Seven delusions plaguing the mind of the Trump base voter

Are you denying that what I said is the truth?

"Vote blue, no matter who" Democrats live in just as much a fantasy world as MAGA fanatical Republicans.

More delusional than the intransigent far left that helped elect the corrupt orange traitor in 2016, which resulted in the current radical right wing SCOTUS and all the damage to progressive issues associated with it???

Remember when the far left told us the election of Drumpf was a good thing, because it would trigger the "revolution"???


The intransigent far left radicals are insufferable dunces that will assure a second Drumpf presidency and the end of the great American experiment in democracy.




The far left wing needs left leaning centrists as much as left leaning centrists need them.

As a left leaning centrist Democrat, I have no problem admitting and accepting that Democrats need the far left wing, and thus, must moderate some positions to maintain the coalition. I HAVE seen President Biden make concessions to the far left wing.

I will NOT accept the far left wing pulling a chaos caucus power flex take over of the Democratic Party like the "republicans" are current dealing with.

The far left’s version of “burn it all down” is only marginally more appealing than the far right’s version.

And the results are the same. - America in ashes.

Fuck that.

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No average American is better of now than they were 4 years ago.
Especially pre-Covid.

Biden even did worse than Trump in terms of Covid deaths under his presidency, taking less than 11 months to overtake the number of Covid deaths under Trump. 400,000 Americans had died of Covid on January 19 2021, the day before Trump left office. 800,000 Americans had died of Covid on December 12 2021. And let's remember, Trump acted like a complete crazed maniac over Covid, on his worst behavior, aside from getting the vaccine out, with Trump also doing mass rallies like a lunatic. There was also the George Floyd protests. Trump did basically everything that could have spread Covid like wildfire, and yet more Covid deaths under Biden.
Yes. Competence. I'll even give you a list. Although far from complete. But will you accept it and hear it or are you just going to continue to regurgitate propaganda?

Student loan forgiveness despite GOP opposition at every turn.
Record unemployment.
Safer Communities Act.
American Rescue Plan
CHIPS and Science Act.


ETA... anyone who supported Trump at any time has no standing to criticize any other person's speech. Ever.
None of which eliminates the fact that inflation is rampant, the average American is suffering from those higher prices, and we are involved in 2 major wars, with war with China no longer just a vague threat.
These are adults.

If they can't figure out that Trump sucks and that Biden is the only other viable option
Tweedledum or Tweedledee is not a choice. That, in turn, means more and more people are going to be desensitized to Trump's Caesar like actions and dictatorial rhetoric, since the existing system is so corrupt.
None of which eliminates the fact that inflation is rampant, the average American is suffering from those higher prices, and we are involved in 2 major wars, with war with China no longer just a vague threat.

No, greedflation is rampant. The average American is suffering from corporate profiteering.

But again, thanks for the propaganda.
So you totally ignored the 2 wars Biden has dragged us into and the possibility of a war with China over Taiwan.

Biden hasn't dragged us into two wars. Again thanks for the propaganda.

Ironically however you completely passed over all of the things I listed in favor of your propaganda.
Competence? he can't even find his way off the stage have the time. He can't make a complete coherent sentence.
None of which has anything to do with his policies or how he runs the Country.
He's got us deeply involved in 2 wars.
What? That's a dumb lie.
Explain his competence to me.
Seeing how delusional you are about him, you wouldn't be able to acknowledge or comprehend an explanation anyway.
TrailerTrash should stick with one tedious, ignorance spewing sea lion account.


Now it seems like there are two impossibly stupid, tedious dunces on the PB.


👉 TrailerTrash aka KiotiUgly 🤣

"Both sides" rhetoric is always deployed to deflect from conservative misdeeds.

And gives the impression that it's okay to just walk away being pissed off. For some reason a large portion of our population thinks it's okay to fuck off their civic responsibilities because they're *gasp, grab the tissues and cue the violins* angry. Or disappointed.

In the meantime, in reality, we don't always get a buffet and adults don't have the luxury of stamping their feet like children and throwing a tantrum. The choice is what it is.

So they choose not to play.

And the quality of life for the average American reflects the average American's civic involvement.
Greedflation. That's what is going on. Not inflation. Corporate profiteering.
Greedflation is inflation caused by the big business ruling class and their politicians, of which Biden is one. Trump is more rogue, caring only about himself and his small circle.

At this point, you've kinda jumped the shark at this.

Blaming democrats for corporate America is not only inaccurate but honestly naive.
It's completely accurate. Democrats appease conservatives in their own party (Manchin, supporting the filibuster) and in the Republican Party (bipartisanship), while they go after the most left elements in the Democratic Party, which in turns emboldens conservatives to go further and drives the official mainstream debate more to the right. When was there last a serious real terms pay rise for workers in America? About 50 years ago? Politicians from both Democrats and Republicans want people focused on culture war issues while the rich continue to get richer.

Then what is?

In reality, viably, with a possible real outcome.
A serious left-wing option. America is the only country in the western world without a proper Socialist or Labor Party. In that sense, America is worse off now than over a century ago. Bernie Sanders could have used his 2016 supporters to create such a party, but he instead endorsed Hillary Clinton! I refuse to believe that Eugene Debs is his political hero.

Biden hasn't dragged us into two wars. Again thanks for the propaganda.
Ukraine, Israel. The Ukraine one as a proxy war against Russia was planned all along, hence the chaotic Afghanistan withdrawal. Also planned, alongside the war, was the expansion of NATO to Sweden and Finland, to disprove Trumpist talk about NATO being irrelevant and a waste of money.
No, greedflation is rampant. The average American is suffering from corporate profiteering.

