Seven delusions plaguing the mind of the Trump base voter

Me: You’re doing it all wrong and lemme tell you why. I would create two accounts. One for possibly hooking up, and the other to be my obnoxious (political) self. I would never eat where I’m taking a shit.

TH: My mistake was accidentally using this one where I had used TrailerHitch.

You crack me up, TH!

Also, if 81 million voters voted Libertarian then we would call that candidate President of the USA.

I'm voting for Jill Stein because I support her policies most, and I don't support most of Joe Biden's policies. It's as simple as that. I'd rather vote for what I want and not get it, than vote for what I don't want and get it.


I vote for Stein once. THEN after I found out she was working for Hitlery I turned her off.
Oh I was never ignored. I created a separate persona for other reasons on the board. My mistake was accidentally using this one where I had used TrailerHitch. So it was never a deception but merely an accidental fuck up that this persona appeared in the politics forum at all.
So the people you are trying to hook up with? When do they get to know the trailertrash persona?
So the people you are trying to hook up with? When do they get to know the trailertrash persona?
Why are you so deeply obsessed with me and what I do? Do you not have any life of your own? If I am all you have to live for that is really very sad. Please try to move on and find other interests.

Wait...Were you hitting on me? Oh HELL NO! You definitely do not belong in either TrailerHitch's or Kioti3510's life.
People like you are exactly why a third party candidate will never succeed. What if 81 million decided enough and voted Libertarian? Did all 81 million waste their vote? Your defeatist, negative, attitude is what keeps the corrupt 2 party system in power.

Get the over 100 million never voters to the polls. And then while you're at it, get the 90% RVs to give a fuck about the primaries.
Why are you so deeply obsessed with me and what I do? Do you not have any life of your own? If I am all you have to live for that is really very sad. Please try to move on and find other interests.

Wait...Were you hitting on me? Oh HELL NO! You definitely do not belong in either TrailerHitch's or Kioti3510's life.
Not even close to hitting on you, can’t even imagine being with someone who barely has a few brain cells to rub together.

But there is someone out there for you, maybe @icanhelp1 would have some tips for you.
Get the over 100 million never voters to the polls. And then while you're at it, get the 90% RVs to give a fuck about the primaries.
I can no more control other voters than you can. I talk to people, encourage them to vote, but in no way can I make anyone vote.
Not even close to hitting on you, can’t even imagine being with someone who barely has a few brain cells to rub together.

But there is someone out there for you, maybe @icanhelp1 would have some tips for you.
You would know about limited brain cells since i assume you speak from personal awareness.
Wow! the idiotic follow me around the politics forum and say stupid shit to me attack posture. You really are a pathetic piece of shit. Be gone I won't respond to you anymore.
77 is nothing more than a childish snot nose self absorbed delusion individual lacking any sort of class. 77 is in perpetual competition with other leftist lunes as to which of them can ‘out adhom‘ the other. They all lack self awareness and all of them rent Trump space in the heads. No amount of credible sources is enough or credible. They attack any and all conservatives. RG, HisArpy, Wat, Chobham, you, BotBoy, and it’s always the same line ‘Orange traitor‘. Lit leftist outnumber conservatives I estimate 8-1. I’m praying Trump gets re-elected and hopefully exorcise this Marxist cancer from our country.

These fake believers in science think boys can be girls and girls can be boys. They believe children can make life changing decisions on their sexuality. They believe j/6 was an insurrection while 2020 riots were peaceful. They believe Trump is a Russian bot all the while Hillary was actually conspiring with Russians. Just laugh at them.
People like you are exactly why a third party candidate will never succeed. What if 81 million decided enough and voted Libertarian? Did all 81 million waste their vote? Your defeatist, negative, attitude is what keeps the corrupt 2 party system in power.

That will never happen. However even if it did those probably would be wasted votes.
I can no more control other voters than you can. I talk to people, encourage them to vote, but in no way can I make anyone vote.

Then apply that logic to getting people to vote for third party candidates in a system built for two parties when people literally need to fight for basic rights - which one of those two parties seems hell bent on taking away. (And I don't mean fucking guns, there's no problem getting one of those these days. We're neck deep in them.)
Then apply that logic to getting people to vote for third party candidates in a system built for two parties when people literally need to fight for basic rights - which one of those two parties seems hell bent on taking away. (And I don't mean fucking guns, there's no problem getting one of those these days. We're neck deep in them.)
Both major parties suck. That's why every election I hear over and over and over and over that they voted for the lesser of 2 evils. That's such a crock of shit. You are admitting you voted for evil, lesser or not. Step out make a new choice, talk to your friends, neighbors and others.

