Repository of awesome men


Damn, missed the age range by... *checks notes*... a smidge 😂 seriously, this thread was a very interesting read and a great look into many different perspectives. Educational some would say lol.
***As a side note, my specific list includes no bi guys, no men who are into wearing women’s panties and no submissive men. I’m not kink shaming, just not my thing. ;)

Bisexuality is an orientation, and a part of who some people are. Not a kink.

Looking at it, I see that’s how it reads, but I meant it about the panty thing. I truly did not mean that to be offensive. I’m sorry if it was.
Having just read through the whole thread, I think my takeaway is the diversity of responses really does just sum up Lit as a whole.

Plenty of food for thought.

Clearly it's a forum where anyone and everyone can comment - and a bunch of people have done from their different perspectives and ways. Some of that can obviously be what people deem as them giving their honest opinion which might not be popular but I think with that it seems like an excuse to not think about how it's delivered - and I think everyone ought to consider how things are said. I do totally appreciate as has already been said that without visual or intonation it's not always clear how someone means something and can be taken the wrong way.

Overall though... #bekind
It’s mostly that they end up being flaky. I’ve never been the kind of person who lets one bad experience ruin it for the next guy, but I’ll admit I’m starting to become jaded.

Flaky? Like as in unreliable or ghosting?

I'm not sure what this board is for yet, but if you are looking for "penpals" that reasonably regularly turn toward the pervy or kinky. I like to share my thoughts and love to hear what women are thinking about.
Hello. :)

"good looking" is somewhat subjective, of course.
I feel confident (another criteria LOL) that I am not "bad" looking.:cool:
If you ever feel bored, you can stalk my posts, as it's all out there (in here).

I already know that you are "good looking", in my assessment. (which is accurate ;) )
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Insightful thread LonelyWife, I know that I have fit in these categories listed and then not fit at all, it's all perception.
I used to meet some really amazing men here. Lately, there seems to be an endless string of, I’ll be nice and call them “less than stellar” guys. I know you awesome guys are out there, likely lurking in the shadows. Please help restore the faith of the women of Lit that there really are some decent and wonderful men here.

Come say hi and introduce yourself if you are…

-OVER 40
-Good looking
-Not a man whore
-Emotionally available
-A great conversationalist
-Not boring
-Not “too nice” or “trying too hard”
-At least a little pervy
-NOT AN ASSHOLE (wanting to lick them is ok, being one is not)

* This is a general list, my personal list is way more specific. I reserve the right to amend it as I see fit.

** This has gone off the rails a bit. What i envisioned was a fun thread where people could interact, but instead my inbox has blown up.

***As a side note, my specific list includes no bi guys, no men who are into wearing women’s panties and no submissive men. I’m not kink shaming, just not my thing. ;)

**** Just to clarify, I’m not really looking for anyone and I’m definitely not looking for horny guys who just want to e-bone. I was considering a man hating post yesterday, but thought this would be a better idea. I’ve had enough heartbreak to last me for a good long while. But, if the Lit fairy drops the rare and elusive unicorn right in my lap, I won’t turn him away. ;)

Hey there! I love the post as it's looking for someone GENUINE that could hold real conversation, whether that be dirty or just general discussion. I'm a fit for a LOT of the list above, albeit would leave the "good looking" part up to you as that's in the eye of the beholder (I don't see myself as unattractive, but I'm also not conceited to the point of just assuming I'm God's gift to the world lol). I would be happy to talk about anything from hobbies and interests to any other areas of thing is for sure: I will always be flrity. It's just the personality. Feel free to DM sometime and see if the chemistry fits for the conversation you seek!
For what it counts, I understood perfectly what you meant.
Thank you O. It’s good to see you. 😊

Overall though... #bekind
You always are 😉

Does almost 40 count?
For the man with the ratchets? Of course. 😊

Hello. :)

"good looking" is somewhat subjective, of course.
I feel confident (another criteria LOL) that I am not "bad" looking.:cool:
If you ever feel bored, you can stalk my posts, as it's all out there (in here).

I already know that you are "good looking", in my assessment. (which is accurate ;) )
Thank you Throbbs. And I agree it is subjective. We like what we like.

Insightful thread LonelyWife, I know that I have fit in these categories listed and then not fit at all, it's all perception.
You have definitely fit them all. It’s good to see you my long lost friend. 😘
I used to meet some really amazing men here. Lately, there seems to be an endless string of, I’ll be nice and call them “less than stellar” guys. I know you awesome guys are out there, likely lurking in the shadows. Please help restore the faith of the women of Lit that there really are some decent and wonderful men here.

