Rehabilitating Desires ( Closed for Little_Tease)

Lizzy couldn't believe how fuzzy he made her mind and tingling her body. His touch made her knees weak and her heart race, he also made her want to melt almost right away. When she cam all over his hand it felt so good even better than she thought.

She blushed some when he then helped her leg down she sighed softly and wiggled slightly her hips as if to get her feeling back in her leg and hip. Though his hold still on her made her stand straight she even tipped toed slightly as her hands went back to his hips as if to hold herself but also wanting to touch him back.

When he then also told her as she was starting to calm down that he would take her offer she just couldn't stop smilling. She leaned back slightly to his hand in her hair as she arched her back as the her shivering thighs slowly stopped as she said.

"I like that thought..."

She gasped and moaned softly as he kissed her deeply she leaned in the kiss as she arched her back some pressing her breasts out in the air to kiss him more. She didn't want it to really stop but she knew if they didn't they wouldn't be able to handle the night.

Feeling his hard cock against her she gasped nibbling her lip as she couldn't help but also grind back against him and each time he pressed against her plug she gasped and whimpered softly as if she hated everything that was still between them mostly his clothing.

When he then reached around her letting his fingers slip once again in her soaked pussy and his palm rubbing against her made her want to bend forward and moan though his other hand held her head up straight. She gasped as she quickly took the plates in one hand as her other held to his arm. Her feet tippy toeing and her thighs rubbing pressing his hand between them.

When the finally made it to the table she panted softly and set the plates on the table. When he let his fingers slip from her pussy she couldnt help but to whimper softly and gasp. He then showed her she is to sit, which made her bit her lip knowing she had to sit directly on the plug. She sat down slowly breathing deeply as she slowly let her weight completely down in the chair.

She looked at his fingers that he had in her pussy and licked her fingers thinking about taking his hand and licking his fingers clean of her juices but smiled softly as she tried not to move to much on the chair cause of the plug she just asked all cute and innocent.

"Thank you... f.. for your help will you get the forks and noodles and sauce pretty please .."

She blushed some and giggled as she only could take the plates with her and was just happy she didn't let them fall.
Oh considering what Blaze was ‘putting her through’ it was certainly impressive that she had managed to not only hold onto the plates, but also bring them with her. As he had straightened her up and heard her say that she liked the thought of him taking her up on her offer he smirked confidently to himself. Even as she gasped and moaned to his touch, he groaned and sighed as he kissed her contentedly.

From there however he handled her over to the chair, making her dance upon his fingers which of course only kept her in a sexually aroused state as well. As she was panting and he let her sit down he grinned at the shift in her expression. Even as she asked him if he would get the forks along with the noodles and sauce he grinned though nodded even as he chuckled to her little giggle.

” You’re too cute Lizzy.”

Even as he said that however though he did move back to the kitchen and opening a few drawers he found the cutlery along with getting the pasta and sauce into bowls he was soon returning to her. Honestly, Blaze found he didn’t want to be away from Lizzy for very long. Of course she was VERY sexy, but it was also something else. He felt possessive about her. He wanted to be with her. He wanted to talk with her, spend time with her. Of course he also wanted to fuck her silly and see just where her passions and pleasures lead to but he was also content with this, namely spending a meal with her.

Bringing it all back he set it out as he moved the table chair over to sit beside her. Grinning, he winked to her but nodded.

“ Honestly though Lizzy, you did a great job on dinner, I appreciate it.”

It certainly wasn’t the fanciest meal, but it didn’t need to be either. With that, Blaze used the tongs he had found to pull some noodles onto his plate before handing them to her, he used a spoon to get some sauce as well and then was digging into the food. Of course dessert would be a whole other affair, however for now Blaze was definitely content to eat noodles and sauce.

" So Lizzy, outside of being sexually manhandled and rehabilitating your leg, what do you do for a job? any secret boyfriends I should be aware of?"

Of course the second question was more moot considering what he had already done with her, however it was also still a valid question. Besides, if she was going to be his and he hers in a way, he should probably know more about her!
Lizzy squirmed slightly on her chair as she felt the plug push deeper in her and move around with her hips which was not really helping her. She tried to calm down so she could eat before she begged Blaze to fuck her, but the plug was not going to let her forget HIS present to her and her pussy dripping between her thighs was not either. She could not help either to watch him move about and when he went around the corner in the kitchen, she nibbled her lip and tried to adjust herself and the plug so he might not notice.

When she heard doors open and close, she noticed then that she had forgotten to tell him where everything had been, and he was the first time here. She blushed some and tried to fight a giggle when he came back with everything they needed. When he sat, she smiled at him and could not stop watching him as her thighs rubbed and pressed and her hips wiggled ever so slightly. Though she did try to do so without letting him see or notice it.

When he then told her, she did a great job with dinner she blushed some and smiled, her heart raced slightly and was so happy to hear him say that as if this had been a test of some sort which it had not.

“Thank you Blaze though it is only noodle and sauce…!”

When he asked about what she does she smiled and emptied her mouth licking her lips once or twice she took a deep breath and then started to tell him about what she does for a living.

“Well, I work for a company where I have to be out and about checking and getting proof of things, out clients say that has happened or not happened to their items and such, so sometimes I am more out in the world then in my office…. It is nice since I am not cooped up inside all day and I have pretty much free time since I put my work hours together the way I need them, and our clients report things…. but at the same boring as hell if I had to sit all day in my office in front of a computer…”

She giggled some as he then had also asked about secret boyfriends, he should be aware of, she could not help herself and nodded slightly and after taking another spoon of noodles she licked her lip playfully and then said.

