully yummy mess on him. Her fingers gripped his wrists a bit more as her body started to move and grind also as if try to keep herself on her legs up right for him.

“Sir… oh god Sir… “

Normally she did not have a problem to hold back for a while but as if each time he fucked her it was harder to do so, but she wanted to be his good girl hearing his voice calling her that echoed over and over in her mind. She was dripping already down her thighs and probably also down his cock and balls she would not be surprised if she were also dripping on the floor. She could feel how easily and slick his hard cock could move in and out of her and that made her moan even more.

She felt so good and somehow natural and right being here with him and not just because of the god like fucking they were doing right now and did last night but having him close and having him for herself and she is being his. She knew so well they fit together with fucking the rest would also be an enjoyable aspect in their days to come. She knew they had to talk about a lot of things to get to know each other a lot more but right now all the words she could get out were moans and whimpers and even cries of pleasure and it was sending her to the edge so quickly making her body quake and tremble like he had done to her last night.

He probably could already feel how her body started to tense and she whimpered softly not wanting to cum without his voice in her ear whispering or growling she may.

“M…Mmmmay I cum please may I…”
Oh Blaze was VERY impressed with just how lusty Lizzy was as well! He honestly had thought he’d have some fun with her, however she was literally begging for his cock it felt like almost twenty four seven. He really wasn’t complaining, but it did surprise him!

As she mewled that out though Blaze groaned right back to her.

” That’s… so good… such a beautiful woman… You’re irresistible Lizzy…”

He grinned as she seemed unable to hold herself back, and even as he could feel her spasming all around his thickly thrusting cock Blaze could feel just how easily she welcomed his cock inside her. He could certainly feel how tense she was getting, though as she pleaded with him to allow her to cum Blaze grinned to himself. Since she had remembered to ‘ask’ before cumming, Blaze decided to be nice to her.

” All right Lizzy… cum for me…”

He groaned though and his ‘free’ hand did slide between her legs to firmly rub her clit as though to ensure that she had no choice at all but to do just what Blaze wanted of her. He knew that she was going to cum soon, and Blaze wanted nothing less than that.

that's my good girl... cum for me.

He inwardly repeated it even as he continued doing just what he was doing, not letting up on her at all!
Lizzy was shivering and trembling as she heard his groan she moaned out and she just wanted to let go as she felt his free hand on her hot core her clit teasing and pleasing her. It was almost too much, but her body could not help itself and could not hold back any longer, as her body tensed up and then like a wave, she cam all over his cock that was buried deep in her.

Her knees shivered almost giving away and her thighs shivering uncontrollably as she leaned back more against him and her hands gripped his arms as if to hold herself up as she moaned out.

“OH GOD…. Ooooohhhh…!”

She could feel with each thrust he made as she cam that he pushed her juices out past his cock letting it drip down her thighs and his balls to drip on the floor. Her breathing was a panting her heart raced like a horse after a race it just ran, her body shivered and trembled under his hand and on his cock. Her heart was beating so fast that he probably could feel it under his fingers that were still around her throat showing him not only from her wetness or body shivering but the way her heart was beating.

She moaned and whimpered as he kept going her breasts bouncing and jiggling matching their movement and her breathing. He could feel her weight slightly more now on his cock and with his hand as her knees slightly were giving away. He drove her crazy and wild even to her limit of not able to handle it anymore, but she never knew how good that felt till she had met Blaze and now she knew she did not want to miss that ever again.

“this is sooo Good!”

She whimpered as she tried to bite her lip and hold herself up against him though she felt like puddy in his hands ready to melt away any second now even maybe a second time if he did not stop and this time, she might even not be able to hold herself back of making even more of a lovely mess as before.
Oh Blaze could feel her shivering, he could feel how she was trying SO hard to be a good girl for him and that in turn honestly just both made him proud but also caused him to want to make her cum even more so than before! Picking up his pace he made sure to thrust so hard and deeply into her at least as much as he could in that position that his hips slapping her ass also made a soft slapping sound.

Grinning to himself as she came, he felt how even though she was cumming as he forced his hard cock up and into her time and again that he was forcing more and more cum out of her. As she was holding onto him though he supported her so well. With his hand on her throat and the other arm wrapped around her, she wasn’t going anywhere. Even as he felt her losing her footing so to speak her little whimpering exclamation only caused him to grin.

” It’s your fault, for being such a lusty cum slut… no, not a lusty cum slut, MY lusty cum slut.”

He grinned, and knowing that she wasn’t going to be able to hold herself up, Blaze in turn looked around, and seeing a nearby wall, he growled to her.

