Rehabilitating Desires ( Closed for Little_Tease)

Blaze figured that firstly the picture each day would ensure at least during that time that she had ‘listened’ to him and done what he wanted. Secondly, he had made no mystery of how arousing he found her ass, so, well who WOULDN’T have wanted pictures like that?

When he arrived home he dropped off his bag and went to take a shower. Even just revisiting the time that he had spent with her that day made Blaze groan, not to mention his thick long cock harden. Remembering the feeling of her tight pussy wrapped around his cock as he hammered her into submission… the memory of fingering her ass and bringing her to clearly the hardest orgasm that she had ever experienced, his hand slipped down to his cock.

“ Hmnggh Lizzy…”

He grumbled to himself, though stroking himself a bit he didn’t bring himself to orgasm. Instead, he took some time to wash up, and as he stepped out of his shower and dried off the ding of his phone signaled a received message. Blaze did have a few friends, so he figured it was one of them messaging him to see what was up.

Wrapping a thick big towel around himself, Blaze was honestly surprised when he unlocked his phone and saw the message as well as who it was from. He had figured that Lizzy would have been recovering from their intense session that night, but as he opened the picture Blaze groaned aloud as he admired the way her firm ass cheeks hugged the plug which clearly hadn’t been removed from her ass. Without really thinking, Blaze’s fingers tapped over the reply keyboard to send her a message.

You’re not bothering me at all, and you’re lucky because you did reach the right person. You look stunning Lizzy.

He grinned as he sent that message off, yet before she even had a chance to reply the little bubbles on the conversation window would tell her he was typing more.

How does it feel in your ass? You look comfortable with it. Are you enjoying my little gift to you?

He grinned and moved over to sit down on the couch in just his towel. Of course his cock was hardening beneath the towel, but he couldn’t help but ‘talk’ to her, it only made him want her there with him right then even more!
Lizzy sat there watching a movie as she waited for her phone to light up vibrate or do anything. She has never waited for something to arrive so badly as she did now and was excited on one hand but also ashamed of herself at the other. She tried to forget about it and just relax as her body needed it badly.

She then got up to go to the kitchen to get something to drink as she hears the ping of her phone and she smiled just hoping it was Blaze and not someone else. She took her glass of water and headed back to the living room and sat down taking a deep breath as she picks up her phone and sighs it was a friend of hers Susan just telling her about some gossip in the office.

She leaned back as she wrote Susan back in a slight way disappointed that it was not Blaze as suddenly a ping came again and suddenly, she saw his name on her phone light up. She gasped and giggled at the same time took a deep breath as she then opened the message, she bites her lip some.

She wanted to write back and saw he was writing something again and decided to wait. When he sent off what he wrote she held her breath for a second she could not help but smile as she then read what he wrote. She wiggled with her toes and told herself to calm down before she answers she did not want to come over needy or such or like a stalker she really was starting to like him and did not want to ruin it.

“Well glad I did reach the right Blaze… Thank you but if you keep saying things like that it will make me blush over and over again…”

She sent the message off and then realized she had not answered the rest of his questions and quickly went to answer before he could react or maybe read her message.

“And yes, I am enjoying your gift…... it feels so nice and if I look at my pic it is also so pretty in my ass….”

She sent it away and covered her face as she could not believe what she just wrote and just hoped it would not come over to girly or weird or such. As she waited and stared at her phone to see if the bubbles appear that he is writing back.

She couldn’t help but reach down between her legs and let her fingertip move over the plug once or twice as if thinking about Blaze and more what he did to her today easier, but it just made her want him more in that moment but didn’t dare admit it to him or at least not now.
Blaze’s grin hadn’t faded at all as he flipped on the television and put on a recording of one of the baking competition shows he liked to watch. He liked watching the shows but he was a horrible cook or baker himself. He DID enjoy eating good food as well, which kind of prompted himself that he should probably get some food.

After he had sent his texts he flipped to his Uber eats app and browsed through the different offerings for his area. He found that he didn’t really know what he wanted to eat, instead he found that he wondered what she would say in response. That in itself struck him a bit strange, he hadn’t really reached out on personal times to clients before, but with Lizzy, Blaze felt a connection with her which was exciting as well as almost scary as well.

After all, when she was rehabilitated she could like any other person he had dealt with just continue on with their life, but unlike the others, Blaze found he didn’t want that to happen. He was running through these minds when the first reply came through. Blaze grinned anew as he saw it was from her, and tapping on the notification his phone flipped back to the messaging app.

He was about to reply to her saying that she hadn’t answered his question when he noticed that she was replying again. He, like she had decided to wait on the second portion of her message and when it came through he was impressed with how bold she had been in admitting that firstly she looked at her own picture again, and secondly that she thought it looked pretty in her ass. That statement filled him with a sense of satisfaction as well as pride. After all he had been the one who had put that plug there and had chosen it for her. He smirked and simply at that point started to reply to her.

You’re just too shy for your own good Lizzy, you’re a beautiful woman inside and out.

