Several questions

*never met a guy so innocent minded seriously *
perhapes you should check my sex stories out. my link maybe it would help you abit LOL

2 stories at that link LOL
Yup that’s what everyone’s calling me innocent minded I suppose I live in a strange world *sight*. Can’t help it Women just scare the hell out off me. No clue why. (Besides all my female friends when they need comforting sit in my lap crying into my beard).

Hmmm I suppose I shouldn’t shave my beard. My friends would kill me lol (seriously they would).
nice stories all dough what I need are a manual on how not to be a blabbering idiot in the company of women.
Ratty said:
nice stories all dough what I need are a manual on how not to be a blabbering idiot in the company of women.

stories help in learning silly

and the only way your gonna learn to not be that way is THREW EXPERIENCE.
Easy for you to say, how can I learn through experience if I cant communicate with people i don’t now (I am not really that bad its more like I can communicate all dough its if they show an interest in me that I freak out).
Ratty said:
Easy for you to say, how can I learn through experience if I cant communicate with people i don’t now (I am not really that bad its more like I can communicate all dough its if they show an interest in me that I freak out).

for your information. it is NOT easy for me to say.
I've only had one bf. and 27 days worth of sexual experience which was this summer.
this is when I pretty much got my first kiss. and everything.

so dont tell me its easy for me to say. I've never dated before.
was almost raped the year before. long story.

or I'll come for you lol
you wouldnt want that.
Ok sorry, certainly don’t want to root up bad memories as an upcoming shrink I know that. And ill get my ass over there although getting my ass over there now really has no point since it isn’t until tomorrow, and besides I don’t have a drivers license (yet I am going to study for it next year). So am at the mercy of my friends driving me there (why do I get the feeling this has all been planned for). Ah well ill get my ass over their tomorrow will that be soon enough? Lol.
No but it will have to do!
I'm gonna be going to bed in a few.
you realize we have hijacked the BDSM board with your whinning??
LMAO dont think the moderator will appreciate.
perhapes you should send me a private message after tomorow to let me know
how it went ;)

Ratty said:
Ok sorry, certainly don’t want to root up bad memories as an upcoming shrink I know that. And ill get my ass over there although getting my ass over there now really has no point since it isn’t until tomorrow, and besides I don’t have a drivers license (yet I am going to study for it next year). So am at the mercy of my friends driving me there (why do I get the feeling this has all been planned for). Ah well ill get my ass over their tomorrow will that be soon enough? Lol.
Ok ill send you a pm how it went. And thanks for listening to some whining I feel better after un whining a little he he. And really Miss Taken can remove this now since it’s really served its use unless off course I could get some answers to those questions an asked.
Oh yeah and sleep well I now I wont.
Certainly don’t want you to feel used…. So ill just keep my mouth shut.
Well actually I haven’t went yet isn’t until nightfall tonight which are still far off. My friends coming over in half an hour trying to teach me the basics of how to treat a member of the female sex. Which most likely will consist of them yelling at me to ensure I don’t just run away. So right now I am just trying to relax by sitting in front of the computer.
Ratty said:
Well actually I haven’t went yet isn’t until nightfall tonight which are still far off. My friends coming over in half an hour trying to teach me the basics of how to treat a member of the female sex. Which most likely will consist of them yelling at me to ensure I don’t just run away. So right now I am just trying to relax by sitting in front of the computer.

a person doesnt need to be thaught how to treat a woman lol
read romance stories they will help ya.
I hate romance storeys lol. And you don’t really learn a lot on how to treat women from reading fantasy books either. Ah well most likely they’ll just try to get me to relax. (And to ensure I don’t run away lol). They are going to stay here until I am going to go, then drive me there and wait until I need transport back (at least their the kind off friends that helps you out, if in a annoying manner).
why do you hate them???
there really nice. you learn how to treat a girl alot with them.
*eats her crackers and patée*

