Saddam captured

World Melting Pot

Svenskaflicka said:

Well, I predict that within a couple of centuries more, we will have fucked each other all over, and there won't be any "pure-breds" left - just humans.

Humans with light brown skin, narrow blue eyes, big noses and lips, high cheekbones, and coarse, black hair.

That will be a great day, when people drop the hyphens and think of themselves as just being members of the human race.
Svenskaflicka said:
I think that Arnie should be kind to immigrants, considering that he is one himself.
That's the rub, dear. Some immigrants are more equal than others. :rolleyes:

Though, honestly, I think that Arnie shouldn't use words like "alien". I mean, the man has a worse chin than Jay Leno, has only two acial expressions, and hasn't learned to speak English in all the years he's been over there - I think he is an alien himself!

Wanna start a poll to guess his home planet?
Originally posted by Svenskaflicka
I think that Arnie should be kind to immigrants, considering that he is one himself.
Response by Perdita:

That's the rub, dear. Some immigrants are more equal than others.

Arnie is an immigrant, but not an illegal one. A while ago, the Cal. state legislature, pandering to the large number of Mexican-American citizens, passed a law allowing illegal or undocumented aliens to obtain driver's licenses. Most Californians, including many Mexican-American citizens loudly objected to this, stating the obvious, saying that driving is a privelege, not a right, and that the people in question, being outlaws, should not be given the privelege. The new governor agreed, and indujced the legislature to repeal the measure.
Flicka, have you been to Vienna? My brother has lived there several years now, and I've visited twice. Very weird "race". They take their dogs out to lunch, and have more lingerie shops per block than any other city in on the planet. Is it any wonder psychoanalysis was born there?

love the pic of the cat holding the mouse like that flicka. It's also amazing you can post so much on the bulletin board with the cat holding the mouse all the time!:D
actually boxlicker and shereads I did not know about the significance about the hogs. Like If they are dead and corrupted with hog blood they cannot reach heaven. that is very interesting. maybe boxlicker your death penalty for all major terrorists is the best. After they are tried and sentenced to death and all.

MR. Gibson' sexy tales!
Pure said:
Saddam captured.*
Sic semper tyrannis.
(Thus always to tyrants.)
*Relevance: Discuss the media coverage and 'documentation' of this event in relation to evolution of the third person omniscient viewpoint and 'visual' orientation of American pornography and erotica.

Being thoroughly pissed off to find out that I will be unable to forget the day Saddam Hussein was ‘captured’ since on the same day some other asshole decided to enter my back yard and shoot my dog (a kinder animal could not be found), I have decided to hijack this thread back to the original challenge, disregarding any sincerity or sarcasm of the current alienated participants.

CNN, MSNBC, FOX, ABC, CBS, and Yahoo all seemed to be in on the capture. After sending 600 troops and 400 newsmen with a ‘Let’s find Waldo’ map of possible sites for secret oil lines along with New York art dealers looking for the rest of the Iraqi historical treasures, the U.S. announced that they had found the former tyrant practicing to run his army from inside a cell hidden in the middle of his back yard patio on the same site as the future Haliburton Resort. Unfortunately, for the former political ally, he had just enjoyed a dinner of humus and beans. Since only one thing causes gas that smells so strong, the fumes led troopers, teary eyed, directly to the steaming rug that was supposed to hide the entrance to his hole.

When asked, a trooper on condition of anonymity confirmed that gas masks had saved several lives.

On another note, Governor Schwarzenegger said today that there is no truth to the rumors that secret talks were intentionally leaked, naming him as a possible replacement candidate for Secretary of Defense, nor that it had anything to do with Saddam’s initial cooperation. Also denied was a question about an undisclosed region near the Salton Sea. He did, however, confirm that he was involved in talks with the former ‘bad guy’, about movie rights to his upcoming autobiography due out next year from a major publisher. When asked for details, the Governor replied: “He said yeah, he would do it, as long as we included his art from the palace in Baghdad, and let him act out the scene with the 17 naked girls. I mean, with a guy like that, we should still be able to get an ‘R’ rating, what do you guys think?”

For those of you who know me, you already know that I apply the same standards of excellence that the most venerable journalism institutions employ and never defend any lack of sense in my posts.

-FF (now we take you back to your regularly scheduled interruptions)