” I’m not done with you yet… come on.”

With that, he man handled her over towards the wall, and when he had her there he had her lean forwards so that she was resting on the wall, her legs slightly behind her. Yet sliding his hands from their position around her throat and on her clit, he instead moved and slid both thick strong arms around her arms, pulling them back he trapped them with his own as he grinned and straightening up more, it only caused her back to arch before he began to thrust, with her new position, Blaze was REALLY able to thrust harder, fucking her almost into the wall as she really had no choice but to take it.

” You like that Lizzy? You’re such a good girl… take my cock… I’m going to fuck you and make you cum again and make even more of a mess… fuckkk yes take it…”

He certainly wasn’t done with her just yet, though how much longer he would last now, there was no telling, he was already fucking her harder and longer than most men would and he showed no signs of stopping at all!
Lizzy bite her lip hearing Blaze calling her a lusty cum slut and then correcting himself and saying HIS lusty cum slut, ok normally any girl should feel anger or ashamed if someone called her that but somehow the way Blaze did turn her even more on and before she knew it her lips parted, and her sweet little whimpers and gasps were panting words.

“O…ohhh god Yes Sir your Lusty cum slut!”

When he then told her to come, he was not done with her she gasped as he moved her over to a wall, she leaned against it panting and gasped as the wall was a bit colder than her chest had been. It was then that his arms took her arms back using them to hold her and himself and when he then started to thrust, she cried out in pleasure. She never thought in such positions you would feel more but oh my god you could his cock was just not pushing her to the edge but catapulting her to it.

It was then that he also asked her if she liked it, and what a good girl she was, her body shivered and she moaned and gasped as he pressed her almost so to say in the wall with his thrust.

“O…ooohhh god Ye...Yes Sir!... “

She was not sure how long she would be able to hold back she was already making a mess on them both and the floor beneath them. She bites her lip trying to keep a bit quieter not wanting the whole house to be able to hear how good he was fucking her though she did want to scream it out for the whole world and that his cock belonged in her pussy.

Her breasts were pressed against the wall her back arched as if she was a bow and his cock was the arrow her head tilted back to rest somewhat on his shoulder as her eyes rolled up in her head the pleasure was overwhelming her as her thighs shivered and trembled as her whole legs started to join in as well. Her arms where held with his arms as they were so to say wrapped around her arms as if hugging them his left hand held her right arm and his right her left. She could not help herself as she just wanted to beg for him to let her cum again or better said if she may her body tensed, and she could not stop it and the words just didn’t seem to want to form and travel over her lips.

She cam hard once more over his big hard cock, she whimpered some as she just hoped he might not have noticed but knowing how tight she felt around him his cock definitely had felt it, how her pussy wanted or tried to milk his cock as her afterglow took over, but his thrusts seemed to keep going. God he was a fuck machine and she seemed to be his fuel and she knew she did not want to be anywhere else than right here on his cock and pinned from his thrusting and the wall.


She moaned out as he seemed to be keeping her on the edge and her body felt like it was on electricity and each thrust was like a spark to a fire for it to explode.
Blaze normally wasn’t one to call others sluts or whores or anything like that. However with Lizzy, there really wasn’t any other way to describe what she was right then in his eyes other than a cum slut. As her own reply issued off her tongue so breathlessly but also wantonly, Blaze grinned, his desires running rampant with her being so utterly willing. She thought he was a sexual drug, but she was his in his eyes. Her desires only seemed to catapult his own into new area’s as well.

Even as she was biting her lip to keep herself from screaming out Blaze noticed it and growled in a deep, determined like fashion.

” Ah ah, I want to hear your cries, I want your moans… gasps… and even screams bouncing off the walls of your house Lizzy.”

Even as he said that, he quickened his pace, literally pounding her tightly spasming pussy with his desires… his long, thick cock owned her OH so well. Even as she was trying to hold in the fact that she was cumming a second time, Blaze smirked more to himself than her, though even as he did he spoke up again.

” Did I tell you… that you could cum?”

He grinned though as he heard her moaning his name so loudly, and yet as he asked that question he adjusted his hold on her so that he was pinning her arms back with one arm, his hand grabbing onto her secondary arm to keep a good hold of her as he slipped his right arm out, his hand slapping against her side over her ribs, then down onto her hip and then directed a spanking slap onto her ass even as his cock pulled out slightly of her, he timing it so that when he pulled out his hand spanked her before his cock slammed back into her.

