Seven delusions plaguing the mind of the Trump base voter

What are Trump's policies? What are Biden's policies? List them.

Stein's platform is much to the left of the Democratic platform. Stein has also remained firm under pressure, like opposing Ukraine's government and opposing Israel's ethnic cleansing and attempted genocide, a complete contrast to Sanders.

No, that's the big business capitalist class. They expect people to keep voting for them no matter how terrible those policies are for most Americans, hence why they focus on culture war issues as a distraction.

Excuse me? I'm a 40-year-old mother of six and grandmother of one, who is divorced and at times had a chaotic personal life, and who has lost four family members in the last decade. Be an adult?


The Democrats do none of that. They didn't codify Roe v Wade, they don't oppose the filibuster, they won't even pack SCOTUS. They are fakes, upholding the status quo that they support continuing, and using culture wars as a distraction in a cynical attempt to win votes while they send billions of our federal tax dollars to warmongering far right regimes. Was that listed in Biden's 2020 platform?

Every right we have today was won by the working class and unions, and was not granted from on high by a benevolent government. In the 1970s, the US ruling class didn't want a fight with the women's movement over abortion in light of other matters, which is why Roe v Wade happened. Today, they do want a culture war over abortion, so Roe v Wade was scrapped. The idea that Democrats ensure our rights to abortion and same-sex relationships/marriages is pure fiction.

I've told you my plan. No votes for capitalist parties, class independence for the working class, the need to build a mass Socialist/Labor Party and voting for the most left-wing options in elections. In other words, voting for what I support and not for what I don't support. The crisis in society, as it deepens, will mean more and more people seeking ways out of the crisis, into third party options.

What is your plan, exactly, and those of "vote blue, no matter who" Democrats? Keep voting for what you don't want, and then claim "victory" if Tweedledum beats Tweedledee? That's fools' gold. If the current system can't do better than this, then there's zero reason to defend it.

A fact of history. Look at all the big revolutionary and change events. Out of chaos came opportunity.

I didn't say they were "the same", but two sections of the same big business capitalist class, i.e. the liberal and the conservative. Their differences are in terms of strategy. I've explained the differences in the foreign policy approaches of Trump and Biden several times. They both use culture war issues, taking opposite sides, to distract from the richest people in society continuing to get richer at our expense.

Many decades ago, "left" was meant far more in economic terms rather than cultural, and it meant being pro-union and pro-socialist, with a strong focus on jobs, wages, terms and conditions, whereas now "left" seems to be all about cultural, racial, gender etc. issues while using things like "free trade" to ship industrial jobs to other countries where wages are lower. This absurdly means that today's "right" (i.e. Trump and some Republicans) are posing as caring more about the rust belt by opposing these policies that drive down workers' pay and ship industrial jobs abroad, as Bill Clinton signed NAFTA and attacked welfare, Barack Obama bailed out Wall Street soon after the 2008 crash, and now Biden spends billions of dollars on foreign wars as inflation bites into the cost of every day essentials.

They are "the same" in wanting the richest to keep getting richer, and are therefore the enemies of most Americans.

Deflection from what? You seriously think that the Democrats are perfect and that when they lose it's because of Russia? Deluded beyond belief. The "Russia" accusation is the deflection, a deflection so that the Democratic Party won't have to look inwards at their failings, and so they can just carry on with the same right-wing policies (especially foreign policy and enriching the richest) while posing as "left".
You wrote a lot but really said nothing. Here’s all I have left to say to you: There is no Santa Claus and the societal gifts that you enjoy and hope for did not/will not magically appear underneath anyone’s Christmas tree. They can be taken away though by republican grinches. Happy holidays and a safe and loving Christmas season to you and your family.
Again, more of these false equivalencies you keep denying making.

Let's just put it as a given that both parties have capitalistic ties and roots. That is the reality. I'm not denying it. It is our society, it is our economy. It's how you can go to Target etc and buy all that crap from China. It's how you can have your Amazon deliveries etc. It's even how you can buy the plastic bags to put all that China crap into the landfill in.