“Well, there is this one guy…. He is really good looking and sweet of what I can tell, and god does he make my thighs shiver…. “

She did not say much more to it and wondered how long it would take him to notice of whom she was speaking about as she smirked filling her mouth again with noodles and sauce. She then added she could not just leave him hanging there if he had not noticed she was talking about him.

“But I do not know if you must worry about him, I don’t believe He Youu… have two personalities…. but if so then I would be worried at least just a little bit...”

She giggled and leaned back as she smirked at him though through the leaning back, she moved the plug again and gasped jumping slightly she had to bite her lip and sat quickly forward again. She knew bad girls get what they deserve and for her little teasing she knew he would smirk cause of that as well.

She then had noticed she had not offered him anything to drink and gasped softly again.

“oh my god I am sorry I never asked if you wanted to drink something… would you like a water or coke or something like that?!”
Blaze could tell that the plug was providing a distracting sensation to her, though as he returned with everything that he considered they needed he grinned slightly as she once again was blushing. I wonder how often she is told she does something well? His thoughts trailed even as he simply shrugged he added in response.

“ Well either way, it’s delicious Lizzy.”

As she talked about what she did he took the opportunity to eat. Even as he did so however he was paying attention to her and not just to her breasts or the way she squirmed from the plug in her ass. No, he was actually interested in what she did as a job.

“ So you basically work to make sure that those who are lying don’t get what they think they will?

He was smiling as she giggled about his question about secret boyfriends. As she explained though he did wonder slightly at the very beginning if he was causing any trouble, it didn’t take much for him to sort out that she was talking about him, though as she mentioned dual personalities Blaze had to chuckle as he swallowed the last of his current bite.

“ No, I am just me. All six feet and handsome man of me.”

He smirked slightly, though as she leaned back and gasped like that he gave her a knowing look, however in his mind it was fair ‘punishment’ for her being such a little tease. As she seemed to think of something he was initially concerned that perhaps he was interrupting something that she had forgotten about, though as she mentioned a drink he nodded slightly.

“ A drink would be fantastic Lizzy, coke if you do have it is great.”

Of course he was looking forward to having more of her ‘after dinner’, but for now he was going to enjoy his meal with her, even as his thick hard cock still pulsed slightly within his shorts. Soon He thought to himself… soon he’d have more of her delectable body.

“ Why don’t you go get that while I serve us up another plate? I definitely think we’re going to need the energy, especially if you’re going to cum that hard every time.”

Of course he was only teasing her a bit back, but it was also true… he seemed to bring such powerful orgasms through her that she’d need all the energy that she could get!
Lizzy could not help to think and how handsome each and every inch when he said what he said about being himself all six feet and handsome man. She then smiled when he told her it would be fantastic to drink something and if she had a coke.

She got up slowly as if to check if her legs would hold her now since they did have enough time to stop shivering. She nibbled her lip as she got up, she moved her chair back some licking her lips she looked at him one last time and then went into the kitchen. She did not mean to, but her body did it probably to tease him a bit more as she knew he was going to watch her walk out she swayed nicely with her hips to show her buttocks off at least the bottom half which was peeking out from under her shirt. Heading to the cupboard where she had the glasses standing, she took a few deep breaths as she whispered as quietly as she could to herself.

“Lizzy calm down… or you just might scare him off or such! Its not like he’s going anywhere at this very minute!”

She almost made herself giggle as she got two drinking glasses out and set them on the counter she moved to the fridge as she bend over sticking her head so to say in the fridge, she noticed she had a few different cokes and called out to him as she focused on the fridge also using that cool breeze from it to cool herself down some.

“Blaze normal coke or maybe a cherry or vanilla?! I have all three here…!”

She waited to hear what he wants to drink and would then get it out of the fridge and pour him a glass full and bring it back to him. As she nibbled her lip some as she took the time as she waited for him to decide to put the things, they might need for dessert together that it would be a quick thing and she would not have to search for some things or then look what they all could us. Plus, if she set them out now till, they use them they aren’t that cold any more when he eat them off her body.

It was then her mind drifted off and imagined herself laying on the table as he tops her with berries, sirup or cream and then licking it off her body or eating it off her body. And then after there playful dessert then also shower together. she had in that moment so many thoughts of the possibilities and all that she got herself all excited again though she did try to calm herself, but Blaze was like a new drug and she did not want to stop taking it now and needed even ached for more of it.
Blaze’s eyes watched her as she got herself up and out of the chair, mostly to make sure that she was indeed ‘good’ to go get the drinks. As she walked to the kitchen though she would indeed feel Blaze’s eyes scorching into her, following the sway of her hips, the display of the lower portion of her back side though as she managed to get out of sight for a moment that was when Blaze went about getting the pasta sorted onto their plates for ‘round two’ of their meal.

She seemed to consider that how she was acting was too much, but to Blaze, she was adorable, cute, and also completely intoxicating as a sexy erotic woman. Blaze heard her call out asking what kind of coke he liked and grinning at the options he called back.

“Vanilla Coke is my favorite, thank you Lizzy!”

He waited a few more minutes but she seemed to be taking longer than what he thought it would so he called out.

” Do you need help Lizzy?”

