Rehabilitating Desires ( Closed for Little_Tease)

Blaze was grinning at her little giggle, though as she looked oh so adorably cute with him telling her that, he groaned to her as he did ‘attack’ her jaw and face with those kisses. As he felt her ass cheeks he was enjoying every moment with her, though as they seemed to be looking into each other as opposed to just at one another Blaze smiled though as she unwrapped herself from him and finally straightening up she could see that they had definitely made a mess of his shorts. They were coated with cream, chocolate, and honey, but Blaze didn’t care.

As she asked if she should lead the way he took a few more minutes to kill and lick at her lips, pluging his tongue into her mouth for a few more tastes of her. Yet finally he did straighten up fully, he stepped back allowing her down from the table, even offering her a hand up and down off of it. As she settled her feet onto the floor though he grinned naughtily at her.

” I want you to show me the way nakedly crawling, so I can watch your ass sway and show me your dripping pussy the entire way.”

He knew that his demand was a bit further out there on the kink spectrum, but she was OH so sexy, he found that he wanted to see her crawl nakedly for him. Even as he stepped back though he left his shorts on for now, still denying her the sight of that thick, long cock that had fucked her oh so well earlier that day… at least for now. After all, if she crawled to the bathroom she would already be at the right height to undress him the rest of the way… right?

For now, Blaze watched her expectantly. She hadn't denied him his desires thus far... would this be something she may not want to do? After all, communication about likes and dislikes WAS important to a relationship like this... and if they WERE going to make this last longer than just short term, she would need to feel comfortable in speaking to him about anything that may not jive or work for her.
Lizzy smiled and could not help but bite her lip again as her eyes were locked to his. When he helped her up and even off the table it made her feel so beautiful so excited so she could not put it in words, but it made her body tingle. His grin told her that he was about to say something he was already enjoying in his mind.

It was then that he told her to show the way yes, she should but the way she should on her hands and knees crawling swaying her hips, so her ass tempts him, and her dripping pussy calls for him. She bites the tip of her finger as she thought about it but only a second as she then leaned towards him tippy toeing to whisper in his ear.

“Yessss…. Sir!”

She then nipped his ear and then dropped to her knees as her eyes were locked to his as she did till, she turned to put her hands also on the floor. She then started to crawl making sure her hips swayed as tempting as she could and her pussy dripping of chocolate and honey and her nectar down her thighs as if calling and begging for him to do something about it.

Lizzy was not normally so out going so openly feisty if you wish to say shy though she liked to tease and such but if it was really there, she was pretty shy as if she couldn’t believe it worked what she did. Though with Blaze it felt so easy so right and so damn good and she wanted to do more feel more and know more even have more.

She made her way through the dinning well half dinning half living room she tried to go slowly but at the same time she wanted to run. Then over the hallway towards her bedroom with the big silk bed and then through her bedroom towards the bathroom as she kept looking over her shoulder biting her lip as if to make sure he was enjoying the view the whole time.

“This way…”

She tried to say playfully as if purring, she then crawled into the bathroom and crawled in the not to big but not small bathroom with a nice large shower. She stopped in front of the shower doors and remembered a picture of a woman as a submissive play toy of a man in a movie how she sat and waited for him to tell her to do something else or such and she could not help it and had to try and see if it were something Blaze would also like.

She then sat up resting her ass on her heels spread her legs just enough so he could see her messy thighs and pussy dripping away as she also put her palms on her thighs and sat up straight pushing out her breasts some as if proud to be sitting here for him as her eyes couldn’t help but look up to meet his thought she did have to fight the urge to bite her lip again and smiled softly as if asking if he likes this or if it was right. She was not sure any more how exactly that woman sat or did but thought maybe it was enough for Blaze.
She had best believe that she was beautiful, because she was! As they seemed to look to one another for a moment just like that he had a feeling his devilish grins sometimes ‘gave him away’. As she bit on the tip of her finger, he was curious if this was something that she wouldn’t want to do. After all, despite their torrid time together, they were still learning about one another, so he was still learning what she did and didn’t like, as well as what she would or wouldn’t do.

As she slipped down onto her knees, he groaned aloud when she turned and placed her hands onto the ground. In Blaze’s eyes there was nothing more beautiful than a woman who willingly crawled for him, and Lizzy did it oh so willingly which… well it was overly arousing!

” So Beautiful…”

His comment was a mix of a statement as well as a growl, though as she lead the way, he followed after her. As he did he paused slightly to retrieve his bag and bringing it with him he followed through the hallway and into her room.

Nice bed.

He did also take note that the bed had four posts which would be fun for using later or another time. Mentally it did strike Blaze as well that he was already thinking of other times beyond tonight. He was envisioning all sorts of different scenario’s where he and Lizzy would be together… and that was exciting to him!

For now, Blaze set his bag on the floor by the foot of the bed and following her into the bathroom, he was impressed by it. The bathroom itself wasn’t large, but then again it didn’t need to be. The shower though, it was very nice which made Blaze happy because while slipping and sliding against one another could be fun, he wasn’t a fan of being cramped.

When she turned towards him and sat back like that Blaze was surprised as well. At first he may have thought that she was just kneeling to wait on further instructions, but when she spread her legs instinctively and placed her hands like she was AND arched her back to push her breasts out, he could tell she was mimicking a position that she had probably seen before.

