Rehabilitating Desires ( Closed for Little_Tease)

Blaze somewhat smirked as she said that she would get the water in a few minutes, and taking those few more minutes he did gently hold her, supporting her. Letting her know she wasn’t alone in this was important to him. As she went into her nervous rambling, Blaze wondered to himself what had caused her to become nervous, but he didn’t think on it too much.

When she proved that she was stable on her feet, Blaze went over to his bag and took out a pair of black running shorts along with a light gray t-shirt. While he would have liked nothing more than to skip his morning run, Blaze had learned long ago that he was a creature of habit. So if he started making excuses to not go on his run he would end up skipping it more and more often. So, reaching into the side pocket of the bag he took out a small charging pod and opening it up he got his wireless earbuds out.

” All right, I should be back in about forty five minutes.”

He nodded to her and once he was dressed he slipped his shoes on before he headed out. Since he didn’t know the area he decided to stick to a straight line, he’d go for about twenty minutes and then turn around and head back. It was looking overcast and had a heaviness to the air which told him it was going to rain at some point, but he didn’t mind that. Instead he figured it would make for a perfect day to stay in and relax.

Doing exactly as he had planned, on the way back he was thinking over everything that had been said and everything that had happened when a very loud crack of thunder seemed to split the silence of the morning followed by a very nice down pouring of rain. Blaze wasn’t worried about his phone or earbuds, both were insured and guaranteed waterproof, so as the rain began to fall he simply pressed on. He’d be soaking wet by the time he got back, but he also felt good from the run.

He did hope Lizzy had some more towels, because he was coming in wet!
Lizzy was busy in the kitchen doing her thing and singing as suddenly she jumped and screamed out as the loud crack of thunder came washing over the city. She gasped taking a deep breath as she was so lost in her thoughts and all that had happened and what she was doing that she had not noticed the weather changing. She looked at the clock seeing he should be back any minute by now and knew the way suddenly the rain came down he was going to be wet down to the bones.

“Oh no Poor Blaze… I hope he’s not to wet!”

She quickly turned off everything what she did not need any more as it was pretty much done and went to the bathroom and got some towels and one extra large one to lay on the floor next to the door so he could stand on it and not drip the whole floor wet. And lay his wet clothing and take off his wet shoes and all. She then also went looking if she had gotten his clothes from yesterday all dry and clean now so he would have something to wear when he is dried off.

She went to the dryer and got his clothing out folding them nicely she then went and put them on a chair she also put next to the door on the towel and the two other towels he could use to dry off. She had to giggle some as she could not help about thinking. She thought about taking off his clothing and drying him off herself to show how eager she was to live with him in his world and that she meant what she had said and even after all that had happened now, she was not backing out and wanted so much more.

She then went back into the kitchen and got things ready and put them all on the table as she waited for him to ring the bell so she could open the door for him. She sat there looking out the window enjoying the quiet a few more mins and thinking about him his lips and body and his touch. She ran her fingers over her own lips as she thought about how demanding but at the same time smooth his lips were and how much she liked kissing him. She was lost once more in her thoughts though she also could not help to think maybe she should google some more things of how to please him and surprise him and show him she wanted to learn more.
With the sound of the rain coming down on the roof of her house, there was no doubt that Blaze would be ‘coming in wet’. It didn’t really bother Blaze too much. If anything, it instead reminded him of his childhood and something his mother would say if they got stuck out in the rain. Come along Blaze, we aren't witches, we won't melt. Which of course was a reference to the Wizard of Oz where the witch melted at the touch of water. He couldn’t help but chuckle slightly to himself as well at the thought, but shaking his head he did keep up his pace the rest of the way.

Pausing as he came to her front yard, a fork of lightning came down from the dark grey clouds off in the distance, and though terrifying in it’s natural power, Blaze couldn’t help but also take in the natural beauty of it as well. There was something just… well special about nature in Blaze’s eyes. Shaking his head he finished the last bit of the run and coming up to her door he of course rang the bell about ten minutes after she had laid everything out in preparation.

” Come on Lizzy…”

He grumbled slightly to himself though as she opened the door he was absolutely soaked from head to toe in rain, though he had one of those grins of his on his face as well.

” Well there you are, I was beginning to wonder.”

He of course was only teasing her, though as he made his way in and saw how she had taken the time to get things out for him knowing he’d be wet, he couldn’t help but smile warmly to her.

” Thank you Lizzy… do you want to do the honors?”

He of course meant stripping his soaking wet clothes off him not to mention drying him off. He had a feeling she’d enjoy doing that for him. He was taking a guess on that one, but she seemed like she really enjoyed serving him, so well, he wanted to give her more opportunities to do so that didn’t always involve her being made to cum her brains out sexually.

He had given a lot of thought to their little dynamic, and though there was more to discuss, he was looking forward to exploring this newfound relationship with her.
Lizzy jumped slightly as she saw the lighting and heard the thunder again as she looked out the window she was lost in her thoughts and watched the colors and movements of the sky and as the doorbell rang, she first did not hear it but as she then realized it was the door she jumped up and tried quickly to open the door knowing it only could be Blaze as she was not awaiting anyone else.

She opened the door and felt bad for taking so long to open the door and he looked so wet, soaked to the bones so to say. When he then also said he wondered cause she took so long she knew she had to joke back but was not sure if it were the safest thing to do, but she could not help herself.

“Well, I just wanted to make sure you got enough water…”

She giggled softly and closed the door behind him pointing to the towel next to the door where he could stand so he would not make a wet mess on the floor but when he then said thank you and asked her if she wanted the honors she smiled and without saying anything or reacting really, she stepped closer to him. Her eyes locked to his as her hands travelled over his chest to the end of his shirt and then gripping it and gently pulling it upwards over his head.

When his shirt was almost over his head, she so wanted to kiss him, but did not as she remembered in the shower she should ask before doing such things and that made her smirk. It tickled her on one hand to be naughty again but on the other hand she wanted to stay his good girl. She knew as soon as she knew more of his world, she would know him better and would know when and where she could be a bit feistier and naughtier without upsetting him really but for now, she wanted to be His good girl and maybe keep him thinking of her that way so he might be surprised each time when she so to say disobeys him.

