Several questions

Nah i really just want to run and hide under my bed but my feet turns to stone. And my friends hawe given up trying to find someone for me either i dont show up ore the woman geths so frustrated she leaves after 2 min. *sight*
Ratty said:
Nah i really just want to run and hide under my bed but my feet turns to stone. And my friends hawe given up trying to find someone for me either i dont show up ore the woman geths so frustrated she leaves after 2 min. *sight*

maybe you should see a therapist???
nah im a syckology student and my proffesor says its nothing wrong with me i just hawe exstreme nervosity towards the opposite sex. cant help it.
Ratty said:
nah im a syckology student and my proffesor says its nothing wrong with me i just hawe exstreme nervosity towards the opposite sex. cant help it.

therapists can help that. they can help shyness and such.
No thank you i dont like therapists much i prefer to fix myself whennewer i can when that dosnt work i geth a friend to kick my ass untill i do lol.
Ok here’s the post written in word, to tell you the truth I have no clue of this works so bare with me. Ok I think I Gath a date sort of and my friends say that if I don’t go they’ll leash me in a chain and drag me there. So I don’t really have a choice their so tired about me complaining about being lonely they said that one would go with me to help me get ready and everything *sight*. Well anyway here’s how it happened I was at the university but I didn’t have any lectures I were just there because my English professor had invited me to his office for a game of chess (like he so often does when he now I don’t have any lectures). Well I Gath there early and just sat around outside when I spotted this really beautiful Asian girl id seen from archaeology, about to my shoulders with long black hair. Well she started towards me and I were just swoosh up and walk away (as always) and she followed and chased I walked everywhere I could find but she found me and then after being chased for 30 min she cornered me and walked towards me I just stood there petrified stammering finding a sudden interest in a fly on the wall. Well she came to me, put a finger in my stomach mumbled something about a good chase and how cute ore something. And she just left leaving me with my mouth agape trying to figure out what just happened. And when I sat with the professor to play chess I found a note in my pocket. Saying in quote: (some changes might apply since I am translating this):

You’re good prey my cute little rat. Will see you on Thursday after nightfall at the old oak near the water caves. Wear something nice and casual. Don’t worry ill find you.

Your Huntress.

Sounds like something taken out of a novel doesn’t it, well I swear its true. The worst part she’s already told my friends to ensure I don’t slip away *sight* I am doomed. The worst part I really like her too she’s not a loner like I am but rather a popular girl among all, although she newer seem to have any boyfriends why I have no clue. She certainly has enough too choose from. Needles to say I am terrified (to say the least).

PS: hope this one was correct.
Ratty said:
No thank you i dont like therapists much i prefer to fix myself whennewer i can when that dosnt work i geth a friend to kick my ass untill i do lol.

if you dont like therapists then why become one??
and obviously trying to fix yourself isnt working

eh most shrinks I've seen have been crazier then me.
I became a shrink becose i wanted to help people and becose people say im a great one at solving mental problems. alldough i still dont like therapists besides i will manage this one and if its a sick joke (wouldnt suprise me). ill just say im gay instead lol.
Come on she called me prey offcourse im terrified iwe had the feeling she was stalking me for months just waiting to sink her teeth into me. obviosly i were right. i dont want to die to one that considers it sports to hunt me.
Feel free to call me nervous wreck but i am. god damnit the woman stalked me for 30 min all over the university area. and just when i felt safe she cornered me like a rat in the trap literally speaking. Offcourse i feel nervous and terrified.

Pixie Mischief said:
dont know why terrified but you should go..
sounds like she maybe fun ;)
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Ratty said:
I became a shrink becose i wanted to help people and becose people say im a great one at solving mental problems. alldough i still dont like therapists besides i will manage this one and if its a sick joke (wouldnt suprise me). ill just say im gay instead lol.

NO! GO!!!
or else I'm gonna get my ass over there and make you sorry.
Instead of having self pity you need to get your ass OUT of the house and FORVE yourself to meet girls.
hell even if its only HI. everything starts SOMEWHERE.
next thing you know you'll say "Hi how are you" and the more you do. the more confortably with it you will get
and.. whats wrong with that??
shes not gonna kill you LOL
hm sounds like fun to me!!!!!!!

