Repository of awesome men

LW, I think the reason is as AC has articulated 2x now, that if a man posted that, even in jest (indeed especially in jest) he would have been flamed alive by both sexes, and he’d deserve it. Women complain about having to field creeps, dick pics, all sorts in their inboxes. I don’t envy you. But think that men also have to contend with this, ok not the dick pics but, yes some women can be creeps. All the while we have a tenth of the depth of choice women have. I’m not saying this to bemoan the status quo. To be honest I’m ducking out of the game because I struck gold. But it is what it is and it’s generally a sausage fest at the best of times. So writing a long list of very specific criteria a man has to meet to even be considered is either going to attract guys trying to shoehorn themselves into those criteria or get some peoples’ backs up because it’s rubbing their inadequacies in their faces.

That’s awesome you found someone. ❤️

As far as dick pics go, I think this is largely a myth that women are inundated with unsolicited dick pics in their PM’s. I have received less than a handful, actually only 2 I remember, in the 3 years I’ve been here.

I feel like I have settled enough in other areas of my life that I’m not going to do it when looking for someone to fill the voids in my life. Life is short. I know what I want and what I don’t. I don’t want to be so rigid that I miss out on someone amazing, but I know myself well enough to know there are just some things that I need or it won’t work for me.
What criteria should I have based it on if not my own? Yours?
It was meant to be fun and light hearted. You’re taking it way too seriously.

There was nothing in the original writing of the post to suggest “light hearted”.
If you are looking for a good guy for yourself, then of course use your criteria. But it didn’t seem to be the intent was just for you. But rather as a litmus test for all men to be listed like an approved menu for other women to choose from.

And if the men don’t met your standard, then off the list.

Personally, I find this concept disgusting and gross.
There was nothing in the original writing of the post to suggest “light hearted”.
If you are looking for a good guy for yourself, then of course use your criteria. But it didn’t seem to be the intent was just for you. But rather as a litmus test for all men to be listed like an approved menu for other women to choose from.

And if the men don’t met your standard, then off the list.

Personally, I find this concept disgusting and gross.

It was meant to be light hearted and fun. Sorry you didn’t take it that way. There is no “approved menu”, nobody is “off the list”. We all have different tastes. There’s somebody out there for everybody. Good luck with your post.
That’s awesome you found someone. ❤️

As far as dick pics go, I think this is largely a myth that women are inundated with unsolicited dick pics in their PM’s. I have received less than a handful, actually only 2 I remember, in the 3 years I’ve been here.

I feel like I have settled enough in other areas of my life that I’m not going to do it when looking for someone to fill the voids in my life. Life is short. I know what I want and what I don’t. I don’t want to be so rigid that I miss out on someone amazing, but I know myself well enough to know there are just some things that I need or it won’t work for me.

Thank you. She is awesome.

I’ll take your word on the dick pics. I really can’t understand how anyone can be so disrespectful and insecure to send something like that totally unsolicited but it’s a thing, I’ve heard. I’m glad you haven’t had too much of a problem with it.

I completely understand where you are coming from. I really do. It’s great that you have your standards, you most definitely should stick to them and gauge all your interactions against them. I think we all do. Some of us will bend them more than others, for fear of opportunity cost, but we all have them. I think the point is the laying out of them so up baldly and by that implying that all men should aspire to such standards. Like I said, some will bend the truth to fit, many will arch their backs like a cat discovering another cat playing with it’s mouse. This was never going to be a light hearted thread, despite your no doubt honest intentions.

I wish you the best of luck finding your specific unicorn.
It was meant to be light hearted and fun. Sorry you didn’t take it that way. There is no “approved menu”, nobody is “off the list”. We all have different tastes. There’s somebody out there for everybody. Good luck with your post.

I will take your word on it that it was meant to be light hearted. However, there is no need to apologize for how I took it. Perhaps a mea culpa for how it was written?

I own how I took it, so you own how it was communicated?