He shot that off but quickly was tapping away, adding a second message as well.

You’re right though, it does look very pretty in your ass, and your choice of panties is fantastic as well, it shows off both your ass and pussy as well. Are you overly sore from today?

He hoped that she wasn’t, but also that she was as well. After all he had made her cum her brains out multiple times… she SHOULD be a bit sore from all that ‘stress’, though not too much. Like their first session, it should be sore but in a good way.
Lizzy nibble her fingertip as she saw how quickly he was replying this time and smiled she could not believe this and each time she saw the bubbles moving that he was typing she got butterflies in her tummy. It was weird she had not felt this way about a guy in such a long while and never so quickly and deeply before.

She also liked the fact that when she closed her eyes, she could also hear him in her thoughts and feel his hands on her body and it was just so much nicer but she was afraid that she might be seeing more in this than she should, so she had to slow herself down a bit and not put all hope into it or at least not yet. When he then wrote she was to shy for her own good she giggled and nodded saying out loud pretty much to herself.

“Hmm Blaze I believe your right but what to do about it…”

She wanted to reply and saw he was writing once again a second message and decided once again to let him finish before she reacts at least it would look like she was not directly waiting there for him to answer or such. When he wrote about her panties she giggled again as she had to think about going shopping tomorrow for a couple more of such panties if he liked them so much. And when he then asked if she was sore, she took a deep breath.

“Hmm tell him the truth or a little white lie….”

She waited a second or two wondering what she should write as she then started to type.

“Well let’s say this I REALLY enjoyed the session today and feel really umm relaxed but from the way I am feeling I know tomorrow will be a pain in the ass to get out of bed and move around…”

She giggled and thought deleting it or sending it but sent it and thought about sending a second message as well but had to keep herself normal and calm and not like a fallen in love kind of teenager.

“Hmm going to make myself dinner now just not sure what, have you already eaten or what are you making?!”

She took her phone with her this time as she headed for the kitchen to look what she had at home.
Blaze smirked as he had sent off his reply... he figured that she would be blushing about her own admission much less his comment about her. He meant his statement though and if she wanted to argue about it, well he was going to 'fight her' on it. As he waited on her reply, he was flipping through Uber, he couldn't seem to decide on what he wanted to eat.

What I'd really like is to eat her again.

He mused to himself, though as her first text came through, he smirked ever so slightly to himself even more so as he considered what to say. He saw that she was replying even more as well which only made him smile... she clearly liked their little banters, and Blaze found he did as well. He was glad that he had 'made her' take the plug in her ass and also given her his number. Since she had paused between his question and her secondary reply, Blaze interjected.

You should listen to what I say and believe in both my view of you, as well as yourself.

With that though he waited for her secondary comment, though it did make him laugh out loud as well.

" Touche Lizzy... touche."

He said that aloud to himself, though as she admitted that she had enjoyed her session with him he inwardly was beaming with pride. After all, knowing that she had enjoyed herself, well it made him happy. As she asked about the food however, he paused slightly, considering his thoughts. After a moment she'd see the bubbles appear notifying her he was responding.

I bet both figuritively and physically hmm?

Though right afterwards he was adding.

I haven't had my dinner yet... I'm a horrible cook to be honest, though if I'm being truthful, I'd rather just have you laying in front of me to eat from.

He knew that he was being brazen, but he felt emboldened with her. He felt the desire to have her all for himself, to drive her crazy with pleasure, happiness and desire. He honestly hadn't felt for another woman the way he was feeling for her, but he did add another message.

What do you think of that hmm?
Lizzy stood in the kitchen as she looked in her fridge and, in her cabinets, and nibbled her lip as she had enough food there, but she was not sure what she was hungry for. Her tummy even growled some telling her she needed to eat but what.

It was then that she saw the bubbles appear again and she knew he was writing she smiled, she closed the fridge and leaned back against the counter as her thighs rubbed slightly together and she could not help but think about one thing she was hungry for, but she could not admit it to herself and definitely not to Blaze or could she maybe should she.

Then his words appeared, and she held her breath some as her fingers twirled some of her hair as she could not help but giggle to what he said, and she nodded some admitting he was right. And then he added a line to it, and she gasped.

Her thighs trembled slightly, and she could not help but give the smallest little moan out as she blushed a crimson blush. She started to type something then deleted it and then again at least three times Blaze would see the bubbles working and then stopping and before something should appear working again.

Then when his third message reached her, she knew how to answer now. she finally sent what she wrote as she was not sure what to say.

“oh god Blaze… I can’t help it I have to slip a hand between my legs just thinking about that so Hmm what do I think about that… let us just say…”

She gasped as her fingers where faster than her mind as she then quickly added.

“My fingers feel something hot and wet and I just can’t stop touching myself.”