He didn’t want her struggling with things… well not dinner at least. After that, with dessert and where things would lead from there he didn’t know just yet, but the possibilities were VERY arousing in his mind. For now he was itching to get the rest of dinner over so that way he could lay her out on the table and ‘decorate’ her with the things she had before he’d enjoy his dessert.
Lizzy was standing in the kitchen bend overlooking into the fridge as she heard him call back that Vanilla was his favorite and smiled as hers was also Vanilla. She then moved and poured them both a glass of vanilla coke and smiled as she put the rest back in the fridge.

She looked one last time in the fridge looking at the different things she put on the top shelf for them for dessert. She licked her lip and then closed the door of the fridge and took the two glasses in her hands and headed back to where Blaze was. She had not noticed from the arousal, excitement and the cool air from the fridge that her nipple were showing very nicely through her shirt as if wanting and needing to tease him as much as possible.

She set his glass down next to his plate as she smiled.

“Here you go...!”

She then saw he filled her plate for her as well again and smiled adding.

“Aww thank you…!”

She then went over to her seat set the coke down and carefully lowered herself down to sit on the chair. Trying hard not to tease herself to much with the plug, she held her breath as she did. When she was finally sitting, she smiled at him and then took a spoon full of noodles in her mouth as she just hoped dinner would get over quickly.

She tried to calm herself as she tried to also keep her mind at dinner and not on him his body and oh god the lovely things, he had already done to her and hopefully might be doing to her after dinner. As well as for all the things he might teach her over herself and what all kinds of pleasure she can feel.

Her eyes kept looking over Blaze as she crossed one leg over the other and was wiggling with her foot some as she then noticed her foot brushed over his leg and she could not help it and do it carefully again but slower this time and let her foot travel up his inner leg side till her toes rested on the edge of the chair between his legs not able to reach any further and wondered what he might do now or how he would react.
Blaze was waiting patiently for her, and even as she came back out he grinned as he watched her, though noticing her nipples pushing against the fabric of her top only caused him to let out a soft groan of appreciation. She certainly seemed to be teasing him with every fiber of her being whether intentionally or not. As she thanked him though he simply nodded to her easily.

“ You’re welcome Lizzy, I wouldn’t want you going without.”

He smiled to her, though as she carefully lowered herself down Blaze chuckled as he watched her little transition and knew that she was trying not to tease herself too much with the plug he instead said nothing and instead simply winked to her as he went back to eating as well. It wasn’t long before he felt her foot brush over his, and even as she travelled up his leg he shook his head bemusedly though when it rested between his legs he looked over to her.

“ You know… the more you tease, the longer this dinner is going to go hmm?”

He smirked though and simply reached down with his free hand and tickled the bottom of her foot to get her to retreat AND also to make her jerk in her seat which would of course move the plug inside her. Looking straight to her he picked up his glass and added.

” Now, be a good girl so that we can finish dinner. When I’m done this plate I want you to go get the things for dessert while I clear the table.”

He gave his instructions easily, clearly used to be not only in control but also to be listened to. With that said though he did drink down a good amount of the vanilla coke with a satisfied groan as he set the glass down and continued eating, fully expecting her to do the same.
Lizzy smirked as he shook his head some and then wanted to whimper as he told her the more, she teased the longer dinner would take though she had hoped it would be the other way around making it shorter. He was right though they both needed the food for energy, and it was also nice if she wanted more of him, she also wanted to show him that she wanted more of him and not only his cock or the pleasure his tongue and fingers could bring her.

It was then she went to put another spoon full in her mouth as she nodded softly agreeing with him as he tickled her foot, she jumped jerking her leg back which also made her press the plug deeper in her and then move it slightly making her gasp and moan softly. Before he than took a sip of his coke he added to her to be a good girl so they could finish dinner.

It was those words though that made her want to wiggle her hips slightly once again and the way he said it this time and rest what he had said that made her nibble her lip some watching him drink his coke and then finish his dinner. She did not know why but when she answered she just had to answer like she had once before though he had said back then in that situation but where they back in that situation was it something she should or could say now.

They have not really talked much about her offering and what that meant, she knew that there are many couples that practice this kind of pleasurable life one dominates the other more submissive. She had read a few books and articles over this as she did find it interesting and since Blaze had done that with her, she knew that maybe she was one of those females that wanted to give her control up to HIM for him to tell her and take her but also respect and adore her.

“Yes Sir…Blaze...umm Yes!”

She was not sure though how he saw it or if it was just the way he liked his sex or such. She looked down at her plate as she tried to concentrate on that and not get any naughty thoughts or at least not more than she already has and was getting again.

It was a few moments and when Blaze was done, she also was finishing right up as well and taking her last sip of coke from her glass. She smiled at him and waited a few seconds though her thighs were already shivering as if she were a dog seeing the ball that would be thrown any second now and it would run to catch it. She did not want to look greedy or such, she then slowly got up and her eyes were locked to his as she did but as she was in the movement to stand, she also nibbled her lip as the plug was forced to move again.

She then took on the way to the kitchen the plates with her already so he would not have to clean off too much. When she was in the kitchen, she took a few deep breaths as if this would be the first time with him. She went to the fridge and got everything out what she had not gotten out before. she cut and cleaned the berries some and put them in a bowl, she put some spoons on a servicing tray then some sirups and honey along with the berries and when she was done, she carried them out to the table setting them down as she asked softly.

“Need anything else to enjoy your dessert…”

She then noticed she had forgotten the whipped cream and quickly went to the fridge to get it out as well and brought it back to the table smiling as she saw he had already also cleaned off the table. She then smiled and stood there leaning slightly back against the table as she then asked softly.

