rosco died.

Sandia said:
Ebony, that capitalizing the "M" in "me" and "mine" is really lame.
This has been hashed and rehashed. See this thread for some decent discussion on the topic.

I noticed that Eb's quoted response to one of WeirdGirl's posts showed up before the post by WeirdGirl that Eb quoted. Eb's post was timestamped 1:13, WG's was 1:14. I've been seeing this happening lately...anybody know what gives?
Etoile said:
This has been hashed and rehashed. See this thread for some decent discussion on the topic.

I noticed that Eb's quoted response to one of WeirdGirl's posts showed up before the post by WeirdGirl that Eb quoted. Eb's post was timestamped 1:13, WG's was 1:14. I've been seeing this happening lately...anybody know what gives?

Must be gremlins playing havoc....LOL.:p

Etoile said:
This has been hashed and rehashed. See this thread for some decent discussion on the topic.

I noticed that Eb's quoted response to one of WeirdGirl's posts showed up before the post by WeirdGirl that Eb quoted. Eb's post was timestamped 1:13, WG's was 1:14. I've been seeing this happening lately...anybody know what gives?

No one knows.It seems that it has happened to other folks too in other threads.

Also there is a gremlin in that puts pluses instead of allowing ings too.

I just chalk it up to computer weirdness.
Hi Weird Girl and Johnny M,

//Uh huh...IMO, when someone who averages 1 post a month comes out of the woodwork to attack someone, I can think only one thing: LOSER!!//

Please excuse Johnny's manners. He sometimes gets into his "I am a domme and you will be humiliated" routine for no apparent reason, unless it's that he's trolling for maso subs. [If you've already applied, disregard this message! ;) ]

Welcome. The quality of a contribution in not related to the total postings, as everyone knows, even Johnny who once had few and was not dismissed.

You will note the use of 'attack' above. There are very fragile dom/me egos around here that construe any murmur of dissent as personal attack.

Do keep posting, perhaps in a thread less contaminated with personal issues, if there is one.

Etoile said:
I noticed that Eb's quoted response to one of WeirdGirl's posts showed up before the post by WeirdGirl that Eb quoted. Eb's post was timestamped 1:13, WG's was 1:14. I've been seeing this happening lately...anybody know what gives?

Yeah, I noticed that as well. Kinda trippy but now that others see it as well, I know it's not the hangover from this weekend!
Pure said:
Hi Weird Girl and Johnny M,

//Uh huh...IMO, when someone who averages 1 post a month comes out of the woodwork to attack someone, I can think only one thing: LOSER!!//

Please excuse Johnny's manners. He sometimes gets into his "I am a domme and you will be humiliated" routine for no apparent reason, unless it's that he's trolling for maso subs. [If you've already applied, disregard this message! ;) ]

Welcome. The quality of a contribution in not related to the total postings, as everyone knows, even Johnny who once had few and was not dismissed.

You will note the use of 'attack' above. There are very fragile dom/me egos around here that construe any murmur of dissent as personal attack.

Do keep posting, perhaps in a thread less contaminated with personal issues, if there is one.


What are you? The MC?
Pure said:
Hi Weird Girl and Johnny M,

//Uh huh...IMO, when someone who averages 1 post a month comes out of the woodwork to attack someone, I can think only one thing: LOSER!!//

Please excuse Johnny's manners. He sometimes gets into his "I am a domme and you will be humiliated" routine for no apparent reason, unless it's that he's trolling for maso subs. [If you've already applied, disregard this message! ;) ]

Welcome. The quality of a contribution in not related to the total postings, as everyone knows, even Johnny who once had few and was not dismissed.

You will note the use of 'attack' above. There are very fragile dom/me egos around here that construe any murmur of dissent as personal attack.

Do keep posting, perhaps in a thread less contaminated with personal issues, if there is one.


I see you have a healthy ego too, Pure. Take care not to overstep your abilities. You have no right to speak for anyone but yourself.

Oh yeah, I forgot, you have no opinions of your very own to give.

It figures.
Pure said:
Hi Weird Girl and Johnny M,

//Uh huh...IMO, when someone who averages 1 post a month comes out of the woodwork to attack someone, I can think only one thing: LOSER!!//

Please excuse Johnny's manners. He sometimes gets into his "I am a domme and you will be humiliated" routine for no apparent reason, unless it's that he's trolling for maso subs. [If you've already applied, disregard this message! ;) ]

Welcome. The quality of a contribution in not related to the total postings, as everyone knows, even Johnny who once had few and was not dismissed.

You will note the use of 'attack' above. There are very fragile dom/me egos around here that construe any murmur of dissent as personal attack.

Do keep posting, perhaps in a thread less contaminated with personal issues, if there is one.