She wanted to drive him crazy for some reason, but it was driving her even crazier than the thought it would. She tilted her head back biting her lip as she closed her eyes and let her hand really slip between her thighs and start to play with her extremely sensitive clit thinking about his tongue between her legs making her moan even more.
Blaze had considered not sending that last message but, well with her Blaze felt emboldened with her. He honestly felt that he could be honest and open with her, which was something he hadn't felt with another woman before. He had given up on thinking about 'real' food right then, instead Blaze wanted more of Lizzy.

When he saw the bubbles start and then stop and start and stop, he couldn't help but chuckle to himself. He figured that he would have driven her into shyness with his bold admission, but as she sent him that message Blaze groaned aloud himself, imagining her touching her hot and overly sensitive clit not to mention feeling her hot wet pussy he grinned to himself. Yet he quickly typed back.

Did I say you could touch yourself?

He grinned slightly as he said it, and yet he reached down with one hand and pushing the towel aside he let his cock 'breathe' as it pulsed with desire as his imagination ran wild. Knowing he'd have her pensive though Blaze quickly then added.

I want you to send me a picture to show me how wet you are. I want to see your fingers buried inside of yourself.

He was throbbing wildly as he sent that off and wondered if she'd be brave enough to share that with him. He VERY much hoped that she would, but he wouldn't blame her if she didn't. He thought about it for a moment and angling his phone down towards his cock he flipped open the video/ camera app and changing the mode to a video mode, he began to record his Cock, though made sure to 'flex' it a few times and without any other sounds he closed the recording before he sent that to her as well... giving her even more 'fuel' to stoke her desires!
Lizzy moaned some more to the feeling of her fingers as she knew if she stayed standing here in the kitchen her leg would be even more sore in the morning as her thighs shivered slightly so she made her way to her bed. It was then she saw the bubbles on his side start to move. She nibbled her lip and as she then finally could read what he wrote she gasped and suddenly stopped touching herself.

She did not know why she did that, but she did as she blushed and wanted to write back no sorry as she whimpered softly. That what she was hoping to do just backfired on herself she thought.

“No, you didn’t… I’m sorry…!”

It was then as she sent her message away that his second message came, and she held her breath as she read what he wrote. All she could think about was oh my god I cannot do that, or can I know I should not or maybe I should he did say she should. She was so confused, but her mind was now starting to get a bit fuzzier as her hand slipped between her thighs again to do exactly what he said.

She then nibbled her lip as she then took her phone and took a few pictures as she then licks her fingers clean, she also took a picture of that for maybe later to use as she then typed and played with, he pictures as if to see which one was the sexiest of them all she made wanting only the best to be sent to him for proof.

She arched her back some as she laid back on her bed her thighs rubbing against each other and this also make her plug move giving her also more pleasure she could not believe how wet he was making her, and he was not even anywhere nearby. Though she could not help but think what might happen if he would be there.

“This wet… (Lizzy added a Picture to her message)”

She blushed as she took a few seconds before she could send it away and as she did, she watched the screen careful to see when he looks and if he writes back it was then she noticed he had sent her a video as she then opened it and watched it, she gasped moaning and licked her lips. She had to fight the urge to send her address to him so he could come over and fuck her again.

She wanted to win him over and not get used and scare him off faster than she could cum. It was then she couldn’t resist as she started to type a new message she had to drive him even more crazier than he was driving her already.

So she sent him the pic of her licking her fingers and wrote under it.

“I know you didn’t say I was allowed to but I haven’t had dinner and I taste so yummy….(Lizzy added a picture to her message)*
Blaze wasn’t ACTUALLY upset with her, he simply wanted to ensure that Lizzy knew who was ‘really’ in charge, as though there was any doubt. As she ‘dealt’ with the fallout of his message, he grinned as she seemed to hesitate in responding. As she wrote that though he left his second message hanging. After all, she seemed to be wanting to ‘make amends’, so perhaps listening to his command of her would put her back into his good graces so to speak.

As she sent that second message and then attached the second message, Blaze’s attention had turned to the television, watching the updates on finances as he wondered if she’d ‘do it’. When the ding message came through he groaned as he opened it up and seeing her fine fingers buried inside herself he closed his eyes, imagining her fingers working in and out envisioning him as well.

As he was sliding his hand over his own cock admiring the soaking wet state of her pussy she seemed to enjoy enticing him, so as she she sent him that message, he considered his reply, though as the second image came through he bit his own lip slightly.

” You little Tease…”

He growled aloud, and yet as he said it he grinned to himself, though he began to write a new message.

You’re such a naughty girl… for that, you’re not allowed to cum until the morning. I fully expect a small video in the morning with you making yourself cum, along with further proof that the plug is still in your ass.

He shot that message off but added.

Will you be a good girl for me? Or do you need to give me your address so that way I can come and make sure of it myself?

He wondered which she’d choose… and silently he hoped she’d give him her address so that way he could go over and sink his impossibly hard cock into her soaking wet pussy… he was craving her almost as though she was a drug to him, but… well she was a VERY enticing woman!
Lizzy gasped and held her breath as she saw his bubbles appear and she could not wait to see what he would say to what she had written. When he wrote that she whimpered some and wanted to write back begging him to not do that. It was then she saw his bubbles appear again, so she did not move she bite her lip as her thighs rubbed together. it was then that she read his second message and thought oh my god.

