Same Title Challenge


I'm just being in promoter mode, trying to jack up interest in this. :D
:cool: you're a natural, lol.

would you think this thread will get as many views here in the hangout as it might in F&D? just wondering what sort of readership divide these two areas of the forum receive, but i don't know if there'd be any breakdown of that to consult.
:cool: you're a natural, lol.

would you think this thread will get as many views here in the hangout as it might in F&D? just wondering what sort of readership divide these two areas of the forum receive, but i don't know if there'd be any breakdown of that to consult.

I thought about putting it there, but this is just choosing a title and the actual challenge thread (where we write) will be there. I also thought about putting a closed thread on the main forum that redirects to this one, but no. I'm always unsure about which is the right place for a thread and also not wanting to clog either forum unnecessarily. I'm a Gemini, you know, almost a total Gemini apparently, so I can make myself crazy over these little things if I let myself. But I've gotten better with age about not caring. :D
Two Days Left to Add a Title

(only one title per customer, please)

Titles so far in order received:

1. nano-clams and other molluscs
2. blue flowers
3. pentimento
4. The Several Ways the Ocean Wins
5. Porn for Poets
6. Never trust a man whose eyebrows meet in the middle
7. Father
8. Suicide is Not a Solution
9. The Title
"All the Jacks are Blonde."

Just something that sprung to mind while reading something else entirely at work last night.
Last call for titles!

One will be chosen from these ten (unless you add more).

1. nano-clams and other molluscs
2. blue flowers
3. pentimento
4. The Several Ways the Ocean Wins
5. Porn for Poets
6. Never trust a man whose eyebrows meet in the middle
7. Father
8. Suicide is Not a Solution
9. The Title
10. All the Jacks are Blonde
too much? :D

everything's covered and well-contained. la senza know how to build a bra :cool:

Not at all. It's beautiful, just a mite startling at first. :kiss:

La Senza, huh? I'll look. If I win the lottery there will be major La Perla purchases. :)
As the mysterious poster, "Nano-clams and other molluscs" tweeks every sense in me.
As the mysterious poster, "Nano-clams and other molluscs" tweeks every sense in me.

And there we have it. The title for the challenge will be

Nano-clams and other molluscs

The official challenge thread will be in the main forum. You know thatatway ----------->
Bwahaha! You didn't want me to have anything to do with choosing the title - well, the joke is on you. It's exactly the one I would have picked! :devil:
Bwahaha! You didn't want me to have anything to do with choosing the title - well, the joke is on you. It's exactly the one I would have picked! :devil:

Yes you little bitch, I realize that. And just how much do you think a Jew knows about clams, molluscs? Now I have do research damnit!

well whaddaya know?


or spooky?


INT a room dominated by a large desk. HARRY frowns and writes 'Nano-clams and other molluscs' on a fresh page. He taps his pen on molluscs that is underlined in red... a ms or part of the challenge? An evil grin crosses his face. FADE OUT.