Same Title Challenge - Redux

WickedEve said:
Oh, goody, someone picked up the title challenge. I don't even remember the old thread. Pretty please play with me? Or was that for another challenge? Anyway, love the title. I'm leaning toward a French form for this one. No rules on length or anything like that?

The only rule is that you have to use the given title....
JUDO said:
Tell the BOOB what you want for Christmas? C'mon now, it's a boob, for Chissakes! You tweak it, it waves back -- that's about it.

- J

But I like talking to boobs.....intimately.....:D
Angeline said:
It's not just *any* boob. It's *Lauren's* boob. It not only speaks; it speaks seven languages. God only knows what else it can do. :D

So, Fool, enjoying your thread hijack by out of control poet chicks? lol

I want some of what you guys have been drinkin' and if you won't share with me, share with Cordelia. She has a wonderful back, but maybe she will turn around and add to the present discussion....:devil:
I want some of what you guys have been drinkin' and if you won't share with me, share with Cordelia. She has a wonderful back, but maybe she will turn around and add to the present discussion....

I don't drink, smoke, or do drugs. I'm this way without any of that. Scary, huh? :)

Are you saying I should let the boob write this poem in French?

If you wanted, you could submit two poems--or doesn't the other one write poetry?

This is why I love Lit. You made me laugh so hard I scared the dog!

I think all of our poems should be about Lauren's international boobs!
Got boob?

I leave the boards for two days, and this is what I find when I return? What's all this humbug about boobs all of a sudden?

When we're done with the french thingy title, let's jump onto this
"What I Told The Boob."

I leave the boards for two days, and this is what I find when I return? What's all this humbug about boobs all of a sudden?

When we're done with the french thingy title, let's jump onto this
"What I Told The Boob."


Ok, last year I wrote a Christmas poem about Lauren's boob and Eve's lube--why not again...

2002 Lit Poets' Christmas

It was sometime around Christmas on the poetry board
We were mulling around in our usual state of discord
Of course we were stirring, as you all are aware
Arguing about poems, whining, blowing hot air

But the poems were nestled all snug in the threads
As visions of book contracts danced in our heads
And I in my reindeer nose and Lauren with that boob
Were about to gift wrap Wicked Eve’s Christmas lube

When outside the board there arose such a clatter
That we clicked back at once to see what was the matter
And thus off we scampered quickly dropping Eve’s lube
Lauren slipped (for the record she does have another boob)

And we ran into karmadog who we saw bark and point
Well he did after he put down the beer and the joint
But then what to our six amazed eyes did appear
But an old pickup truck that was loaded with gear

The truck wasn’t special just a rusty two seater
But behind its wheel sat our old pal Smithpeter!
And it screeched to a halt then the poet jumped out
And raced into the board to see who was about

“Hello JUDO, hi OT, now Homer, now Lick,
Hello Rybka, hi_Land, Beth I heard you were sick!
How’s my thread doing, did anyone forget it?
It’s called Passion Suddenly: if you post, do not edit!

Then back to his truck Smithpeter did run
To unpack what looked like a big sack of fun
A bagful of muse from a drawerful of socks
Some photos, ideas, silly things like pet rocks

But first he went off for a hike through a thread
to return with a thoughtful look, scratching his head
Saying I’ve got some things to share if you agree
They fell in my truck from this sleigh above me

up in the sky with reindeer---and the thing is
it was driven by a guy almost as big as Mingus.
And with that he handed out gifts like a suitor
The first one to Lauren--a working computer!

And saying that this one was dropped by Prancer
he handed Karmadog a new belly dancer
And Ange some Prez tunes, JUDO a new board
Happy safe faces for the _Land/Beth’s horde

Clear moonlit nights on the lake for Ms. Kat
For all of us just what we most want and that
He said is all I believe except for something
For dear Wicked Eve and that oh good gracious

Is not here but at [new url goes here :)]!
And taking her hand helped her into the truck
Then started it up with a creak, squeak and buck
And they waved as the truck disappeared from our site

Calling Merry Christmas dear poets:
Write, Write Write!

Let's do it as a group poem this year, ok? We'll all write. I'll start a thread.
hey but first can we do a Thanksgiving one?

i just bought a 19 pound turkey and need help gettin it in the freezer.

:cool: :rose:
The first splash into the entry pool

Call me a glutton for punishment, but I have decided to post a poem I wrote for this challenge. So while you all prepare your graceful swan dives into the entry pool, here I come, bounding off the board, attempting a cannonball (but probably producing more of a belly flop) :)

Don't kill Mistress made me do it.

D A Stone

Elaborate Décolletage

Soft light reflected in the sheen of sweat on her flesh
As we dance, of her perfume I detect a hint
Bending closer to the pulsing in her neck, daring
To drown in the sweet scent as I take a deep breath
Eyes moving along the edge of a neckline plunging
Edged in hand crafted, pure white lace

Breasts straining for release from the lace
So that they may press against the bare flesh
Of the partner's chest where his shirt is plunging
Giving the woman the barest hint
Of his desire as he draws in that deep breath
And considering if he is truly that daring

Would drowning in her enticing scent be daring
As he imagines the treasures held back by the lace
Watching intently the movement as she draws each breath
Tantalized by the movement of light and shadows over her flesh
The quickening of her pulse in her neck giving a hint
That into further depths of desire she is plunging

If the music ended now would she stop plunging
Would he lose his chance to show his daring
Would the pulse slow, making him doubt the hint
That was promised by the scent from between the river of lace
Barely covering the soft flesh
That moved with each intake of breath

Gathering her courage and taking a deep breath
Pushing aside the neckline plunging
Freeing from their restraints the scented flesh
Showing that she of the two dancers is the more daring
Unfastening with deft fingers the buttons at the bottom of the lace
Her naked breast a bold statement instead of a subtle hint

Surprised at her, as her rapid pulse at her neck is no longer a hint
Eyes taking in the landscape of her bosom rising with her every breath
No longer restrained by the river of lace
Into the depths of his own desire now plunging
Abashed that is was she who was the more daring
Peeling away the shirt covering his own flesh

Warm scented flesh was his first hint
That he should be daring and take that deep breath
Into desire to be plunging sharing the treasures behind the lace me stupid

Ok.. call me stupid (waiting for the deafening echo of all forum readers hollering stupid at once to die). Are poems for this challenge supposed to be submitted through the submission process or just posted to the thread?