” You’re… supposed… to ask permission… before you cum all over my cock Lizzy… you’re such… a bad cum slut…”

Of course he didn’t mean that she was actually bad, but Blaze had to remind her of the ‘rules’… after all, he was her dom and she was his sub. Even as he spanked her for being bad, he didn’t hesitate to fuck her silly. She may think he was a fucking machine when it came to sex, but she was certainly his fire and fuel of his desires, working to ‘make’ him take her further and further!
Lizzy could not believe how week her knees got because of him and how fucking good he made her feel it was mind blowing. In a way she wanted to scream out for the world to hear her for the world to know what the name is of the person that was just driving her so crazy, so over whelming and god fucking her senseless but in another it was like she did not want to let anyone at all know as if fear that someone else might come along and take him away from her.

It was then that he growled deep and determining in her ear god she could have cum then again right there and then from his voice as she parted her lips even before he was fully done saying what he did. She moaned out.

“Yesss Sirrrr!”

Her breathing pants her body shivering she couldn’t believe how hard it was to keep her body under control as he fucked her like this, she felt him like never before and she couldn’t help herself and cam before she even could ask or even react to it and hoped he hadn’t noticed but hearing his voice and she wasn’t stupid so she knew he would and as he then asked her if he had given her permission to cum she whimpered in a moan.

“No Sir…”

She did not have enough control over her lips and for that fact her body to give more than a few word answers back now. She felt him adjusting his hold on her and she had a feeling she knew exactly why and as she felt his hand on her ass, she jumped pressing up against the wall a bit more each time as her toes also pushed as if to tippy toe and get her ass away from his hand as she cried out.

“Tha…Thank you Sir!”

It was then that he called her a bad cum slut and she knew exactly how he meant that, and it was more a reminder of where she belonged in that moment and that she agreed to follow certain rules and somehow this tickled her inner naughtiness her inner kitty so to say. She wiggled slightly back against his thrusts as she felt her juices dripping and rolling down her thighs and legs as she moaned out.

“Yes Sir… I am sorry Sir I pr…promise to be your goo……Good girl again…! Your good cum slut!”

She even wanted to wiggle and move some more so his hand would come down on her creamy white ass again it tingled so much and drove her crazy when he did that the light pain the sweetness of its stinging and then his hand touching making it heat and glow a lovely red, she didn’t know why and someone else could call her crazy but for some reason she just wanted to be naughty again just to get his attention on her ass once more though she would never admit to it but it aroused her even more when he did such things to her.
Blaze was panting hard as he felt just how tightly her pussy spasmed around his cock. It was as though it was begging him to fill her up with his cum… but he didn’t want to cum JUST yet. Instead, Blaze was focused so much on not cumming that when she came like that, it had caught him by surprise because he hadn’t even mentioned she could cum again. Yet feeling how she was shaking and trembling with the intensity of what he was ‘doing to her’ was certainly a thrill in itself.

As she was whimpering and admitted that he hadn’t given her permission to cum, he didn’t bother to explain what he was going to do to her next. Instead, as she pushed up onto the balls of her feet to try and get her ass away from his hand he growled out loudly as he delivered another spanking slap to her pearly white ass, it already turning a nice pink from where he had struck her.

Hearing her thank him though he grinned as he heard that she was going to be a good girl for him he nodded as he turned his head and placed a soft kiss to her cheek.

” You’d better, otherwise you’re going to have a very sore ass.”

He grinned as she seemed to respond oh so well to what he was doing to her. As she had pushed herself up onto the balls of her feet though he gave her no quarter, instead it was as though he took full advantage of that as well for he seemed to be able to get some really deliciously deep and long thrusts into her. Yet even as he did he delivered a few more spanking slaps to her ass, nothing too strong but certainly enough to keep her attention there before he slipped his arm around her waist and pressing his hand against her speared and split open pussy his fingers found her clit and firmly began to rub it again.

” I’m… going to cum soon Lizzy… I want you… to be a good cum slut and cum all over my cock… but not until I cum… do you understand?”

He knew she would… she had honestly been SO good as his cum slut, so he knew that she would do her best to obey him. His pace got even more raggedly powerful and almost frantic as he was getting closer and closer to that edge, yet even as he was JUST about to cum he surprised her by pinching her clit between his fingers as he hissed out.

” Fuck yesss Lizzy… cummm.”

