Rick's Rooftop...an OOC lounge

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nova4u said:
Well, you could always take a broom and kiss me while sweeping the dust off my shoes, but somehow I don't think that would have quite the same effect. C'mere and pounce me cuddly one. Let's see what kind of effect THAT has. :devil:

Dunno 'bout anyone else, but I'd have to say the thought of watching you be punced by almost anyone (cuddly or not) certainly has a pronounced effect on me. ;) :p :devil:

Remec said:
the thought of watching you be punced by almost anyone (cuddly or not) certainly has a pronounced effect on me.
Pronounced enough for you to not just watch I'd hope... :p
Tardy Auld Lang Syne...

peeking over the railing - not sure whether HT's going to throw water balloons or kisses my way...

A belated wish for a happy & prosperous New Year to all! I've been gone so long... I've got a huge basket of kisses I'm leaving on the bar. Hope it's ok, HT. I know that's your trademark. :eek:

:kiss: 's

~ Huntress
*peeks in warily wondering it it's safe to enter ... eyes the afore-threatened door and shivers ...*

Ummm ... Happy New Year again all ...

*sneaks in and leaves a bowl of chocolate fortune cookies for all*

nova4u said:
Pronounced enough for you to not just watch I'd hope... :p

Not just...but content to wait for an invitation, kicked back and enjoying the posts...filling in the details in terms of sight, sound, and scent on my own...

Pounce Nova saying Hi .. I'm glad you liked my post even if I have to admit that your mind went in another direction than I had thought it would do :p

What is this ! .. Suspecting that a tiger throws water balloons ? :eek:

Huntress .. Don't you know that all cats are afraid of water ... unless it is in a tub. Picks up some of my kisses from the bowl and throws it towards you .. I'm sure all other Roofers loves your kisses as much as I do .. and after all what would life be without variation.

Fortune cookies ... I can't resist those .. grabs one and opens it ... hmmm you will soon enter a cold room ? ... I wonder where that room is .. winks at DM.

Remec .. the cold shower is behind the left door in case you got too excited after the first pounce :D

pounces Nova once more just because I can

Have a great day

:kiss: :kiss:

Oh, HT! Did I ruffle your fur the wrong way? :devil:

I remember several occasions when Lady Kit, Chanaud, Star, the long lost Las and Mya dallied in a hot tub supplied by Ari. I seem to recall, too, that you took a plunge (and a header once!) when tempted by all those gorgeous bobbing globes of femininity. Ah... the good old days!


Maybe you can drag it out of storage just for olde tyme's sake?

Huntress .. there is no wrong way when you ruffle my fur :devil: Who can ever forget that hot tub and what happened there. I still rememver a mermaid that was diving in that tub ;)

Turk .. Can you give me a helping hand with the hot tub, we have to have it ready within an hour. It might be good for the finances of this place if there is an extra reason to buy champagne, who knows it might even turn out so good that you can get a higher salery.

Have a great day everybody

:kiss: :kiss:
Hey Turk .. I thought we agreed that you would give me a call when the tub was up and running. :confused:

Walks over to the tub and finds five empty bottles behind it .. hmmm, I think someone has been naughty here .. looks at Turk and shakes his head.

Guess what !!

We have finally got some snow in the lands of the Vikings .. good thing with the snow is that it makes cuddling even more inviting *hint, hint*

leaves a bowl filled with kisses at the bar

:kiss: :kiss:
whoopie wednesday

Turk, you handsome blue eyed devil, line up some cold ones. I just got back on line from a hiatus from the cyber world due to a recent move. It's good to be back around all thise fine, sexy people at Lit.

Huntress, you and your globes have restored the sheen to our old hot tub ;)

HT, keep p the good work. By the way, it was down to 45 this morning, some of your arctic air has snuck down south :D

opening my fortune cookie after licking off all the chocolate: You will receive an unexpected gift from a sexy lady I bet you'd be as much fun n hte Mikado as you were in HMS Pinafore :p

keep on smiling
Feathers and fur

Ooooh... brrrr... it has been cold on the west coast of late! HT? Turk? Where's that hot water? I could sure use a defrosting!

