Seven delusions plaguing the mind of the Trump base voter

Considering that socialists don't have the numbers to put forward a viable candidate that is capable of making the ballot in a simple majority of states, let alone all of them I think you may want to rethink this isolationist path.

Unless you like having it worse under the conservatives. Which honestly I don't quite get the lack of understanding of your situation. In the foreseeable future, the socialist numbers will not alter significantly to change things. In the meantime that leaves you with a choice - the democrats or the republicans. But instead of looking at math and reality, you say "fuck off" and take your chances.

Class independence is essential. No alliances with capitalist liberals, no "bipartisanship", and a Socialist/Labor Party. If it's a short or long struggle is not the point. It's the correct strategy. There aren't short cuts.

Exposed for the intransigent uncompromising left wing radical they are.

Thanks for playing.
And what do you represent? The weathervane "realist" who believes in nothing except where the wind of "public opinion" take you? History doesn't look kindly on such people.
Class independence is essential. No alliances with capitalist liberals, no "bipartisanship", and a Socialist/Labor Party. If it's a short or long struggle is not the point. It's the correct strategy. There aren't short cuts.

How's that working for you?

Again, what is the viable left wing alternative?
How's that working for you?

Again, what is the viable left wing alternative?
Eugene Debs once said:

"I'd rather vote for what I want and not get it, than vote for what I don't want and get it".
How? They were against the strike, supported it being illegalized. That includes the Squad, apart from Tlaib. And the rail workers didn't get the sick leave that they were asking for.

For your reading pleasure: BNSF Railway,Norfolk Southern on March 10.

From the article:

This is a big deal, said Railroad Department Director Al Russo, because the paid-sick-days issue, which nearly caused a nationwide shutdown of freight rail just before Christmas, had consistently been rejected by the carriers. It was not part of last December’s congressionally implemented update of the national collective bargaining agreement between the freight lines and the IBEW and 11 other railroad-related unions.

“We’re thankful that the Biden administration played the long game on sick days and stuck with us for months after Congress imposed our updated national agreement,” Russo said. “Without making a big show of it, Joe Biden and members of his administration in the Transportation and Labor departments have been working continuously to get guaranteed paid sick days for all railroad workers.

“We know that many of our members weren’t happy with our original agreement,” Russo said, “but through it all, we had faith that our friends in the White House and Congress would keep up the pressure on our railroad employers to get us the sick day benefits we deserve. Until we negotiated these new individual agreements with these carriers, an IBEW member who called out sick was not compensated.”

While President Joe Biden was calling on Congress in Novemberto pass legislation to implement the agreement, he stressed that he would continue to encourage the railroads to guarantee paid sick time for their employees.


Now apologize, Becky. - Not to me, but to President Biden.


Eugene Debs once said:

"I'd rather vote for what I want and not get it, than vote for what I don't want and get it".

Cool. You'll also be getting more of what you don't want.

Still asking, what is this viable left wing alternative?
Cool. You'll also be getting more of what you don't want.

Still asking, what is this viable left wing alternative?

You’ll get a response to this question about the same time you get a response from conservatives about Ken Paxton,

Class independence is essential. No alliances with capitalist liberals, no "bipartisanship", and a Socialist/Labor Party. If it's a short or long struggle is not the point. It's the correct strategy. There aren't short cuts.

And what do you represent? The weathervane "realist" who believes in nothing except where the wind of "public opinion" take you? History doesn't look kindly on such people.
I want public healthcare, mass transit, cuts to the police, gun control, higher tax rates for the rich, and abortion rights for women. Voting for Democrats makes all those things more likely.
I want public healthcare, mass transit, cuts to the police, gun control, higher tax rates for the rich, and abortion rights for women. Voting for Democrats makes all those things more likely.
It really doesn't. We're still waiting for nationalized public healthcare, which blockaded Cuba has. Abortion rights for women across the entire US were removed after nearly 50 years, "returned to the states". The Democrats didn't codify Roe v Wade even when they controlled the presidency and both houses of congress at the same time. Biden still supports the filibuster like a typical careerist politician who is satisfied with the status quo of nothing seriously changing while encouraging culture wars. And as the rich control the tax system and the politicians in power, they are not going to support themselves being taxed more highly.