She did not know what to do could he read her mind or was he spying on her through a window and she said that out loud. She nibbled on her finger as she thought about what to do, what if she just wrote ill be a good girl would it then end here and now but what if she told him her address and he came over to make sure she was being a good girl.

She laid her phone next to her as she took a few deep breaths and as she did that, she did not notice that her hand touched her phone that it was recording her as she spoke out loud to herself.

“OMG what to do… I can’t just give him my address, can I?! should I?! but what if I just write ill be a good girl … oh Menno…”

She takes a few deep breaths and whimpers some and then says.

“he felt so good in me and made me feel like no one has ever done before god I want that again but if I give him my address and he come over can I handle it tonight or would it be to much FUCK! I don’t know what to do … think think think think think….”

She then rose her hands to cover her face to think and as she let go the recording stopped and sent itself to Blaze without her knowing and if blaze listened carefully from the sound of hos the phone was slightly muffled from her hand and the bed; he might notice she had not meant to send that.

After a few moments Lizzy took a deep breath taking her phone up and noticed that she had sent an audio recording and gasped she listened to it and hearing the first few words she blushed and hoped she could delete it before he might listen to it.

She then quickly wrote then to Blaze as if trying to distract him from the fact that she deleted something she just hoped he had not listened to just yet.

“Well, if I did give you my address who would keep me safe from you…:p

She slapped her forehead and then quickly added.

“plus, I don’t have to give you my address you already have it… I had to write it down in our first session…”

She bites her lip shaking her head and thinking omg how embarrassing was that and did she just tell him to come over with that or was he still waiting for the exact words. She hoped on one said he was and on the other he was not. she was confused on what she wanted or did not want he made her mind fuzzy even when he was not there really. What she knew was she wanted him and more of Him and she was not sure how much more she could handle today but she wanted to find out but did not dare to admit that to him.

She then blushed and thought for a second oh god what if he has a girlfriend or a wife, no he cannot do such things if he did or would he. She was not sure anymore what to think if she were trying to talk herself out of it or talk herself more into it, maybe she was trying to slow herself down so she does not beg him to fuck her right this instant or if she could be his and only his.
Blaze found himself idly stroking his own cock as he waited on her reply. After all she hadn’t replied saying that she wasn’t going to listen or obey. He found the thought of her obeying him even without him being there highly arousing… but as a side thought he noted that it also only made him want to have her to himself even more. He was considering things when the ping announced a new message, and opening it he noticed a voice recording was there instead of typed words.

” Interesting…”

He mused to himself, though as the message played, the five re-iterations of think at the end somewhat gave away that she hadn’t meant that to be recorded however it made him chuckle as well. Even if she hadn’t meant to send it, at least it told him that perhaps it was better if he didn’t make his way over that night. After all, she may not be able to handle his desires of her.

As her next message came through Blaze noticed that she had deleted the recording, he rolled his eyes to himself. As if… he mused in his own mind, as though that would keep him from remembering her words. He considered her texts though and smirked slightly to himself. Finally though she would see him writing back.

Firstly, you’re a bad girl for trying to hide your recording from me. I found your admissions quite endearing.

He shot that off for her to read, but he was already starting in on a second message for her.

Secondly, I didn’t write down your address when we first met, that was for the paperwork for Cardinal Care. I could go online to find it from their records, but I was thinking you might send it to me on your own.

Finally though he flipped to the camera app and set it to record as he flipped it around to do a ‘selfie’. Starting the recording he looked directly into the camera right those passionate, serious eyes of hers as he said only six words.

" You're always safe with me Lizzy."

Stopping the recording, he sent that to her as well before he added via a final text.

The choice is yours. You don't have to give me your address, we can leave it here for tonight.

With all that said and communicated he leaned back into the couch and shut his phone display off, leaving it until she chose to respond. He closed his eyes and imagined her tight pussy stretched around his cock as she rode him while he twisted and played with the plug in her ass, but he was also kind of afraid that he had scared her off. He didn’t know why he was scared of that, perhaps he was scared of losing her?

What a silly thought… she seemed as interested in ‘this’ as he was!
Lizzy laid there on her bed nibbling her lip as she saw the bubbles by his name and felt as if they were tickling her arousing her with each time they appeared and then disappeared. It was intoxicating as she waited for his message to arrive.

When he wrote she was a bad girl cause of the recording she blushed and giggled some and covered her mouth thinking shit he heard it before she could do that. she just wanted to start typing a sorry or an excuse because as she saw his second message arrive and smiled. He really wanted her address and from her and not just take it, she felt good it tingled all through her knowing that now and hoped maybe it was true that what she was feeling for him could be something.

When he then sent her this video that she was safe with him she almost wanted to cry she felt so good now and even safer than before and when he gave her the choice of giving or leaving it for tonight, she smiled and nibbled on her finger and then smirked as she started to type.