So let's address these social policies that I contend, with a fair amount of evidence, are seriously and even gravely harmful to the "working man". Dobbs as mentioned earlier. Without access to reproductive options, poverty among women and children will increase. That's another given. Without access to things like the ACA (still on their radar), medical bankruptcies among Americans will increase. Environmental regulations are another one. How do you like the air you breathe and the water you drink? Are you ready to see your children have reproductive issues and cancer from the PFAS the republicans don't want to clean up? Can't forget about the lead pipes. Voting rights? And on and on and on.

You want to look at economics. Fair due. It's not unimportant. But it's not the only thing. You need to open your eyes and quit acting like it is.
I don't see the Democrats as supporting our rights. Our rights are won from below, not granted from above by benevolent politicians.

Take the environment. That's another culture war issue. Capitalism seems to be offering us two choices on it:

1. The Trumpist approach, of downplaying/denying climate change as the planet slowly sinks and burns, and using taxpayers' money to continue to subsidize fossil fuel firms, and then using populist rhetoric in favor of creating jobs.

2. The Democratic approach, of making ordinary Americans workers and the poor pay for "green policies", an excuse for another round of austerity measures, as big corporations get richer by promoting "green technology". As a result of this, mass support for tackling climate change will inevitably decline, with the Republicans ready to use populism to encourage climate change denial in the name of "jobs" and "our country".
I don't see the Democrats as supporting our rights. Our rights are won from below, not granted from above by benevolent politicians.

Take the environment. That's another culture war issue. Capitalism seems to be offering us two choices on it:

1. The Trumpist approach, of downplaying/denying climate change as the planet slowly sinks and burns, and using taxpayers' money to continue to subsidize fossil fuel firms, and then using populist rhetoric in favor of creating jobs.

2. The Democratic approach, of making ordinary Americans workers and the poor pay for "green policies", an excuse for another round of austerity measures, as big corporations get richer by promoting "green technology". As a result of this, mass support for tackling climate change will inevitably decline, with the Republicans ready to use populism to encourage climate change denial in the name of "jobs" and "our country".

They aren't won by people not voting and by people voting for lost cause politicians.

So then you hate both approaches even though one is to do nothing and the other is to work within the system we have.

Apparently you have no problem with impoverished women and children as well as bankrupted American families. So you can throw a temper tantrum. An ineffectual one at that. I mean to be fair, if the temper tantrum got results I'd say "you go girl! sock it to them!" but that's not that case. It just makes it easier for our rights to be taken away.

It's pointless.
Yes, because it would've impacted the economy horribly.
For the richest. That's the whole point of the strike! It's supposed to be inconvenient and hurt the richest, to force them to agree to workers' demands. Nothing moves in society worldwide without trains, lorries, vans and cars, i.e. nothing gets distributed. Workers have the real power, not the rich fat cats.

No surprises for guessing who Biden and House Democrats sided with in this dispute.
For the richest.
For all Americans. It's the fucking biggest part of the transportation of goods.

You thinking the rich would only be impacted indicates your ignorance .
That's the whole point of the strike! It's supposed to be inconvenient and hurt the richest, to force them to agree to workers' demands. Nothing moves in society worldwide without trains, lorries, vans and cars, i.e. nothing gets distributed. Workers have the real power, not the rich fat cats.
They got what they wanted. What part of that don't you get?

No surprises for guessing who Biden and House Democrats sided with in this dispute.
Biden used his power to get the unions what they wanted. The strike did it's job, you dip shit....even as it was cut short.
They aren't won by people not voting and by people voting for lost cause politicians.

So then you hate both approaches even though one is to do nothing and the other is to work within the system we have.

Apparently you have no problem with impoverished women and children as well as bankrupted American families. So you can throw a temper tantrum. An ineffectual one at that. I mean to be fair, if the temper tantrum got results I'd say "you go girl! sock it to them!" but that's not that case. It just makes it easier for our rights to be taken away.

It's pointless.

My grandfather had an apt analogy for people like "Becky":

"Becky" could be driving in a Ford Pinto approaching an intersection with the green light and see a Mack truck coming at a high rate of speed preparing to barrel through the red light from a cross street, and "Becky" STILL wouldn’t yield… because "Becky" is in the right due to the light being green.