Having to tippy toe some to get it completely off him she slightly also pressed her chest to his after she got it off, she laid it next to his feet and took one towel already and wrapped it around his shoulders as if to keep him warm till she had him naked enough to completely dry him off. She then slipped down to her knees kneeling before him she nibbled slightly her lip as she felt her thighs and her muscles slightly sore from all that happened last night and this morning, but she ignored that.

She then let her hands travel up his legs softly and grip the waist band of his shorts and started to gently pull everything down so he stood so to say naked right before her and his wet clothing a pool around his ankles she then untied his shoes, after that she looked up at him as if asking him to raise one foot so she could take off the shoes and socks as well.
Blaze wasn’t actually upset with her really at all. Instead he was simply making a joke himself. Despite being soaked ‘to the bone’ Blaze felt actually really good. The rain had been cool but not cold, and being hot and sweaty from both their morning fuck as well as from the run, Blaze felt cleaned off. He did however just somewhat roll his eyes at her in relation to her little comment, however the lingering smile on his lips told her his bemusement over the comment.

” I’m no flower, I don’t need more water.”

He teased back, though moving onto the towel so as not to soak her floors, he watched her as she moved closer to him and raising his arms for her, Blaze smirked as well as she slipped his shirt up and off him. Seeing her kneeling to undress him sent such a thrill through him… it wasn’t meant to be a sexual movement, but even that simple act made her seem even more beautiful in his eyes. As she looked up, asking him silently to lift his feet for her, he did just that, letting her fully undress him.

The soaking wet state of himself only seemed to enhance his already incredible physique. Blaze worked hard to keep himself in excellent shape, not only because it made working with people easier, but, well because he felt better when he was in shape as well. For now though he did look out the window of her home and seeing the rain falling hard he smiled slightly to himself.

Perhaps later when she’s rested I’ll take her out back and have some fun in the rain…

He thought that to himself for now of course… there were many different things they COULD do, but for now he was quite content to let her undress and dry him, though when she finished he only wanted his shorts for now… he would put a shirt on later, but he felt quite comfortable in that state of dress with her right then, so he grinned to her.

” So, are we eating? Or ordering in food?”

He didn’t know if she had made them anything or not. After all, when he had left she had been a quivering mess of sexual pleasure which frankly, he'd be quite content 'leaving her in' every morning.
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Lizzy smiled softly to herself as she had gotten him all naked, she felt good and felt as if she belonged right here in his world as HIS good girl. When she looked up to him when her eyes locked to his she felt it once more in her stomach like little butterflies proving to her that was right where she wanted to be as his side so to say but most importantly HIS!

When she had him fully naked, she took the other towel and dried his feet and legs caressing softly not really trying to be sexual at all really but caring showing she enjoyed it just as much as he did with her in the shower. When she had his half below dried, she stood and dried the rest off as well, his stomach back and chest then his arms and hands. When she then reached for his head, she smiled carefully caressing his cheeks and such before rubbing his hair tippy toeing and slightly leaning against him as she did and when she was done, she looked at his lips nibbled hers and then turned to give him his shorts. When he was done getting dressed so to say he asked about breakfast.

“Well, I made some eggs toast and such with some fresh cut fruits if you like… ill just through quickly your wet clothing in the wash machine and be right back but you can go ahead and already take your seat at the table and start if you wish wouldn’t want anything getting to cold….”

She could not stop thinking about kissing him and she tried to make sure she would not blush at the thought which is funny if you think of all what they have done since the first session they had that she could still blush at the thoughts of his lips on hers. She also could still feel an ever so slight tremble in her thighs as suddenly she thought about more than his lips on hers but tried to concentrate and not come over like a greedy dried out girl that only wanted the one thing from him which she was not.
Blaze smiled right back to her, and even as she worked to dry him off, he stretched a bit with his arms, letting himself relax as he enjoyed the feeling of not only her kneeling willingly at his feet but also just the sensations of her rubbing him down with the towel. He was honestly surprised at how easily things ‘clicked’ between them, but he knew that she was the right one for him.

As he dressed into his shorts, he listened to her explain, but before she could get going on her next ‘task’ with his wet clothing he instead beckoned her back to him and wrapping his arms around her he smiled softly to her.

” Thank you Lizzy… you’ve done very well.”

He didn’t immediately let her go either. Blaze instead leaned down and placed a solid and demanding kiss to her lips, kissing her and taking ownership of her lips for that moment. He didn’t grope her or anything else, just holding her instead and letting his kiss convey his happiness with her. Finally however he did let her go and winked to her.

” Go on, I will wait for you to eat.”

He even gave her ass a pat as she turned to do just that, though after watching her go to do as she had said, he took one of the kitchen towels and dried off his phone and earbuds before he put his earbuds away. Checking the forecast he did see that it was supposed to rain for the rest of the day, which only made him think to himself: Good… I wonder if Lizzy likes nature and rain as much as I do… He would ask her when she joined him for the meal… for now, he waited patiently for her to return, though even thinking about what he may do to her had him slightly hardening in his shorts which in turn made him smirk to himself.

Down boy, there is plenty of time… so long as she’s serious, and it seems she is.

Blaze found himself really looking forward to spending more time with her, learning what she liked, what she didn’t, along with teaching her many other things about his lifestyle.
Lizzy just wanted to turn and take off with his clothing to get them washed and dried for him as he pulled her back to him. Which made her gasp and giggle ever so slightly when he wrapped his arms around her, she stopped giggling and looked up to him and it was then he told her she had done good and thanked her for it. She smiled and just wanted to say something as his lips came down to hers, she gave an ever so slightly almost not hearable moan out as his kiss was so demanding but also passionate. It was as if he were reminding her body who it belonged to which made her tingle everywhere his hands did not explore or such, but she swore she still could feel them everywhere.

