Several questions

Ratty said:
You don’t want to do that, he’s so mad and angry to keep women away so he won’t make his gf jealous their all scared of him lol. And now I cant post no more elf (a female friend that likes to sit in my lap and play with my beard, so cute, called that because she has really pointy ears). Says that if I don’t get my lazy ass up there for training for my date shell get down there and shave my beard off (everyone knows how attached I am to my beard).

well if he was single and I didnt have a bf that is :p

*thinks about the hair yankin comment* MMMMM...
I think your really being a big baby. seriously.
your lucky I'm not there.
Ok I admit it I am a big baby, but i do take honesty in the fact that the thought of being hunted as prey scares me out of my skin. And maybe you would find hair pulling good, but I now I don’t I have just spent the last hours with sarge standing over me with elf telling me what’s and don’ts, and sarge made a point out of yanking my hair hard when I wasn’t paying attention, with the fact that my hair are terribly sensitive my head currently feels like its been yanked with a industrial yanking machine. (In other words it hurts). Ah well its dark now and sarge stand ready to “escort” me to the meeting place (considering the fact that his army jeep are the only thing able to get there, that isn’t surprising). Hopefully I will return alive.
Does anyone want to answer ratty's original questions?

1. How did you find the lifestyle?

2. What is caning and whyand how do people enjoy it?

3. What is a troll?

4. What does Dom/me and all that stuff mean?

Thanks ratty. It appears that your spelling is really improving.

Now, please, both of you, use pm's if you want to chit chat. In small doses, this is fine, but for fifty posts? This must be the hijack of all hijacks? :D
(Well, only if you can hijack your own thread!)


You will get more answers if you stay on topic.

awww a little pain hasnt killled anyone...lately :p

Ratty said:
Ok I admit it I am a big baby, but i do take honesty in the fact that the thought of being hunted as prey scares me out of my skin. And maybe you would find hair pulling good, but I now I don’t I have just spent the last hours with sarge standing over me with elf telling me what’s and don’ts, and sarge made a point out of yanking my hair hard when I wasn’t paying attention, with the fact that my hair are terribly sensitive my head currently feels like its been yanked with a industrial yanking machine. (In other words it hurts). Ah well its dark now and sarge stand ready to “escort” me to the meeting place (considering the fact that his army jeep are the only thing able to get there, that isn’t surprising). Hopefully I will return alive.
Incase you havent noticed I already told him LMAO

MissTaken said:

Now, please, both of you, use pm's if you want to chit chat. In small doses, this is fine, but for fifty posts? This must be the hijack of all hijacks? :D
(Well, only if you can hijack your own thread!)


You will get more answers if you stay on topic.

Well suppose I am still alive, Write you a Pm how it went Mischief. And I think my spelling has improved I am writing in word now then copying it into my response, works great. And thanks for the links Sparrow, (suppose I didn’t find a lot during my quick search through the forums hehe). And if you think Elves, sarges and rats are strange you should hear some of my other friends at university, (Megabyte, Ying-yang and Sharp-tooth to name a few lol). And sorry ill keep on topic just cant help it, (I haw a natural ranting ability lol).
Ratty said:
Well suppose I am still alive, Write you a Pm how it went Mischief. And I think my spelling has improved I am writing in word now then copying it into my response, works great. And thanks for the links Sparrow, (suppose I didn’t find a lot during my quick search through the forums hehe). And if you think Elves, sarges and rats are strange you should hear some of my other friends at university, (Megabyte, Ying-yang and Sharp-tooth to name a few lol). And sorry ill keep on topic just cant help it, (I haw a natural ranting ability lol).

OK awaitin PM
All dough would certainly bee nice if someone could explain what a cane is (hard to understand those posts when you haw no clue what a cane is lol, ore what it is used for).
Ratty said:
All dough would certainly bee nice if someone could explain what a cane is (hard to understand those posts when you haw no clue what a cane is lol, ore what it is used for).

I believe its used for smacking a person's ass, tis a stick
(is no expert)
someone else could answer this alot better then I could
So if you took a bamboo stick and beat the hell out of a person you could say to the police you were just caning him lol. (Ok seriously but would a bamboo stick being used as a whip be caning).
Ratty said:
So if you took a bamboo stick and beat the hell out of a person you could say to the police you were just caning him lol. (Ok seriously but would a bamboo stick being used as a whip be caning).

no thats abuse.
There is a difference.
bamboo stick.. I'd say more canning but I wouldnt know
Yeah well, the bamboo stick and police was supposed to be a joke (god my humour are bad). Although basically caning are just a stick being used as a paddle right. oh yeah check out the PM hope you ennoy reading abaut my first date in 1 year and 4 months (cant believe i remember that). (cant believe it was succsesfull either).
I dont really know what canning is so I cant really say much.
I know that a can and paddle are 2 different tools.
and dont feel the same.
and I did and responded.

Ratty said:
Yeah well, the bamboo stick and police was supposed to be a joke (god my humour are bad). Although basically caning are just a stick being used as a paddle right. oh yeah check out the PM hope you ennoy reading abaut my first date in 1 year and 4 months (cant believe i remember that). (cant believe it was succsesfull either).
Damn those things hafto hurt a lot. And i were right (yeah happy me). it is just sticks being used as paddles:D . (damn makes me happy im not a sub lol, allodugh if this damn dating of mine continues anny further my Huntress might proove to be my Mistress, i knew that date was trouble lol).
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yes but a cane and paddle are used diffferently and feel different.
One is not used cause the person cant find the other.
I have no experience here and I most likely will never so I cant really tell you.
Most I've had is my bum smacked with my bf's very large hand LOL

Ratty said:
Damn those things hafto hurt a lot. And i were right (yeah happy me). it is just sticks being used as paddles:D . (damn makes me happy im not a sub lol, allodugh if this damn dating of mine continues anny further my Huntress might proove to be my Mistress, i knew that date was trouble lol).