Rhyming Disdain?

Re: Oh, finally... the perfect place...

Kundalinguini said:
Ever since I dashed this off I haven't known what in the world to do with it... but here, at last, is where I can dump it. :D

We could use a little lilting erotica here, after all...

The Bar Stool: Lust in Informal Pentameter
(with all apologies to Shakespeare)

It doesn't mean I love you any less,
Because I want to fuck you all the time,
But when you're pantiless beneath your dress,
Just what do you expect? It's not a crime.

We're sitting at a bar, you lift your skirt,
And run a finger up and down your clit,
Then lift it up and suck it off... you flirt.
I think the guy behind us nearly shit.

You look at him and smile, then dip it in,
Your eyes are looking pretty hot, I think.
Now wet, you pull it out and stir my gin,
And smiling, hold it out for me to drink.

The guy behind us just fell off his stool,
To see you masturbating in the bar.
The table next to us begins to drool,
Just looking they can see how wet you are.

You spread your legs and slip two fingers in.
Your eyes are closed now. You begin to moan.
You slide them out, rub wetness on the skin
Of those delighful pussy lips. They groan.

You're rubbing faster now. You grind your hips
Against that finger and its ecstasy.
A dip, a slip, a trace around your lips,
Their hands are in their laps, all fantasy.

You see them, smile, it turns you on so much.
You're panting harder now. They're hard at play.
You gasp and writhe, and arch up to your touch,
Until you cum at last, and so do they.


Oh right... sophisticated verse... oh well... ;)

You know, I used to drink. I really don't remember meeting you that night. I stirred your gin? Hmmm.

Syn :kiss:
Distilled verse

Syndra Lynn said:
You know, I used to drink. I really don't remember meeting you that night. I stirred your gin? Hmmm.

The flame so slowly flickers,
As the steam begins to rise.
You keep it at a simmer,
Looking up through smoky eyes.
The steam is full of fragrance;
It condenses like the dew,
Hanging like a thousand pendants,
That trickle down to you.

Now the fire is long-past embers,
And the droplets someone's sin,
And perhaps you don't remember
But you really stirred my gin.




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Re: Distilled verse

Kundalinguini said:
The flame so slowly flickers,
As the steam begins to rise.
You keep it at a simmer,
Looking up through smoky eyes.
The steam is full of fragrance;
It condenses like the dew,
Hanging like a thousand pendants,
That trickle down to you.

Now the fire is long-past embers,
And the droplets someone's sin,
And perhaps you don't remember
But you really stirred my gin.





There you go again, being brilliant. You truly are a super nova

You really stirred me too! :p

Syn :kiss:
Lover’s Keep

A rake of nail, a welt of sin
a sketch of tongue upon your skin
flaming kisses lapping heat
taunting eyes, challenged meet
your passions gaze, carve of lust
building, churning, burning thrust

I dare and tease, willing more
extracting steady, immersed explore
before we leap into the depth
overwrought, found inept
of spoken words, instinctual flows
as furor surges, heaves and grows

deeper still we swim to black
sliding slowly back to back
front again, slick oiled skin
abraded minds, prudence dims
a rip tide course, lovers delight
casting absent senseless blight

blindfolded by unsympathetic haze
of fevered hunger, starved and crazed
feasting upon deliberate desire
screaming upon each acquired
savage hunting beyond deep
ravaged ocean, lovers keep

until panting, gasping air
float the edge of lover’s lair
clinging for the sake of each
swelling shivers, riding peaks
slowly rippling towards shore
now a tender soft explore
Damn echoes, that was slick. How the heck do you makes your lines read so damn smooth all the time? :) I've said it before, and i'll say it again; it's so melodic that I keep forgetting that it is just text.