” Oh? And where did you see this position before?”

He asked it though as she silently did ask him if she was doing it right, he moved and squatted before her, grinning as he gently turned her hands so that her palms were facing up on her thighs, he also softly pressed her legs just a bit more apart.

” There, now you have what is called the Teach position Lizzy… the upturned palms indicate you’re ready to learn, the spread legs and pushed out chest display you are open to me and are accepting of me.”

He smiled softly to her and stood up, though standing back he groaned aloud.

“ You are SO beautiful. For now, I want you to get the shower going to a nice hot temperature but not too hot. When it’s ready, I want you to tell me.”[/B}
Lizzy tried to calm herself as she kneeled there wondering if she had that right or forgot something, it was then that Blaze asked her where she had seen that position before and she had to blush.

“in a …umm movie Sir!”

When he then squatted down in front of her, she held her breath and her eyes watched him as he turned her palms up and spreads her legs just a bit more telling her now that it is perfect. He even explained what it meant, and she found it all remarkably interesting, but her mind could not help but ask him now also.

“And is this something you would like me to do for you more often?!”

He could tell in the look of her eyes that she was very curious and eager to learn. She had never really done anything like this before but did find the movies and books she read about such things so interesting but never was brave enough to try them and with him it felt just so naturel and right even EXTREMELY exciting.

When he then stood up her eyes watched him and then he told her what he wanted of her and she nodded softly. She then turned towards the shower crawling in it as it was not stair or such she would have to climb. She then stood up in it as she turned on the water and got it ready, when it was hot enough but not to hot for her taste at least she thought for a second how to tell him.

He did stand right there but he was not undressed yet and tried to remember if there had been a bathroom scene in that movie what that woman did. There had not been, or she did not remember so she just did as her feelings and mind thought might be best.

She dropped back to her knees crawling back out half dripping wet as she kneeled in front of him and adjusted herself for a second putting her half-wet hair now from over her shoulder on her back not to hide her breasts or such from him before she looked up to him blushing as she then swallowed once and took a deep breath and softly then said.

“There shower is ready for you Sir...!”
Blaze smiled at her little blush. To him such a blush was the cutest thing. After all the things he had already done to her, not to mention the things he already envisioned that he WOULD do to her, the fact she was blushing over the fact that she had seen this position in a movie only made Blaze’s eyes twinkle with amusement. As she explained that she had seen it in a movie though Blaze nodded as he positioned her correctly.

When she asked him about whether that was something that he would like her to do more often Blaze did have to consider his options in responding to such a question. Yet finally he seemed to come to a decision.

” If this is something that you would like to learn more about, then you will want to know this position is meant to communicate information… hence the name teach. It is also called Nadu. I will tell you sometimes when I want you in this position. Otherwise, if you wish to communicate something with me, you may also use this position.”

As she seemed to understand he smiled to her soft nod, and as she stood he watched her quietly, though beneath his intensely aroused gaze there were clearly a million other thoughts in his mind. As she was getting half soaked with water he couldn’t help but mentally note that she looked even better soaking wet. There was something about a water or oil slickened woman that Blaze found intensely arousing.

Yet he didn’t say anything as she crawled back to him he watched as she re-adjusted herself into the correct position and smiling to her he nodded softly.

” Good girl. Why don’t you undress me so we can get in the shower before you make a mess on the floor?”

He said it teasingly, and yet as she worked his shorts down she was once again treated to his long and thick cock springing out. The veins along the length were pulsing, telling Lizzy just how aroused he was, and even as Blaze stepped out of the shorts, he motioned her to climb up to her feet by moving his hand upwards. When she did he gently took hold of her chin and lifting her face he softly leaned in and kissed her before he ushered her into the shower.

Stepping in he groaned in relaxation with the heat of the water. Blaze loved swimming in large pools, but if he couldn’t stretch out which was a lot of the time since he was a tall man, he much preferred showers. Once they were in though he smiled happily to her.

” So… you’re serious about being mine?”

After all, it was one thing to say it… the experience was much more in depth than most realized… but a part of Blaze deep within his soul hoped Lizzy would say yes. He knew that she had said yes before, but… well they hadn’t really talked about it since then. As he asked it he looked around for a bottle of body soap which he could use to clean her. After all, if she was going to be his then she was his responsibility.
Lizzy smiled to his response of how he explained what it also meant and when he wished to have her in this position. She liked that idea it was interesting just a short name for such discipline and grace even erotic in the most beautiful way but also the simplest thing in the world she thought. She knew she should remember that as she wished to explore of this world of his and please him and feel how much pleasure she gets out of it as well.

When he said good girl this time it was something different or she felt it differently or at least she thought she did at least more intensive. She then scooted slightly forward spreading her legs far enough, so her knees rested on either side of his feet, as her fingers slipped under the waist band of his shorts. She looked up at him with this sweet smile but also excitement as she then gently pulled and wiggled down his shorts.

It was then that she had it far enough that she was treated with his long thick cock springing out of its cage so to say as she gasped and had to lick her lips and fight the urge to just lick at it or kiss it as she looked up at him again after he stepped out of his shorts.

It was then that he raised his hand as if telling her to stand so she did as she made sure when she stood up that her cheek and her breasts brushed the very tip of his cock maybe extra and maybe by accident, she would never let him know.

