rosco died.

Ebonyfire said:
It would be a snub if I ignored you, which I did not. I replied. It is not My fault you did not care for the reply.
You're right, I don't care to be insulted by someone I don't know very well. I may be a submissive, but I am not a universal doormat. You may be a Dominant, but that does not give you the right to insult others. (I am referring to If you are trying to make a point, you are doing a poor job if it. as an insult, in case there's question.)

But I have no quarrels with you personally, Ebonyfire. I'd rather not continue like this, I have no wish to make enemies.
Ebony, that capitalizing the "M" in "me" and "mine" is really lame.
Etoile said:
You're right, I don't care to be insulted by someone I don't know very well. I may be a submissive, but I am not a universal doormat. You may be a Dominant, but that does not give you the right to insult others. (I am referring to If you are trying to make a point, you are doing a poor job if it. as an insult, in case there's question.)

But I have no quarrels with you personally, Ebonyfire. I'd rather not continue like this, I have no wish to make enemies.

I am not picking a fight with you. You are giving yourself too much credit. As for being a doormat, who said you were. You are certainly way off base, cause I do not think of you at all.

I do and will continue to post as I see fit.

You do not a) have to reply to anything I post or b) read it. Your inability to withstand controversy is not My problem.

Deal or not, it makes no difference to Me.

(and Sandia, if you do not like My use of capitals, then kiss My black ass!)
Sandia said:
Ebony, that capitalizing the "M" in "me" and "mine" is really lame.

Lurker can't resist comment on this:
Several years ago when I was learning Chinese, we were taught that the Chinese word for house (when referring to other than one's own) is literally translated into English as "grand mansion". When we made the mistake, as we often did, of using the same word to refer to our own houses, it always caused great amusement to the native Chinese speakers because it's a word of respect afforded to someone else and never, NEVER used in reference to the speaker's own home.
Although I don't know of any specific rules of grammar related to BDSM-speak, Ebony's use of the upper-case in reference to herself is amusing to me as the "grand mansion" was to my teachers, indicative to me of one who thinks way too highly of herself.
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WeirdGirl said:
Lurker can't resist comment on this:
Several years ago when I was learning Chinese, we were taught that the Chinese word for house (when referring to other than one's own) is literally translated into English as "grand mansion". When we made the mistake, as we often did, of using the same word to refer to our own houses, it always caused great amusement to the native Chinese speakers because it's a word of respect afforded to someone else and never, NEVER used in reference to the speaker's own home.
Although I don't know of any specific rules of grammar related to BDSM-speak, Ebony's use of the upper-case in reference to herself is amusing to me as the "grand mansion" was to my teachers, indicative to me of one who thinks way too highly of herself.

And how do you feel about yourself? I am happy if you are happy.

Since you are a "girl" what you think of Me means nothing.

So nice of you to drop in.
WeirdGirl said:
Lurker can't resist comment on this:
Several years ago when I was learning Chinese, we were taught that the Chinese word for house (when referring to other than one's own) is literally translated into English as "grand mansion". When we made the mistake, as we often did, of using the same word to refer to our own houses, it always caused great amusement to the native Chinese speakers because it's a word of respect afforded to someone else and never, NEVER used in reference to the speaker's own home.
Although I don't know of any specific rules of grammar related to BDSM-speak, Ebony's use of the upper-case in reference to herself is amusing to me as the "grand mansion" was to my teachers, indicative to me of one who thinks way too highly of herself.
Maybe you should just stay out of this? Just some friendly advice, from one of the many people who think highly of Eb.;)

I am not picking a fight with you[etoile]. You are giving yourself too much credit.

To weird girl:
Since you are a "girl" what you think of Me means nothing.

Eb is so sexy when she puts down other women!

You [etoile]are certainly way off base, cause I do not think of you at all.

ummm, who she was thinking of when she typed that sentence?

Eb has a real sense of paradox, shown in postings to others that say 'I'm not here to talk to you.'

The person who walks by and says "I'm not talking to you."

Sorta like the Zen master's ko-an

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Johnny Mayberry said:
Maybe you should just stay out of this? Just some friendly advice, from one of the many people who think highly of Eb.;)

You know what? I find it very interesting that what I do seems to be so interesting to others.

I am happy to be here for them.

As a female dominant who has male submissives, I find some kinkster waltzing in to insult Me ludicrous.

When I decide to eat pussy, perhaps it will matter.

But don't hold your breath!
Pure said:

I am not picking a fight with you. You are giving yourself too much credit.