“I believe to enjoy your Dessert fully your Dessert should be naked fully right?!”
Oh, Blaze had a good idea of what Lizzy had hoped to accomplish with her little tease, and yet at the same time he wanted to ensure that she was very well reminded of who 'was in charge' there. He could tell that she was itching for the meal to be done, and yet even so it was important to eat. Not only because of the pleasure and sex he intended to bring to her, but, well because food was important.

As she had brought the food to her mouth and was taking the bite his timing seemed to be perfect which only set her squirming even more. As her own thoughts ran through her mind, something about the way that he had said that she was to be his was implying more than simply amazing mind-blowing sex. In the past, his relationships had been just that, but with Lizzy Blaze found himself wanting more.

With them being both so sexually charged and anticipating the post dinner activity however he had already decided that this wasn't the best time to discuss it. As she said that as Sir he felt a thrill run through him, though as she corrected himself, he chuckled.

" As I said earlier today Lizzy, if you prefer Sir for these activities, I don't mind... in fact I rather enjoy the term."

When she took the plates and things to the kitchen, he made sure to clear the cutlery as well as the leftover bowls from the table. Making sure to wipe things down he made very short work of the things on it, though as she had the serving tray, he took it from her when he brought the bowls in, letting her put those things away as he brought the things out to the table and setting them out, he also took stock.

As she was asking if he needed anything else, he was about to ask about whipped cream when she seemed to remember something, and as she brought it back, he grinned and nodded to her, setting it down though when she asked/ suggested that he nodded.

That's very true. I want you to undress fully, leaving the plug in your ass, then climb up and lay on the table sideways facing towards me. I want your head towards the side where I have laid out the different condiments and treats. Once you're lying, I want you to place your hands at your sides and not move further. Do you understand Lizzy?"

As he stood there with her though she'd be able to see the very prominent bulge in his shorts. Blaze was clearly looking forward to this just as much if not more so than she was!
Lizzy nodded and smiled at what he said about Sir and knew she would feel better now calling him that knowing he also enjoyed hearing her say it. She smirked even a bit. After he had taken everything to the table as she put everything away and she had gotten the whipped cream what she forgot before. He told her how he wanted her after she took off everything she has on.

She smiled as he asked if she understood and she nodded and nibbled her lip as she leaned forward towards him as she whispered while she pushed her knee socks down.

“Yes, Sir I understand…”

She then turned so he had a nice view of her ass when she pulled her socks off and then she stood back up straight looking over her shoulder to him as she slipped her fingers under her shirt pulling it over her head and then wiggled slightly as her fingertips then hooked into her panties and she wiggled them down to her ankles and stepped out of them. She turned once to let him see she was not wearing anything else other than the plug.

She then crawled up on the table like a cat and looked at him with her lower lip sucked in her mouth and letting it slip out slowly between her teeth. She then laid down her knees up slightly as her hands slipped slowly to her sides as her eyes were locked to him after she looked at his bulge in his pants and licked her lips once.

“Like this…? does this please you Sir...?!”

She kind of started like calling him Sir and seeing the reaction it brought from him, she imagined it was like what she felt when he said good girl to her. Her thighs rubbed slightly as she lowered her knees, so she laid straight and only her head slightly turned to look at him.
Blaze wanted mainly to ensure that Lizzy felt comfortable with him and with this as well. He didn’t want her to feel that she couldn’t speak how she felt, or that she wasn’t going to be listened to. Unlike many men who were dominant Blaze wanted instead to strike a balance with her. That was honestly very important to Blaze, and was something he felt successful men and women who entered into this kind of long term relationship worked together on.

It also struck him that she made him think long term… namely that he wanted her there with him. As she said that however he nodded to her, and enjoying the way that she was moving he remained quiet for now. Instead she would feel his eyes devouring every inch of displayed flesh as it was unveiled for his viewing pleasure.

As she climbed onto the table though Blaze groaned at her natural sensuality. She was oh so sexy without even apparently attempting to be. As she asked if she had pleased him though Blaze nodded, however he did move to her side at the table.

“ You are stunning Lizzy…”

He grinned with that statement, however there WERE two adjustments he wanted to make. Firstly, he moved away for a moment and going into the living area he picked up one of the pillows there before he brought it back. Having her lift her head he set it beneath her head so that way she was able to look at her nude self-laying so openly for him.

The other adjustment he made was to have her lift her legs slightly and guiding her he instead had her place her feet together he gently guided her legs to open naturally.

" There, now you're as I want you."

With that however he grinned and picking up the bowl of cool whip first, he placed two spoonful’s of whipped topping right onto her upturned and perky breasts, making sure to cover her nipples as well. From there he ‘drew’ a line with the whipped topping, a trail so to speak over her toned belly and skipped her belly button for now. Instead he drew the whipped topping on either side of her pelvis.

From there, he then picked up the bowl with the berries and placing a few of the blueberries over her breasts he used the slices of strawberries to cover her nipples. Taking a singular blackberry he dipped it into the bowl of whipped cream before she’d see him press it into her belly button, only to cover it with more topping as he topped it with another strawberry. Along the trail he used smaller blueberries, blackberries and currents to fill the path for his dessert. Taking his time, he came to her pussy and grinning, he took a few of the slices of strawberry and she’d see him dipping them into chocolate or honey before he methodically spread her pussy lips and pressed the fruit up and inside her to retrieve later.

When he was done he added more topping over her pussy and placed a mixture of small berries over her mound though of course made sure her clit was covered with a strawberry as well. Finally, he took the syrup and chocolate and drizzled it over the fruit and cream, turning her into a literal ‘sundae’ as he grinned to her.