When he then leaned over to kiss her, she smiled as her hands went to his chest softly kissing back before he hushed her in the shower, she giggled some stepping in she watched him step in she stood right under the water letting its hot fluid pearl down her silky body as she nibbled her lip and when he then closed the door behind him and smiled she couldn’t help but smile back.

It was then he asked her if she was serious about wanting to be his, she nodded softly but she wanted to show him how serious she was and was not just saying it for his cock or the pleasure but all of it and even more. Her face made a weird look as if she were thinking for a second and then she smiled and then dropped to her knees resting her silky wet ass on her heels her legs spread so that his feet could stand between them her palms up showing that she was ready to learn or wanted to speak and so much more her back straight and her chest pushed out and her head held high.

The water trickled over her body making it look smoother than silk as she then looked up at him as she then said softly.

“Fully Yours if you will have me Sir…!”
Blaze just wanted to ensure that Lizzy understood his expectations for her. She seemed quite eager to learn as well as interested, but to Blaze it was good to just make sure as well so to speak. Blaze smiled to himself as she did scoot forwards, and as she slipped his shorts down he let out a soft sigh of release as well. His cock had felt incredibly trapped in his shorts, and was certainly glad to be free.

As she moved to stand Blaze shivered from the contact of her cheek and breast, though as she stepped in with him, Blaze had to admit it felt almost completely normal and natural that they be like this... that he be there with her. Some would say they were two parts of a whole and when they were together, they filled the picture perfectly. Blaze didn't know as of yet if that was true. What he did know, was that he was very happy that she had decided to text him that evening.

He didn't want her to think that he was trying to scare her off or anything of the sort. They had kind of talked through some of the things involved on the physical side, but since she had shown such an affinity and interest with wanting to learn even more, Blaze felt it important to make sure that she wanted all of the 'experience'.

Watching silently as she moved to kneel like that, as she opened herself up to him like that, she could see his physical response in the form of his cock twitching with arousal. Yet in that moment as well, Blaze felt that there was no one more enticing, arousing and beautiful than Lizzy. As she said that softly but with meaning, Blaze nodded gently to her as he stepped a half step forward and reaching down, his fingers softly caught hold of her chin, his eyes looking deeply into hers.

" I accept you as mine Lizzy."[/I]

When he had said that, for now it was enough, so he beckoned her to stand and having her show him where her soap and shampoo was, he smiled gently to her.

" The first thing you should know about me as a dom, or dominant, is that I enjoy taking care of my sub, or submissive which is you."

He just wanted to explain to her, though having her take a half step back he had the water get her hair nice and wet before he pooled some of her shampoo into his hand. Having her lean forwards to him a bit he had her place her hands onto his chest he told her to close her eyes before he rubbed his hands together to get a lather before she could feel him then working it into her hair, making sure to get it all in there and enjoying himself as well, he was also running his fingers in a gentle massage over her scalp, just letting her feel how he was going to take care of her... one step at a time.
Lizzy smiled when as she held her breath seeing him take a half step forward to her kneeling body she shivered slightly as she felt his fingers under her chin pulling it up, so she is forced to look up at him. She smiled softly as she blinked a couple times cause of the water plashing down over his body, it was then she heard his words, and it was like something she has never heard before though the words were so simple and nothing special each as a single word but together it meant so much.

Her world just felt whole suddenly at least that it was getting there at least, and she knew it was going to be a long way till that point, but it was going to be a wonderful and exciting adventure the whole way. When he then beckoned her to stand, she did and standing up once again like she did earlier to make sure he felt her body brush against his as she then smirked up at him.

She then whispered as she stood before him and smiled.

“Then I am yours!”

When he then told her about what kind of Dom, or Dominant he is she smiled that sounded so beautiful and caring and she now noticed how much more behind this all there was and not just the pleasure but also the caring and loving feeling of not just being a toy for someone but belonging to someone. He was not just going to use her for his pleasure but also take care of her treat her good and give her what she needed so he could have her for his pleasure but also for hers.

She nodded softly as if telling him that she understood as she then showed him the soap and the shampoo were standing. The soap and shampoo were a coconut oil with a light hint of vanilla in it and with extra oil in it, so it smooths and silken the skin and hair to make them shine and feel good. When he helped her get her hair wet and then told her to lean forward her hands on his chest she did so.

She had never had someone else wash her hair this was weird in a way but also something she will definitely start to enjoy very much so. Her soft little hands went to his chest as her fingertips softly caressed his chest as she took a step or two back so she could better lean forward for him to wash her long hair. Closing her eyes, she feels his fingers start to rub the shampoo in and not in a hush hush kind of way but caring and loving even massaging and it felt good she even gave a soft sigh almost moan like sound as she was enjoying this, and she showed it that way to him.
With others, it HAD been only sex or pleasure of the physical side. After all Shinoka had been quite fun to expose her overly structured shyness and embarassment over pleasure, while with each woman there had been something to explore with each, with Lizzy it felt as though things would go much more deeply and strangely enough, Blaze was okay with that. It honestly did feel like she belonged with him.

Of course, this was much more a journey that they would take together, and Blaze WANTED to explore that with her. The second time she made sure to brush against her he gave her a knowing look, understanding that she was doing that on purpose, but that was fine with him as well... she was being such a tease but then again so had he with his dessert.