“Well thank you blaze I do feel safe and now even safer which is a bit weird but nice … I would like to give you my address… well I.”

She sent it away accidently as she wanted to delete some words and change it and gasped as she then quickly added.

“Well, I can’t let you starve we both haven’t had dinner so why don’t I cook something for us, and you come over… how about noodle with a tomato sauce?!”

She was nervous as if she were going to see him for the first time and could not wait for him to answer yes. She then noticed she had forgotten to write her address, so she sent that quickly as well as she jumped off her bed as she picked up a few things in her place to clean up. She was not messy or such, but she did not expect to have someone over and then she went to look for the things she would be needing to cook as she kept looking at her phone for his answer and then thought about what she should put on or if she should just stay in her long shirt and the fun panties and long socks.

she couldn’t help but have to tease him a bit more and decided to send him another picture for proof that she had been a good girl and the plug was still in her so she set her phone up to record a little video of herself as she showed him her plug once more and blushed as she watched it herself after she was done before she sent it to him as well.

"Lizzy has sent a Video!"
Blaze knew that he was pushing a bit fast, but, well it was mostly because he found himself caring what she thought and or wanted from this as well. He knew calling her a bad girl would probably send a surge of panic over it, but it wasn't like he was actually calling her a terrible person, he was more bringing attention to the fact that he had seen and had listened to the recording before she had managed to delete it.

He didn't want to overly pressure her despite just how much he did actually want to go over to her and pull her into him not to mention have even more of his way with her. When her text came through saying that she did want to give him her address and that she DID feel safe with him Blaze felt a surge of pride and honestly felt welcomed and warm. He did notice that she hadn't actually given her address and was about to reply when he noticed that she was adding to another message.

When the second message came through, he grinned widely as she said that about dinner, as she suggested that he quickly replied.

That sounds like a solid plan... but I still need your address.

He was just being playful about things, though as she did correct herself and sent him her address, he grinned as he sent one more text.

I see where you are, I will be there in twenty minutes. Do you have any whipped cream, syrup and or berries? I plan to eat my desert off you.

He was grinning, wondering what she would think of THAT. He began to get his things together which realistically wasn't much. He did go into his room and grabbed a few things from his drawer which included a roll of Black bondage tape, a silver bullet vibrator, a few bottles of anal lube and finally a pair of nipple clamps which had a chain which lead down to attachment for a clit.

Blaze had just finished packing them into a small bag which he was going to take with him when her little ding came through. Flipping open the phone to her message, when he opened the video Blaze watched with aroused fixation as she showed so brazenly off her tightly packed ass, not to mention her firm body.

You had best be ready for me, because I doubt either of us are going to get much sleep tonight Lizzy. See you in 20 minutes.

With that, Blaze headed out, making sure to lock up he hopped into his car and took off. He WANTED to speed over to her, but well, he was going to safely get to her, so... eighteen minutes later he was knocking on her door. He was wearing the same shorts, shirt and sandals as he had earlier... and as soon as she opened the door was, she going to be in for it!
Lizzy smiled and jumped slightly up and down as he said it was a solide deal. So she laid her phone on the counter as she got pans and such out and all that she needed. She set water in the stove for the noodles and such as she hears the ping of her phone she smirked as she went to put on some music.

After she turned on the music she then danced her way back to her phone she looked reading what he wrote she swallowed and nibbled on her lip. She thought for a second and the turned to look what she had in her cupboards. She then saw she had some chocolate Sirup and strawberry Sirup and then she looked in her fridge for some berries. She then wrote back that she had some stuff but not everything but he probably would have enough sweet stuff to eat.

She set the sauce on the stove as well as she was getting everything ready when he wrote 20 mins. She got nervous but in a good way. While the sauce got hot and the waiter boiled she quickly went to the bathroom to check her hair and put a little parfum on and checked if everything was sitting right. She giggled some at herself as it was silly how much effort she was making though it wasn't the first time he would see her but it felt like it.

"Lizzy stop it... he saw you naked he fucked you he and he is still coming over so it doesn't matter what you look like he wants you..."

She shook her head and the headed back to the kitchen singing softly as she was getting the food done she dipped her finger tip in the sauce to taste it if she missed somthong as she hears the knock on her door. She looked at her phone and the time if it could be him it could be so she smiled.

She was sucking her finger tip clean as she looked through her door seeing him she took a deep breath as she opened the door her finger tip still in her mouth she smiled at him as she leaned against her door. She let her finger slip out between her lips as she then said softly and a bit shy but happy.

"Hey you"
Of COURSE, Blaze wanted her. To Blaze, Lizzy may well have been sexual arousal incarnate. He honestly wanted nothing more than to have her again and again and make her happy. He figured that she was getting things ready, and as he drove towards her place his phone dinged, it paired with his stereo it read out her message and he grinned but didn't bother to reply as he was driving.

