Republican Leadership Is A Threat To America

Absolutely 100% patently false and if you think that is a full on endorsement of republican leadership you are sorely mistaken. The threat to America (and I assume the person means the U.S.?) is not from within the U.S. We are not the chessboard we are not even the King. If anything, we are the Queen, why? Because the Queen is the most badass mother-fucker in the game! And I'm sorry, say what you will about the U.S. but we are the world's fucking most badass sovereign nation, EVAR. That's not good or bad, it just is. And no, it ain't cuz God smiles at us, God (biblical God) is a myth, much like the Tooth Fairy or the laughable idea that the U.S. is ruled by "law and order"...that one cracks me the fuck up. I don't know why the U.S. is that but my theory is...aliens. Just do a timeline starting at Roswell going forward, and include geography.
An in-depth look at the corrupt Mitch McConnell. Mitch never met a bribe he wouldn’t accept.

Thoughts and prayers on your future endeavors, Mr Turtle.
A Jewish couple was rejected as foster parents because of their religion

But their plans quickly fell apart when the Christian state-funded foster care placement agency informed them by email that they “only provide adoption services to prospective adoptive families that share our belief system”. The Rutan-Rams, who are Jewish, were out of luck.

Tennessee demonstrates what happens when the government institutionalizes one religion.