When he then broke the kiss telling her to move along, he will wait and even patted her ass she was still lightly lost in thoughts and smiled as she headed out of the living room to go to the washing machine. Standing there she put his clothing in it and a few other items like her panties from yesterday and such. She turned the machine on and ran her fingers over her lips as if savoring this feeling of his lips on hers.

“I am HIS and he is mine…”

She felt the heat creep to her cheek and quickly went to the bathroom to splash her cheeks with cold water as she dried her face off, she smiled at herself in the mirror just hoping he felt the same as she did, and she was still very eager to learn more and not only about his world.

She then came back seeing he was already seated she smiled walking over to where he sat and looked at his empty glass and asked softly.

“Would you like some juice or would you rather like coffee or tea? To drink with your breakfast?!”

She pointed to the orange juice on the table and then to the kitchen where she could make some fresh coffee or a cup of tea. She smiled some as she tried to keep his mind busy with questions and such so, he might not see the still light redness of her cheeks or notice her staring almost at his lips.

“Or umm Water?!”

She giggled as she then remembered what he had said earlier and that he probably had enough water for the time being.
Blaze could tell that she was wanting to ‘take off’ and complete his task for her, however he also wanted a taste of her lips just to let her know that he was there with her again. So holding onto her, he delved into that deep kiss for those few minutes, Blaze sighed contentedly to himself.

As she went off to do her task, Blaze considered the events of the last few days a bit further, though he had to admit to himself he held no regrets at all. He did consider a few things that he had learned about her already though. She did like pain with her pleasure, as seen from the spanking as well as the clamps. Of course just how much pain she actually liked would need to be explored, but at the same time, he hadn’t really done anything to her in his opinion which would require a safe word.

That was another thing that they should discuess. Safe words, limits, both soft and hard, as well as just how much of a dominant she was looking for. That would also allow her to know in a much better capacity when she could or could not be ‘fiesty’… as opposed to when doing so might just upset him in a non-pleasant way. There was certainly a lot to discuss but Blaze also found that he was looking forward as well to that conversation.

As she came back though Blaze smirked at her mention of water though he shook his head as he winked to her.

” No, I’m good on water. Some tea would be fantastic if you have any, otherwise the orange juice will do just fine. Now, hurry up, I don’t want to wait much longer for you.”

He wasn’t upset with her in any way, but he did want her to know he was waiting on her. Having a second meal with her was something he was very much looking forward to. He did silently admit even her just being in the t-shirt and he assumed panties with nothing else was quite sexy, though he silently considered what she would look like in only an apron, but shook such thoughts from his mind for now.

Be good Blaze, she's more than just a cum slut.

He certainly thought she was, and wanted more than just a fuck buddy that was for sure!
Lizzy nodded to tea and started to head for the kitchen as she heard Blaze tell her to hurry up, he was waiting for her. It was then that she noticed she was making him wait and knew she did not mean to and she had offered him to already start without her. She was one that needed to move around a lot and sometimes she just did not notice how much she was moving but he brought it back to her attention that she was moving to much and should take a seat and eat something so to say.

She hurried to get the tea done and just hoped he would not mind as she just made a cup of her favorite tea. It was a Japanese on with cherry blossom and some herbs with a little bit of agave sirup to make it slightly sweet but not to much but with natures sugar and not the bad kind of sugar.

She then brought the cup to him setting it down taking the orange juice and pouring herself a glass she then finally sat as she blushed when she looked up at Blaze and then said softly.

“Sorry but now I’m here…”

She giggled softly as she then added.

“Soo, I hope it tastes good… “

She had so many questions running in her head in her mind she had read and heard of his world so much but felt and done EXTRAORDINARILY little and she wanted so eagerly feed that hunger of curiosity though she always did like saying “Curiosity fucked the cat” but in this term it might just be that what she would like most about it this time.

Plus, she wanted to know more about him what he liked or disliked maybe even his favorite color and such not just the oh god yummy side of life but also the normal side, but she did not know where or even when to start. She thought she would start eating and wait see if he starts asking or telling and if not, she will start asking as soon as she is had a bit of food to give her some time to get brave enough. No that was the wrong word for it she knew she had nothing to fear form him or such, but she was nervous as if it was their first date or such.

She pulled on leg up on the chair under her other thigh as she let the other leg swing in the air a bit and enjoyed some fruits popping each fruit into her mouth after she swallowed the other. And each time she had some fruit juice on her lower lip she licked it off. She took a sip of her orange juice looking at him and smiled some more.

“IS it ok?! Or are you missing something?!”
Of course he knew that she had offered for him to start without her, but since he had her company there with him, he found that he wanted her to be with him. He wasn’t upset at all, he just wanted to let her know that he was there, and he was patiently waiting for her to join him.

As she seemed to take more notice of that, Blaze simply smiled as he nodded to her little comment, though taking the time to serve up food he looked to her gently.

” I like to say, food made from the heart is always good. I mean, unless it’s burnt.”

He winked to her just to let her know he was playing with her a bit, though as she said that she hoped it was good, Blaze picked up some food and took a bite, he made sure to let out a soft groan of appreciation as well.

” It’s really good Lizzy!”

He smiled though and began to eat. On his end, this ‘conversation’ that they should have was somewhat new territory as well. He had been with partners or subs in the past both inside and outside of a bondage club, but Lizzy was honestly the first that Blaze was considering his own life and what he wanted out of a bdsm relationship, not just a fling.

For a few minutes they both seemed to be lost into their own thoughts but she did break the silence with her question, which almost made Blaze roll his eyes, yet he considered that a good thing. After all, things couldn’t be EXACTLY perfect otherwise she’d be a robot.

” Everything is great Lizzy. I will always be open with you and communicate if something is wrong or lacking, all right?”

It was a simple statement, but it held a lot of meaning. She didn’t need to worry about whether he liked what she was doing or would do. If he didn’t like something he would tell her. Yet that in itself was a good ‘rule’.