Ratty said:
Come on she called me prey offcourse im terrified iwe had the feeling she was stalking me for months just waiting to sink her teeth into me. obviosly i were right. i dont want to die to one that considers it sports to hunt me.
Feel free to call me nervous wreck but i am. god damnit the woman stalked me for 30 min all over the university area. and just when i felt safe she cornered me like a rat in the trap literally speaking. Offcourse i feel nervous and terrified.
Besides i look like a grey haired old man with a dressing problem. Sure iwe kept the beard becose i like it and the hair for the same reason and my female friends do say it makes me look cute. but still how can annywone like a grey haired 21 year old syckology student whos hobby are to play video games. (good thing the greyness are going out).
Ok ill go its not like i hawe a choise my friends are watching me and ensuring i geth there and dont leave after the lectures are over. Bah at least its good to know my friends dont blabber to the hole university abaut the geecky rat becoming prey. Damnit i nowe this is gonna end badly i just nowe it.
Ah well gatta go eat some raw chicken wings yummi (i love raw meat). return in a few.
kinda young to have grey hair. and my BF is a gamer as well.
Yes your gonna get used and abused by a beautiful Asian.....
I've heard of worse things!!! I recommend you try to relax and enjoy yourself :p
as for the raw meat. dont blame me if you die.
I nowe eksactly what im gonna do im gonna call in sick tomorrow and lock the door to my room put the music on full so i cant hear a thing and read. That way nowone can disturb me unless they brake the door down.
I dont actually hawe grey hair but one of my friends colored it when i was asleep. and the raw meat aint that bad were really strict on meat safety back up here and i only eat my nasjonal meat raw so i sould be safe. I nowe a guy thats 36 and he eats meat raw ewery day hes alive hadnt had anny problems (he only eat nasjonal meat). And besides being used by a biutiful asian i dont mind its the fact thats it is gonna happen in real life that bothers me(and scares me to death). And i bet your bf dont play as much as i do im almost as bad as my brother, alldough i hawe work and studies to divert my attention a bit, and my lovelly friends thats trying to forse me to this date.

Pixie Mischief said:
kinda young to have grey hair. and my BF is a gamer as well.
Yes your gonna get used and abused by a beautiful Asian.....
I've heard of worse things!!! I recommend you try to relax and enjoy yourself :p
as for the raw meat. dont blame me if you die.
Ratty said:
I nowe eksactly what im gonna do im gonna call in sick tomorrow and lock the door to my room put the music on full so i cant hear a thing and read. That way nowone can disturb me unless they brake the door down.

wow and die a miserable lonely old man?? WAY TO GO!
and get ecoli poisoning wow!!!
that would be so cool *Rolleyes*
people arent suppose to eat raw meat.
one day you arent gonna be so lucky.
I dont understand why the hell you are scared.
doesnt sound like you need to do much except show up LOL
bf has been playing since he was younger then 6.
he had an ATARI for gods sakes! when he was in my house he was in MY bed
playing his damned game boy advanced for 3 hours LMAO
you know.. this is off topic of BDSM LOL

I hope the chickey has her way with you LOL
sounds like you REALLY need it

Ratty said:
I dont actually hawe grey hair but one of my friends colored it when i was asleep. and the raw meat aint that bad were really strict on meat safety back up here and i only eat my nasjonal meat raw so i sould be safe. I nowe a guy thats 36 and he eats meat raw ewery day hes alive hadnt had anny problems (he only eat nasjonal meat). And besides being used by a biutiful asian i dont mind its the fact thats it is gonna happen in real life that bothers me(and scares me to death). And i bet your bf dont play as much as i do im almost as bad as my brother, alldough i hawe work and studies to divert my attention a bit, and my lovelly friends thats trying to forse me to this date.
Bah I suppose ill walk there then, not like I have much choice my friends would probably break the door down. Besides dying a lonely old man doesn’t sound exactly tempting I admit that. All dough him still terrified, god damnit shell probably tie me up hang me up side down and start to eat me. Ok a really unlikely scenario but it could happen. And ok your bf is worse then me lol. And besides so far they’re almost no cases of food poisoning in our country. We don’t use chemicals and kill all livestock that is infected (keeps it in check). Bah besides tomorrow I am going to get a flash course in female treatment before they send me up there to die. And I don’t want to die all dough I suppose I don’t have a choice so ill go there and get killed, at least my friends don’t haft to listen to me complaining about me being lonely, besides after she stalked me for 30 min just to put a note in my pocket I think it would be rude to not go there. Ah well tomorrow I will either see the light ore the darkness likely the darkness since she wanted it after night fall.

Wish me luck.
Complaining does NOTHING!
now get ready and have fun *Rolleyes* god
shes not gonna EAT you.

althought... I probably would try to. since I like to bite.

but seriously get your act together. life is short. bitching and moaning doesnt do much for your social circle.
only action does.

best of luck
Yeah your right moaning does nothing. Ill go there and acts like a man (if I can stand in one place and not gag on my words that is, and that I doubt I can do that). All dough she does seem to think it funny to chase me all over the place. Bah what the hell if nothing I have gathered a new experience to complain about. I’m going to go there, and shell get the chase of her life Actually I am often up at the old water caves myself its nice there, a good place if you don’t want anyone to hear terror screams too *sight* Ah well best of luck to me I am going to need it.
Most likely I will stand there backing up like a blabbering idiot while she does what ewer she wants with me. Uh suddenly that doesn’t really sound all that bad. God I just hope the flash course in female treatment are going to help. If its something I need it’s a course in female treatment. Because except sitting there listening to them, letting them play with my beard I have no clue what to do. (My female friends taught me that, still cant figure out why they like doing it, I were beat up by one bf when he didn’t believe we were just friends I were in hospital fore 2 days). Uh maybe I should get a shave