And since I know you will ask, YES, I BELIEVE JOE BIDEN IS EVIL, as well as corrupt as Hell.
Both major parties suck. That's why every election I hear over and over and over and over that they voted for the lesser of 2 evils. That's such a crock of shit. You are admitting you voted for evil, lesser or not. Step out make a new choice, talk to your friends, neighbors and others.

And since I know you will ask, YES, I BELIEVE JOE BIDEN IS EVIL, as well as corrupt as Hell.

Blah blah blah back to propaganda.
I haven't committed to any candidate in the upcoming presidential election and honestly I do not believe Trump is the best Republican candidate. But do tell me how blindly following Biden and believing he is the best choice to lead the country makes you any different from those who believe Trump is the best choice.
If you have to ask then you're an idiot.
Why are you so deeply obsessed with me and what I do? Do you not have any life of your own? If I am all you have to live for that is really very sad. Please try to move on and find other interests.

Wait...Were you hitting on me? Oh HELL NO! You definitely do not belong in either TrailerHitch's or Kioti3510's life.
Is trailerbitch your butt buddy?
I haven't committed to any candidate in the upcoming presidential election and honestly I do not believe Trump is the best Republican candidate. But do tell me how blindly following Biden and believing he is the best choice to lead the country makes you any different from those who believe Trump is the best choice.
I watch this from the other side of the Atlantic and it saddens me that the great country that is the USA can't come up with better candidates than these two. If I were religious I'd pray for your country.
I watch this from the other side of the Atlantic and it saddens me that the great country that is the USA can't come up with better candidates than these two. If I were religious I'd pray for your country.

Age aside there isn't anything particularly awful about Biden though. Is he perfect? No. There are things I would change if I could but this is not a lesser of two evils in any rational way.

Both major parties suck. That's why every election I hear over and over and over and over that they voted for the lesser of 2 evils. That's such a crock of shit. You are admitting you voted for evil, lesser or not. Step out make a new choice, talk to your friends, neighbors and others.

And since I know you will ask, YES, I BELIEVE JOE BIDEN IS EVIL, as well as corrupt as Hell.

Perhaps you are involved in politics but if you believe Joe is evil or even corrupt in a meaningful way you clearly aren't paying attention to much. Because he's not.

You hear both major parties suck because people refuse to engage and get their information and forge their opinions based almost entirely on propaganda. They claim both sides are the same and in some ways this is true. Not that the third parties they try to champion are any different.

Both are largely controlled by corporate interests. Those are the donors. One party is at least superficially siding with the workers but honestly I'm not sure where the motivation is. Like its plausible to me that the Dems just think that if the average person is making more money they'll spend more money on iPhones and 1k people with iPhones is better than 1 guy with with a Porsche. End goal is the same but one helps the average man and one really doesn't.

One party is actively attacking everybody who isn't white, rich, Christian, straight and male. We see this across the board from immigration to CRT. From Muslim bans to approving genocide in Palestine. We watch them shoot down the violence against women act, equal pay and overturning Roe v Wade. One party at least pays lips service to these groups and occasionally genuinely steps the fuck up. They are not the same.

One party is drill baby drill, denying climate science, denying evolution, denying science. Bush holding back stem cell research put us and the world behind on research and sadly there is no accurate way of gauging how much we lost because science is really weird as far how exponentially things expand.

To put this in perspective horse drawn wagons were the way of the world from the BC period until less than 200 years ago. We are just past a century from the first flight. Today we go to space so fucking routinely that this year a space craft brought back a piece of of an asteroid. If you weren't a nerd following space travel its entirely possible you missed it entirely. Do I need to give a time line between the pony express, to trains, to telegraph, to radios and phones to the fucking smartphone where Google Earth can show you a picture of your front yard. I can see my car on mine. Well my car within the last week anyway.