He asked it more rhetorically, but he didn’t want to start until she was indeed ready… after all, this would be quite the experience for sure!
Lizzy smiled as he told her she was stunning god she wanted to kiss him for that. it is not like no one has ever told her that she looks good or such, but it was just the way he said it that made her feel like he was the first. Well, she did not hear often that she looks good as she did not really let many people awfully close to her like she was letting Blaze get to her, so there were not many chances for someone to say it to her, but the only thing she thought mattered is that HE said it to her.

She felt a connection with him somehow right away and she wanted it to get deeper and stronger she wanted more of him and not just his body and she hoped and thought to also see it in his eyes that he wished the same. When he then suddenly left the room, she wanted to raise up and look where he went but did not move till, he came back. Seeing him have a pillow in his hand she thought that was sweet of him to want to make it a bit more comfortable for her as she raised her head, he put it under her head, and she looked up to him and smiling and softly biting her lower lip as her eyes were locked to him watching what he was doing.

When he then lifted her legs some and moved the sole of her feet, so they touched each other she wanted to giggle and ask if this was going to turn into an exercise session but thought then maybe he had other thoughts or at least she hoped he did. When he then picked up the whipped cream and said now, she was the way he wanted her she giggled softly and nodded.

“Sooo the fun begins….”

She whispered as she watched him spoon the whipped cream on her body gasping softly as the cool whip touched her silky skin now feeling as if her skin is boiling hot against the whip cream as she tries to stay perfectly still. She bit her lip and closed her eyes some as he then trailed the whip cream down her stomach, she then heard him set the whip cream down, so she looked again seeing him take berries and smiled watching how he was decorating her body so lovely almost ashamed to ruin it.

When he then dipped the strawberries in chocolate and honey and then feeling him slip them in between her lips of her pussy she gasped her thighs trembled slightly from the excitement and all. When he was fully done and asked if she was ready, she smiled some looking over herself and just thinking, god I look so eatable Lovely she nodded softly.

“Mmmmm... Eat away and enjoy…”

Her fingertips pressed slightly to the table surface as her breathing got slightly quicker as she waited for his touch to feel his hands his lips his tongue god, she could not believe this she was his dessert to enjoy and eat the way he wished to and her mind racing to so many possibilities. Her eyes were locked to him as she would watch each moment savor it and enjoy it as she licked and nibbled her lips.
Blaze could not imagine that she wasn’t told that she was beautiful quite often. After all she clearly WAS. Fit and curvy, fiery red hair and a spunky attitude to go with it, she was honestly everything Blaze desired both as a woman but also as a submissive. There were certainly things that they would need to discuss further, but for now, he was focused on the ‘task’ at hand, namely preparing his dessert which in this case was her.

As she had said that he grinned to her little gasp, though preparing and placing things where he wanted, as he finished up with the preparations and she asked him to eat away and enjoy, Blaze nodded to her though held up a single finger to indicate one second, as she was probably wondering what was the ‘hold up’, Blaze took out his phone and opened the camera app.

” You don’t have to worry Lizzy, I won’t give any pictures I take to anyone else, you’re mine and I have no interest in sharing you.”

With that said however he took a few pictures of her as she was all ready for him to enjoy. When he was satisfied however Blaze did put the phone aside and added.

” Also, I don’t think I should need a shirt for this.”

He grinned and with that he stripped his shirt off, revealing that incredibly toned and handsome torso of his as he moved and finally he leaned over and starting with her breast he licked the cream up. When he got to a berry he would gently bite to scoop it up and in doing so would gently nip her breast in different areas. All the while she had to hold herself still so that way she wouldn’t disturb the placement of things. Soon enough he was up to her nipple and biting pieces of the strawberry he made sure to ‘catch’ her hard nub each time, all the while she had a front row seat to watch what he was doing to her.

Only when he had licked all the syrup and cream from her first breast did he move his mouth over and begin on the other. His eyes also did flicker to her from time to time, the glimmer of enjoyment in them telling her just how much he was enjoying his desert, while he also hoped that she was enjoying hers as well!
Lizzy smiled after she told him to eat away and enjoy but when he raised that finger and got his phone out her first thought was omg what is he doing and why a picture of her like this. She was getting nervous and a little bit scared also a bit angry but when he then told her not to worry, he would not be giving it anyone and had no interest to as she was his and he did not want to share made her blush and smile so big. When he had enough pictures, he set the phone aside and then told her he does not need his shirt for this.

When he took it off, she held her breath and licked her lips as her breathing got a bit quicker. It was then that he leaned over nipping at the berries he planted all over her breast and each time he made sure to nip her which made her hold her breath for a second each time and when he then finally made it to her nipple she couldn’t just hold her breath any more each time his teeth or tongue brushed her nipple or nibbled on it she gasped softly it turning to a soft moan her fingers caressed in small circles the table surface as she tried to hold as still as possible.

Though with his nibbles and bite even licks made it extremely hard to so do. He did not go anywhere else till her breast was licked and nibbled clean from her skin, her eyes watched his lips, his tongue and his eyes as she could feel the honey and chocolate sirup starting to drip down her from between her pussy lips and she was not sure, but she could also think it was a bit of herself with that mix as well as she grew wetter and hot if that were even possible.