As he made his way to her door, he took a breath and reaching down into his shorts he re-adjusted himself to not show AS much of a hard outline of his cock, though as he did knock as she opened the door he sucked in a breath as she looked so adorably enticing leaning against the door frame like she did.

Her words made him grin, though moving just a bit so he could set his bag down on the floor, as he straightened again his grin never faded as his eyes burned into hers with desire.

" Hey..."

He moved right up to her though and pulling her away from the door frame she would find herself pulled into his arms before he leaned right down and plastered a deeply passionate kiss into her lips, his growl emerging from deep within him as he pushed her then up against the wall, his hands sliding down to scoop and squeeze her ass as he certainly seemed 'hungry' enough for her!

After only a moment though he did pull his lips back and grinned as he didn’t let her away or down, instead his fingers moved into the crevice of her ass to toy with the plug filling her there.

“ you have food ready? Otherwise the only thing I’m eating is you.”

He mused promisingly to her, letting her have an idea of just what she was ‘in for’.
Lizzy saw him and she was almost instantly dripping wet, he looked so good somehow better than in his office. She went to nibble her lip as he then said hey and came in setting his bag on the floor she felt like she had butterflies in her tummy.

She felt silly feeling that way but the the way he came close to her pulling her in his arms and closing the door behind them she gasped wrapping her arms around his neck as she kissed him back. It was then he pinned her to the wall and she felt his hands on her ass and gearing his growl.

It made her whole body shiver and she moaned softly and when he then played with her plug she gasped pressing her breasts more against his chest as she wanted to wrap her legs around his waist it was then hat he broke the kiss and she licked her lips even nibbled sone as she tried to catch herself as he asked about dinner if it wasn't ready he would eat her.

Oh god if she answered what went through her mind I that second they wouldn't be eating anything this night other tha each other but she also knew they needed the energy.

" 2...mins then w..weee can eat..."

She wiggled out of his graps as she took a few deep breaths heading to the kitchen wiggling with her hips some as she couldn't help herself and did as if she dropped something so she had to bend over making sure he was looking when she did that to get him worked up even more.

She then quickly went in the kitchen as she took the noodle off the stove and drained the water and took the sauce off the stove as well. She then called to Blaze not sure if he had followed her as she dipped a little spoon in the sauce as she tasted it and then smiled.

"Do you want to taste the sauce if it is ok for you Blaze...?!"
Blaze grinned as he saw her, the desire and outcome of her playfulness with him clear as he took such control of her so straight away. Even as she moaned softly into his lips he grinned at her gasp. Surely she didn’t think that it would take very long for him to ‘go there’, especially with that last video that she had sent him.

It had honestly been the perfect example of playfulness but just open honesty which to Blaze ‘screamed’ who Lizzy was. As she said that he nodded to her, and as such he did let her out of his grasp. After all, as she had concluded so did he, they would need their energy for tonight. Squatting down to pick up his bag, his eyes never left her as she walked away.

The wiggle or rather feminine sway of her hips was rather enticing to him. As she intentionally dropped the sauce spoon and bent over to pick it up, she was rewarded with another of those growls of desire from him.

“My god you’re beautiful.”

He grumbled though finally he did stand fully back up and heading over to the kitchen, he set his bag down on the counter but going over to her since she had asked that he grinned.

“ I’m sure it’s fine, but let’s have a taste.

He grinned to her and opened his mouth as though telling her to offer the spoon of sauce to him for him to taste, all the while he held back the desire to bend her over the counter and forget the food. It was… VERY difficult to not do just that. For now however he was going to behave… but they both knew dinner was going to be short lived as they both certainly and clearly wanted to get to ‘dessert’ as well as everything afterwards.
Lizzy giggled slightly as she heard his growl and his words after she had disappeared into the kitchen to the stove. She tried to hide the blush that also crawled over her cheeks it was a way he touched her spoke to her that just made her want to melt and be his.

When he then came into, he kitchen to taste as she called for him, she smiled and when he stood there opening his mouth she smirked and dipped her fingertip in the sauce and then stuck her little finger in his mouth as she nibbled her lip, and her eyes went to his locked. Her heart raced and she only wished dinner would have been already over as she then gently pulled her finger back out of his mouth VERY slowly, she then licked her own finger before she turned around to put the noodles in a bowl.

“And... does it need anything?!”

She spoke and glancing over her shoulder back to him as she could not help but rub her thighs together some as her mind just thought of all the possibilities here in the kitchen the way he could take her have her and make her his. Which made her almost beg for him to do so but she tried to stay strong and see how he would react.

“after we eat dinner… then Dessert… yummy creamy dessert!”

She could not help the way she said it as she hungered for him, she had never felt this strong for someone to fuck her, but he drove her crazy. Her fingers trembled as her mind raced and her breathing was slightly picked up while she then stretched some to get two plates out of the cupboard for them which rose her shirt up showing off her nice round ass to him in only those nice panties he saw from the picture.
Blaze grinned as she giggled like that, though as she disappeared from sight Blaze was quick to follow. Even as she scooped up some of the sauce and pressed it into his mouth, he sucked it in, rolling his tongue around the finger he even nibbled on it slightly, just teasing her with those sensations as he let her have her finger back.