” So, what do you know about bdsm and relationships with regards to bdsm beyond just being whipped or fucked in every way imaginable?”

It was a fair question. After all, she may not have done much in that type of ‘world’ but he wanted to know more about her. It was the only way to really get to know her on a deeper level. He also of course was interested in other things about her as well, but there had almost seemed to be a tension hanging in the air, so he didn’t want that to be there between them.
Lizzy giggled some at the way he said that she then noticed she had so to say asked that already she did not know why she was so nervous and eager around him like afraid to chase him away or such. She then nodded as she licked her lips again and then when she had her mouth empty said softly.

“Ok... I understand and thank you…!”

She looked down at her plate for a few more minutes as she tried to get her thoughts together and maybe find a question, she could ask without making him think she was naïve or such which she was not or at least she hoped not and did not think that of herself well not always at least.

It was then that he asked her a question and she smiled tilting her head slightly as she thought about his question before answering.

“Well, BDSM has to do a lot with limits of how far your body can or willing will go to feel the most pleasure which for some is combined with less or a lot of pain each person is different so each relationship is different as some already feel with a umm… slight smack on the cheek pleasure to over whelm them but others need Much more and some even need to see or feel blood drawn to feel the maximum on pleasure… “

She wrinkled her nose at the thought of someone making her bleed to feel pleasure she did not think she would be one of those but the thought of Blazes hand on her ass or his hand wrapped around her neck did make her almost want to squirm again as she then quickly went back to talking to keep her mind off Blazes body and touches for a bit more.

“Umm it is also respect and feeling and seeing what the other hungers and needs?! umm not only the Dom to sub but also the sub to Dom… well at least in many books its like that though there are plenty of different kinds of Dom’s and subs as well.... but mostly it is that the Dom gets pleasure well not only from fucking or touching but also giving the sub exactly that what she or he needs without really asking and just giving or better said taking and most important it is also not just a game well to many at least and there are plenty probably that see it as not more than a game….”

She took a sip of juice before she continued.

“Trust! Must be there between the two if there is not trust in the Dom that he will not overdo it and stop if ever needed and the sub to be truthful of what she wants needs and can handle even to trust that they will not hurt the other or at least not in any way both wouldn’t want …. I have read so much I’m not sure I just hope I didn’t get anything confused about it… but I believe trust is the most important aspect of BDSM without it no one can truly let themselves fall and just enjoy what they are doing or getting… and then everything else will fall in place where it belongs… “

She blushed some as she just seemed to talk and talk and just could not stop.

“I believe it is also to trust yourself as well and learn this eager hunger to learn more about oneself like this morning or other times I… ummm... well, I always knew my neck was a sensible place for me and easily to get my aroused by it but that it could make me want to melt just right into your hand I never knew till I felt your hand on my throat and your fingers wrapped around it…”

She nibbled her lip and took a deep breath as she did not notice but one hand reached up and let two of her fingers’ traces over her neck as if savoring the feeling of his touch there before she gasped slightly and added.

“Well, the same to the spanking or what would you call them? I never knew pain could be so sweet how close to the line it is to pleasure and if “HIT” right it was like a perfect tone or song that could travel through your body pleading for it to join in on the music… ok that sounded weird, but did it make sense?! And was any of that really correct?!”

She giggled some and quickly pushed something in her mouth, so it was full, and she was forced to stop talking to even give Blaze a chance to talk.
Blaze nodded gently to her, and since she seemed to accept that direction from him he knew that they would get along just fine. For Blaze, there were some hard rules that he lived by that he would not ‘bend’ about. Things like honesty, integrity, and courtesy, but also respect played a huge part of who he was as well. Even their first time together in his office at work, he had treated her with respect even as he had fingered her to an explosive orgasm. Yet there were softer ‘rules’ as well, things of preference, like spending the meal together without interruption, or being open and not hiding things from one another. Such things while linked to the first rules, were different as well.

As she seemed to consider his question, Blaze picked up the tea and tried it out, sipping at it he smiled softly to himself as he listened to her start to speak. The first portion of what she was saying certainly did address the physical side of scenes in bdsm, exploring one’s own desires and needs, or even pushing those desires into newer and different circumstances.

He also did take note at the wrinkling of her nose, he himself wasn’t that much of a sadist. While spanking, flogging or even using a switch wasn’t outside the realms of what he would be interested in ‘doing’ with her, Blaze had no intention of using any of those impliments to bring blood from her body. Such thoughts were outside what he himself was comfortable with. He was thinking about responding when she continued, so he remained patient and quiet with her, he was nodding, his eyes were soft and yet locked on her as she explained that it wasn’t a game.

He certainly agreed as well with that part, though certainly to some it was, to Blaze since Lizzy had said that she wanted it to be much more, Blaze had also taken that into consideration and respect would need to be given. When she explained about Trust though, that rang so truly with Blaze he had to smile gently… she had certainly done her reading, and everything she was speaking about in his mind was true.

When she giggled and silenced herself by shoving a piece of food into her mouth, Blaze chuckled slightly, though he nodded to her.

” Most of what you said is extremely accurate. Especially with myself, I do not just play games, and though I have played with women in the past simply for physical pleasure, I would be lying if I said I had not ached to have someone specifically who was mine.”

He could tell remembering how he had held her throat had indeed turned her on, and the mention of it had also caused him to harden slightly in his own pants, yet his focus was indeed on her so he pushed that arousal aside for now.

” Trust is the most important part in my eyes. Yet to push you further as well, it is important that we have safe words. These are words that you wouldn’t accidentally just cry out or say accidentally, but would be words of importance between us. We will need two, one for you to let me know to slow down what I am doing to you. The other would be to completely stop what we are doing. The important part of these words is that you know I will never be disappointed in you for using them. After all, I do not even know just how much you can or will take myself until we explore them together.”

He smiled softly to her as he considered it, though he added.