abandon your armor, hang on to the hope
of searching solutions through caleidoscope
of spellcasting mirrors and looking glass lies
where truth is eternal and love never dies

abandon your grayness, the rainbow awaits
we'll travel the archway to shape our own fates
we'll swirl in a whirlpool of shimmer and tones
and clean us from burdens let go of the stones
Thanks Liar :)
it just comes out of me without me even knowing where it is going to end up.
I get this urge to write, touched by some emotion or even a word someone said to me, that brought out one line, then a few more, then the poem flows down until it is painted.
:rose: :heart:
Liar said:
abandon your armor, hang on to the hope
of searching solutions through caleidoscope
of spellcasting mirrors and looking glass lies
where truth is eternal and love never dies

abandon your grayness, the rainbow awaits
we'll travel the archway to shape our own fates
we'll swirl in a whirlpool of shimmer and tones
and clean us from burdens let go of the stones

and YOU asked me...what? ;)
this is beautiful:rose: :heart:
Liar said:
abandon your armor, hang on to the hope
of searching solutions through caleidoscope
of spellcasting mirrors and looking glass lies
where truth is eternal and love never dies

abandon your grayness, the rainbow awaits
we'll travel the archway to shape our own fates
we'll swirl in a whirlpool of shimmer and tones
and clean us from burdens let go of the stones

This is how I wish I could write.

Heavy sigh.

Syn :kiss:
E & S, thanks. I had some kickass inspiration form previous posts. :rose:

Oh, by the way, let me bring up a little quote from not too long ago... :D
echoes_s said:
Liar...trust me, nothing could be worse than I and rhyme seated together
As they say: yeah right.

A Thousand Voices

In bombers named for girls, we burned
The cities we had learned about in school-
from Losses
by Randall Jarrell

Dark voices once echoed from the sky
Rolled through their valleys like thunder.
Born from the hands of oily fire
Palms greased in napalm burned under
The pure white, bright phosphorus blast.
And now an infinite wisdom:
Thinking bombs, air iconoclast
Sent in surgical precision
While the children die just the same
As roadways burn and schoolyards echo
Proximity their only blame.
No one sees what the smart bombs know
With impassioned words from his breath
A thousand voices scream of death.

jim : )
jthserra said:
A Thousand Voices

In bombers named for girls, we burned
The cities we had learned about in school-
from Losses
by Randall Jarrell

Dark voices once echoed from the sky
Rolled through their valleys like thunder.
Born from the hands of oily fire
Palms greased in napalm burned under
The pure white, bright phosphorus blast.
And now an infinite wisdom:
Thinking bombs, air iconoclast
Sent in surgical precision
While the children die just the same
As roadways burn and schoolyards echo
Proximity their only blame.
No one sees what the smart bombs know
With impassioned words from his breath
A thousand voices scream of death.

jim : )

Och...good, but hurts bad! :rose:

realism and truth....hits home hardest :(
days get shorter, slip away
months go by and feel the same
no reason to get up for morning
there's nothing to kick off my day
self induced, self dominating
invisible, un-seen self-hatred

Funny, i was just thinking about why people dislike rhyming while i was writing it. I like to write in rhymes.
underbraust said:
days get shorter, slip away
months go by and feel the same
no reason to get up for morning
there's nothing to kick off my day
self induced, self dominating
invisible, un-seen self-hatred

Funny, i was just thinking about why people dislike rhyming while i was writing it. I like to write in rhymes.

I do, too. Was it ever decided why some don't like it? When we started out in kindergarten, that was the very definition of poetry!
Damn this place. I think in rhymes.
I'm writing prose, but rhyming lines.
I read it back, and there's a meter.
I'm paying Paul, but cheating Peter.

I write an email. Look at that:
The last three lines end that, sat, fat.
And where'd I rhyme finesse and stress?
A letter to the IRS.


Contrarian Advice

Contrarian Advice

Put away your toys,
store them back where they belong.
Eat a banana like a corn cob;
Sideways isn't wrong;

Always eat your vegetables
and from alcohol abstain.
Come naked late for dinner.
Wear your socks out in the rain.

Sit up straight with shoulders back.
Look for mom's approval.
Pound the screws in tightly.
(Threads are only for removal.)

Wait to speak 'til spoken to.
Say please and be polite.
Kiss with eyes wide open.
Take three left's to make a right.

Look both ways. Be careful,
before stepping off the curb.
Go ahead and knock
when the sign says don't disturb.

Staple stamps to all your letters.
Put ice cream in your stew.
Living starts with breathing.
The rest is up to you.