In our little canyon's micro-climate it's been in the high 20's - finally had some rain yesterday and today so it's slightly warmer. During the freezing weather last week though, the song birds in our wood had a chilly reception at the bird bath - 1/4" of ice!

Turk? See if you can find some armagnac, a warm snifter and some bubbles. I'm stepping into the tub in style!

HT, you're welcome to join me (I'll ruffle your fur some more) and Subo, too. Did you say sheen or polish? I've been told that I give a fair back rub... ;)


Huntress said:
Ooooh... brrrr... it has been cold on the west coast of late! HT? Turk? Where's that hot water? I could sure use a defrosting!

In our little canyon's micro-climate it's been in the high 20's - finally had some rain yesterday and today so it's slightly warmer. During the freezing weather last week though, the song birds in our wood had a chilly reception at the bird bath - 1/4" of ice!

Turk? See if you can find some armagnac, a warm snifter and some bubbles. I'm stepping into the tub in style!

HT, you're welcome to join me (I'll ruffle your fur some more) and Subo, too. Did you say sheen or polish? I've been told that I give a fair back rub... ;)

*emerging from one of the store rooms*
Thanks for letting me borrow that cot, Turk...dunno why, but never seem to get enough sleep these...hello, who's this?

*bows and kisses Huntress' hand*
Hello Huntress, always a pleasure...are you going in the hot tub?

Splish, splash...

Howdy Remec, nice to see you again, too. That hand kissing stuff always sends shivers up my spine. Mmmmm... the good kind!

Yep. I'm tub bound - where's that StarXChyld when you need her?!?!?! :( <sniffle> See? The cold has gotten to me at last. A soak is assuredly in order. But with no Mya, or Kit? A hot tub is infinitely better with company. Why don't you join me, Remec? Maybe we can lure HT in from the cold and a couple of ladies as well.

Slipping into the steaming bubbles...


Turk? Where's that armagnac?


Did I hear a splish, splash ?

Huntress .. You know me, I can't resist steaming bubbles. Slips down in the tub besides you... Now what was that rumour I heard about a back rub ? *grins*

Turk .. a bottle of champagne and glasses please

Subo .. We had 20 this morning .. shall I send our heat wave your way ? ;)

Remec .. You can borrow one of the guest rooms for a small fee .. I am sure your back will feel better than after a night in the store room.

I saw something funny in the newspapers a couple of days ago .. I only wish I could remember what is was :eek:

have a great day

:kiss: :kiss:
merry monday

Turk, I'l have something warm. We're having a freeze in the morning.

OOOOOOOOOOOOhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh that hot tub loks warmer and warmer by the minute. Huntress, I could always use a new polish. :devil:

HT, I can see that generating heat seems to be your specialty. ;)

hot tubs are sooooooooooo soothing :D
Subo, is that you? It's been ages!


Though that would be my fault. I've been away for quite awhile.

It's does ones heart good to see that places like Rick's are still around, and thriving.
Tis I

My students say I've been around for ages. :D

The blush is quite becoming, Honey_B. gives you that healthy glow. :rose: It's very good to see you, a warm heart on a cold night. Any friend of Emily Dickinson is a friend of mine.
Oh my goodness! Honey_B! My idol! My raison d'etre at Lit! :kiss: :rose: :kiss:

Bows as low as the hot tub allows... Now, now boys... have patience... I have to pay homage to someone else right now...

Ok, ok... I'm sorry... I know that was a little over the top but honestly you and Maid of Marvels were my muses, my inspiration when I first discovered Lit. I'm so pleased to see you!

Welcome back!


P.S. Come on HT, I'll rub that neck of yours while I gaze in rapture at the lady whose style and charm I strove to emulate. Subo, you're next... I suspect you're feet could use a little attention, no?
Mmmm Huntress .. I love the way you use your hands .. I hope Honey continues to inspire you if she affects you this way.