” There are certainly different dominant types. Just as I like you calling me Sir, if we were to go to a public bdsm club because you belong to me I would be your Master. It is not about demeaning you, at least not in a way like slavery. Instead, it is simply to communicate to others our type of relationship. Most people who delve into an actual relationship of this sort come up with different rules or even a contract which they agree upon, that way they know what is the responsibility of the other. It sets out clearly for each other what is entailed. I’m not sure if this is something you would like, you seem to be nervous or scared that I might just get up and leave, when this isn’t the case at all Lizzy.”

He realized that HE had been rambling a bit, but he didn’t apologize. Instead he asked curiously.

” Would an agreement or contract be something which would set you at ease?”

He wanted to know more about her as well in this kind of light, not just she about him. There was so much to learn about one another!
Lizzy smiled as she listened to what Blaze said and nodding sometimes to show him, she was listening carefully and was interested in what he was also saying and not just listening to acting like. When tell told her that she was extremely accurate she smiled. It was then that he said he wasn’t wanting to play games either which made her shift slightly in her chair those words making her want to kiss him, it was his next that made her feel slightly funny why was she having a slight jealously kind of feeling knowing that he had played with others it was in the past and they met first now so who cares right she shook her head slightly as if to clear her head of those thoughts as she heard him say he wanted someone to call his own.

She wanted to answer that he has that now or wanted to answer that way, but did not she put another fruit in her mouth to keep listening. When he said trust is most important in his eyes, she felt even safer in his hands as before something in the way he said it just made her feel more comfortable around him. It was then that he mentioned safe words she had read about that but as he explained it, she smiled nodding already thinking of something that was weird enough so she would not just accidently say it in any way other than she would need it. She had a feeling she would not need it but was more than happy to know her safety and feelings meant so much to him that he wanted something to keep her safe from him if he over did something. She had read mostly from only one safety word but thought of two not really a bad idea, it was then that he also told her about what types of things also were important and such. Sir for private times and master in public or clubs and such understood she told herself liking the thought that if she called him Master around someone else it would show that she belonged to him and is not free wild and he would keep her safe and others would respect that or at least should do so.

When he asked her about a contract or agreement of such, she took a big sip of her orange juice as she also took a deep breath tilting her head slightly before she then said.

“Ok I believe I understood everything so far which btw is Very interesting and makes me feel …umm safer does that make sense even if we are starting to get to know each other I trust you more and more… and Agreement or Contracts… is that something you would do normally or wish to … its not like we are getting married but it would be something like a piece of paper that has terms of what and what not are allowed and that you’ll keep me safe from harm I don’t wish to be put in? or what would that be like”

She asked licking her lips once more as she then added.

“I find your world so interesting and with each word you say even more interesting and just so eager to learn more about it…. And I still cant believe your willing to let me in on your world… to be yours to call your Own!”

The last part she said a bit slower as if letting the words melt on her tongue liking the way they felt rolling over her lips.
Blaze was trying to make sure that he was explaining things correctly. The truth of the matter was that he hadn’t really had to explain the lifestyle side of bdsm to someone else before. Previously, it was always a short termed relationship that wouldn’t last nor was there an expectation of such. With Lizzy, she seemed to want to dive head first into the depths of that side of it, and Blaze wanted to make sure that he explained it in the right way for her.

He also didn’t even think about other men that she had been with. She had mentioned a few times previously that no other man had made her feel the way he had especially with regards to sex. That was enough for him. As he explained himself in the best way that he could, he somewhat wanted to tell her to come sit in his lap so he could hold her as he explained things. However, for now he resisted that because he wanted her to know he was serious about things.

As she said that she believed that she understood what he was talking about as well as where his priorities lay, Blaze nodded to her as he smiled softly. He was glad that she could feel safe with him, that in his eyes was so very important. As she asked him if a contract or agreement was something he would usually insist on he shrugged slightly.

” To be honest, prior to with you, no one else I have been with has wanted to continue a relationship more than individual sessions. I more mention it because you seem uncertain about whether you’re lacking with me. A contract is a good starting point to allow both of us to understand our roles in this relationship. It’s not legally binding but it’s something that if we do agree to, I would take very seriously.”

As she said that she couldn’t believe that he was willing to let her in on his world, Blaze continued to gently smile though he added.

” I mean, the fact you are such a lusty cum slut is definitely a bonus.”

He winked of course to let her know that it wasn’t the only draw point for him… oh no, not at all. Yet he smiled slightly as he watched her as well. She seemed almost giddy to learn more, but this wasn’t a sprint… it was a marathon, a journey for them both to take.

” Just to touch back on the Agreement or Contract, this would outline things like the term, or how long we want to initially pursue the relationship for. While it’s always impressive to say ‘I will be yours forever’, forever is a long time, so setting an initial ‘probation’ period between partners can be useful. Beyond that, responsibilities for each of us. So things like my keeping you safe, your submitting to me, things like that.”

He paused to take a drink of orange juice before he continued.

” Beyond that though, your rights and mine in the relationship, your Veto power, your ability to refuse a command in certain situations, as well as of course Soft Limits, Hard Limits, Discipline, punishment, privacy and confidentiality, the safe words I mentioned previously, and our signatures. These things we’d want to outline and make sure both understood going into this, that way we’re both aware of what is ‘in play’ so to speak.”

If anything, outlining the different portions of a potential contract did let her know just how involved this was and how seriously Blaze did take such things. If she found it overwhelming or didn’t want to continue it, he wouldn’t blame her at all!
Lizzy smiled as she listened to him, she found it remarkably interesting and when he then told her that her being such a lusty cum slut was a bonus and she could not help but giggle some at his wink and nodded some about the contract. She licked her lips some as she thought for a second before she wanted to say something but then he then told her more about what should be in the contract.

She nodded some and thought about everything he said and when he talked about a time limit so to say she nibbled her lip some wondering how he was going to do that so to say and what if they said so to say 2 years or such was he going to leave then afterwards even if they where still good or were they going to make a new one then or such but she was going to let herself be surprised of what he was going to put in the contract about that and maybe ask later.

He then talked about other things what would stand in it as well and when he talked about keeping her safe and such made her blush ever so softly and then she submitting to him she nodded to let him know she was still listening very closely.