Ratty said:
I hate romance storeys lol. And you don’t really learn a lot on how to treat women from reading fantasy books either. Ah well most likely they’ll just try to get me to relax. (And to ensure I don’t run away lol). They are going to stay here until I am going to go, then drive me there and wait until I need transport back (at least their the kind off friends that helps you out, if in a annoying manner).
I don’t now I just cant read them I prefer fantasy, (cant help it I am a geek true to my nature lol). Bah ah well haft to run of my friends are here, and the worst part is Sarge are with them, called that because he was a drill sergeant before going to university, and he has a way to make you see things his way and right now his way are to get me a partner lol. (Oh boy this is going to be hell). There is a latger chanse hell kill me then "my huntress will hehe.
Ratty said:
I don’t now I just cant read them I prefer fantasy, (cant help it I am a geek true to my nature lol). Bah ah well haft to run of my friends are here, and the worst part is Sarge are with them, called that because he was a drill sergeant before going to university, and he has a way to make you see things his way and right now his way are to get me a partner lol. (Oh boy this is going to be hell). There is a latger chanse hell kill me then "my huntress will hehe.

no I ment sex stories.. but category romance..
it has alot of good stuff in there.
as for fantasy I'm reading a serie by Terry Goodkind right now.
hm sounds like my bf!! LMAO
from a military family well his dad was in the military.
bf is quiet the manipulator LOL
Tell your friends that I said to make sure you get it good!
Don’t worry ill get it good, And sarge more like a yell into your ear while strangling you till you see it his way, kind of guy. What did I get myself into? And I don’t mind sex storeys I actually like them, (how I found on this site after all lol). All dough they said they would give me some practical experience whatever they meant by that I don’t really want to know. Just hope sarge wont put my head in a bucket of ice water refusing to let me go until I admitted that I liked the Asian at archaeology (my huntress). Got a hell of a cold after that.
Ratty said:
Don’t worry ill get it good, And sarge more like a yell into your ear while strangling you till you see it his way, kind of guy. What did I get myself into? And I don’t mind sex storeys I actually like them, (how I found on this site after all lol). All dough they said they would give me some practical experience whatever they meant by that I don’t really want to know. Just hope sarge wont put my head in a bucket of ice water refusing to let me go until I admitted that I liked the Asian at archaeology (my huntress). Got a hell of a cold after that.

like I said sounds like my bf. he picked me up sat me on the bed stood in front of me and lectured me lol.
you got yourself into fun time!.
I think you really have a flare for drama
I still want to run away and hide every time I mention that name, (my huntress). Just sounds darn creepy to me. And your bf sounds nice lol. Besides what do you mean I have a flare for drama I prefer to sit read and complain how can that go for drama? And hopefully I will just faint when I sit there.
Ratty said:
I still want to run away and hide every time I mention that name, (my huntress). Just sounds darn creepy to me. And your bf sounds nice lol. Besides what do you mean I have a flare for drama I prefer to sit read and complain how can that go for drama? And hopefully I will just faint when I sit there.

He IS nice hehe. Very much of a sweetie but he doesnt take my shit.
you are dramatic making everything sound worse.
I seriously doubt your friend is gonna stick your head in cold water cause you dont wanna go.
I still dont get why your being such a baby about going.
if I didnt have a bf. bet your ass I'd be going. even if I'm dearly shy.
Believe me sarge will do it, he’s done it twice already lol. And I do make it sound worse don’t I its not really that bad all dough from my point of view (considering I am terrified of all woman who shows an interest in me) it is that bad. Ah well must go for real, this time sarge have his commander voice on full (that means if you don’t obey right now he’s going to yank your hair and pull you out and dunk your head into a bucket of ice water, he will do it truly). Thank god sarge one of my good friends and not one of my enemy’s lol. And believe me for me thats bad becose my hair super sensitive and considering its so long, hes found out that if he yanks it hard enouf ill go with ewerything he says.
Ratty said:
Believe me sarge will do it, he’s done it twice already lol. And I do make it sound worse don’t I its not really that bad all dough from my point of view (considering I am terrified of all woman who shows an interest in me) it is that bad. Ah well must go for real, this time sarge have his commander voice on full (that means if you don’t obey right now he’s going to yank your hair and pull you out and dunk your head into a bucket of ice water, he will do it truly). Thank god sarge one of my good friends and not one of my enemy’s lol. And believe me for me thats bad becose my hair super sensitive and considering its so long, hes found out that if he yanks it hard enouf ill go with ewerything he says.

hmmm I wanna meet Sarge now ;)
You don’t want to do that, he’s so mad and angry to keep women away so he won’t make his gf jealous their all scared of him lol. And now I cant post no more elf (a female friend that likes to sit in my lap and play with my beard, so cute, called that because she has really pointy ears). Says that if I don’t get my lazy ass up there for training for my date shell get down there and shave my beard off (everyone knows how attached I am to my beard).