As he said it, he himself began to cum, his hips slamming into hers as deeply as he could as she’d feel his hot cum spraying deeply inside her hot inferno of a pussy, plastering his seed all around inside her as he humped into her. Each jerking, panting thrust was accompanied by a grunt or groan as he held her RIGHT there, not letting her off his cock until he was ready for her to be!
Lizzy moaned and whimpered at the next smack as her thighs started to shiver almost uncontrollably again as he was driving her straight to an orgasm. When he then leaned forward giving her cheek a soft kiss, she turned her head slightly wanting to kiss him back as she then heard his words she whimpered and wiggled some as she fought the urge of wanting to cum again.

It was then that she felt him go even deeper in her as she tipped toed slightly pushing herself up against the wall some more and he used it to his advantage god he was fucking her mindlessly and she was loving each and every second of it. It was then he smacked her ass a few more times that she jumped and cried out thanking him for each smack with a moan a gasp even whimpers of pure lust and pleasure. It was then though that she felt his arm go around her waist and his hand down to her open pussy that was taking his cock so easily as she was soaking wet and making a lovely, yummy mess of his cock.

It was then that he also told her she may cum but first when he cums, she just wanted to react to what he said or say something as she then felt his fingers on her clit rubbing her which made her wiggle and struggle ever so playfully and slightly as she as she pushed back against his thread some as if trying to escape his fingers but that didn’t help much either she wasn’t going anywhere and his thrusts just pushed her back into his fingers.

It was then that she felt his fingers pinch her clit making her jerk and jump even cry out loudly in a surprising moan as it was sweet pleasurable pain, but it also sent her right over the edge and no matter how badly she wanted to hold back she could not, not even 10 horses would be able to do that. she was just thankful she heard his hiss that she should cum, as she screamed and jerked as she shivered and trembled uncontrollably as she made a real mess on his cock and with each thrust, he made in those few moments made her squirt all over them and the floor.

“OOOhhhhh… Fuck!... “

She then went limp in his arms and leaned against the wall more as she panted her cheeks flushed a crimson red even her body was slightly wet from a slight sweat and of course from her juices and a bit of his. Her whole body trembled, and her knees would not hold her if he just let go of her as her muscles tensed and held him as if not wanting to let go or let him out. Her heart raced as if it were going to jump out of her chest any second now, she had bathed them both in her juices and she was blushed a crimson red and she knew she would need a break after this, but she did not regret any of it and would do it all again in a heartbeat.
Blaze wasn’t honestly paying too much attention to ‘what she wanted’ right then. Instead, his focus was directed on getting to his own orgasm at that point. Even as she tried to get away from his fingers it was either push back to take more of his cock, or get more direct attention to her clit, so there was truly no ‘escape’ for her.

He had timed his pinch of her clit JUST as he was right about to cum. Feeling her lose complete control was truly something that Blaze felt that he would never get tired of firstly doing to her, but secondly experiencing with her. Feeling her pussy squirting so hard around his own pulsing cock only extended his own orgasm, and even as she was going limp, the wall certainly supported her as he finished his own orgasm as well.

” Fuck… that was good.”

He gasped that out after a few moments that ended up being required to collect himself. As she was completely in his arms, he held her easily, his cock skewering her still as well even as he finished cumming. While he knew that she would need a break after this… the truth was so would Blaze. Not only because of how strong that orgasm had been, but, well because they both should take some time without fucking to get to know one another more as well.

” You okay there Lizzy?”

He smirked ever so slightly as he asked the question. He had a feeling she was better than okay, but, well Blaze wanted to make sure. It was just the considerate man he was, dominant or not, Blaze was a good guy!
Lizzy could not believe how good this was feeling and no matter what she did her body shivered trembled even wiggled and struggled over the over whelming pleasure he was giving her and no matter what she did it eased the arousal and teasing maybe even almost torture he was giving that one spot but from the movement it gave another spot more attention. She knew there was no where to go only from one teasing pleasure to the next or back again.

When they both cam she was so overwhelmed that she practically hung in his arms and was leaned up against the wall, if he were to take a step back and let her go, she would land quickly on the floor as her knees where not able to hold her up in that very moment any more from all the electrical feeling like little lightning bolts going through her body. When he then finally caught himself, he gasped out that it was good, and she had to giggle ever so slightly and try to catch her own breath.

When he then though asked if she were ok, she barely could get words out over her lips as she nodded as good as she could and tried mumbling but ended up just saying.


Her whole body slowly started to calm down in his arms he could feel all her muscles still shivering and shaking as if she were freezing to death but, she was burning up inside. After some time, she was able to swallow and take a deep breath she tried to stand slightly but lean more against him than really anything as she then softly said.