She moaned softly as she then felt him go to the next breast, she tried to keep her breathing also as calm or at least not to fast to make sure she does not let all the nice toppings wiggle down off her breast before he had the chance to eat it. She felt him do pretty much the same as with the first breast but this time she could not help or fight the urge to gasp a bit more and one time she couldn’t help it her back arched slightly to what he was doing which made her breast go higher and he was just about to lick another berry up as her breast pressed itself slightly up in his face covering his chin a bit of his cheek and the tip of his nose with whipped cream.

Lizzy bite her lip as she saw him and had to fight the urge to giggle or even laugh as how he looked so yummy and cute and all she could think about was licking the cream from his face and kissing him deeply so she could not help as she whispered softly trying not to giggle.

“Aww… you brought me also dessert …. Yummy!”
Blaze knew the camera might frighten her, but honestly, he thought she looked OH so beautiful and open like she was that he wanted to capture that moment. Of course he wouldn't share those pictures with anyone at all... she was safe with him and needed to trust him for that.

As he 'dove in' then he grinned as he worked on her, when her first breast was 'clean' there were all sorts of little nip marks on her as though he had marked her as his own. He took his time because he knew that the more attention that he gave her, the more she would enjoy it as well. Traveling to the other, as he was about to lean in to get that berry, he gave a slight sound of surprise as she had accidentally shoved her breast into his face, though as he lifted his head, he had to chuckle at the mess that she had made.

" You're such a troublemaker."

He teased of course, though as she did whisper that he grinned and leaning down again he gently picked a berry off her breast before he brought it up and offered it to her lips, though when she took it he added gently.

" Well? Clean me up, I have more of you to taste, and I'm sure your pussy is begging me to get down there hmm?"

He smirked as he said it... they both knew it was true even if she was shy about things. First though, she would 'get her wish' of cleaning him off before he'd return to her covered breast... though as he waited his hand did find the cleaned breast before she'd feel him squeeze it firmly within his hand, 'mauling her' so dominantly.
Lizzy giggled softly and tried not to shrug her shoulders when he told her she was such a troublemaker and just nibbled her lip some. When he went back down with his lips she wanted to whimper as if he did not hear her or did not want it but then when he came back up with a berry she smirked and slowly took the berry from between his lips. She made sure her lips brushed his like in a kiss as well as her tongue licking over his lips just a second and then she heard him, and she smiled.

“Yes Sir! And she is dripping waiting for you!”

She smiled and for the first time she said it this time noticeably confident and wanting as she leaned up and licked playfully first at his lips and then she licked at his chin. She always used her lips and tongue as she tried to do this as teasing and sexy as she could. She then moved to his cheek and when she had him fully clean as good as she could she kissed the tip of his nose softly and then licked the tip as she whispered then afterwards.

“So, every last little drop…. Clean!”

She then used one finger to gather any cream from around her lips she could not get with her tongue pushing it in her mouth and sucking on her finger teasingly and slowly letting it slip from between her luscious lips smiling. When she was done, she moved her hands down to her sides again and smiled to him as if saying so I am ready to continue.

He returned to her covered breast and she nibbled her lip as she watched him closely as if afraid to miss one second of his teasing on her body. God, he made her want to beg him to forget it all and travel further and as his free hand then went to her cleaned breast and squeezed it, she moaned softly as her thighs trembled slightly as if she could not wait much longer but she did not dare move.

Her fingertips moved slightly to caress her thighs side and grip to them slightly as if trying to distract herself from making more trouble as she already has, and her toes slightly wiggle as well.
Of course, Blaze didn't actually mean that she was a bad girl or anything like that, he was simply being playful by calling her a troublemaker. As she seemed to whimper, he did glance to her as though telling her silently to be patient, that he had a good plan. He could tell that she was incredibly turned on and honestly Blaze was as well. Yet despite his name, he wasn't going to blaze through his enjoyment of his dessert.

Instead, as she smiled and said that so confidently, he grinned right back to her, as though to say good, I want her dripping and ready when I do get there. He pressed the kiss, his tongue shoving the berry into her mouth and even as she did kiss and lick him clean Blaze groaned... the act was both affectionate as well as arousing to him. When she had him clean though he grinned.

" That's my good girl... now, stay still so I can get down to your dripping pussy faster."

He teasingly mused with a wink, and even as he returned to her breast Blaze groaned into her skin sending little vibrations into her breast as he definitely did take larger licks and did bite a bit larger as well, scooping up more of the cream and berries as he clearly wanted to get to the 'main part' of this dessert as well. The effect also caused him to scrape his teeth over her breast more often, scratching her tit as he finally cleaned it up and then was heading down over her belly, though he didn't hesitate to press his tongue into her navel to retrieve the berry in her belly button.

Closer and closer he was getting to her lovely pussy... though when he was close, he lifted his head and grinned to her as he moved around and sliding a chair over to the side of the table, Blaze had her move her legs from their position as he pivoted her around so that her hips were right on the edge of the table.

" Put your legs over my shoulders."

His voice was laced with lust, and even as he said it it was also said with such an expectation of submission from her. Only when she did what he wanted did he lean forwards and take his first lick of her hot soaking wet pussy, the mixture of cream, honey, chocolate all mixed with her own arousal... it was OH so enticing, a groan rumbled from Blaze as he then 'dove in', messily licking and eating her out with a passionate gusto!
Lizzy was starting to really like him calling her a good girl, she also knew he did not mean troublemaker in any way bad but what had made her whimper was that it had not been the good girl words. She found it fun and playful even exciting to lick the cream from his lips and face and even kiss it from the tip of his nose it had also made her body tingle as she did it. When he then started to get back to her covered breast, she licked her lips clean and nibbled them watching him.

