Repository of awesome men

62 single male in England. ♈ Aries - passionate, driven, highly creative, highly imaginative, lifelong writer. Got serious about writing and aiming for publication since lockdowns hit. Just about to submit my first attempt at erotica to an agent. My other material is thrillers with multi-faceted content.

Former regression and Hypno therapist. Also worked in aquatic conservation/ fisheries. Also in labs - food safety, cancer research.

Supporting adults who have learning disabilities these days.

Played rhythm guitar and wrote all the song lyrics in a part time rock band back in the day - for 17 years.

I love: stimulating conversation, cinema, music, live music, guitar, reading, writing, wilds, wildlife, walking, voluntary conservation work, spirituality, psychology, fantasy, mystery, Sci-Fi, thrillers, supernatural, suspense, paranormal, horror, mind body and spirit.

Dry, ironic and off the wall sense of humour. Good listener, supportive, easy to be with, funny. Being Aries creative/imaginative dirty mind in the best possible sense.

Writing has included: some published non-fiction and a short story; poetry; script/screenplay; short stories and novels (first written in teens) .


Do you have great hair, great teeth and smell incredible? :D
I used to. But being older and wiser I realized hair doesn't define a "good man". That and I shaved it for my grandson when he got his hair cut like Thor in his Ragnarock movie. I have all my teeth and a good smile. And I always smell good... except when I'm doing man work... fixing a car, making dinners, dusting, vacuuming, doing laundry... things that make anyone sweat.
There are a bunch of awesome men who have posted in this thread. I have a spreadsheet that I’m happy to share. 🤣
If said spreadsheet were to actually exist, would you rank it by preference, alphabetically or some other algorithm?
I certainly qualify as one of those lurkers. I've posted occasionally, but mostly just read through the boards. 50, unhappily MWM in the north-central US. Something about your post intrigued me, so I'm responding. I am available to message on Kik, if you'd like to converse further. PM is fine too, if that's your preference. Hopefully I'll make the spreadsheet! ☺
I feel like this thread is a trap 🤔🪤

This should be a thread where only woman post some of their favorite recent encounters with good men on here.
Man, one of the few times I've been too young for something lately. 😆 Is this what it's like to be short for the "must be this tall to ride" things? 🤣
I have updated the OP, but I’ll also post it here too…I am not looking for anyone, but feel free to post here about yourself and hopefully some lucky Lit woman will see it and she will message you. I also have a couple of friends I could maybe introduce you to if you are super amazing. :D
I have updated the OP, but I’ll also post it here too…I am not looking for anyone, but feel free to post here about yourself and hopefully some lucky Lit woman will see it and she will message you. I also have a couple of friends I could maybe introduce you to if you are super amazing. :D
Why do I need to post about myself when you already described me in your original post? 😉 (that was based on me, right? 😁)
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Personally I have had a couple "women" hating moments of late... I guess it comes from the fact that some people, whether male or females are ASSHOLES, as Lonelywife has mentioned. On the other hand, I have found countless other women who are kind, and of course sexually awesome, which keeps me coming back for more.

This should be an opportunity to get to know someone in a similar situation, someone needing a little more than what they might be experiencing in real life. I have grown older since starting on Lit which for some is a turn off, for others a special opportunity. While sex and (ahem) masturbation is definitely an important reason to visit here, friendship, intelligent conversation, witty banter, etc. are also quite valuable.

If there isn't a decent fit, I always have the decency to let the person know. I would expect the same of course.....

Oh... and yes, I pretty much fit the original description also....
I'm on the younger end of over 40. And I do have the ability to talk about anything. Though I primarily lurk and rarely post, finding worthwhile conversation for me that lasts longer than a day or two is hard. Got to be efforts on both end I think. Though I will admit that this isn't a place that I visit every day or even once a week sometimes. There's times that I don't visit here for a month, I tend to come and go. But I am always up for conversation regardless of what it is.
Seems this thread has come to its end. Lonelywife has found what she was looking for and the rest of us are still just shuffling around wondering...
I have updated the OP, but I’ll also post it here too…I am not looking for anyone, but feel free to post here about yourself and hopefully some lucky Lit woman will see it and she will message you. I also have a couple of friends I could maybe introduce you to if you are super amazing. :D
send her my way please...i'll tell her in a PM more...
Hello all! 36 Male here hut not sure about the awesome part, that is a lot of pressure.
Mostly here to distract myself and ogle some wonderful women but also like the occasional friendly banter.