And "Becky" would technically be right…albeit DEAD right.

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For all Americans. It's the fucking biggest part of the transportation of goods.
For the richest, looking at their profits while they continue to hold down workers' pay.

Workers distribute all these commodities. They have the power on it, if they unite in common interests in their union.

You thinking the rich would only be impacted indicates your ignorance .
Me ignorant? LOL.

They got what they wanted. What part of that don't you get?
They didn't. They were asking for 15 days of sick leave. Biden, in collusion with the union bureaucrat tops, eventually got 4 days, and he actually broke a strike some time before this, made it illegal to strike, which nearly all House Democrats supported. From a socialist perspective, it is never okay to break a strike, especially from someone calling himself "pro-labor".

Biden used his power to get the unions what they wanted. The strike did it's job, you dip shit....even as it was cut short.
You seriously think that I am this naive and gullible?
For the richest, looking at their profits while they continue to hold down workers' pay.
For all Americans who buy things.


Workers distribute all these commodities. They have the power on it, if they unite in common interests in their union.
And all Americans depend on them...including poor people, you fuckhead. And the union got what they wanted.

Me ignorant? LOL.
Yes, abashedly ignorant. You only see one angle on any topic. Any additional considerations aren't worth your time.

They didn't. They were asking for 15 days of sick leave. Biden, in collusion with the union bureaucrat tops, eventually got 4 days, and he actually broke a strike some time before this, made it illegal to strike, which nearly all House Democrats supported. From a socialist perspective, it is never okay to break a strike, especially from someone calling himself "pro-labor".
The United States isn't a socialist country.

You seriously think that I am this naive and gullible?
You are.
Deflection from what?
From me pointing out your disinformation and disruption campaign. You’re probably on other sites arguing the complete opposite of what you say here.

You seriously think that the Democrats are perfect and that when they lose it's because of Russia? Deluded beyond belief. The "Russia" accusation is the deflection, a deflection so that the Democratic Party won't have to look inwards at their failings, and so they can just carry on with the same right-wing policies (especially foreign policy and enriching the richest) while posing as "left".
See, comrade? You ascribe then it’s off to the races.

I hope you and your team meet your yearly goals. Otherwise, it’s off to the gulag!
No average American is better of now than they were 4 years ago.
Oh fuck off Hitch. I have relatives in the US, who even you would have to admit fit the definition of "average".

Some are better off, others are not.

Trying to blame a particular President for people outcomes is pretty laughable, with zero grounding in science.
Fuck off yourself you meddling fucking canuck. This isn't your country and I don't give a flying fuck how many of your pathetic relatives live here, YOU DON'T.

I blame this president for rampant inflation in all aspects of their lives. Groceries have gone up a ridiculous amount and continue to climb. Other consumables are doing the same and many people are having to pick and choose what they can afford now when it was not that way before. Fuel prices, gas, diesel, heating oil, and propane are all more expensive again this year. I blame this president for economic uncertainty for people in the future. I blame this president for his failure to protect our border and allowing hundreds of thousands of ILLEGALS to enter our country not only from central and south America but from the middle east and china, to include those on the terrorist watch list. I blame this president for his WEAK foreign policy that did nothing to prevent the Ukrainian and Israeli / Hamas war. And yet further weakens us by more deficit spending to support those wars and depletes our military readiness supplies. I blame him for being a corrupt, lying, puppet of his foreign masters and the obama regime.

Frankly, this idiot is the worst president in my entire life surpassing even Carter and Ford.
Fuck off yourself you meddling fucking canuck. This isn't your country and I don't give a flying fuck how many of your pathetic relatives live here, YOU DON'T.
Awww did I hit a nerve......*chuckles*. Don't like to be called out on meaningless bullshit, don't post it.Simple.
I blame this president for rampant inflation in all aspects of their lives. Groceries have gone up a ridiculous amount and continue to climb. Other consumables are doing the same and many people are having to pick and choose what they can afford now when it was not that way before. Fuel prices, gas, diesel, heating oil, and propane are all more expensive again this year. I blame this president for economic uncertainty for people in the future. I blame this president for his failure to protect our border and allowing hundreds of thousands of ILLEGALS to enter our country not only from central and south America but from the middle east and china, to include those on the terrorist watch list. I blame this president for his WEAK foreign policy that did nothing to prevent the Ukrainian and Israeli / Hamas war. And yet further weakens us by more deficit spending to support those wars and depletes our military readiness supplies. I blame him for being a corrupt, lying, puppet of his foreign masters and the obama regime.