One party wants to forgive student loans. You can cry all you want about signing the contract and personal responsibility and you're not 100% wrong there. Though most debts can be erased with bankruptcy. Either way we are facing a nursing shortage and a teacher shortage. In the long run is letting Vets teach simply for being vets (look up Florida) or is getting more fucking Americans the education needed to not JUST be babysitters in a society where families need two income sources to survive. Sure would benefit us if the teachers had the necessary education and thus skill sets to help the next generation thrive.

They are not the same.

You can think they both suck and that can be somewhat true. I wish that people like Hillary and even Bernie were considered Right wing. They are. Their sins are thinking that minorities are people and that's how low the bar is in America to be called a liberal. Basic fucking human decency.
I can’t believe that you do not see the flaws in the things that you just posted. 2016? 2016! I am and possibly others are looking at this conversation, and all you did was lay out vanilla platitudes. Give me the pitch! Convince me to buy your product. See! This is my main anger with you. You just came here to criticize Adrina, but tomorrow you will be on her side supporting a woman’s bodily autonomy. A Jill Stein candidacy comes nowhere close to protecting abortion rights. So in essence, you are a depending on Adrina and the likes of dumb fucks like me to continue insuring that right. I know too many minorities and people in the LGBTQ community, I know too many women to waste my vote away on a pipe dream.
Since you mention the LGBTQ community, I'm bisexual. Does that mean that my opinion is worth more, or less, or no different, than if I was heterosexual? Or if I was homosexual for that matter. That sort of debate can only cause division.

You mention abortion rights. The fact is that the Democrats failed to codify Roe v Wade even when they controlled the presidency and both houses of congress, while Biden even now continues to support the filibuster and refusing to pack the SCOTUS, showing his true colors as a careerist politician who has no real principles beyond the status quo. The Democrat game is even more obvious since Roe v Wade was overturned, just like the Republican crazies' game is obvious. They want a culture war over abortion, and other issues, to distract people from focusing on the richest continuing to get richer at our expense. It's so predictable, and to keep voting for these same old corrupt policitians is the height of insanity.

Not viable.

Not electable.

No chance.
I'm voting for what I want, not for what I don't want. That's all that I can control.

So your answer is that there is no one.

So you'll risk ending up with a conservative who is far far worse. That's called cutting off your nose to spite your face.
The way I see it, capitalist politicians are anti-working class politicians. Tweedledum or Tweedledee is no real choice. We need real options. If the current system doesn't give us that, why keep it and why defend it? And I can tell you now, the Democrats fear socialism and the working class much more than they fear a situation where Donald Trump becomes America's Julius Caesar, which is why they are sleepwalking towards the latter as they fear the former. Even Franklin D. Roosevelt terrified them, and him daring to be elected president 4 times, so in came Truman's Cold War and then McCarthyism and the second red scare.

You try to scare me with the prospect of "chaos" (as if we don't have that now!), but there's a saying "Where there's chaos, there's opportunity".

I vote for Stein once. THEN after I found out she was working for Hitlery I turned her off.
What the hell are you talking about?
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Age aside there isn't anything particularly awful about Biden though. Is he perfect? No. There are things I would change if I could but this is not a lesser of two evils in any rational way.

Perhaps you are involved in politics but if you believe Joe is evil or even corrupt in a meaningful way you clearly aren't paying attention to much. Because he's not.

You hear both major parties suck because people refuse to engage and get their information and forge their opinions based almost entirely on propaganda. They claim both sides are the same and in some ways this is true. Not that the third parties they try to champion are any different.

Both are largely controlled by corporate interests. Those are the donors. One party is at least superficially siding with the workers but honestly I'm not sure where the motivation is. Like its plausible to me that the Dems just think that if the average person is making more money they'll spend more money on iPhones and 1k people with iPhones is better than 1 guy with with a Porsche. End goal is the same but one helps the average man and one really doesn't.

One party is actively attacking everybody who isn't white, rich, Christian, straight and male. We see this across the board from immigration to CRT. From Muslim bans to approving genocide in Palestine. We watch them shoot down the violence against women act, equal pay and overturning Roe v Wade. One party at least pays lips service to these groups and occasionally genuinely steps the fuck up. They are not the same.

One party is drill baby drill, denying climate science, denying evolution, denying science. Bush holding back stem cell research put us and the world behind on research and sadly there is no accurate way of gauging how much we lost because science is really weird as far how exponentially things expand.