When he then went down over her tummy and dipped his tongue in her belly button to get the cream and berries out, she giggled as it tickled ever so slightly though she tried to hold as still as possible. As she tilted her head down some to watch him and nibble her lip as she did.

The closer and closer he got the more excited she got, and her thighs shivered ever so slightly showing him that as well. Though when he raised his head, she wanted to whimper but could not help wondering what he was doing now as he got himself a chair and went to the side of the table. He had her move her legs and scoot to the edge of the table so that she was sitting well laying at the edge of the table as she held her legs in the air but spread not to ruin his dessert or make another mess.

It was then that he sat down on the chair and then told her to put her legs over his shoulders which made her body tingle all over again. She nodded slightly and without hesitating she did as tell but not wanting to hurt him with her heels or such she bends her knees slightly to rest the flat sole of her foot on his back that way she did as he told, if needed she could spread her legs more and even maybe push him more towards her that way or caress his back.

“is this so ok Sir?!”

She was giving herself fully to him and enjoyed it with each bit of her body and mind and the way he had said it made her want to give herself even more to him if it was possible. She held her breath as she waited for him to lick and eat her pussy out god her body trembled and ached for him to do so, then he leaned forward as she wanted to scream already as she felt his hot breath and then she felt his tongue and heard his groan she almost moaned with him.

She titled her head back for a second arching her back and she quickly went to grab the edge of the table with her hands as if to make sure they do not cause any trouble. When he then drove in and started to messily lick and eat her out, she gasped and moaned as her hips shifted some and her thighs shivered. Her whole body showed him how much she had wanted and ached for and was now enjoying it as she was not only dripping wet from all the sirup, honey and fruits and the way he was eating her out she knew he found it very tasty.
Blaze honestly really liked calling her a good girl, or even better he enjoyed the opportunities when he was able to call her HIS good girl. Even as he traveled down over her body he chuckled to her little giggles, he enjoying watching her stomach move from the giggling but also noted how she kept herself in place for him.

As he moved around and made sure that things wouldn’t be awkward for her or him, as she did as she was told he grinned to her question, though looking to her he nodded.

” You’re doing so well Lizzy.. now for the main part.”

As he said that however he certainly didn’t make her wait anymore for what she clearly wanted… and even as she almost moaned right with him he moved his hands to wrap around her hips and thighs, holding her right there as she made sure as well to hold herself still, as she couldn’t stop herself from shivering and moving slightly for him, he licked up the outer cream first, making sure to scoop it up quickly.

It wasn’t long until Blaze’s tongue made it’s first full contact with her clit, and yet as it did he pressed his mouth fully over her sex before his stiff tongue shoved openly and confidently into her depths, scooping the first piece of fruit from inside her. Pulling it out with his tongue, Blaze groaned to himself as he caught it between his teeth.

Yet with one of those grins on his lips, he stood up, having her settle her legs on either side of him hanging over the edge of the table for now, he moved and leaning over her he offered the chocolate and pre-cum covered berry to share with her, when she went to take it he bit off a piece wanting a taste as well. Though once he had swallowed it he grinned to her.

” You’d better clean me up before I go back down Lizzy…”

Of course that grin of his didn’t disappear, instead he looked to her expectantly… though he could tell she’d enjoy her task. The faster she cleaned him though the faster he’d return to her soaking wet and VERY aroused pussy!
Lizzy moaned and shivered under his tongue as she nibbled her lip her fingers gripped tightly to the table. God this was like heaven and the more he licked and done the better it was getting and the wetter she was getting as well. She could feel his tongue scooping and licking up the cream all around her lips but then his tongue dipped in between her lips and the first time she felt his tongue fully against her clit made her jerk ever so slightly and moan out.


She shifted her hips as if to push herself more on his tongue though his big strong hands held her hips and thighs in place so it just made her wiggle ever so slightly though she tried as hard as she could to hold still at the same time. When he then dipped his tongue in her she could feel him take a berry out of her and gasped softly, and even whimpered slightly as she felt him pull away though he did have to eat the berry and not just inhale it.

It was then though that he stood, and she could see the first time his face as he held a berry between his teeth as it was covered in different sauces chocolate, honey and even herself and around his mouth and a bit of his nose was also covered in the same things. She smirked some as he leaned over slightly as if to offer her the berry she sat up as her legs rested on his sides and her toes on the chair and her hands gripped to his waist band of his shorts as she leaned up to take the berry from him.

She Mmmm as she took the piece, he gave her and eating it enjoying the taste as he then told her to clean him up so he could keep going she smiled and licked her lips.

"My pleasure...!"

She started by licking his cheeks and then over his nose with small kisses and then she licked his lips nipping softly at them and giving him then a soft kiss as her tongue teasingly played at him as if begging for a deeper kiss.

Her fingertips were fighting the urge to slip in his shorts to play and tease his body but did not dare to do. Her breathing was a soft pant, and her heart was racing as her thighs shivered slightly for excitement.
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Oh Blaze knew that she was enjoying herself, and even as he got that first exclamation of pleasure from her it only made him want even more of her. He could feel her hips buck in response and even as she tried to push herself more onto his tongue he certainly did hold her in place, his tongue, lips and mouth working not only to pleasure her but also to get more and more of her taste into his mouth. He found that she tasted utterly delicious and Blaze wanted more from her!

As he straightened and went to her with the berry he grinned as she took her piece, though feeling her holding onto his shorts he groaned, feeling how she wanted so much to hold him only made him feel an even deeper sense of desire for her as well.