As she nodded to indicate that she understood, Blaze smelled the shampoo as he lathered it up and honestly, he liked the smell. It wasn't overly feminine, but he could also tell how good it would be for hair and skin. He figured washing her hair was something weird, not many people did it for one another, but Blaze was her dom. If he was going to be that, he was going to be her dom all the way. As he enjoyed her soft little hands, his much larger and stronger hands were oh so careful with her as well, showing her that he was going to take her on this journey in his way.

" I like that Lizzy... you can keep touching my chest all you like."

He wanted her to know her 'limits' for now, though taking his time he heard her little sighs and moans mixing together. When he was satisfied with her hair Blaze had her straighten up and letting the water clean the shampoo out, he found a small washcloth which he worked the body wash into the cloth he smiled to her as he spoke again.

" All right, let's teach you a new position."

He winked gently to her but then had her spread her legs to double shoulder width, he then had her place her hands behind her back. He explained that this was a waiting position. It wasn't strenuous at all, but he smiled to her as he added.

" Now for what I believe will be the hardest part of your training... staying still."

With that said however he did take the cloth and began to clean her front, starting from her shoulders and working over her arms and then down her front. He took his time but he wasn't working to arouse her intensely, the exercise was to clean her, though with how sexually charged she was he was sure that she would be either way. Working down he even knelt to clean her legs and down to her feet before he stood and motioned her to turn around, clearly intending to do her back, ass, legs and thighs of course. After all, she was his now... right?
Lizzy smiled as he told her she could touch his chest all she wanted and now her fingers moved slightly in a bit more caressing movement. She enjoyed the way he lathered her hair up and washed them it was so relaxing and soothing and in someway so caring and loving she did not want it any other way anymore.

When he then was done, and he helped her wash out the shampoo fully she smiled as she then looked up at him her hair all slick and shiny and clean on her back, he told her about a new position she nodded, and her eyes twinkled some. She was eager to learn and not just to please him but with each thing he taught her he also always explained it so nicely for her that she understood it more that just standing or kneeling or whatever and it made so much more sense now than ever before.

When he showed her how to stand, she looked down a second as if to remember it as she cupped her wrists in each hand so holding her arms like that would feel more relaxing and be easier on the shoulders and her feet where spread enough and she straightened her back again and pushed slightly her chest out again and held her head high to show how proud she was to be his.

When he then said he believed the hardest part in her training was going to be staying still she could not help but giggle as she already fought the urge to wiggle with her hips slightly. As she bites her lip looking quickly to him and tried to not giggle again as she coughed once and held her breath and relaxed again.

When his hand with the washcloth started to caress over her body washing and lathering her front side up, she sighed softly that felt good not very much in a sexual way, but it was just so soothing and relaxing. She could tell by the way his hand moved and the way he looked at her body that he was only thinking about taking care of her and not in any way arousing. And when she turned around, she could not help but slightly lean forward so her hip bend slightly giving more of her ass.

As his hands caressed over her ass she was reminded of the plug in her ass as she gasped slightly as her fingertips caressed at her wrists as she fought the urge to move or wiggle and noticed herself that this was going to be the hardest thing in her training is to hold still and not move. She bites her lip took a deep breath and closed her eyes as she tried to distract herself in her mind so she would not disappoint him or such and be able to hold still maybe longer than a few moments.
Lizzy would find that Blaze himself enjoyed being touched just as much if not more than touching her as well. Even as he finished up with her front however, he did move to her back and seeing just how hard it was for her to stand still Blaze couldn't help but chuckle as well.

Well... I did call that one hmm?

He chuckled within his own mind and even as she adjusted herself into the correct position Blaze took his time, and of course while arousing, it was also caring because, well he was taking care of her and enjoyed that task on his end as well. Even as he did her front he smiled to her little shivers and little tweaking's of her hips that she was going to have a steep 'learning curve' on that one, though that was fine with him.

As she then turned to allow him to clean her back, he had her stand very much the same but had her interlace her fingers behind her neck before he worked down her back. Coming to her jutting and beautiful ass, Blaze smiled but left the plug for now. Instead, he continued on down her legs though as he finished up there, he did return to her ass.

" Stay very still. When you feel me pull on the plug, push with your muscles."

He explained it simply and placing one strong hand on her right ass cheek, his left reached in and taking hold of the base of the plug he gently began to pull, working to get the plug out of her ass to clean it before he'd fill her ass back up with it again. After all... she had probably had the plug in her ass since their session that day, so it was due to be cleaned... and besides, it would get her used to it going in and out of her ass!
Lizzy bite her lip a bit more as she heard his chuckle and could already think what he probably thought in that moment and he was right. She would have to try and train herself in that way to hold still long than a few moments when he is not there, and she is alone then she might be able to surprise him the next time or such.

It felt so nice his hands caressing over her curves and smooth skin caressing and massaging the soap into her skin. He was so caring though she felt also bad just to stand there and let him do all the work and already tried to think of a way to maybe when he is done to definitely wash him as well as she wished to pay him just the same respect back and show she cared just as much for him and not just for the pleasure.

When she had her hands on the back of her neck, she gripped her hair as well to keep it out of the soap. She then heard him tell her to hold still now and when she feels him pull that she pushes she quickly noticed what he meant. She gasped slightly and leaned slightly forward as if it eases it a bit more. She could feel her body had gotten used to it in her and as if it did not want to give it up, she felt her ass griping to it.

