Sexually Explicit Poetry Challenge

They don't call him "Jack The Dripper" for nothing, KD.

- Judo
Phase One. Getting it on. :D
Phase two. Down and dirty
Phase three. Sexually explicit :)

Here is phase One

Brush strokes

Caress of sheer silk upon your naked body
Soft warm breeze blows through open window
Sounds of birds singing and children playing
Noise you are barely aware of as I stroke you

You whisper softly, words of sensual encouragement
In response my soft oily fingers pinch ever so gently
The lovely pink petals of your sweet scented flower
Sharp intake of breath at touch on a sensitive clit

Binding you with silk, you arch your back in lust
How easily you are aroused, I see it in your eyes
Proud nipples the colour of pink rosebuds bloom
Peek at me from firm, twin mounds of pleasure

Reaching for the delicacies with my moist tongue
My long hair falls upon your skin, a tickling touch
You twist and moan, wrists straining in silken tie
My breasts brush against yours as I nuzzle you

With curling tongue encircling your nipples
Slipping your nub into my mouth, blowing gently
Small sighs escape from your pouty pretty mouth
From nipple to nipple I savour and suckle

Small bucking of hips and pants escape your lips
I stop to your moan and protest, breasts thrust at me
Tracing small circles widening to larger sensuous strokes
I coax from your body by mere slow touch, a deep longing

Untying you my love, holding you close to me
Our play is enjoyable but I know you want more
I turn you towards me, face to face, kissing
Small nibbles and tracing of tongue upon lip

In the dresser mirror I enjoy our joint reflection
My hands upon your back, carressing your bottom
Cupping a buttock in my hand, I espy your brush
It's smooth handle and elegant flat plastic back

It is my turn to whisper in your ear my thoughts
Without words you stand up and hand me our new toy
Across my knee, a bare cute bottom, soft as can be
With brush in hand, I softly bring it down upon cheek

One stroke, two strokes, pink marks appear, three strokes
A whimper, I pause, waiting till there is begging for more
My hand strokes your tender skin, you wriggle a lot
Four strokes, five, six, I am titillated at each stroke

My excitement builds and I sense you are totally aroused
Tossing the brush away, onto the bed,we hungrily embrace,
Lost in one anothers body parts we indulge in sexual release
Different strokes for different folks; brush strokes for us
implicit in the lines

I know it's pretty tame, but you gotta start somewhere.
I call it, "Ulu Ru:"

She fits,
laces tight,
supports my heel,
when I stop.

She chews,
like a dog,
this miserable thing.
Carved of calf-skin,
to soften my hard
in-human sensitivity.

Come on, slave,
we go together.
Ité - slave,
we come together;
with hidden noise,
and secret, sticky death,
red rock, the yoga
of completion.

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(*fanning self*)

Uhm, nice start, DX. (whew!) How soon can I (pant, pant) expect the next installment? (NOTE TO SELF: Bring towel to Poetry Forum).

- Judo
Re: Oooo...

JUDO said:
(*fanning self*)

Uhm, nice start, DX. (whew!) How soon can I (pant, pant) expect the next installment? (NOTE TO SELF: Bring towel to Poetry Forum).

- Judo
(Thanks lovetoread and Lauren.Hynde)

Judo, (Is it hot in here?)
Phase Two is under construction and should be
on target for the next few days. :)

(Don't forget to critique as well people,
now that I am older and lol 'wiser' I can
take it.)
Laying vulnerable to your touch

Laying vulnerable to your touch
I see your silken and mysterious
Passion flower descend so moist
And warm to take my shaft within
A moan escapes my lips
Your hands with strength
Push my own hands with
Fingers intertwined
Against the sheets beside my head
And in a moment of submission
My head falls to the side to give
To you the bareness of my neck
For you – I am your prey
Teeth bared you growl your lust
At me – my naked self exposed
Before your heat.
Your hips begin to sway
Within the rhythm of your heart
That drums the music of arousal
Like waves of crashing oceans
In your ears
You want to take and conquer
I feel your lips caressing
The tow’ring column
Of my flesh – yet your excitement
Quickly grows beyond caress
Hands tearing at my hands demand
That I must match the heated pulse
Of your aggressive lust
And nails and hands and teeth
Whip like a riding crop
The fleeting stud to rise
And jump to carry your desire
To it’s thrilling end
Hand reaching back
You spank the steamy loins
Until a growl arises in my throat
And shuddering I buck and throw
With ever quick’ning thrust
My heated self against your
Passionate self.
Gone is submissiveness
I feel your will contesting mine
Our hands and hearts
Now under the direction
Of our lust – you wonder
Whether you are steed or rider
Slave or master to my howling wants
As we both crash through surfaces
And enter in the height of passion
Into that space where in the waving
Spurting, wailing, moaning
Flight you and I, I and you
Become completely unadorned