" It tastes great Lizzy, you're a much better cook than I am!"

He grinned as she made her little comment, though as she did, he nodded to her as well, listening to her as said that, his cock throbbing in his shorts. As she leaned forward to get the plates, he certainly did see the panties from before and nestled between her exposed ass cheeks was the plug he had slid into her there.

From behind she'd hear another groaning growl from him before his hands 'caught' her hips and pushing her hips against the edge of the counter he was already kneeling behind her before she had a chance to react. Just as words would probably be coming to her lips he leaned in and plastered his lips to her exposed ass cheek, nibbles and licking soon following as he pressed his tongue down into the cleft of her ass and then to her pussy, licking up her arousal as he didn't care, right then he needed a taste of her!

Pulling back slightly for air he growled darkly at her.

" Spread your legs for me."

His voice broached no argument, and as soon as she would do what he told her to his tongue would be pushing between her legs, stabbing at her hot soaking wet pussy as he plastered his face there, wanting to drink from her forever!
Lizzy smiled at his attempt to tease her with her finger as she licked her own lip as she watched and felt him do that and then said softly after he said she was a good cook and giggled softly before she got the plates out.

“Well, I am glad to hear that or it might have been embarrassing for you to come over for dinner wouldn’t it!”

Lizzy gasped as she felt suddenly her hip being pushed forward against the counter and before she could say anything and just had set the plates down on the counter, she felt his lips on her ass. She moaned and griped the counter as she even bends slightly forward. She could not have almost started Cumming right there and then.

When she then felt his tongue slip between her ass cheeks and down to her pussy she moaned softly as she whispered.


Her arousal directly showing even more as she was soaking wet and her thighs trembled, and her pussy ached for his attention and showed how much it wanted and needed him. It was then she heard his growl his command and not a question or any room left in it to resist or say anything against it. She did not want to either she quickly did what was told of her she leaned over the counter some more. As a thought came to her mind of her half sitting on the counter and he would have more room and movement on her puss that way, but she did not want him to stop not at all.

She moaned and wiggled slightly as her breath started to pant god, she wanted him in her she wanted him to fuck her. She could not help herself and moaned out.

“Bl..Blaze please take me… fuck me!”

She could not also help but push slightly back against him as she also reached behind herself spreading her cheeks as if to give him more air and room. She then also raised one knee up on the counter god she was so close just from wanting him more and him that she could almost already cum.
Blaze was grinning right back to her, though as she said that he chuckled to himself more than her, though of course she'd hear it as well.

" I think that we both know that primarily I came here for a different meal."

He watched her as she was stretching like that and... well he couldn't help himself... she was just too tempting... not to mention too sexy in his eyes. Her announcement of his name only caused him to groan into her skin which gave her vibrations from his mouth, though as she quickly leaned over the counter a bit more he growled before his stiff tongue stabbed into her hot wet depths, tongue fucking her as he gasped and groaned with desire.

Working his tongue in and out of her he held her hips in place, pinning her there as he feasted on her. As her moans rang through the air Blaze ignored her pleas for now, instead he panted and pulling his tongue from her just as she lifted a leg and pulled her own ass cheek open, he grinned to her.

" Not yet... You don't get my dick yet Lizzy."

As he said it though he moved his right hand from the hip where she had lifted her leg up and placing two thick fingers, he suddenly pressed them up and into her, shoving his thick fingers into her sopping wet depths he leaned back in and flicked his tongue instead over her exposed clit. After only a moment of licking her clit like that he grinned and pulled back.

" These panties are perfect; I can have you whenever I want..."

Blaze purred that out even as he twisted his fingers inside her hot soaking wet pussy, thrusting them in and out of her his other hand wrapped around her waist, holding her for him as he curled his fingers inside her, working to find her g-spot as he grinned.

" You going to squirt all over my fingers Lizzy?"

He certainly didn't seem to mind, though as he asked that he shifted his thumb just enough to make sure it bumped up against her clit as he added.

" Look at you, showing your hot little ass off being filled by the plug..."

He certainly wasn't waiting anymore... though he certainly wasn't fucking her with his oh so hard cock either... at least not yet!
Lizzy wanted to whimper as he said she was not going to get his dick not yet at least but she fought the urge to do so. It was then she felt his fingers as she gasped holding her breath and when he was deep in her dripping pussy she moaned as she could not help but slightly tippy toe.

“Oh god Blaze…!”

When he then asked her if she was going to squirt all over his fingers, she whimpered looking down over her shoulder to him as she bites her lip her thighs shivered some and when his thumb brushed her clit she jumped slightly. As she was dripping her juices all over his hand already and she would not be able to hold back long as she whimpered.

“May I … Blaze pleaseee…!”