She did as she was told and as she then felt it slip out, she took a deep breath and wiggled slightly as it felt weird now suddenly not feeling it anymore as she wore it all day already. And then she gasped and jumped slightly as her hard nipples brushed over the cold shower wall as it had not gotten so much hot water up yet. She stood there as she glanced over her shoulder back to him seeing him, she smiled and wondered how long he would leave her standing like this as she could not help to start to think now again about him fucking her again.

While he washed her she could forget about that so far that she could relax and enjoy but now with the plug it was harder and she felt a tingle and a slight shiver though she tried to hide it and did try her hardest not to move but somehow her whole body couldn’t so she wiggled a toe and a finger it helping to keep the rest of her still, As she also let her tongue twist and swirl in her mouth to try and distract herself.
Blaze wasn't dissapointed in her at all... if anything he was just amused. Everyone had their own quirk or thing that they weren't 'good at'. With Lizzy, it was just holding still. Even as he cleaned her he enjoyed feeling her muscular femininity. She wasn't overly muscular, but it was clear that she did try to keep herself in good shape and it showed. For Blaze, he was always being 'judged' in that way. After all he tended to people who needed to improve... which meant he put a lot of pressure himself to keep himself in the best shape not only for their views, but also for his own.

As she gasped though he firmly slid the metallic plug from its home inside her back side, and even as she jumped ever so slightly, he glanced up though she could hear him chuckle aloud when he realized what had happened there. Taking a few minutes to clean the toy and make sure everything was good with it, he soon pried her back side open again before he grinned.

" All right, back in it goes."

Unlike the first time he had pressed it into her ass where he had edged it into her, this time he held it firmly and instructed her to push herself back onto it, in essence having her stuff her own ass full of the plug again. Once it had popped back in Blaze did take a moment to run his fingers around the small metallic part that extended beyond the entrance of her ass, stimulating her anal ring as he then stood up.

" All right, relax my dear Lizzy."

He smiled to her happily, though he offered her the cloth as well.

" Your turn."

He could tell just by looking at her that she wanted to reciprocate, and Blaze wasn't 'arguing' at all... in fact, he wanted her to... though he didn't take the same position that she had, he instead just stood shoulder width comfortably and let his arms hang to his side as he wanted her to enjoy herself as well. Besides... she wasn't the only one looking forward to the post shower excitement... though they might not get out of the shower without him fucking her again... that was yet to be seen.
Lizzy tried to keep her breathing calm as she then heard him tell her that it is going back in. she was just surprised as she then hears him tell her to push herself back on it to push it in herself. She gasped softly and looked back at him for a second seeing him hold it firmly and had it right in the right spot. She took a deep breath and leaned slowly back against him and the plug as she whimpered softly as it then slowly stretched her and plopped back in, she gasped in relief.

It was then she felt his finger around the end of the plug and teasing her anal ring slightly which made her bite her lip some and her thigh shivered ever so slightly. But then he told her to relax and she breathed out and slowly lowered her arms to her side and turned towards him and smiled as her cheeks were a bright red from the heat, arousal and from blushing. He then held the washing cloth out to for her to take and smiled and her eyes twinkled as she did not have to trick or play to get what she wanted and was able to treat him good as well.

She leaned in close after she put some more soap on the cloth as she started at his shoulder but to reach him easily, she tippy toed slightly leaning with her breasts against his chest some. Ok well she could have done it without that but wanted to show him how much she enjoyed his washing. She then slowly washed his arms one after the other as she raised his hand and rested it on her breast as she washed his arm and then went to his hand on her breast not taking it off there just yet as she tills, she was done soaping up each finger and then did the same with the other hand.

She nibbled her lip as she was concentrated on washing him just as nicely and good as he did her as she then went to his chest, she used both hands one with the cloth the other with her nails softly and then she slipped to her kneels to wash his thighs knees and down to his feet and then back up as she stroked his cock a few times with her soapy hand as she then looked up smiling as she asked softly.

“Please turn around…Sir!”

When he turned, she started with his legs again and travelling slowly up to his thighs and then massaging his ass a few moments and then his back as she used her breasts a bit as well to wash his back. She wanted to wash him without so much sexual feeling, but she could not help herself. As she whispered softly.

“Is that good?!”
Oh Blaze knew that she probably expected him to tease her and just play with her ass a bit, but he was much more wanting to see her partially participate in her own anal training as well. As it popped right back in however Blaze grinned.

“ See? You’re already getting used to it… you’ll need to train your ass, I don’t want to go hurting my sub when I slide this long thick cock up her ass.”

He of course intentionally used a third person reference there just playfully mentioning her, though as she did shiver from his touch, Blaze didn’t mind at all… her ass was clearly an erogenous zone and he would certainly have plenty of ‘fun’ exploiting that. Instead, for now he stood and gave her her option to explore and touch him as well, which she certainly took full advantage of.

As she cleaned over his shoulders, he shivered with delight as she rubbed her breasts against his chest, his eyes having a twinkle of playful happiness to them, though he relaxed as she lifted his hand, he didn’t squeeze her breasts at all, instead he just watched her, relaxing as he enjoyed the feeling of her body. In that moment they weren’t there to sexually play, and although of course there was erotisism to both of their movements, he was honestly feeling more and more comfortable with her as well.