Frankly, this idiot is the worst president in my entire life surpassing even Carter and Ford.
Good, glad to see you voicing your views, not just projecting your views on the "average' American.
The left wing media has brainwashed you.

Example; Hunter’s laptop was a Russian conspiracy, then it wasn’t his, then the media covered it up just before an election, Joe knew nothing about Hunter’s businesses, Hunter did nothing wrong, DOJ let’s tax evasion charges lapse, DOJ refusal to acknowledge IRS testimony, Merrick Garland provided protection racket for the Biden crime family. I could go on but you’re too brainwashed to be objective.
Oh you mean the media… unlike the biased unapologetic wrong wing media that you have pledged your allegiance…

Why are you so obsessed with Hunter? Is that the name of your shift manager at the restaurant? Did a kid named Hunter bully you in school? (You did go to school right?).

Or was it actually this Hunter? I thought he had trouble keeping a job, but yet he is your boss?
Awww did I hit a nerve......*chuckles*. Don't like to be called out on meaningless bullshit, don't post it.Simple.

Good, glad to see you voicing your views, not just projecting your views on the "average' Am
The only nerve you hit is I'm tired of you asshole cananucks who can't manage your own fucking country, to include rampant immigrants that will soon own your country, worrying so much about mine.

I regret acknowledging your existence again. I won't make that mistake again. So buh bye. You best learn to speak whatever language the Muslims do in your country because I'm sure most don't speak English or French.
The only nerve you hit is I'm tired of you asshole cananucks who can't manage your own fucking country, to include rampant immigrants that will soon own your country, worrying so much about mine.
lol, yep you sure hit pay dirt with that insult...
I regret acknowledging your existence again. I won't make that mistake again. So buh bye. You best learn to speak whatever language the Muslims do in your country because I'm sure most don't speak English or French.
I don't really care, but I've been told ignore only works if you announce it. You're taking the cowards way out of failing to defend your original position, I don't think anyone is surprised....
lol, yep you sure hit pay dirt with that insult...

I don't really care, but I've been told ignore only works if you announce it. You're taking the cowards way out of failing to defend your original position, I don't think anyone is surprised....

You’re aware that you’re engaging with a TrailerTrash alt, right???

That level of dumb is to be expected.

You’re aware that you’re engaging with a TrailerTrash alt, right???

That level of dumb is to be expected.

Yes, I knew it was Hitch. As I address him as "Hitch" directly in my rebuttal of his projection.

It's ironic though how he now claims to not be hiding in this alt, (see below)

Yawn...How many times will you post this? I have done nothing to hide this is me and that I am TrailerHitch. Does your feeble little mind believe posting this over and over will shut me down? It hasn't worked before, But I guess when it's all you have you have to do something.
Yet the reality is, he was hiding, till he got he's once again trying to take credit for "honesty".....

I think I piss him off so much because I'm not an American, and I'm right way more often about "things" it than he is, and he can't deflect to the usual "left wing American" RWCJ defence....
Fuck off yourself you meddling fucking canuck. This isn't your country and I don't give a flying fuck how many of your pathetic relatives live here, YOU DON'T.

I blame this president for rampant inflation in all aspects of their lives. Groceries have gone up a ridiculous amount and continue to climb. Other consumables are doing the same and many people are having to pick and choose what they can afford now when it was not that way before. Fuel prices, gas, diesel, heating oil, and propane are all more expensive again this year. I blame this president for economic uncertainty for people in the future. I blame this president for his failure to protect our border and allowing hundreds of thousands of ILLEGALS to enter our country not only from central and south America but from the middle east and china, to include those on the terrorist watch list. I blame this president for his WEAK foreign policy that did nothing to prevent the Ukrainian and Israeli / Hamas war. And yet further weakens us by more deficit spending to support those wars and depletes our military readiness supplies. I blame him for being a corrupt, lying, puppet of his foreign masters and the obama regime.