When he then also mentioned her ass and plug, she nodded as she wiggled her hips slightly as she tried to tease him some more as if to beg him to take her. She had forgotten all about dinner in that second and only wanted Blaze, she wanted him to take her show her so much more and give her what her body ached of him.

“all yours if you want it…!”

She said that and noticed then that one could understand that in many ways and she did not care and was excited and wondered what or how he would answer that. she wanted to cum for him so badly. Her body shivered and trembled and it was starting to feel so hot in the kitchen and not because of the cooking before.

God, she wished someone would film this or take pictures for later her mind was getting so fuzzy and lost in pleasure she wouldn’t believe this really happened if she didn’t have proof she thought. In her kitchen with HIM, just a touch of him on her body already made her get wet and want him to leave stop touching her. She wanted to be his and she wanted him to take her give her so much pleasure she has never felt so good before.

She wanted him to make her world a place of lust and pleasure show her body its limits and all the things she can learn from him and what she thought maybe was never possible and never knew. She wanted to learn from him but also please him let him get lost in list and pleasure like he did to her most importantly she wanted him to be so lost in her taste that he would always come back for more.
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Blaze groaned as he watched her pussy spasming around his fingers, his tongue licking her swollen pussy spasming around his fingers, and yet even as he asked that he moved to stand up, his left hand moving from her hip and instead he slid It up and over her shirt as he reached forward and sliding his fingers into her hair he gave a firm pull, making her arch her back even more for him as he curled the fingers inside her to scrape across the rough patch inside her which was on the roof of her pussy, namely aiming to ‘get’ her g-spot.

Even as she begged for permission to cum he grinned as he worked her just like that, ignoring her pleas for now. Instead he focused on her second statement.

“ Oh? You’re all mine are you? That means you’ll let me have your ass, your pussy, your breasts, your mouth whenever I want it?”

Even as he asked that he was firmly applying pressure onto her clit as he worked her pussy without mercy. Feeling how close that she was to her orgasm he kept right at it. Even as he pressed her without mercy he didn’t bother waiting for her reply to his question just yet. Instead, Blaze growled out to her.

“ Cum for me Lizzy… cum so that way we can have dinner… we’ll need our strength for tonight I think hmm?”

He doubted that she was paying attention to his words just then, instead he focused of pushing her right over the edge, shoving her into her third orgasm of the day and certainly, at least not if he had his way the last orgasm of the night. Honestly though, making her cum brought a sense of pride into him which he could not deny.

For now, they would need to see where this relationship went, but it was clear that they both wanted more from this sapphic pleasure than just sex... though sex was going to be a VERY good motivator for sure!
Lizzy whimpered and moaned as her thighs trembled uncontrollably as her breath was quick and her heart raced to match her breathing. When she then also felt his fingers in her hair she gasped, when he then pulled her head back some forcing her back to arch some she moaned.

“ohh God!”

She heard his words, but she could not answer she was so wet and so close to the edge she did not know how much longer she would be able to handle. Her whole body started to shiver showing him how close she was but also how much she was fighting the urge just to make a mess all over his hand. It was then his growl that gave her a shiver that tingled completely through her whole body and sent her over. His fingers where so talented he found her G-spot right away and all he was doing was sending her in an orgasm and it was going through her like waves after waves.

She moaned and whimpered as her body jerked on his fingers and grinded against them as she bites her lip. It was then she moaned and panted softly to him.

“T... Thank you... and yes…y... Yes, yours all of me... if you want me…?!”

She giggled softly after that and smirked as she looked over her shoulder to him licking her lips as her juices was dripping down her thighs and his hands.

“Dinner... we need energy sounds good, but I believe you need to help me I am not sure I can walk right away…”

She giggled softly again after saying that and blushing.
Oh Blaze could tell he wasn’t going to get many coherent words from her right then. Instead as she jerked and came oh so beautifully to him he grinned to her as he felt her cum spurt from her uncontrollably, the arousal he felt along with the satisfaction of knowing he had ‘done it to her’ was immense.

As she said that about him having all of her he grinned though he didn’t release her hair just yet. Instead, he slipped his fingers out of her pussy and moving them along the trembling thigh which was up on the counter he helped her to lower her leg, though as he did he also pulled her upright, holding her by her hair solidly he regarded her.

“ Oh Lizzy, I will definitely take your offer.”

With that he grinned and kissed her deeply, though as he did he also pressed himself up against her from behind as though he was going to fuck her then. However with their positions he more ground his cock up against the plug in her ass. Finally breaking the kiss he pulled back and slipping his left hand around her waist, he reached down and cupped her pussy before he curled his fingers, sinking them slightly into her sopping wet pussy as he ground his palm into her clit.

“ Now then, let’s go, over to the table one step at a time.”

As he said that he was manhandling her, holding her up with a combination of the fingers in her pussy along with the hand holding her hair he ‘made’ her walk over to the kitchen table and only then did he slip his fingers out of her pussy as he directed her to sit down, namely right on that metallic plug which still filled her ass.