RL making its way into your stories...

I recall that Ralph Bakshi actually recorded conversations he heard in bars and other areas when he was producing Fritz the Cat, Coonskin, Heavy Traffic, and so on. He used the recordings for background dialogue in his movies.

Just before covid fucked the world, I witnessed the world's most entertaining hobo fight (sorry, I meant 'forgotten man' fight) in a parkette, and I'm DEFINITELY putting that scene into the Alexaverse...
I wonder if he remembered to get everyone's voice releases signed. Or if no one conversation can be heard in its entirety, did he even kneed to? Hum, interesting does SAG, NAVA, and other organizations who protect their members even know about this until you told them? ;)
I wonder if he remembered to get everyone's voice releases signed. Or if no one conversation can be heard in its entirety, did he even kneed to? Hum, interesting does SAG, NAVA, and other organizations who protect their members even know about this until you told them? ;)
It's commonly said that he didn't get any permissions, and since it was all anonymous, he didn't need to at the time. This was 1971, mind, and I imagine things have changed since then.

Here's a prominent example of what he did, apparently. From Fritz the Cat. And it opens with my favourite Bo Diddley song, so, win! Granted, a lot of the conversation is muffled, but if he was hiding recording equipment under a table or something, then that's to be expected.
I never watched Fritz the Cat, because I was a big Crumb fan, and I know how much he HATED it. But from that clip, it looks really cool. Gonna watch it tonight!
I never watched Fritz the Cat, because I was a big Crumb fan, and I know how much he HATED it. But from that clip, it looks really cool. Gonna watch it tonight!
It really was fun. I watched it as a kid before I ever saw Crumb's work, and maybe I'm biased, but yeah, give it a go. Heavy social commentary, of course.
before I ever saw Crumb's work
I can thank my big brother for turning me on to Crumb (and Penthouse and Playboy) a couple of years before my first pubic hair sprouted. I couldn't wait to grow up if that's what was in store for me!
I can thank my big brother for turning me on to Crumb (and Penthouse and Playboy) a couple of years before my first pubic hair sprouted. I couldn't wait to grow up if that's what was in store for me!
That was the mid-seventies for me, and Crumb just never managed to appear. Playboy, Penthouse, and Hustler, otoh...

Anyhoo, enjoy! Are you familiar with Bakshi's other stuff from around then? Coonskin, Heavy Traffic, Hey, Good Lookin', and those sorts of things?
Oh, a LOT of content in my stories is from RL in some way. The main Male Character in most of my stories is based on myself. The main Female character is always based on my wife. I let her pick the name for each story too.

The events are often things we have actually done in some capacity, with a few embellishments here and there. If it is not a true story, it's based on a fantasy that either she or I have had and told each other about.

There are always bits of conversation in the story that are actual word for word things that my wife and I have said to each other.
The main Male Character in most of my stories is based on myself.
And so, in a Walter Mitty kind of way, are my own male leads. One of them has my same initials, and a DOB a week ahead of my own.

The main Female character is always based on my wife.
Mine aren't all based on my own wife, but the one nearest to my heart certainly is (initials, birthday, the lot).
And so, in a Walter Mitty kind of way, are my own male leads. One of them has my same initials, and a DOB a week ahead of my own.

Mine aren't all based on my own wife, but the one nearest to my heart certainly is (initials, birthday, the lot).
my MAIN characters are my wife and I...but secondary characters...those are either pure fantasy, people we have met...or sometimes just an amalgamation of all of the above. I have one story, where a second character is based on a combination of my wife, and a few people we have met over the years...
From an early age, mature women were my thing. Mostly due to some amazingly attractive women in my parent's social circle, I figure. We saw them all the time. Add in some friends mom's, the owner of the hobby shop's wife, a coworker's wife, and a coworker. No particular body type, or color, just lovely, sexy mature women. These amazing women have all found their way into my stories.

Other things from my background find their way in because I work from the "write what you know" playbook. This usually helps me flesh out backstories and add detail.