But again, thanks for the propaganda.
Who did Biden side with during the rail dispute? With big business, saying that the strike would cause chaos. The whole point of the strike is to harm corporate profits.
Greedflation is inflation caused by the big business ruling class and their politicians, of which Biden is one. Trump is more rogue, caring only about himself and his small circle.

It's completely accurate. Democrats appease conservatives in their own party (Manchin, supporting the filibuster) and in the Republican Party (bipartisanship), while they go after the most left elements in the Democratic Party, which in turns emboldens conservatives to go further and drives the official mainstream debate more to the right. When was there last a serious real terms pay rise for workers in America? About 50 years ago? Politicians from both Democrats and Republicans want people focused on culture war issues while the rich continue to get richer.

A serious left-wing option. America is the only country in the western world without a proper Socialist or Labor Party. In that sense, America is worse off now than over a century ago. Bernie Sanders could have used his 2016 supporters to do create such a party, but he instead endorsed Hillary Clinton! I refuse to believe that Eugene Debs is his political hero.

Ukraine, Israel. The Ukraine one as a proxy war against Russia was planned all along, hence the chaotic Afghanistan withdrawal. Also planned, alongside the war, was the expansion of NATO to Sweden and Finland, to disprove Trumpist talk about NATO being irrelevant and a waste of money.

And Biden has called them out on it. In the meantime the dude that buys the $16 burger meal still buys that meal and tells corporate America that he will buy buy buy. Power of the consumer you know!

No actually it's not. You just said the conservatives put it forward. And a handful of democrats played ball. That's not what you said before at all. That's not the democrats selling out America. Quit exaggerating and overstating your intent.

What left wing option? Name it.

Biden didn't invade Ukraine. He quit sucking Putin's dick like Trump was. Also, if you think Trump would have stopped Putin's invasion you're in lala land. Biden didn't orchestrate the attacks from Hamas. Nor is he singly responsible for over 7 decades of American foreign policy in the middle east. Again quit overstating your intent.
More delusional than the intransigent far left that helped elect the corrupt orange traitor in 2016, which resulted in the current radical right wing SCOTUS and all the damage to progressive issues associated with it???
The only people who elected Trump in 2016 are the people who voted for Trump in that election.

Remember when the far left told us the election of Drumpf was a good thing, because it would trigger the "revolution"???
The situation is still better in many ways than 2015 normal, when there was a suffocating "business as usual" feeling. Obama bailed out Wall Street and used drones every Tuesday. None of the promised change happened, leading to the election of Trump, with a lot of Obama-Trump voters.

There's a saying, with chaos there's opportunity.

The intransigent far left radicals are insufferable dunces that will assure a second Drumpf presidency and the end of the great American experiment in democracy.
Why is Biden siding with big business, doing imperialist wars and sending our federal taxes there? Why is he supporting ethnic cleansing in Palestine? He does all this, and yet he and the DNC just expect people to just vote for him. That's not living in reality.




The far left wing needs left leaning centrists as much as left leaning centrists need them.
Socialists don't need centrists in any way at all.

As a left leaning centrist Democrat, I have no problem admitting and accepting that Democrats need the far left wing
Of course. They need socialists to get their verbal rhetoric and propaganda ideas from, and to then water them down into almost nothing, as they pose and carry on with their careerism. They are empty nothings without socialists to get ideas from. Why do socialists need centrists? We don't need them at all. We want socialist policies. The centrists want to pretend to want socialist policies while actually favoring big business all along, and then posing as "realists" when called out about them selling out.
Who did Biden side with during the rail dispute? With big business, saying that the strike would cause chaos. The whole point of the strike is to harm corporate profits.

That ^ is a lie.

President Biden and ALMOST all Democrats sided with rail workers over the sick leave issue, etc.

Now, did President Biden “burn it all down”, and let the economy crash, just to TOTALLY appease ONE sector over ONE issue that could be and is being addressed??? No.

Such a betrayal …


👉 Becky 🤣

That ^ is a lie.

President Biden and ALMOST all Democrats sided with rail workers over the sick leave issue, etc.
How? They were against the strike, supported it being illegalized. That includes the Squad, apart from Tlaib. And the rail workers didn't get the sick leave that they were asking for.
Socialists don't need centrists in any way at all.

Considering that socialists don't have the numbers to put forward a viable candidate that is capable of making the ballot in a simple majority of states, let alone all of them I think you may want to rethink this isolationist path.

Unless you like having it worse under the conservatives. Which honestly I don't quite get the lack of understanding of your situation. In the foreseeable future, the socialist numbers will not alter significantly to change things. In the meantime that leaves you with a choice - the democrats or the republicans. But instead of looking at math and reality, you say "fuck off" and take your chances.

The only people who elected Trump in 2016 are the people who voted for Trump in that election.

The situation is still better in many ways than 2015 normal, when there was a suffocating "business as usual" feeling. Obama bailed out Wall Street and used drones every Tuesday. None of the promised change happened, leading to the election of Trump, with a lot of Obama-Trump voters.

There's a saying, with chaos there's opportunity.

Why is Biden siding with big business, doing imperialist wars and sending our federal taxes there? Why is he supporting ethnic cleansing in Palestine? He does all this, and yet he and the DNC just expect people to just vote for him. That's not living in reality.

Socialists don't need centrists in any way at all.

Of course. They need socialists to get their verbal rhetoric and propaganda ideas from, and to then water them down into almost nothing, as they pose and carry on with their careerism. They are empty nothings without socialists to get ideas from. Why do socialists need centrists? We don't need them at all. We want socialist policies. The centrists want to pretend to want socialist policies while actually favoring big business all along, and then posing as "realists" when called out about them selling out.

Exposed for the intransigent uncompromising left wing radical they are.

Thanks for playing.