When she asked him to turn, Blaze did just that, and even as she cleaned up his back, he honestly did enjoy the pressing of her to his back as well. When she asked that though he turned on his own and nodded to her, though he took the cloth from her and set it aside… instead he gently pulled her into his arms as he grinned.

” You did a great job my good girl.”

Yet as he said it he leaned down into her lips and placed a deep, soulful and connecting kiss, all the while the hot water crashed over them both, washing all the soap away. His hard cock pressed up against her stomach as he held her close and just slid his hands over her sides, hips and ass. He finally did ‘let her up for air’ only when he had her humming for him, and grinning he reached past her, having watched how she had manipulated the controls for the shower, Blaze turned it off.

” Go get us some towels to dry off… I fully plan to fuck you on your bed next Lizzy.”

He winked to her, wanting her to know that she certainly wasn’t done for the night… oh no, they were only just beginning!
When he then nodded and turned to face her as she asked him if it was ok, she smiled. He took the washcloth from her and then pulled her into his arms which made her gasp softly and smile even more. It was then that he also told her that she did a great job and called her HIS good girl, and she nibbled her lip and slightly tippy toed as he leaned down to kiss her. She moaned softly in the kiss as she wrapped her arms around his neck as she then felt his hands start to roam over her body.

God his touches were like pure heaven somehow and since she was his now, she felt his hands weirdly even more. She enjoyed it so much and her heart raced her body shivered with excitement of everything wondering when he fucks her if it all will feel even more intense than this morning in the session. When he finally pulled off her lips she panted and took deep breaths as she licked them as if to savor his taste that still lingered on her lips. It was then the fact that she also felt his cock pinned between them, all she wished she could do was jump and wrap her legs around his waist and let it slide deep in her, but his lips were just so kissable, and she did not want to stop but she also wanted to.

It was then that he told her to go get something for them to dry off and as her towels were in a cupboard not on the lower side of the bathroom, she thought for a second but did not drop to her knees just yet. She nodded and kissed his lips one last time and nipping at his lower one as she then quickly stepped out and then grabbed three towels one big towel to lay on the floor and kneeled on it and then held two further big towels up towards him as she stayed kneeling as she felt the little pearls of water dripping and rolling down her body.

The ones she felt on her ass or pussy teased her even ever so slightly somehow as her eyes tried to look up to his and not to his cock but sometimes, she could not help as she nibbled her lip some.

“I hope they are big enough…Sir!”

She said with a soft giggle as she then thought for a second as she then added quickly.

“May I dry you off Sir… ?!”
Blaze felt as though he could honestly just hold or touch her forever without regret. Of course dominating her was arousing as all heck. Yet for Blaze, the connection he felt to her seemed to be running much more deeply.

Feeling her shivering and pressing herself into him as well… it felt right in Blaze’s mind. Tasting her lips and demanding those kisses from her, he only broke away when she was panting and with his devilish grin he told her what to do next. Not only was it the power play, but this was her home, and he didn’t know where things were just yet. So it made more sense for her to get the towels. As she stepped out though and grabbed the towels, Blaze’s eyes were on the entire time.

My god she’s stunning.

His thoughts roamed over what fun they would have in her bedroom, his cock already hard and throbbing as she said that he smirked to himself with her question but he stepped out of the shower and making sure to close the door behind him he went to stand between her kneeling spread legs.

” Yes, but be quick about it, I do not want to wait much longer to be inside you.”

His voice was demanding of course and conveyed his desire for her. Yet at the same time it was still measured… controlled. Watching how the water dripped down her nude body, he was very much enjoying the sight… but he would enjoy her body directly as soon as they were both dry here.

” Tell me Lizzy… what is your favorite position to have sex in?”

He on his ‘end’ was simply making small talk as he waited to be dried off. After all, he had a lot to learn about her still!
Lizzy smiled as he stepped in front and then between her spread legs, hearing him then also say she could dry him, but she should be quick about it as he did not want to wait to long to be inside of her again. This made her almost even Quek for excitement, but she could fight that but her wiggle in her hips she could not. she quickly set the towels to her side and took sone as she started at his feet and calves as she slowly traveled up his legs rubbing softly but making sure to dry each drop.

It was then he asked her about her favorite position to have sex and she smirked some glancing up at him once and then says softly.

“Well, I do like doggy style really good or bend over something I think I feel him deepest that way, but I also love straddling “

She then imagined herself now straddling him riding him and her breathing picked up some as she tried to stay calm as her hips slightly shift as if fighting the urge to rub her thighs.

It was then she was kneeling and not resting on her heels any more as his cock was just twitching right before her eyes as she rubbed his thighs with the towel, and she could not fight the urge and moved so as if to reach the back of his thighs better so her lips brush the tip of his cock and she licks her lips so her tongue could lick at the tip just a single lick.

She then moved up and standing as she then stroked once or twice over his cock with the towel very softly and careful with the towel but lingered for a second as she then rubbed and patted his chest off as she leaned up to softly kiss his lips as she then reached with the towel up to dry his hair just a bit and then went around to his back. When she had him all dry, she stepped back in front of him as she smiled and bend over to pick up the other towel so quickly dry herself off.
Blaze did want to know about her likes as well. After all, a relationship such as what they were starting upon was built upon communication as well as understanding one another. As she did take the time to dry him, he enjoyed the attention as well, though he also noticed her excitement when he had said that he couldn’t wait to be inside her again… Blaze simply smiled.