Come say hi and introduce yourself if you are…

-OVER 40
-Good looking
-Not a man whore
-Emotionally available
-A great conversationalist
-Not boring
-Not “too nice” or “trying too hard”
-At least a little pervy
-NOT AN ASSHOLE (wanting to lick them is ok, being one is not)

* This is a general list, my personal list is way more specific. I reserve the right to amend it as I see fit.

** This has gone off the rails a bit. What i envisioned was a fun thread where people could interact, but instead my inbox has blown up.

***As a side note, my specific list includes no bi guys, no men who are into wearing women’s panties and no submissive men. I’m not kink shaming, just not my thing. ;)

**** Just to clarify, I’m not really looking for anyone and I’m definitely not looking for horny guys who just want to e-bone. I was considering a man hating post yesterday, but thought this would be a better idea. I’ve had enough heartbreak to last me for a good long while. But, if the Lit fairy drops the rare and elusive unicorn right in my lap, I won’t turn him away. ;)

Hi there! I'd like to think that much of this list describes me. Im a 43m from New York. Im very new here but would love to connect with a woman on here.

I hope everyone has a lovely weekend!
Hi there! I'd like to think that much of this list describes me. Im a 43m from New York. Im very new here but would love to connect with a woman on here.

I hope everyone has a lovely weekend!

Ummm….you’ve been here longer than most of us. :D
Good luck to you. I hope you find a nice lady to connect with. 😊
Thank you Throbbs. And I agree it is subjective. We like what we like.

And conversely, eh?:D


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Hmmm let’s review the list:

-Confident - I am confident enough to be judging myself based on this list, I’ll say Yes
-OVER 40 - looks like god shoved me out of a womb in a timely manner
-Good looking - I have a few fans that say yes, I choose not to listen to naysayers here.
-Kind - I have never kicked a cat, I’m giving myself this one.
-Funny/witty - if someone thinks they are funny they probably are not, so I’m going with mildly humorous
-Not a man whore - Does Bill Clinton’s definition of “it” apply here?
-Emotionally available - I can cry on demand? Maybe not what we’re looking for here.
-A great conversationalist - I have been told to shut up on more than one occasion.
-Intelligent - not smart enough to not post this, you judge.
-Not boring - good lord I bore myself so - Fail
-Not “too nice” or “trying too hard” - I’m not that nice, really, but maybe I’m trying too hard to not be too nice?
-Sincere - I mean every word of the above
-Considerate - I hope you don’t take this to be unkind, just stupid
-At least a little pervy - covered, in spades
-NOT AN ASSHOLE (wanting to lick them is ok, being one is not) I suppose this post isn’t helping my case. But I do like licking them if it helps.
I would like to think that I tick all those boxes... I know I smash the 'over 40' one factually and by a way. 🤣

I admit I do lurk. And chill. And visit not enough. Sadly.

I draw a lot and sell my art. Alongside working... it all takes up a lot of time.

I did post a pic or two on the show your face thread... and did kind of okay. 🙃🙃

I would like to strike up conversation one to one... to brighten my world and have good chat.

Maybe show my drawings. Who knows.

Hope everyone is okay in these odd times.
It is not all on guys either. There were times when I write my thoughts and get one sentence replies back which makes it difficult to get a conversation going.
It is not all on guys either. There were times when I write my thoughts and get one sentence replies back which makes it difficult to get a conversation going.
My bugbear. So many one line answers.
Its not a gender thing. Men are equally capable of undue brevity. I filter them out unless that one sentence has their Skype address in it.
My bugbear. So many one line answers.
Its not a gender thing. Men are equally capable of undue brevity. I filter them out unless that one sentence has their Skype address in it.
I was not throwing my hat into the ring here for consideration, I was just making a comment that it can also be hard for men that are trying to make a connection. Any effort at a conversation needs to flow both ways. That has not always been my experience on Lit.
I was not throwing my hat into the ring here for consideration, I was just making a comment that it can also be hard for men that are trying to make a connection. Any effort at a conversation needs to flow both ways. That has not always been my experience on Lit.
Preach it
I was not throwing my hat into the ring here for consideration, I was just making a comment that it can also be hard for men that are trying to make a connection. Any effort at a conversation needs to flow both ways. That has not always been my experience on Lit.
I am agreeing with you completely and also not throwing my dapper hat into this or any ring.