Seven delusions plaguing the mind of the Trump base voter

It doesn’t matter which alt TrailerHitch uses, the results are the same:

TrailerHitch posts derp.

TrailerHitch gets their derp rejected…hard.


👉 TrailerHitch aka Kioti3510 🤣


Six of one, half dozen of the other.
It doesn’t matter which alt TrailerHitch uses, the results are the same:

TrailerHitch posts derp.

TrailerHitch gets their derp rejected…hard.


👉 TrailerHitch aka Kioti3510 🤣

Yawn...How many times will you post this? I have done nothing to hide this is me and that I am TrailerHitch. Does your feeble little mind believe posting this over and over will shut me down? It hasn't worked before, But I guess when it's all you have you have to do something.
No you can't. That's the thing. I'm standing in factual reality.

You think Trump took a hard stand on Putin. That's factually and demonstrably false.
Of course it is, that's why he waited to attack when Biden was in office. Biden is a laughing stock world wide.
I don't care about your cnn style news analyzing of my posts.
WELL! I PERSONALLY COULD GIVE A RATS AS… Waaaaitaminute. Did you give me compliment or criticism by calling me CNN? We talkin James Earl Jones CNN or empty podium, free advertising for Trump CNN? It doesn’t matter. You can keep expressing your complaints and doing your false equivalency on Joe Biden, just as you do as you have claimed and not vote for Trump.
Of course it is, that's why he waited to attack when Biden was in office. Biden is a laughing stock world wide.

Again, more propaganda. Be reality based.

No he's not. It's only to the extremists MAGA crew and they think Trump is the bee's knees.
Not to take away from the comedy of kioti’s posts, but wtf? Every time I come here I strive to be called pompous, arrogant, and sarcastic but now I have to settle for CNN? Damn you, Adrina!
Not to take away from the comedy of kioti’s posts, but wtf? Every time I come here I strive to be called pompous, arrogant, and sarcastic but now I have to settle for CNN? Damn you, Adrina!

I'm sorry... Thoughts and prayers? ;)

For kioti, yeah.
He’s barking up many a wrong tree today. I’m gonna just sit back and enjoy the humiliation.
Please. Continue.
Really? So that's why Putin waited to invade when Trump was out and Biden was in?
Yes, and that makes perfect sense despite your inability to grasp it. Putin was waiting to see if Trump was re-elected, and if he would then make good on his plan to withdraw the US from NATO. Had that been the case, Putin would have been free to take back not only Ukraine but at least half of Eastern Europe.
Yes, and that makes perfect sense despite your inability to grasp it. Putin was waiting to see if Trump was re-elected, and if he would then make good on his plan to withdraw the US from NATO. Had that been the case, Putin would have been free to take back not only Ukraine but at least half of Eastern Europe.
Because you are a mind reader and know that's what his plan was. Or maybe you have a contact inside the Kremlin? Or maybe you have your very own listening devices there?
Irrelevant but I'm sure you'll feel the need to point them out because You're weak and it's all you have. I'm not ashamed.
No shame, why changing names then again? Hiding who you are?

Why not a tagline that says “artist formerly known as trailertrash” on this handle?
No shame, why changing names then again? Hiding who you are?

Why not a tagline that says “artist formerly known as trailertrash” on this handle?
Why not fuck off and block me if you don't like what I do? I'm not here to please your every sick whim and desire.

By the way, I never stopped using either name. Sorry you couldn't keep up.
I really don't see the need for you to create another account when everyone here accepted you as perfectly clueless and insufferable as the old you.
You’re doing it all wrong and lemme tell you why. Let’s say, for arguments sake, that I was on a sexual website, and I found myself inclined to argue politics. Then, I would create two accounts. One for possibly hooking up, and the other to be my obnoxious self. I would never eat where I’m taking a shit. Now you’ve gotta go and create a third account. Lol. Haha! You have a 3rd alt, don’t you?
You’re doing it all wrong and lemme tell you why. Let’s say, for arguments sake, that I was on a sexual website, and I found myself inclined to argue politics. Then, I would create two accounts. One for possibly hooking up, and the other to be my obnoxious self. I would never eat where I’m taking a shit. Now you’ve gotta go and create a third account. Lol. Haha! You have a 3rd alt, don’t you?
I don't need a third alt because I'm not hiding what I'm doing here. Your obsession with me is getting really creepy.