Even as she cleaned at him he didn’t give her that deep kiss just yet… instead as she worked he’d tease her right back with soft little kisses but not that deep one she desired. Only when she was ‘done’ with cleaning him did he choose at that point to give her what really they both wanted. Not really caring about how much of a mess it might make, Blaze leaned right down, settling his weight onto her, his chest pressing into her, his weight pressing her into the table even more as he pressed his lips hungrily into hers, his groan escaping his lips deeply as he did.

Pressing her right into the table his hands smoothed over her sides, nails and fingers scraping over her sides as he kissed her deeply, his tongue pressing her lips open demanding entrance to her mouth and when she did he thrust his tongue deeply into her mouth, rubbing it up against hers as he was now panting for breath. He wanted her SO badly, his controlled exterior beginning to fade into unbridled lust for the beautiful submissive woman who lay beneath her.

At the same time he was aching to get out of his shorts, and yet for now he was unwilling to break the kiss… so for now he delved into her mouth, groaning and panting as he did.
Lizzy wanted to whimper cause he wasn't giving her that one kiss she ached to have and her body so needed as it would mean for him to come closer. So she kept teasing and playfully trying, as her fingertips held tightly to his shorts.

She was tempted to wrap her arms around him or other things but she could fight it though it got harder and harder to do so. When he then finally leaned in laying so to say on top of her as his lips then finally pressed to hers. His body forced hers to once again lay flat on the table even pinned her there under him and his lips demanded hers to kiss back and she wanted to badly.

It was then his tongue that went and demanded her mouth to open and invite him in and she did so without hesitation and it was then she couldnt help herself. Her legs lifted and wrapped around him and her hands went from his waistband of his shorts up over his back pull him as close as possible as if more was even possible. She gripped to his shoulders as she moaned softly in the kiss gasping for air when she could or he did as well.

His chest pressed against hers so much he probly could feel her heart racing and she was lost to the lust and moment of their kuss that she totally forgot that she porbly would be making a mess of his shorts but didn't care. It would only give her a reason to invite him to stay the night and she could wash them fir him, if she was lucky and he didn't have clothing in his bag just incase.

Her body trembled under him as her hands and arms held to him she wanted to show with her whole body she wanted him and not only to fuck but she wanted Him to be hers and she wanted to be his. It was funny it was like love at first sight kinda thing though she never really thought that was really possible you can't love someone without knowing him/her or such. She didn't love Blaze or at least not yet or such but she fell for him badly with his first hello. His touch to her leg and body and then what he did to her that first day god from then on he was like a drug she never wanted to stop taking.
Oh, it wasn't that Blaze didn't want to get closer to her, it was more that he was enjoying her attentions all the more and did not want to disturb that now. Instead, he sighed contentedly as she 'worked at him', and even as he waited until just the right moment, at that moment he did settle onto her and gave her what they both wanted.

Feeling her legs lift and wrap around him he groaned into her mouth with pure enjoyment as his tongue oh so passionately duelled with hers. Feeling her hands slide over his strong muscular back Blaze shivered with desire, though as her moan echoed into his mouth he grinned as he kissed her right back.

"Fuck Lizzy... you're so hot..."

He growled as he managed to pull his lips from hers for a breath, and yet he didn't try to lift off her at all, instead he grinned to her and peppered her jawline next with kisses, though as he reached her ear he whispered hotly.

" You're... so sexy... you're like a drug... begging me to have you..."

She wasn't the only one being affected by this attraction... he felt a desire to be with her... to see her get stronger and even more confident and beautiful. Yet as he also said that he moved back to her lips and demanded more of her kisses, even as he did his hands which were on her sides slid down and beneath the curve of her ass, squeezing the globes of flesh as he groaned again. Getting air again he panted to her.

" Where's your bathroom? I think we need to clean up before I ravish you in bed hmmm?"

He wanted her to know he wasn't going anywhere. Instead, unless she 'kicked him out' Blaze was going to be staying at the very least the night. For now, however, he thought they needed to clean up... besides, she wanted him naked as well... right?!
Lizzy giggled softly and bite her lip letting it slide from between her teeth slowly as she listened to him tell her that she was fucking hot. They both panted some as he managed to pull his lips from her to growl what he said. Her hands stayed on his back and her legs around his waist while he peppered her jawline with kisses.

She closed her eyes and held her breath as she felt his hot breath on her ear as it caressed and bathed her silky skin there. She couldnt help it but bite her lip as he said the exact thing she was thinking about him and she knew he felt the same as she did. It was then she felt his hands under her ass squeezing nicely her ass cheeks.

What he did to her also made her moan softly as she kissed him back and when he pulled back again panting to her she also panted and locked and bite her lips some as if to savour each and every taste of his lips. She knew he wasn't going anywhere with his next words he said but as if she feared to forget how good her drug tasted she couldnt stop doing that and wanted more of his kisses but also alot more than that.

When he mentioned the bathroom and getting cleaned up she noted some and u wrapped herself from him so he could let her get up as she then said to him. Plus she wanted him naked as well for the next time they might be kissing like this he could be doing more that just kissing though she didn't mind it but she ached to feel him again in her.

"It threw my bedroom with a nice big shower....should I lead the way?!"

She said with a smirk as she leaned up and kissed his chin and then his cheeks but finally his lips softly as she waited for him to answer. Was he going to let her get up and show him the way or was he going to do a typical movie seen and carry her there while they kissed and therefore needing to know before where he needs to go.