Eb is so sexy when she puts down other women!

You [etoile]are certainly way off base, cause I do not think of you at all.

ummm, who she was thinking of when she typed that sentence?

Eb has a real sense of paradox, shown in postings to others that say 'I'm not here to talk to you.'

The person who walks by and says "I'm not talking to you."

Sorta like the Zen master's ko-an



Hitting the dictionary again, Pure?

Again, since you are not a submissive, who cares what you think?

Have at it. One day I live in hope that you will say something important.
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Johnny Mayberry said:
Yeah, you've got it easy...male subs know their place alot better, apparently...:p

Yes, weird girl AND Pure.

This is a red letter day for Me!
Ebonyfire said:
You know what? I find it very interesting that what I do seems to be so interesting to others.

I am happy to be here for them.

As a female dominant who has male submissives, I find some kinkster waltzing in to insult Me ludicrous.

When I decide to eat pussy, perhaps it will matter.

But don't hold your breath!
Yeah, you've got it easy...male subs know their place alot better, apparently...:p
WeirdGirl said:
Just call me one of the minority who doesn't think highly (or otherwise) of Eb. Just find the holier-than-thou attitude tiresome.

I can live without your love.

Have a nice day.
Johnny Mayberry said:
Maybe you should just stay out of this? Just some friendly advice, from one of the many people who think highly of Eb.;)

Just call me one of the minority who doesn't think highly (or otherwise) of Eb. Just find the holier-than-thou attitude tiresome.
Ebonyfire said:
You know what? I find it very interesting that what I do seems to be so interesting to others.

I am happy to be here for them.

As a female dominant who has male submissives, I find some kinkster waltzing in to insult Me ludicrous.

When I decide to eat pussy, perhaps it will matter.

But don't hold your breath!

LOL..IMO it is always better to be noticed in some way, good or bad, than spend your life being one of the beige marks on a page that no-one even notices exists, or worse still, someone people do not think even warrants the energy to respond to. For me, Eb at least has an opinion, knows what it is, can more often than not make a statement independent of someone else's view, and does not feel chased back into the corner to hide when someone does not appreciate her value....far better IMHO than obscurity and indecision.

Weird Girl

Grow a penis and perhaps we can talk. Until that day, or until you actually post something of worth about BDSM, who cares what your opinion is?

In your case, I do not have an opinion about your one way or another. I am here to talk about BDSM. If you do not like Me, so be it.

I will just try to get along without you.

//Weird Girl
Grow a penis //

And make it a white one ;)

Hey if you had a buncha white penes doin yer chores and cleaning the poop from your toilet bowl, you'd speak
in termsa "My Grand Mansion" too.

Pure said:

//Weird Girl
Grow a penis //

And make it a white one ;)

Hey if you had a buncha white penes doin yer chores and cleaning the poop from your toilet bowl, you'd speak
in termsa "My Grand Mansion" too.


Even your use of dialect is fucked up.
catalina_francisco said:
LOL..IMO it is always better to be noticed in some way, good or bad, than spend your life being one of the beige marks on a page that no-one even notices exists, or worse still, someone people do not think even warrants the energy to respond to. For me, Eb at least has an opinion, knows what it is, can more often than not make a statement independent of someone else's view, and does not feel chased back into the corner to hide when someone does not appreciate her value....far better IMHO than obscurity and indecision.


Uh huh...IMO, when someone who averages 1 post a month comes out of the woodwork to attack someone, I can think only one thing: LOSER!!

You know nothing about Me or My submissives. At least I know how to obtain and keep male submissives.

Since you do not care about BDSM, and all you do is post the thoughts of others, anything you say is suspect.

It still remains to be seen why you are here.
Re: Pure

Ebonyfire said:
You know nothing about Me or My submissives. At least I know how to obtain and keep male submissives.

Since you do not care about BDSM, and all you do is post the thoughts of others, anything you say is suspect.

It still remains to be seen why you are here.
Pure is here to be a c-word.
Sandia said:
Ebony, that capitalizing the "M" in "me" and "mine" is really lame.
I'm guilty of it at times, more in poetry than posting. So it doesn't really bother Me as much as someone who doesn't do it. What gets under My skin is the O/our thing.:nana:
WriterDom said:
I'm guilty of it at times, more in poetry than posting. So it doesn't really bother Me as much as someone who doesn't do it. What gets under My skin is the O/our thing.:nana:

I have been guilty of that too. I use the U/u thing when I am speaking for my submissive and Myself.

One cannot live life by committee.