As she smirked though he chuckled slightly to himself, remembering how well she had enjoyed his fucking her earlier that day he replied to her.

” Yeah… you really enjoyed being fucked from behind this afternoon.”

As she worked up his body, he groaned out as she even licked just the tip of his cock, a small spurt of pre-cum dribbling from the tip onto her tongue as he looked to her bemusedly.

” Did I give you permission to lick my cock?”

His eyes were soft for now, and even as she managed to dry the rest of him off without further incident, Blaze stepped back to give her room to get the towel, however he couldn’t resist the opportunity and reaching down with one of his big calloused hands he squeezed her offered ass cheek.

”I will be on the bed, waiting for you. Hurry up my Lizzy.”

With that he did leave the room and unbeknownst to her he stopped by the bed and moving to his bag firstly he opened it and took out the nipple clamps which had the clit attachment as well. Closing the bag and setting it onto the floor Blaze moved to lay onto the bed on his back however he tucked the chained clamps under one of her pillows before he waited patiently for her. He was VERY interested in having her ride his VERY hard cock… but he was going to ‘add’ one little element to the play with the clamps… not that she knew that yet!
Lizzy was drying Blaze off taking her time but also wanting to hurry up. When he said that about this afternoon she could not help but nodded and smiled big time. She had not just liked it but enjoyed it so very much so and definitely wanted more of it. It was then she stood up and just couldn't help herself and licked over the tip of his cock and tasting his precum she almost wanted to whisper yummy but just licked her lips to savour every bit. He asked her if she had his permission to do what sh had done she smiled softly and shook her head saying softly.

"No Sir.... I'm sorry.."

She nibbled her lip as she finished drying him off trying not to slip again though it was hard not to kiss softly the dry skin she dried off. When she was done she had bend over to get her towel as she felt his hand squeeze her ass cheek. She bite her lip and wiggled softly in his hand.

It was then that he told her to hurry he would be waiting on the bed for her. She smiled as she glanced passt her legs as she watched him walk out and towards the bed. She quickly dried off and looked in the mirror and brushing her hair quickly and braiding it so it would stay out of the way.

She then dropped to her knees smiling she crawled back to the bed room towards him. She crawled to the end of the bed as she then climbed up on the foot of the bed and crawled up over the bed to him. She moved to kneel next to him as she asks softly.

"In such moments how would i join you in bed to please you best Sir...."

She wanted to learn, she wanted to please him and she felt so sexy and wanted in that moment and this adventure with him here and now was so exciting. Just being close to him made her body tingle and she found herself having butterflies in her tummy an thinking more and more about him being around more often.
Blaze was only being playful in some regards with asking her if she had permission to lick his cock, but at the same time it was true that control and obedience was also very important. As she had apologized though and hadn’t done the same type of error again he chose to let her off for now. Instead, his interest was getting to the bed and having more fun with his good girl.

As she wiggled softly in his hand to his touch Blaze was smiling, though leaving her to handle herself, he waited patiently for her. His own thoughts did drift to spending more time here, or having her over to his place, as well as many other things involving her. Watching her crawl out with her swaying breasts and lovely bare body he grinned and watched her climb up onto the bed.

When she asked him about that, he considered it honestly. It was a fair question, but really he didn’t want just a sex toy but a partner who was going to be equally a part of this relationship as well. So as she knelt by him he reached over and gently rested a hand on her smooth toned thigh.

” I would say that unless I have given you specific directions or instructions of how I want you, if we are going to be having sex then like thig will suffice, kneeling by my side awaiting further instructions. In non sexual times, you can just join me in bed and we can decide together what we are doing whether sleeping or otherwise.”

With that however though Blaze grinned as he moved his hand between her offered legs and cupped her mound to see if she was still aroused and wet down there before he gave her the next instructions. After all if she wasn’t still wet then telling or ordering her to straddle him wouldn’t work as well. Feeling just how wet she still was though Blaze grinned.

” For now, I want you to climb on top of me and kneeling, I want to watch you place just the tip of my cock inside you before you slide yourself fully onto myself sitting up straight. Think you can handle that?”

He knew that she would, and he was SO ready to be inside her. Once she was fully impaled on his cock he’d introduce the clamps… but for now he watched her eagerly.
Lizzy could feel his eyes on her the whole way as she crawled out of the bathroom. Each sway wiggle or jiggle her body gave from it his eyes caught it which made her body tingle even more and seeing him laying there on the bed waiting for her made her feel so special so wanted in a way she never thought possible.

When she climbed up on the bed crawling to his side and asked him that she bite her lip but her whole body showed him she wanted him, and she wanted to learn more about this world but as well as more about him. It was then how he answered which made her heart race even more, he spoke as if he planned to do such things often and she liked that thought and even thought about waking up next to him in his arms. The thought of then waking him with a kiss or he is waking her even eating breakfast together made her butterflies move in her tummy again.

It was then his hand between her legs that pulled her back to now as she gasped and shifted her hips slightly though she tried to stay still. His touched made her even get wetter for him wanting and needing to show him how badly she wanted him right now. it was then that he told her to straddle him and let the tip of his cock slide in her and then slowly lower herself down on his cock and she did not know why but she already had a picture in her head how she hoped to please him.

