Saddam captured

Box, you remind me of my own brilliant and under-celebrated idea for preventing the use of planes and other public transportation for suicide missions by Al Queda, et al...

Like you, I once read that during the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan, one means of demoralizing the locals was to bury their dead with the blood of pigs, which presumably meant the deceased person was corrupted and couldn't enter heaven.

So why not have a pig on board every flight? If you cause the plane to crash, your remains will be corrupted by those of Hormel over here, who is well-trained, clean, crated for his safety and that of the other pasengers, and - if he's a young pig - doesn't take up much space. We'd need fewer air marshalls.

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Re: Re: String him up...

dr_mabeuse said:
The Shi'ite Mullahs in Iran are overjoyed that Saddam's gone, because they have plans to use their majority to turn Iraq into another Islamic theocracy, so there's no way we're going to give Iraq an honest democracy, not with 60% Shi'as voting.

I was thinking about this earlier today. In my humble opinion, you can't *give* a country democracy. I don't believe personally that it's the *only* good system of government either, but that's a whole other ball of wax. But I do think that for a democracy to work, it has to be earned. And obviously it has to be wanted. Now for goodness sake, people don't want to be tortured, but not everybody wants to rule and govern themselves. Even in the US, the majority of us are content to leave the desisions to somebody 'who's more qualified to make them descisions'

A thought just occured to me. Conservative comentators are fond of correcting Democrats that the US isn't really a Domocracy, that this is a dangerous fallicy, that the consititution never uses the word, that the founders thought that democracy was mob rule ect ect. So why are they now all behind the idea of turning Iraq into a 'democracy'?
Re: Re: Re: String him up...

sweetnpetite said:
I was thinking about this earlier today. In my humble opinion, you can't *give* a country democracy.

A thought just occured to me. Conservative comentators are fond of correcting Democrats that the US isn't really a Domocracy, that this is a dangerous fallicy, that the consititution never uses the word, that the founders thought that democracy was mob rule ect ect. So why are they now all behind the idea of turning Iraq into a 'democracy'?

Democracy literally means a government run by all the people. In a true Democracy, all the people decide all the issues: everything would be done by public referendum. It's simply not possible once you get more than a handful of people: we'd be living in our polling places. The founders wisely gave us a republic, where we elect people to represent us and decide issues for us. Theoretically the people are still in charge, so we like to call ourselves a democracy.

There's been a lot written about what it takes to support a democracy, why it works in North America & Western Europe, but not so well in South & Central America and the rest of the world. One of the things it requires is a large and stable middle class, which is something Iraq doesn't have. It also requires a hell of a lot of faith and trust in your fellow citizens.

My son's best friends were Iraqis--Assyrians as they call themselves. Their family lives right across the alley from us, and so I got to talk to them on occasion. Three generations lived in one house, but the grandfather was forbidden to leave Iraq, I'm not exactly sure why. So I was very surprised to see that grandma had a big portrait of Saddam Hussein in the family room downstairs. (This was about 3-4 years ago. My son tells me the picture's no longer up.)

I couldn't figure out why she would have a portrait of the tyrant who kept her husband prisoner in his own country, but I think it has somehting to do with their different ideas of what a political leader should be. I don't want to make excuses for Saddam, but I think they expect a good dose of tyranny in their leader, or at least they expect it. Over here we respect mostly money. Over there they respect strength.

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I have not much to say about this, except that I think that the kurds should have first dibs on him.
First Crack

I think Kuwait should have first crack at him. Unlike the Kurds, this is a nation with a court system. After the invasion of Kuwait by Saddam, with its killing and plunder, the Kuwaitis have as big a grudge as anybody and they won't fool around. Conviction, followed quickly by beheading, and that will be the end of him. What happens to his corpse is not important but feeding it to hogs is a nice thought. The Kurds have a strong case, too, and if they were actually a nation, I would also advocate giving them first dibs.
very good about the pigs boxlicker. Kinda like silence of the lambs part 2 huh? I still kinda like those hungry great white sharks zooming in for the kill though and let's make some of those sharks 25 footers too just like in jaws while we are at it!!!

MR. Gibson' sexy tales!
In my country, it's considered a compliment when someone calls you Un-Swedish. (Patrioism isn't a very big thing over here.) So please take it the right way when I say that you're un-American, Whisp. In this case, it just means that you're more considerate and global-thinking than other americans.
Svenska, thank you! I hate calling myself Mexican-American. Now I'll use Mexican-un-American!

Perdita :rose:

Or you can just skip the whole ethinicty-stuff altogether and refer to yourself as Human.
Svenskaflicka said:
Or you can just skip the whole ethinicty-stuff altogether and refer to yourself as Human.
I know what you mean, but in the states if one is not white it means something other than patriotism (I am not patriotic even to Mexico) to label one's self; it's why I am not a Yanqui.

That's right flicka. Like what they say about actor paul newman. Paul newman is a credit to his race the human race!:)
Svenskaflicka said:
In my country, it's considered a compliment when someone calls you Un-Swedish. (Patrioism isn't a very big thing over here.) So please take it the right way when I say that you're un-American, Whisp. In this case, it just means that you're more considerate and global-thinking than other americans.

Aww...that's the sweetest un-thing someone has said to me in a long time. *hugs*

Whisp :rose:
Well, I predict that within a couple of centuries more, we will have fucked each other all over, and there won't be any "pure-breds" left - just humans.

Humans with light brown skin, narrow blue eyes, big noses and lips, high cheekbones, and coarse, black hair.
Wouldn't it be nice if we could see each other that way now? Because believe me, many of the so called "pure-bred" caucasians I know (myslef not included, I hope) are assholes.

Appearance is just the watercolors, the person's mind and heart are the canvas, and there wouldn't be a painting without the canvas.....

Whisper :rose:
you are so right whisper but remember there is good in bad in every skin color. Maybe we should be like the latin american countries with different white,black and brown skin colors. they consider themselves all puerto rican, cuban etc. and they don't say they are black and white until they hit america.
Mr. G: you've reminded me of an Iranian friend who worked as a physical therapist. He had an old Russian as a client who had only recently come to the states. The old man was cursing the blacks and hispanics in his neighborhood. My friend said, "You know, this man had never met blacks or Mexicans before in his life. He comes to the U.S. and the first thing he learns is how to be a racist!"

Svenskaflicka said:
Brew, meltingpot, brew...
It's brewing, Flicka. Governor Terminator just took away 'alien' rights to driver licenses but hispanics are the majority and getting more major everyday. If we went on a general strike California would go under.