Pure, you are a cunt. Why don't you go back to cheating on your SO or something?
EB //you have no opinions of your very won to give.//

Eb, my sweet Protectress. I bow before You. Your Empressness is unrivalled. Even to be dismissed as insignificant by someone of Your stature is sufficient honor for little me.

If I 'overstep' my abilities and type nonsense it's simply because
Your witty one liners and Your caustic put downs of folks get me so hot and bothered I can't think straight.

I like too, how You put the typos into Your postings just to give them the 'common touch'. That's an impressive way of demonstrating Your humility, an approach whose ingenuity has me in awe.


PS: Your witty commentary on the empty folks who make vapid postings simply to get up their counts up in the thousands is much appreciated. Your method has the subtle wit all have come to love, as two or three one line replies to this will likely demonstrate.
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I just think it is chicken shit of Pure to talk about others when his own ego knows no bounds.

It is the height of conceit to talk about something one has admittedly said he does not practice, and therefore only knows about in theory.

It is the height of conceit to denigrate or use the thoughts of others to make one's point.

And lastly,

It is the height of conceit to attack others because they have shown you to be the pedantic bore you are.

At least I post what I know about and what I have observed first hand.

At least I do not behave like a tick on the butt of a dog, sucking the lifes blood out of my host.

Should Pure post here? He is free to post anywhere he pleases, as is anyone else here in this forum.

But for God's sake post an original thought once or twice, something on topic, rather than trying to ingraciate yourself to whomever strikes your fancy.

rather than trying to ingraciate yourself to whomever strikes your fancy.

Another brilliant poke at the stuffed shirt adult educators! I love how You take the mickey out of the spelling freaks and grammar nazis, with Your brilliantly contrived (seeming) 'errors'.

It has the sidesplitting gift of a Peter Sellars', bumbling Clouseau routine.

Rock on,


{Added: My Protectress is indispensable in Her bounty; above should read 'Sellers.' I admire her Omnipresence.}
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Pure said:

rather than trying to ingraciate yourself to whomever strikes your fancy.

Another brilliant poke at the stuffed shirt adult educators! I love how You take the mickey out of the spelling freaks and grammar nazis, with Your brilliantly contrived (seeming) 'errors'.

It has the sidesplitting gift of a Peter Sellars', bumbling Clouseau routine.

Rock on,


Is that the best you can do?

Try posting an original thought. You might like it.
Ebonyfire said:
Is that the best you can do?

Try posting an original thought. You might like it.

By the way, it is Peter Sellers, not Sellars.

Eb said,

//By the way, it is Peter Sellers, not Sellars.//

That a person of Your stature will still reach down and help correct an insignificant one, a mere tick on the
Munificent Royal Butt, shows your undoubted generosity of spirit.

the cunt
Pure said:
Eb said,

//By the way, it is Peter Sellers, not Sellars.//

That a person of Your stature will still reach down and help correct an insignificant one, a mere tick on the
Munificent Royal Butt, shows your undoubted generosity of spirit.

the cunt

:D finally, an original thought. congratulations! ROTFLMAO

It is wonderful to see the real Pure
Pure said:
Eb said,

//By the way, it is Peter Sellers, not Sellars.//

That a person of Your stature will still reach down and help correct an insignificant one, a mere tick on the
Munificent Royal Butt, shows your undoubted generosity of spirit.

the cunt

Oh I just thought of a parting shot,

At least I have a spirit!
Pure said:
Do keep posting, perhaps in a thread less contaminated with personal issues, if there is one.


Sorry, but I have been advised to "grow a penis" prior to further posting. I've been working on it all morning. No luck yet.

WeirdGirl said:

Sorry, but I have been advised to "grow a penis" prior to further posting. I've been working on it all morning. No luck yet.

Let me know if you have any success; my girlfriend has wished for years that I could make sperm.
WeirdGirl said:

Sorry, but I have been advised to "grow a penis" prior to further posting. I've been working on it all morning. No luck yet.


Etoile said:
Let me know if you have any success; my girlfriend has wished for years that I could make sperm.

I'm sure you could make sperm "appear", just not from yourself. ;)
P. B. Walker said:
I'm sure you could make sperm "appear", just not from yourself. ;)
Hee! Why, thank you for the vote of confidence. You made me smile.
Etoile said:
Let me know if you have any success; my girlfriend has wished for years that I could make sperm.

I'll be a sperm donor for you anytime :)
Pure said:
I love how You take the mickey out of the spelling freaks and grammar nazis, with Your brilliantly contrived (seeming) 'errors'.

Yay! I'm proud to be a spelling freak!

Not sure about the grammar nazi though. Damn, I miss out on the uniform.