Frankly, this idiot is the worst president in my entire life surpassing even Carter and Ford.
lol, right down the party line. MAGA! 🤣
Yes, I knew it was Hitch. As I address him as "Hitch" directly in my rebuttal of his projection.

It's ironic though how he now claims to not be hiding in this alt, (see below)

Yet the reality is, he was hiding, till he got he's once again trying to take credit for "honesty".....

I think I piss him off so much because I'm not an American, and I'm right way more often about "things" it than he is, and he can't deflect to the usual "left wing American" RWCJ defence....

Just making sure you were aware.


And, yeah, the ONLY reason TrailerTrash is "admitting" anything, is because they were caught out.

What’s truly comical, is that TrailerTrash was indignant - INDIGNANT I TELL YOU!!! - when they were originally accused of running alts.


TrailerTrash went on a tirade about how offended - OFFENDED I TELL YOU!!! - they were by people accusing them of running alts.


👉 TrailerTrash aka KiotiUgly aka ??? 🤣

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Such dull lives you all lead. You spend more time talking about TrailerHitch and his alter ego Kioti3510 than almost anything else. Yet here I am, still here. Nice try kids but I'm not leaving.
The United States isn't a socialist country.

You are.

In this case it is a fucking shame we aren't socialist. 4 days a year for people who routinely work 6 sometimes 7 days a week. FUCK THAT and anybody who supports them. Biden fucked up there and while we knew it was gonna happen we should not be praising him for fucking workers.
Strictly speaking, under the electoral college system, every single vote cast for a candidate who does not win the popular vote in any individual state, is a wasted vote (Maine and Nebraska aside, perhaps). So, for example, all the votes for Biden in Texas in 2020 were wasted votes, and didn't count a damn towards the end result. Biden won the popular vote in 25 of the 50 states, plus in DC. Only the votes for Biden in those 25 states plus DC counted for anything in the electoral college (Oh, and Nebraska's second congressional district).

Supporting Israel's ethnic cleansing and potential genocide of Palestinians? Getting us involved in two new wars while spending billions and billions of federal tax dollars on them? That is very awful. It staggers me how little so many people (like "vote blue, no matter who" Democrats) appreciate what Israel is doing, and how monstrous their war crimes are, with Biden's full support. What's the death toll over there now? I read on social media that it was something like 23,000+ dead and 8,000+ of those being children, after just over two months, and counting. Biden and the "vote blue, no matter who" Democrats expect the US electorate to ignore this and just vote for him next year. They even expect this of Arab Americans.

No, losing a battle is losing a battle. It happens and it fucking sucks but you don't win ever single battle you're your in. Its a two player game, those are the fucking rules and I didn't set them I just have to deal with the rules being what they are.

A vote for a third party is not only taking a knee, its its taking a knee and holding the person who more closely aligns with you're politics legs. It is a terrible, terrible thing to do.

Biden is not supporting ethnic cleansing. That is happening but we have zero reason to believe he approves of it in anyway. The tiny bit of money we've spent on Israel and Ukraine combined isn't enough to care about. There are problems with both conflicts but the amount of money is laughable.

Yes we do hope Americans are smart enough to vote blue no matter who because that's the game we've found ourselves in. It would be interesting to see Arab Americans decide that instead of voting for the Dems who aren't preventing Hamas from being destroyed and instead vote for people who will robustly support the destruction of Palestine. Its not like they haven't gone on the air saying as much. The same people who seven years ago tried to prevent Arabs from moving to America. IF they are that stupid I have zero pity for anything that happens to them going forward.

Unless you know something I don't about Biden, Putin and Hamas and if you do please share. Otherwise Biden didn't get us into any wars. Wars happened and responded and even officially in either. I'm sure we have troops in Ukraine mind you, probably always did. I doubt we're doing much in Israel.
In this case it is a fucking shame we aren't socialist. 4 days a year for people who routinely work 6 sometimes 7 days a week. FUCK THAT and anybody who supports them. Biden fucked up there and while we knew it was gonna happen we should not be praising him for fucking workers.
I dont support socialism for the US.