To put this in perspective horse drawn wagons were the way of the world from the BC period until less than 200 years ago. We are just past a century from the first flight. Today we go to space so fucking routinely that this year a space craft brought back a piece of of an asteroid. If you weren't a nerd following space travel its entirely possible you missed it entirely. Do I need to give a time line between the pony express, to trains, to telegraph, to radios and phones to the fucking smartphone where Google Earth can show you a picture of your front yard. I can see my car on mine. Well my car within the last week anyway.

One party wants to forgive student loans. You can cry all you want about signing the contract and personal responsibility and you're not 100% wrong there. Though most debts can be erased with bankruptcy. Either way we are facing a nursing shortage and a teacher shortage. In the long run is letting Vets teach simply for being vets (look up Florida) or is getting more fucking Americans the education needed to not JUST be babysitters in a society where families need two income sources to survive. Sure would benefit us if the teachers had the necessary education and thus skill sets to help the next generation thrive.

They are not the same.

You can think they both suck and that can be somewhat true. I wish that people like Hillary and even Bernie were considered Right wing. They are. Their sins are thinking that minorities are people and that's how low the bar is in America to be called a liberal. Basic fucking human decency.
Wow! Thanks for the DNC play book. Ever had an original thought of your own?

Oh do tell why the polls show 22% of Blacks now support Trump.
Age aside there isn't anything particularly awful about Biden though. Is he perfect? No. There are things I would change if I could but this is not a lesser of two evils in any rational way.

Perhaps you are involved in politics but if you believe Joe is evil or even corrupt in a meaningful way you clearly aren't paying attention to much. Because he's not.

You hear both major parties suck because people refuse to engage and get their information and forge their opinions based almost entirely on propaganda. They claim both sides are the same and in some ways this is true. Not that the third parties they try to champion are any different.

Both are largely controlled by corporate interests. Those are the donors. One party is at least superficially siding with the workers but honestly I'm not sure where the motivation is. Like its plausible to me that the Dems just think that if the average person is making more money they'll spend more money on iPhones and 1k people with iPhones is better than 1 guy with with a Porsche. End goal is the same but one helps the average man and one really doesn't.

One party is actively attacking everybody who isn't white, rich, Christian, straight and male. We see this across the board from immigration to CRT. From Muslim bans to approving genocide in Palestine. We watch them shoot down the violence against women act, equal pay and overturning Roe v Wade. One party at least pays lips service to these groups and occasionally genuinely steps the fuck up. They are not the same.

One party is drill baby drill, denying climate science, denying evolution, denying science. Bush holding back stem cell research put us and the world behind on research and sadly there is no accurate way of gauging how much we lost because science is really weird as far how exponentially things expand.

To put this in perspective horse drawn wagons were the way of the world from the BC period until less than 200 years ago. We are just past a century from the first flight. Today we go to space so fucking routinely that this year a space craft brought back a piece of of an asteroid. If you weren't a nerd following space travel its entirely possible you missed it entirely. Do I need to give a time line between the pony express, to trains, to telegraph, to radios and phones to the fucking smartphone where Google Earth can show you a picture of your front yard. I can see my car on mine. Well my car within the last week anyway.

One party wants to forgive student loans. You can cry all you want about signing the contract and personal responsibility and you're not 100% wrong there. Though most debts can be erased with bankruptcy. Either way we are facing a nursing shortage and a teacher shortage. In the long run is letting Vets teach simply for being vets (look up Florida) or is getting more fucking Americans the education needed to not JUST be babysitters in a society where families need two income sources to survive. Sure would benefit us if the teachers had the necessary education and thus skill sets to help the next generation thrive.

They are not the same.

You can think they both suck and that can be somewhat true. I wish that people like Hillary and even Bernie were considered Right wing. They are. Their sins are thinking that minorities are people and that's how low the bar is in America to be called a liberal. Basic fucking human decency.
Nothing wrong with Biden but like it or not, his age is important. A viable candidate should be able to project a way forward over two terms, giving time for policies to be completed. That doesn't seem likely with Biden.
Lit leftist outnumber conservatives I estimate 8-1. I’m praying Trump gets re-elected and hopefully exorcise this Marxist cancer from our country.
Can you tell me what Marxism is? And if you can, explain why you think it's bad. It wasn't that long ago that the House was voting against "the evils of socialism" again.