“Fuck me! I think my legs are puddy right now… and I believe we both could use something to drink right now…!”

She felt as if she could drink a whole bottle of water in seconds or as if she had not drunk in days, but she felt soooo good she cant remember if she had ever felt so good in her life before, but she wasn’t going to tell him that exactly not wanting to push his ego to much. At that thought she almost had to giggle as she smiled looking back at him over her shoulder taking another breath.

“I feel so good…. I could die and go to heaven…”

She knew that was weird to say but it was true it would fit so perfectly right now but she was slowly starting to catch herself now as she cleared her throat some.

“Water? Or Tea coffee or do you like cola so early already?! And should we shower quickly before we maybe eat breakfast or go to the couch to relax some… oh dear did you want to go out for a run…”

She had to giggle at what she said last as she knew even if she would want to take a run, she would not be able to right now.
Blaze was certainly feeling amazing as well! The feeling of her tightly stretched and spasming pussy felt amazing, not to mention the sight of her sweat covered body leaning against the wall panting and almost gasping for air, there was something incredibly both arousing but also satisfying about it!

As he asked her if she was all right and she couldn’t even seem to form words however, Blaze chuckled to himself, and ensuring that he was holding her up just so that she wouldn’t collapse onto the floor, Blaze nodded to her as she was able to finally take some actual breaths. He did of course gently release her clit from its hold, along with moving his hand from her throat he instead held her up with his arms around her as he simply supported her.

” I’m sure something to drink would be a great idea Lizzy.”

He grinned though and knowing she had made a second mess all over the floor, he didn’t worry too much about it right then. The fact that she was able to just let go the way that she was, it only caused him an immense amount of satisfaction. As she mentioned dying and going to heaven though Blaze simply chuckled as he grumbled.

” No dying on my watch, I’ve only just begun to introduce you to my world of delights.”

He smiled gently to her, though as she began to ramble in typical Lizzy style, Blaze moved a hand up and shushed her by placing a finger over her lips.

” Tell you what. I’m going to slide out of you and make sure you can stand. Once I’m sure of that, I will take a big glass of water and once I’m done that, I will go for my run. That will give you a chance to clean up, and if you feel up to it make us some breakfast. If you don’t, we can order in some breakfast when I get back.”

He smiled gently as he was speaking and stepping back his cock did slide out of her as well, though when he was sure she was stable on her feet he nodded to her.

” When I come back, we will have some breakfast and relax on the couch together. That sound like a good plan?”

He just… immediately told her what their morning would look like. It WAS a good idea to get out for a run, both to ‘cool off’ since being around her he seemed to almost desire to have her in a never-ending state of erotic nirvana, but also because he wanted to give her a small time alone as well to think over what had happened since the night before as well. After all, they both had been rather rabid for one another… it would be a good idea to think things over with a clearer head. Stepping back, he did ‘let her go’ though he was right there to make sure that she was all right!
Lizzy nodded some as he said something to drink would be great but the one thing, she did not think about is how she would get something to drink and giggled some.

“I’ll get us something in a few mins.”

It was then that he said no dying on his watch and that he had only started to show her the delights of his world, it made her feel special in one way and good in a another as first he wanted to stay and keep her and secondly there was much more to learn, and she was eager to do that. it was then that she started to get nervous or such for some reason and just could not stop talking, it was then that he hushed her telling him what they could do.

She smiled when he helped her till, she could stand alone, and she agreed to his idee.

“ok Good idea…!”

When he was out running, she would clean up there yummy mess they made take a quick shower. in the shower she thought of all that had happened and just could not stop smiling. She started to hum softly as she washed herself it was so different than to the last two showers and she knew she really enjoyed it feeling his hands washing her not just the arousal but the caring feeling of his hands roaming over her body making sure she was clean but also that she felt good.

After she was done, she dried off, brushed her hair braiding it and slipped into a lacy pantie and a long shirt that went till her thighs. She then made her way to the kitchen really wanting to make him something to eat for when he gets back from his running, as she stood in the kitchen making breakfast, she had turned on some music not to loud and was singing with along. She also started to sway her hips some back and forth as if she were dancing some or at least trying to dance some.
She made scrambled Eggs with fresh cut herbs, toast and bacon. She put plates on the table and finished up in the kitchen as she waited for him to come back. She was not sure what he likes to eat but she thought with that she could not go wrong. He would need energy after that run which she could not believe he had enough energy to do that, but it was also nice to have a few moments alone to think about all the wonderful things that happened and notice she wanted more and she wanted to get to know him even more, she wanted him to be part of her life.