She nodded and smiled as her eyes locked to his and not moving as she scooted closer to him and her fingers touched his chest as she raised one leg lifting it over his body and then adjusted herself. She used her fingers to set the tip of his cock at her entrance and when she had it, she sat up straight which forced the tip of his cock already to slip a bit deeper in her.

She gasped and moaned softly her breathing picking up ever so slightly which made her breast move to match it. She licked her lips as she then folded her arms behind her on her lower back and gripped each wrist as she then lowered herself down on his cock fighting the urge to shift move or lean forward as she tried to stay fully straight.


She gasped softly the deeper he got the more she felt filled and it felt so good. Her eyes locked to his, her thighs resting with the rest of her legs on each side of him, her back straight as possible and her chest pushed up and out letting him a nice full view as she made sure her hair stayed on her back not to cover anything all the while her arms nicely tucked behind her as she wanted to be his good girl and please him which she also felt a lot of pleasure in. she never thought pleasing him would give her such pleasure as well but it did and in return he also gave her pleasure for that.

While she lowered herself, he could feel how wet she was as it already started to drip down his shaft and how hot she was as if she were burning up for him. Though she also had to fight the urge to bend over and kiss him again as she found a lot of pleasure in kissing him and they were so kissable. It was also the fact that it felt as if they both tried to suck in each other’s lust or as if they shared one lung it was a drug and she enjoyed it so much and could not be happier and can’t wait to see what all will come to be.
Watching her crawl the way that she was, Blaze had to admit that there was no sexier a vision of beauty in his eyes. Watching as she climbed onto the bed with him, he had to admit that the thought of waking up with her in his arms, not to mention seeing where this relationship might develop to was something that Blaze really wanted to see to fruition.

As she gasped and shifted her hips, he grinned in turn as she tried to stay nice and still, though as she nodded and move to do as he had told her, he hadn’t specifically told her that she couldn’t use her hands at all in the movement, he mostly wanted to watch her slide herself down his length for himself. A groan, softly lingering in the air issued from Blaze as he watched her, and feeling just how soaking wet she was Blaze grinned as she moved her own hands behind her back, straightening herself beautifully.

As she gasped that out with his filling of her depths Blaze groaned, his own hands moving to stroke her thighs as she did lower herself, otherwise he stayed very still for her. His thick cock rubbed her inner walls delightfully, and even as she sank more onto his longer member Blaze was panting himself, though as she lowered herself he certainly did see how her excitement was dripping down his length as well.

” Back up, and start again… even slower this time.”

He directed of her when she got about halfway down, and seeing her struggling to hold position only enhanced everything for Blaze. Yet at the same time he was entranced by how her body quivered and obeyed him oh so well. All the while her depths were even tighter this time, as his cock rubbed up against the plug filling her ass, enhancing every other sensation and making it even better for them both!
Lizzy felt his hands on her thighs and it made her shiver as she lowered herself and had to fight the urge just to quickly lower herself fully down on him.

"Oh god...."

She whispered she could feel herself drip now even and how hungry she was getting for him and wanting to ride him. She just wanted to shift her hips as she heard him tell her to pull back up and then lower herself again but slower. She whimpered as if begging him not to make her do that.

"Back up...and slower down Sir?!"

She tried asking as if she wanted to make sure she understood him right or as if hoping she misunderstood him. When she though knew 100% he had said that exactly she pulled up gasping and whimpering.

She couldnt help it though her hips shifted and wiggled slightly which teased her pussy but probly also his cock head as she tilted her head back and arched her back some as she then started to even slower lowered herself down as she whimpered moaned softly.

"Blaze pleaseee..."

She couldn't hold her hands behind her back any longer and let her wrists go. She then reach forward gripping his chest caressing it and pushed softly as if trying to help herself so she wouldn't go faster. And she couldn't help but lean a bit forward as her breasts swayed and swinger more towards him.

God she wanted him so badly right now and it was almost the sweetest torture she had ever had before and wanted and needed more but she also wanted to fuck herself on him so to say fuck him or for him to fuck her
Blaze grinned as she was shivering and sinking down his length, and yet as she whispered that out he watched how her pussy lips were stretched so beautifully around his cock. Yet as she whimpered and ‘clarified’ he affixed her with a firm look as though to say to her You know what I said…

She certainly did seem to ‘get the message’ as she did pull back up Blaze groaned in chorus with her gasps and whimpers, his cock even flexing which of course only tantalized her as well. As she arched her back even more Blaze groaned… such a sexy sight to see her positioned as she had shifted her own hips which only made Blaze grunt as his fingers curled on her thighs, leaving small little pink lines as he scratched her thighs.

As she pleaded with him however he was panting himself as he grinned however.

” You’re doing so well… keep it just like that. When you’re fully on my cock I have a new toy to show you.”

He grinned as he watched her his strong chest was a good ‘board’ to press on to keep the deliciously slow pace. She had to know he wouldn’t be able to not fuck her forever, but his control of himself, as well as his anticipation ALONG with enjoying how her breasts swayed in the air, Blazes fingers straightened again and slid along the sides of her thighs, though feeling her scar from her accident he added.

” Don’t worry Lizzy… once you have your new toy I am going to fuck you so hard you’re going to cum all over my cock until you probably pass out.”

He said it so confidently, and Blaze DID intend to do JUST that!