When he paused, she watched his lips and slipped some fruits back in her mouth slowly almost teasingly she did this accidentally did this playfully not really meaning to, but something just tickled her that way.

She did not think that so much information would be in the contract but if she thought about it really its logic that all those terms should be held in it. She wondered where her limits laid what would be her soft limits and her hard limits well, she knew what she did not want but there was probably so much she did not know yet. And she already had to think about her safe words what could she use she then noticed he had stopped talking and smiled some as she then said.

“well, that is a lot what would be in that contract but remarkably interesting… how do I know which limits I have I mean ok there are a few things I don’t wish to try but truly where my limit lays like with pain and such… but it does sound remarkably interesting, and I think that is a good idea… but will we set it on direct and complete or is that something we will finish after some time over and over? “

She shifted herself in her chair making herself gaps under her breath as she leaned forward towards the table as she nibbled on a finger tip her eyes locked on him as she then thought for a second and then said.

“Safe word! Maybe one as Caboodle and the other Valhalla…...?”
Blaze hoped that he was explaining things well. He had never actually delved into the lifestyle side of BDSM in a relationship himself. Of course he had done bondage as a part of sex before (Lizzy herself had already experienced it before she even mentioned wanting to be Blazes. However, to actually have someone that he was looking at per se and considering more than just a night or day of sexual pleasure… well that was something he hadn’t really considered before.

He did also wonder just what she was thinking… was he scaring her off? He didn’t think so by the way she had responded thus far, but he couldn’t read her mind, so he wanted to set out the idea’s and concepts of the relationship both to let her know that he himself was serious about being with her but also to give her an idea of just how involved an actual relationship was.

As she asked about her own limits though, Blaze smiled ever so slightly as he nodded to her as well. The question was valid since she was so new to all of this.

” With the agreement or contract we can put in a clause which allows you to make modifications to the limits section. Beyond that however I would also suggest that we make a list of as many different kinds of sexual activities that we can come up with whether we think the other might be interested or not, and then go through the list and if you don’t know what something is so long as I can explain it I will, and you can put either yes, maybe, or no. The no’s would be your hard limits, the maybe’s would be something we would possibly explore, and the yes of course are things that you’re either open to trying, or already enjoy.”

That was just a suggestion after all, but it made sense overall. As she asked him about whether the agreement or contract would be something that would be set in ‘stone’ so to speak at one time or finished and or modified over and over again Blaze considered it as well.

” I think, and I have never actually delved into this side of things before, but I think that at first it would be something we would want to develop over a short period of time. We would make adjustments as we come up on them. If there’s something we forgot, we can put that in or change it. I feel that some aspects should be set in stone, like rights and responsibilities, but other elements like the limits would be more open to change.”

When she shifted in her chair and blurted out her choices for safe words though Blaze had to smirk though he nodded to her.

” Do you have a pen and paper? We can set out a few things together, though perhaps also we move this over to the couch with a small lap table? It might be more comfortable than the table here.”

He of course wanted this just as much, if not more than Lizzy did. He had been waiting for this so to speak his entire life, and though she was worried about him ‘up and leaving’, Blaze had no intentions of doing that. Of course only time would tell, but so long as things went well with them, he was very open to being invested in this relationship with her!
Lizzy found it remarkably interesting that this was in a way something new for him as well and that they would be doing this together so to say for the first time. She tried picturing things in her mind of what it might be like then afterwards or how she might feel. She could not even stop thinking about all the things he will show her maybe. It was when he talked about the different sex positions and such she tried not to blush as she wondered how many she really knew and if he might laugh cause she did not really know too many or if he awaited a lot more form her.

She took another sip leaving one last sip in the glass before setting it back on the table listening to his words as her eyes just could not help to stare at his lips watching him talk though her mind pictured them on her body again, god she thought it was hard to listen to him talk about naughty sexy things and not think about what he already has done to her and god knows what else he is going to do with her. When he then talked about some things being open and we would be able to change them as we go but other things should be set in stone, she nodded thinking that was an incredibly good idea.

When he then asked her if she had a pen and paper, she thought for a second in which drawer she had such things in and went to stand as he then said maybe move this over to the couch she nodded and asked softly.

“May I clean the table off first or would you like it to stay there for a bit longer or for later something… oh my dear is you even done… eating yet?!

She quickly sat back down as she did not want to forget her manners and such at a table though she was already in her mind standing up cleaning off the table and going over to the living room to bring him the paper and pen and she did not know why but when he said a lap table, she saw herself laying over his lap and he used her back as a table.

She shook her head slightly nibbling on her lip to get such naughty thoughts out of her head as she wanted to take this seriously and show she really wanted this and wanted this with HIM. She swallowed some as she noticed she was nibbling her lip and her eyes where roaming over him she gasped slightly as she took the last sip of orange juice from her glass.

“Want something else to drink? Or another cup of tea before we go to the couch?!”
In Blazes eyes there should always be something new to learn. It didn’t always have to be sexual. In fact, right then he was learning something about himself. He had never explained this before; however when he did explain it he found he was learning what was and is important to him. Even as he was explaining the thunder cracked the skies outside and he had to smile. He loved thunderstorms, and nature in general.

As she asked about the food though his attention was drawn for that moment away from his own mind to what was in front of him, he smiled slightly as he surveyed what was out. There wasn’t anything really that would go bad in a short amount of time so he looked then to her and replied.

” I don’t think either of us have eaten as much as we may have intended to, however now that we’re talking about all these things I’m not feeling hungry right now.”

Even just discussing the vague mention of sexual positions and soft not to mention hard limits had his own mind a whirl with desire mixed with racing thoughts which quelled his own hunger, at least for food.

” What I would suggest is that we leave the food out and we can come back to it later.”

As she suddenly sat back down he noticed she was adjusting very well to the plug which still was inside her ass, which only told him that he’d probably want to ‘upgrade’ her plug as well. Yet for now as she seemed to look over him as well he considered it as he smiled slightly.