-Confident - relatively so
-OVER 40 - Significantly LOL
-Good looking - So I have been told
-Kind - Yes, there is too much unkindness in the world already
-Funny/witty - Witty? at least half the time :p
-Not a man whore - Never
-Emotionally available - mostly LOL
-A great conversationalist - I've been told I talk too much sometimes. That might qualify as not being great
-Intelligent - Sometimes I wonder
-Not boring - I can go either way LOL
-Not “too nice” or “trying too hard” - I've been guilty of this
-Sincere - Yes
-Considerate - Yes
-At least a little pervy - :)

Hopefully, never an asshole

(I've never been in a repository before and definitely never in a suppository)
-Confident - relatively so
-OVER 40 - Significantly LOL
-Good looking - So I have been told
-Kind - Yes, there is too much unkindness in the world already
-Funny/witty - Witty? at least half the time :p
-Not a man whore - Never
-Emotionally available - mostly LOL
-A great conversationalist - I've been told I talk too much sometimes. That might qualify as not being great
-Intelligent - Sometimes I wonder
-Not boring - I can go either way LOL
-Not “too nice” or “trying too hard” - I've been guilty of this
-Sincere - Yes
-Considerate - Yes
-At least a little pervy - :)

Hopefully, never an asshole

(I've never been in a repository before and definitely never in a suppository)

Welcome 😊
Hi there, ive literally just posted looking for a chat mate with a similar vibe to your list. Would like to think I meet most of your requirements. Also, looking for good folks as much as sexual fantasy to help my good but sexually lacking life in other ways. I'm 42 and fairly fit, can hold a conversation, or at least would like to think. X

Hi there,
Not sure if you’ll see this, but I just wanted you to know I tried to respond to your PM, but it said they were turned off. I hope that means you found someone special to connect with. 😊

I would ask the same of the ladies? Where are smart funny non judemental fun loving women at??? I am here to meet fun smart people and to have fun discussions and laugh....because it's impossible to frown if you are laughing!!!! Haha ( dad joke)
Uk man checking in here. Seems a coincidence that this thread was posted on my birthday where I turned 41. So hit the over 40 club :)

I haven't been on here for a little while, so be gentle. Maybe.
I will take your word on it that it was meant to be light hearted. However, there is no need to apologize for how I took it. Perhaps a mea culpa for how it was written?

I own how I took it, so you own how it was communicated?

At the very least, you’ve failed the “don’t be an asshole” part.
I would ask the same of the ladies? Where are smart funny non judemental fun loving women at??? I am here to meet fun smart people and to have fun discussions and laugh....because it's impossible to frown if you are laughing!!!! Haha ( dad joke)

🙋*♀️ Here I am 😁
Uk man checking
in here. Seems a coincidence that this thread was posted on my birthday where I turned 41. So hit the over 40 club :)

I haven't been on here for a little while, so be gentle. Maybe.

Gentle enough?
I didn’t need to get all of the answers because as much as I connected to them, they still didn’t owe me anything. I just had to accept it and let it be.

Unless you were a bitch/jerk to them, they do owe you a little decency and good manners. It's the minimum one can do. Unless they are dead, of course, sociopaths or total wimps.

But, you are right. You don't need to get all the answers. You know, the famous so-called "closure". The biggest answer is their behavior, and you cannot control someone else's behavior. But you can control yourself and move on with your life.

Absolutely love your post! There are some good guys out there….however many just 1 thing, “ quickies” one nighters, freebies! A great guy will give you MORE, ALOT MORE!

Commitment to your pleasure ( mental, physical etc)
True genuine friendship
Effort to making a friendship work
Fun/ creative/ easy going, not pushy!

Would love to get to know you!
46 married guy
Finding a connection, friendship with anyone here is a gamble. You just try to make the right decision and hope you connect with the right person, men and woman alike. Most important though is getting to know one another first so you can feel secure and respected.