When Democrats have any serious political momentum, bipartisanship (i.e. appeasing conservatives) is never far away, which means watering down whatever policies had previously given Democrats momentum. All this appeasing of conservatives, going back to Carter's time, is why the mainstream debate is so far to the right. When conservatives have momentum, they try to go at full pace at forcing their agenda. When liberals or moderates have momentum, they are seeking bipartisanship. And some people wonder why there are people in America today who want to tear the whole thing down?
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Biden hasn't dragged us into two wars. Again thanks for the propaganda.

Ironically however you completely passed over all of the things I listed in favor of your propaganda.
Well it sure as Hell wasn't Trump that got us into funding Billions of dollars in the Ukraine war, or millions into the Israeli conflict. Biden has supported us fighting a proxy war in both instances
Well it sure as Hell wasn't Trump that got us into funding Billions of dollars in the Ukraine war, or millions into the Israeli conflict. Biden has supported us fighting a proxy war in both instances

So you would prefer Russia be allowed to take Ukraine?

The GOP heavily support Israel.

Once again, thanks for the propaganda.
I have moved away from Trump because he is tainted and even if he is elected the Dems will stop him from doing anything.
IDK. It's like this person, who says they've moved away from trump, is deliberately spitting out BDS in order to justify a return to trump after getting the pushback he knew he was sure to receive from his statements. Or, let's just say he's doing 2 & 4 off this list.
So you would prefer Russia be allowed to take Ukraine?

The GOP heavily support Israel.

Once again, thanks for the propaganda.
I would have preferred a president that took a hard stance before it started saying it would not be allowed.
IDK. It's like this person, who says they've moved away from trump, is deliberately spitting out BDS in order to justify a return to trump after getting the pushback he knew he was sure to receive from his statements. Or, let's just say he's doing 2 & 4 off this list.
I don't care about your cnn style news analyzing of my posts.
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I would have preferred a president that took a hard stance before it started saying it would not be allowed.

That's literally no one. No one in the GOP. Not Trump. Closest thing you're going to get to that is actually Biden. As he doesn't kowtow to Putin.

Again, illogical propaganda.
That's literally no one. No one in the GOP. Not Trump. Closest thing you're going to get to that is actually Biden. As he doesn't kowtow to Putin.

Again, illogical propaganda.
Really? So that's why Putin waited to invade when Trump was out and Biden was in? Sure that makes sense somehow in a deluded mind.
Really? So that's why Putin waited to invade when Trump was out and Biden was in? Sure that makes sense somehow in a deluded mind.

That's what happens when Trump kissed Putin's ass regarding Ukraine. When Trump was no longer there to kiss his ass then Putin got pissed and invaded Ukraine.

Trump wasn't a strongman, he wasn't holding a sharp line or a hard stance. He rolled over and said, "yes sir, more please" to Putin.

Again, more bullshit propaganda. Do you even pay attention to reality?
That's what happens when Trump kissed Putin's ass regarding Ukraine. When Trump was no longer there to kiss his ass then Putin got pissed and invaded Ukraine.

Trump wasn't a strongman, he wasn't holding a sharp line or a hard stance. He rolled over and said, "yes sir, more please" to Putin.

Again, more bullshit propaganda. Do you even pay attention to reality?
Do you ever post without a sarcastic, pompous, arrogant, bull shit attitude? You see the events one way and I see them another. You can never disagree without making it personal. You would lose every debate in a high school debate class with those tactics
Do you ever post without a sarcastic, pompous, arrogant, bull shit attitude? You see the events one way and I see them another. You can never disagree without making it personal. You would lose every debate in a high school debate class with those tactics


You are in this "debate" using propaganda and falsehoods. Along with a healthy dose of bias.
Really? So that's why Putin waited to invade when Trump was out and Biden was in? Sure that makes sense somehow in a deluded mind.

That's what happens when Trump kissed Putin's ass regarding Ukraine. When Trump was no longer there to kiss his ass then Putin got pissed and invaded Ukraine.

Trump wasn't a strongman, he wasn't holding a sharp line or a hard stance. He rolled over and said, "yes sir, more please" to Putin.

Again, more bullshit propaganda. Do you even pay attention to reality?

It doesn’t matter which alt TrailerHitch uses, the results are the same:

TrailerHitch posts derp.

TrailerHitch gets their derp rejected…hard.


👉 TrailerHitch aka Kioti3510 🤣