” I will re-fill my glass with orange juice, and once that’s full I will meet you in the living room. Make sure to get some paper, a pen or two, and bring yourself as well of course.”

He of course had an idea that came into his mind, so as he got up he scooped up his phone before he headed into the living room. The first thing he did was check her television which did have internet access. From there he connected his phone wirelessly to the television before he went and retrieved the medium size plug that he had brought with him he smirked slightly to himself though set it openly out onto her coffee table before he settled into the center of the couch and waited for her.

When she came in he grinned to her.

” I set up your TV with my phone, that way if you don’t know what something is, I can show you. I’m also not claiming to know every single position or possibility, so this will be a good experience for both of us.”

He looked to her seriously though and added.

” Now, do you want to sit on the couch with me, or would you like to be my table? If you’re my table you will want to undress your shirt and lay belly down over my lap. Either way, you’ll want to make sure you’re comfortable, I have a feeling we’ll be here for a while.”

He gave a wink at that one, but he was taking this seriously as well.
Lizzy hat noticed her plug as she quickly sat back down but it did not bother her that much as she had been squirming and shifting the whole time, so the movement was not something she was not used to by this time. She was enjoying it; it was something he had given her, and she was allowed to wear it for him and her own pleasure.

When he then told her to meet him in the living room she nodded and got up and went to her little office kind of room as she found everything she needed but paper and noticed she had forgotten to take a new bundle of paper out of the living room cabinet, she went back to the living room set the pens she found on the table and then got on her hands and knees next to the TV as she got out the paper and getting two blank pieces out of the bundle she then put the two papers between her lips carefully to hold them and not get them wet as she put the rest back and closed the cabinet. Her hips wiggled slightly as if she where listening to music in her mind and not really thinking about the tease, she probably was being in that moment for Blaze.

He had told her while she was getting the paper that he had connected his phone with her TV so to be able to show her something if she did not know what it was. She smiled and nodded to him saying that was a good idea. She turned to look at him as her fingers closed the cabinet as he asked her if she wanted to sit next to him or lay across his lap as his little table, she blushed was he a mind reader or such. She smirked as she then crawled over to him the paper still between her lips as she then laid the paper on the table next to the pens, she then sat back against her heels smirking as she then said to him.

“Hmmm good question well lets see to write you do need a table and it would be EXTREMELY uncomfortable if you keep having to bend over to write on the table…. “

She smirked as so many little thoughts crossed her mind in what he would be able to do with her on his lap like that but also if she sat next to him it was then that she also noticed the new plug and blushed some more, and smirking added.

“Plus, if I get that new toy in me to replace the old one, I’m not sure how much sitting I will be able to handle at first and if we are here for a while writing I do wish to be comfortable…… Sir!”

She looked up at him and smiled again as she would love to see in his mind what he was thinking but she then stood up and started to take off the few things she was wearing as she then stood naked before him, she smiled and asked softly.

“Which way would you like me my head to the left or right of your lap Sir?!"
Blaze had noticed as well, that she was very much enjoying his little ‘gift’ from their previous session, not to mention that she certainly was handling it without any real form of discomfort so that told him that the small plug had done it’s job… it had stretched her as much as it was going to, and it was time to move onto the next.

As she came in with the pens though he smiled as he watched her, though at first he was wondering just what she was doing, it became clear as she opened up the cabinet and he saw the package of paper. He smiled slightly as he admired her wiggling ass, and intentional or not, her tease was certainly effective on him as well. Watching her crawl over to him, Blaze smiled, though she in turn could see the bulge in his shorts from his own arousal over what they were discussing.

When she sat back on her heels, he smiled and nodded, though as she mentioned the plug, Blaze nodded to her as he replied.

” Oh you’ll be getting the second plug today, that’s for sure. You’ve adjusted well to the first.”

He smirked though and she did have a good point. He considered telling her to leave her panties on, but he did have to admit he enjoyed having her naked as well. As she stood like that and asked him which way he preferred, he considered it a moment though finally replied.

” I write with my left hand, so over my lap with your head on my right side, that way I can pet your hair if I like.”

It made sense, and when she did as he directed, she’d feel him lean over her a bit, and retrieving the pen and paper he also had found a standard sized hard back book which he was using as a board, so setting it onto her back and then placing the paper onto that he smiled gently to her.

” Comfy?”

After all, she was going to be there for a while since they wanted to go through the different things that would end up making her soft and hard limits. It also just re-enforced how much he considered her comfort and wanted to ensure that even if he was using her as a table, that she was still his good girl. His right hand also couldn’t help but reach out to his right and slide his fingers through her hair softly, gently combing and petting her there as well.

If she was, Blaze would start with the things they had already done and which he knew she enjoyed. So; using rope for restraint, silk ties for the same purpose. Of course missionary sex, doggy style, and from that morning standing up sex as well as pinned up against a wall. Beyond that he listed off the more basic sex positions like cowgirl, legs on his shoulders as well as spooning sex. From there he began to list off different sexual positions that he knew of which might not be as common. Things like the pretzel sex position, the leap frog which of course was mostly just a modified doggy style, and others as well. Blaze wanted to know what she had done, and even more so really, what she hadn't. This was about exploring for the both of them!
Lizzy nodded as he asked her if she was comfy, she looked over her shoulder to him and smiled as she said softly after wiggling slightly with her hips as if getting comfy as she laid herself on his lap her knees bend slightly and her feet up in the air and her elbows bend and her hands under her chin as her breasts pressed into his thigh. She could feel him under her, and she liked the feel, it was that feeling making her know that whatever she was doing she was doing it right.

“Yes, all comfy now!”

When she felt him lean over her some she just smiled as she stuck her butt up slightly as if trying to get his arm or such to touch her cheeks. When she felt his hand pet her hair and his fingers go through her hair, she smiled it really felt good and she had this urge to make a sound as if purring on his lap like a kitty.