Hi Honey .. Welcome back. How are you doing ?

Subo .. We have 30 now .. I hope you got the 10 degrees I sent your way ;)

Turk .. Can you give us another bottle ?

Have a great day

:kiss: :kiss:
tootsie tuesday

Honey, my feet are all yours. I place my digits in your capable hands. And I agree, Honey is quite the rapturous site.

Thanks for the weather HT, I had to wear long sleeves today.

Turk, a toast to all the delightful returning roofettes, may there be many more.
Huntress, I am quite overwhelmed. Thank you so much for you kind words. That's the nicest compliment I've received in a long time.


I'm doing just fine, HT. Thanks for asking. A lots happened in the years that I've been away, but most of its been good.

My pleasure, Subo. *beginning my foot massage*

You know, it's pure torture to hear about people in warmer places when you live in Michigan. *tickling Subo*
Subo .. Your welcome (I am sure that the cold weather has its advantages .. now you can complain about being cold and beg for help ;) )

Lets see .. Honey inspired Huntress .. Huntress inspired me .. It would be interesting to continue this chain in both directions and see how all Litizens are linked together.

Turk ... another glass please
Inspiration, beginnings and more...

... laying expert hands on HT's fuzzy neck

You know, this sounds like an "Ariosto" moment. I remember when, at the inception of this particular thread, we would engage in animated discussions on various topics. There was a 4 post limit to responses and everyone who participated as a reader and/or contributor seemed to be enthusiastic. Shall we?

I'll follow HT...

As a newbie I was overwhelmed with the high quality of writing that was being submitted in 2001, not to mention a view of certain aspects of my sexuality that I had ignored or simply set aside when I married. (Silly me!) It was a trying time in real life, too, given the events of 9/11 which occurred right after I joined. Not to mention being cowed by the caliber of our local talent!

My visits to Lit began as a lark - a challenge by my DH to read the stories - and ultimately became a very illuminating chapter of my life. What kept me here for 4 years and finally brought me back was the need for inspiration. When I'm challenged and stimulated by the thoughts and talent of those around me, I am called to rise and strive to bring my efforts to a higher level. Even in 2001, I recognized that:

11-10-2001, 09:41 AM, Rick's Rooftop...an OOC lounge
Despite your compliments, I feel very challenged to meet the standards set by such talented writers as Ariosto, SexyChele, Honey_B, and Queen Mab, to name only a few. They are gifted, prolific writers and who seem dedicated to their craft, and as the written word is a new medium for me, I have found posting to be an extremely difficult process at times. Perhaps this is a common stumbling block for those new to Lit and authoring in general. How does a novice writer go about assessing his or her submissions? I have come to depend on the (hopefully constructive) feedback of others as I am frequently too harsh in my self-criticism.

The Lit community did, and continues to, get my creative juices flowing in a way that no other medium or venue has since college. That would not be the case without such writers as mentioned above or an influx of new talent that still drive(s) the board and people like me to stretch and grow creatively.

I can't wait to see what comes in the next 4 years!

steps off soap box


Ok, Turk. I've been a very patient gal. Where's that damned armagnac?


Name dropping

... And if we're really going to name names...

I was inspired by:

Ariosto, Thor's Hammer, Chanaud, Honey_B, Faith, Rashid, Melusine, Niamh, Queen Mab, CaptainB, SexyChele, Maid of Marvels, TXExpress, Swashbuckler, Caspai, Darrenfate...

Oh, I know I'm missing dozens more but there would be a page and a half of names and you'd all be miffed that I took up so much room with just one post. ;)

Ah, Huntress, you move me. Not only with your eloquence, but by bringing back memories of the writers you named. I too was inspired by those you named, but so many of them have gone...


But they certainly will not be forgotten in the hearts of those they touched.


And who knows maybe they will return in time. I found my way back to LIT!
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