Rybka/Reltne has passed away


dang it!

reduced to exclamations......

Thank you, WSO for sharing with us this sad news. What a loss!

I never could repay him for his support and encouragement... one of the reasons that I stayed, one of the reasons I would come back......

I have been out of town, out of state, off line, my grandmother's funeral, they died the same night! No this is not a threadjack, I am doubly sad.....and will pull out my favorite Rybka piece I loved of his about an old farm

it ended
"the old barn stands empty now"
neonurotic said:
I saw the poem posted on his submission's page when I first came to Literotica. If you like, you could ask for confirmination of him being the one who wrote "Butterfly Boots", by Angeline, Lauren, Eve, Champy or NJ. They were around at the time so they might remember it as well. He deleted all his work one time that I recall and that's about when Reltne was created.

yes, as far as I knew, it was Rybka's. I cried every time I read it, the simplicity and the beauty of it was so touching.

yeah, I will miss him too.

humor was his offer so

take a bow... rbyka...opens his sails to the wind...sail on....captain..in love... :rose:
Good night sweet soul. I'll never forget the kindness you showed me at Eve's board. You are missed.

:rose: x 120
Eve, do you have a link to the forum? Yes, I know that I of all people should still have mine, but I got a new computer and blah blah blah.

If I google Eve's Habit that link only goes to the poetry hub.

Senna's poem made me very sad. It's hard to see people come into this thread, knowing they just saw the news. I'm about to email Boo Merengue. She'll be very saddened by the news. Sigh.

I am more than saddened. TY, Ange, for thinking of me. AOL only keeps email for so long, so I must have missed it.
I had a last letter from Rybby in my Inbox. I was waiting to feel better to respond to it, and yesterday JUST YESTERDAY!!! I accidently deleted it!

Yeah, Senna's poem made me cry, too. I mean I was on the verge anyway- he just tipped me over. Oh, Rybby. How I will miss you.

I hate death. I am surrounded by death. I am fucking drowning in it, yet it is not my own. And people say it's all in God's plan?

You can get some deleted mail back on AOL ... go to your mailbox click on 'search mail' and type in the name then hit search it's suprising how much mail can be retrieved this way even thought you have deleted it and even permanently deleted it still hangs around !!
You can get some deleted mail back on AOL ... go to your mailbox click on 'search mail' and type in the name then hit search it's suprising how much mail can be retrieved this way even thought you have deleted it and even permanently deleted it still hangs around !!

I thought I had responded to this. I'm sorry. I wasn't ignoring you- I'm just getting old.

It was Lit mail I deleted, not AOL. Thanks for the thought, though.