When he then started to tell her about sex positions, she smiled some of them she had really heard of and did most of them in the last hours and days with Blaze together and she sure did want to do them again with him. Just the thought of them made her get wet some more. She did try to hold still as she totally did not think about having to hold still so he can write, and she would not be allowed to wiggle or at least not at times when he is writing. She bites her lip as she tried to hold extra still each time he started to write when they agreed on a sex position. God this was torture for her, and she just hoped she was not so wet that she would be dripping down on his lap or such.

Her then tried while he was writing to hold better still to play with her ass cheeks so to say tensing them and then relaxing them back up which made the plug move each time which was getting her arousal back up more than it was already getting through thoughts and what they were talking about, but it did help to keep her still.

“Well, I have done amazon once… umm well the normal things like you said as well and what we already have done together ummm… then I do also enjoy the backwards Cowgirl…. Or umm Knight or Gimlet I believe it is called…”

She had so many other things in her mind she would love to try or such but with each name or picture of what kind of positions they could or might be doing together made her mind race and think for a few seconds of how it will feel like.

She nibbled her lip again some as she wiggled with a foot some crossing her ankles some as she then asked softly.

“I hope I am not to heavy…!”
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As Lizzy said that she was good Blaze but nodded, and though he was very much aroused by what they were discussing, he also was cognizant that this was important and as such he ignored his own desires… for now. He had split the first portion of the page into yes, maybe, and no, and was sorting positions into those area’s but would also use that for her limits as well. When she said that she had done the Amazon he looked curiously to her but smiled and nodded, though asking if she had liked it he added it of course to the list.

When she mentioned the other two Blaze nodded and added those as well, though he wrote out other ‘base positions’ such as Spooning sex as well as it's variants of course, the Chairman but positions wise he didn't really think that she would be 'against' any position really. Blaze was curious though.

" Is there any position you haven't tried that you've fantasized about trying?"

As she said that she hoped that she wasn’t too heavy though, Blaze chuckled slightly as he shook his head.

” You’re just fine Lizzy. I will admit, the sight of your butt clenching and relaxing is quite the tantalizing sight…”

As he said it he moved his hand from her hair and sliding his nails along her spine he soon gently squeezed her upturned ass as he looked to her though, wanting to know her own desires and all those thoughts inside her head he wanted her to ‘let loose’ so to speak and share them with him!
Lizzy thought about some things she had seen and read about and had to almost had to laugh as she remembered that she had bought a long time ago a Kamasutra book and had read about some positions in the book and thought there are a few of those positions she would love to try and a whole LOT of them she does not even want to try let alone think about they already hurt her. She could not help it she had to giggle slightly as she remembered some of them hand stands and such.

“Hmm… there are some I just don’t know what they are called really but I believe with my thigh not possible yet… but there are also different places so to say I would love to do the positions in I haven’t really tried since I haven’t been that brave or had someone brave enough to push me…so to say…”

It was then that Blaze chuckled about what she said with her weight and then told her about how tantalizing she was being with her cheeks. She nibbled her lip as she felt his hand slip down towards her ass and squeeze her upturned ass cheeks, she then took a deep breath lifting her ass slightly as if to offer him more.

“I haven’t really done many things mostly more the normal things how many would call them since I haven’t had the luck of meeting someone like you Sir… and I cant wait to learn more and feel more for that fact….”

She looked back at him for a second as she wiggled her ass some as she was trying extremely hard to keep her mind on the contract, they were making but with his hand on her it was REALLY hard. She let a deep breath shivery out as she then added.

“this world is more in my mind and fantasy in books and movies and such for me till I met you and I believe you have woken something deep in that I didn’t know really was so strong, but I couldn’t be happier and more curious than ever before… “

She licked her lips and could not help herself.

“and if this all feels so damn good, I want to learn more and more…. Please give it to me Sir!”

She blushes and then nibbles her lip and softly added a bit shy as well.

“I mean please Teach me Sir!”
Blaze smiled as he listened to her, though as she said that about the different positions he smirked ever so slightly as he thought about what she had said. It was very true though, there were positions she might not be strong enough to do right now, but there were also other positions that in Blaze’s mind just didn’t make sense. He had a feeling deep within himself that he and she were very much alike, that what she might enjoy he probably would as well.

As she lifted her ass to him though he smiled as he considered her words, the feeling of her ass was just so tantalizing to him, though he listened to her as she said that she hadn’t done many things either.

” Honestly, not many people have. A lot of people don’t find bdsm interesting… or if they do, it’s just some aspects. Like, someone may enjoy being tied up, but would never be willing to be spanked. Others may panic at being tied down but secretly fantasized about being forced into sex, either through a role play scene, or through a safe escort.”

He smiled as she looked back to him, though he added gently.

” For positions, why don’t we say that we are both open to any position, but that before we try anything overly exotic, we discuss it with one another?”

He had a feeling that might be a better course for them since there were so many different positions, they could explore as they went. Even as she couldn’t help but shiver to his touch, Blazes fingers moved over her firm ass, though he also stroked the sensitive flesh at the base of her ass where it came into turning into her thigh. Listened to her though he smiled as he looked to her.

” I will certainly teach you Lizzy… I think for now we have made good progress on positions. Why don’t we take a small break to introduce you to your next plug?”

She would undoubtedly feel his throbbing cock trapped between her stomach and himself, so there was no doubt that he wanted her as well… but Blaze was oh so good at keeping himself under control than other men. Not to mention that although he did want to just plow her pussy full of cock, he also was enjoying this dynamic with her as well.

Even as he asked it though he moved the book with the papers onto the coffee table along with the pen before she would feel him press on her lower back, effectively pinning her there for now as she’d feel his warm calloused fingers trace up and into the crevice of her ass before he took a firm hold of the plug and gave it a slight little tug. Nothing even close enough to pull it out just yet, but certainly enough to set those nerves in her ass on fire.

” What do you think? Does that sound like an idea?”

Even as he was asking it he also twisted the toy inside her, the smooth metal plug tormenting her with all sorts of different sensations and there were even more to discover as well.