Same Title Challenge

After a couple of false starts it's written and it's awful and after posting it I will disown it :)
Oh, this is going to be a fun one (rubbing hands :devil:).

I wish I had the time to participate, but I'm eagerly trolling. :heart:
i've not written mine yet :eek:

but i know a shit load more about molluscs than i did before - so it's not all bad :D
Oh, this is going to be a fun one (rubbing hands :devil:).

I wish I had the time to participate, but I'm eagerly trolling. :heart:

I haven't really thought about it yet. I read a bit on the subject and then decided to let it all roll around in my subconscious for a few days.
Neo, Remec, and Desejo have not posted yet. I'm assuming they intend to. :nana:
No, no, it's perfect! We should be thinking of Rybka- he'd have loved this challenge.

Ok this is officially spooky. I was just thinking we should dedicate the challenge to him. Really. Though I suppose it's not odd to think of him in this context. I was picturing that animated clam av he had, the one that bubbled. :)