Other questions that have come to my mind since posting my feeble offering to this thread:

1. Is my poem so bad that it stunned all of you into shocked silence?

2. Has my attempt at a poem resulted in a collective coma for all of the real poets here?

3. If noone else posts a poem, does that mean that I win by default?

Inquiring minds want to know.

D A Stone

P.S. For the humor impaired, the three questions are intended to be funny. (I know, I know...don't quit my day job.)
Ok.. call me stupid (waiting for the deafening echo of all forum readers hollering stupid at once to die). Are poems for this challenge supposed to be submitted through the submission process or just posted to the thread?

Well I'm not going to call you stupid for not intuiting the way it has been done in the past. :)

The idea with the same title challenge is that we all post through submissions so all appear as new poems on the same day. The date is chosen by the challenge issuer--in this case, Fool calls for 11/24 posts, so we submit on the 23rd.

However, what you did is fine, too. And there's no "winner." We just see the different ways we interpret the title. It's fun.
Angeline said:
The idea with the same title challenge is that we all post through submissions so all appear as new poems on the same day. The date is chosen by the challenge issuer--in this case, Fool calls for 11/24 posts, so we submit on the 23rd.
Got mine done. It's schexeyy...

Any idea when I sould post it local (CET) time so it comes up on the 24th over there on American soil? Don't want mine to fall in a day too early or too late.

Linbido said:
Got mine done. It's schexeyy...

Any idea when I sould post it local (CET) time so it comes up on the 24th over there on American soil? Don't want mine to fall in a day too early or too late.

Just post it sometime during the 23rd. After 8AM of 23rd and 2AM of 24th should be safe for us. ;)
So this means...

poor ole d'maas gets to review the entries... again.

However, given the ... er ... topic ... it would be churlish to complain.
Thanks DM for posting that remark and bumpin the thread up to my attention level, I actually forgot about this. Going to go and think long and hard about cleavage... and see what comes up...

Thinking about cleavage...

Is there a better way to spend a sunny Saturday?
Work scmork. I've been pondering cleavage.

And it worked! Well, I'll just post the little bugger tomorrow then, and you'll see.
Icingsugar said:
Work scmork. I've been pondering cleavage.

And it worked! Well, I'll just post the little bugger tomorrow then, and you'll see.

*makes note*


Yayyyy. Mine's done, done, done. Foolie baby, we submit them (the poems that is, lol) for Monday new poems correct? (and lucky darkmaas gets to sing their praises, heehee).
Re: Done!

Angeline said:
Yayyyy. Mine's done, done, done. Foolie baby, we submit them (the poems that is, lol) for Monday new poems correct? (and lucky darkmaas gets to sing their praises, heehee).

Yeppers....Make DM do all the work....I'll have to share a drink or two with him to make up for it...
I hate throwing leftovers away.

I missed the boat - sick. So, I'm throwing this out here. Bear in mind - I must have been sickening for what ailed me. :)

Elaborate Décolletage

Washing with care, she shampoos her hair
knowing that he’d want to smell it.
Piling it up with a pin here and there,
discretely, so he couldn’t tell it.

She carefully chooses her un-gartered hose,
her half-cup, her panties - a thong.
She picks out a dress she knows will impress
Feeling she just can’t go wrong

The neckline is low as dress necklines go
But she feels it is tasteful enough.
The mirrors all show her internal glow
She’s revealing just the right stuff

Pinching and jostling and settling the girls
She opens her jewellery case
Choosing a necklace, a long string of pearls
She holds them up under her face.

He sits on the bed and, shaking his head
says. “Isn’t that just a bit silly.”
You don’t need those beads, go naked instead
I think it’s called gilding the lily.”
I hate throwing leftovers away.
I missed the boat - sick. So, I'm throwing this out here. Bear in mind - I must have been sickening for what ailed me.

glad you're better, and yknow for a male politician, that's a very womanly poem you've writ. :D :rose:
Re: I hate throwing leftovers away.

Tristesse said:

Elaborate Décolletage

Washing with care, she shampoos her hair
knowing that he’d want to smell it.
Piling it up with a pin here and there,
discretely, so he couldn’t tell it.

She carefully chooses her un-gartered hose,
her half-cup, her panties - a thong.
She picks out a dress she knows will impress
Feeling she just can’t go wrong

The neckline is low as dress necklines go
But she feels it is tasteful enough.
The mirrors all show her internal glow
She’s revealing just the right stuff

Pinching and jostling and settling the girls
She opens her jewellery case
Choosing a necklace, a long string of pearls
She holds them up under her face.

He sits on the bed and, shaking his head
says. “Isn’t that just a bit silly.”
You don’t need those beads, go naked instead
I think it’s called gilding the lily.”

The present is always wonderful, but sometimes it's nice admiring the wrapping before removing it....slowly of course.:devil: