Satisfy my curiosity...poll

Airline Travel is

  • fun, whee, beam me up baby I'm going away

    Votes: 42 48.8%
  • OK, no different from a long drive

    Votes: 25 29.1%
  • sucks, they don't even give you peanuts

    Votes: 7 8.1%
  • give me valium, I'm shitting myself

    Votes: 12 14.0%

  • Total voters

I love flying. There IS something "grown-up" about it. Especially when I was travelling for my job. I very much prefer first class, but don't get it very often. :D When flying, I generally spend most of the time reading. Except for transatlantic flights, then I also spend a good amount of time watching the screen. So far, I've only flown business class on these flights, so I've always been comfortable and happy. My one gripe is flying back from Heathrow, I noticed one of the video channels was playing an episode of Dr. Who. I thought, "Great! I get to catch an episode I've never seen before. This will be extra cool." However, they only played the first 45 min. part of a two part episode. THAT kind of pissed me off.

I also like driving. I really love driving late at night. My sub and I were just talking about this. I love driving at night and looking over to see her snuggled down in the passenger seat using my jacket as a blanket. She just looks so cute. I don't have any problems with letting someone else drive, but I prefer to only let other people drive during daylight so I can read a book if I want. Being a passenger at night can get boring at times.
AnelizeDarkEyes said:
When I lived in Montana, and later Alaska, I had the opportunity both times to transfer from ICU to the Flight Nursing programs. Both times it was the damn helicopter that kept me on the ground. *sigh*

In Alaska, I flew on tiny planes landing on "runways" that were literally just sandbars in the middle of rivers. But I never could master my airsickness on a helicopter. All that going sideways bullshit.

I guess it just wasn't meant to be :p


would you have been in a copter with open doors? because I dunno how those army guys can do that. I think i'd shit my pants.
SkylineBlue said:
would you have been in a copter with open doors? because I dunno how those army guys can do that. I think i'd shit my pants.

Nope, The military has the franchise on that I think. The doors are firmly shut for everyone's safety.

I guess though its hard to shoot someone from through a closed door....
I hate flying...I sit in my chair the whole time secure in the knowledge that I could fly the plane MUCH better than the pilot!
I hate hate hate flying! In one week, at this time, I will be in the air on a 7 hr flight. The longest I've been on so far. I fly for business and I hate it, why would I fly for pleasure?? I am always thinking, what keeps this hunk of steel in the air?? But my friend in California is worth all the fear I'll have flying there.
Seems that where flying and rollercoasters are concerned there is no distinction along dom/sub lines. Just an individual thing.
I help the airplane

I've flown a lot in my life--a lot for business and a lot for pleasure. While I enjoy driving, I've not found a way to drive to the Virgin Islands or to Europe. And if I have to be on the West Coast tomorrow, I have to fly.

And I've had some absolutely terrifying expriences in airplanes. Every road warrior has them--and we tell war-stories when we can.

Which leads me to this: I like the excitement and the convenience of flying, and I am also sometimes convinced that the only thing that holds the plane up in the air is my lifting on the armrests!

I'm a Dom, all the way.

Okay, I like flying. There are bits of it I love (taking off, woo hoo!), but mostly it's tedium tied into a too-small seat (the down-side of long legs) with terrible food as an accompanyment. But the other side of the spectrum is that I am travelling, going somewhere!

I also love helicopters, and roller coasters. And I wanna learn to hang-glide, and maybe fly a glider? Para-gliding could be fun too.

Oh, and I'm D/s, but not terribly flexible. Maybe I should do yoga?
Sub who loves to fly. I had a job that flew me every week, and I loved every minute of it. I then became a truck driver, and have driven over 118,000 miles last year, and would rather fly:p

Why walk when you can drive, why drive when you can fly? thats the question I always ask:)

i love roller coasters too, as well as the virtual reality motion rides.
ghosst_K&H said:

i love roller coasters too, as well as the virtual reality motion rides.

I'm suddenly reminded of the Blair Witch Project... I left the theatre sick to my stomach.. not from the gore or the scariness... but from the motion of that damned camera...

It took me hours, maybe even a day to recover my balance.
Uppercase PYL

SkylineBlue said:
would you have been in a copter with open doors? because I dunno how those army guys can do that. I think i'd shit my pants.
Well, let's see how to explain this one. Ever watch a bird come skimming over a treeline, drop down over a lake, then blip over the opposite treeline? The OH-58 and AH-6, mil versions of the Bell Jetranger and Hughes 500 (think newscopters), can give you same sensation with the doors off.

i flew in my younger days. i, unfortunately, know when things aren't quite going right as a passenger. i hate seeing the cockpit door open because i feel the pull to push the guy flying out of the way.

Some of my most joyful/sad/terrifying/boring experiences have been in the air.

i've only uttered the dreaded "oh shit" twice and survived both.

Yeah, i like flying.
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I've flying overseas here soon... my mom had decided to get us sleeping pills so we can be bright eyed when we get there... and because sleeping on a plane is hard...

there are more reasons i'm glad i'll be unconsious...
I'm dominant (obviously) and to me, I'm a bit more nervous about planes than cars, but I don't get air-sick, and I do get car-sick, so it evens out overall. As for rollercoasters, I can go around until I'm so dizzy I can't stand up, but going up & down kills me (for those of you familiar with King's Island - I love The Beast, but can't handle The Racers).

Miss Karen
flying is fun. i've never been afraid of crashes except in an anticipatory "what if" kind of way, and yes i enjoy turbulence in the same way i enjoy roller coasters. as long as the pilot is awake and in charge i don't feel in danger... it's the other passengers that freak me out frankly.

i think i'd prefer a smaller craft though and to pilot, steer and perform loop de loops - and be stunt or military pilot, or even a mail delivery pilot to remote regions. i'd get a kick out of that elemental solitude.
Have your cake ...


I hate rollercoasters. Can't ever feel safe in one. It seriously is too darn horrifying for me. It makes no logical sense that the thing is just not going to go flying off the tracks.

However planes and helicopters.. Bring it ON!

I have been in very small planes travelling in the outback. Loved it. I have been up in very small choppers mustering (rounding up) cattle and the pilot was way daring and yes the doors were open.
Loved it heaps and would go back and do it again.

Im slave, and domme to my own slave (strange arrangement from Master...anyway). I love rollercoasters, love the feel of my stomach dropping out -- however, I hate to fly. I'm a bit claustrophobic, which makes no sense why I like rollercoasters but I guess it's just one of those oxymorons. I can't stand airports, or waiting to get on the plane or the obnoxious lines for planes especially if you fly say, Southwest. Although, take off, is fun. That perhaps is my favorite moment. Okay I am rambling...time for bed. :)

Flying is ok .... i am very nervous during take-off and landing, but find the nervousness kind of exciting (if that makes any sense). Airports are fine ... i like to people watch... but i hate that feeling where the time frame between one plane landing and the connecting flight is so small you need to run through the airport to get to the correct gate .. stresses me out horribly.

Rollercoasters ... generally, i love 'em... thrilling and a little scary ... my favorites are the rickety old-fashioned wooden coasters. I always worry the track is going to break and send me carreening out of control.

Appe's sweet baby
Re: Have your cake ...

AngelicAssassin i dig the Norman Rockwell style of that picture
Like flying. and watching the people in the airport. and like A's Sweet Baby, i hate to rush thru the airport catching connections.

Longest flight was 37 hours (is that right?) in a military C130 to Clark Air Base. It took days for us to get accustomed to talking a leak on flat ground.

roller coasters are cool with that long clackty clack climb to the top, and picking up the stomach on the next round. does anyone around here remember the Swamp Fox in Myrtle Beeach?

Like driving, especially when there can be a wonderful time at the end of the trip.

appe :D
I love traveling, period. Planes just might be my favorite way because I only get to do it once every few years.
Sub with an occasional tryst with insubordination (makes Master crazy).

I LOVE flying, rollercoasters (consider myself a member of Titan royalty), driving (love a good road trip), bungi-jumping, and anything else on wheels that moves faster than the speed limit. I've been a Sci-fi freak ever since I was old enough to know what space was.

The freedom I feel when soaring is an orgasm unto itself.

Domme and I hate flying. Didn't fly until I was 32, every noise threw the whole flight terrified me. I was about to crawl out of my skin. I have to admit I flew to Alaska and once we were up the scenery was breathtaking, but I would never want to do it again.
Rollercoasters, no way no how there is not enough booze or money in the world that would make me want to get on one. I am the one who will stand and hold everones stuff while the scream their brains out. Long elevator rides are on my list with planes and rollercoasters. Was just in Vegas and they wanted to go up the StratiousFear.......they named it that for a resson!!!