copyright MCD 2000
"You've Just Cum?"

by Judo©

Behind my eyelids,
The searing flash of brilliance subsides
As I gently flow into darkness
Beat by beat,
Steadily becoming aware of my body.

Heart, tripping along quickly,
Stumbles down the storm-tossed path
While my ribs expand-compress, expand-compess…

Rasping runner's breath through my open mouth slows
Until I can lick my drying lips, gasping gently.
My reddened cheek lolls against
The damp pillow beneath my head.

Echoes of the exquisite explosion bounce
Off my hips, my toes, my breasts and shoulders.
My groin still rocks in time to this adult Merry-go-round
As it slowly stops spinning, spinning, spinning…

I open my eyes
And deeply sigh a hot column of air to the ceiling
As tension flows off the bed and out the door
Like the sweat pool at the base of my neck,
Trickling down my sternum.

My warm naked body sinks into the mattress,
The smoldering room stops its quaking,
And two shoes fidget at the door.

The corner of my mouth twitches to grin
As my lover dwells on the obvious.
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manhand rapture

my humble offering to your judo suggestion

please do lay back
and just hold your breath
for moments there
know the rapture of man

let me unzip the wetness of your slit
of your candy cunt slot
let my tongue dive in the pool
of your nether treasure

let my eyes nurse the ends
of your nipple cocks that rise
let my hands dial them
to sinful channels

let me pull their pucker
til they are engorged
and weeping their color
for me to suck hard to bruise

let me mark your thighs
with my hands as I spread them
like warm butter on my cock blade
feel them tremble in my hands

as I turn you in my eye sun
and perch your round ass there
like a flower with petals closed
then part you open firmly

feel my tongue in your valley
lapping from slit to end
between your cheeks feel my breath
up over your back feel my tongue

let me take your bitch wet
with my hound lusting
kneel in submission for my thrusts
let me be concussion from behind

grinding your womb edges smooth
with the veined embossing of my pricking
feel my nudging of your belly inside
my undulation in your deepest damp

feel your wound leak and cry
as your cum bathes my balls
as the wet fuck sounds of our orgy
plays music on your opening

feel my cream gush to your gully
as it froths your tunnel depths
feel it pry you full of heat
til your moans are banshee pierced

let me hold your wrists captive
and pierce your plunge place
let me capture your rapture pains
til you beg for my darkest demands

tremble with me...shudder with me
let your cum be my breakfast
when you rise from your night
feed me your residue that runs thick

give me your panting kiss after
(Judging by your poem, DS, you ask for a lot, don't you?)

But not nearly as much as you give!

Thanks for the scrumptious beginning, DS. And welcome to the Poetry Forum at Lit.

I particularly liked the "concussion from behind" use of words. Yummy!

- Judo
Good, but . . .

Pretty good, Judo. I especially like the line "Echoes of the exquisite explosion." It's a lot of alliteration, but not too much, and effective, I think, with the repeat of the initial "ex-" sound. But you do have one typo: "expand-compess." Tsk, tsk.
in your arms,where i want to be..
they fall to the ground silently,i listen..
i hear nothing else....:rose:
lovely images

ms judo thanks for the welcome
not sure how this fits for replys,
but your cum was lovley enjoyed the read

dream angel...

listen to the warm
wear my whispers there
on seam of your sensual

press back your offering
to my willing voice
let me speak softly

to the bottom of your heart
dark stranger I hunger for your touch
take me to heights unknown yet unreached
show me the truth of ecstacy
laying powerless...
captured by your spell.
take me now..breathe new life into me..
judo?/ thanks hun..Everyone needs a little constructive criticism once in a while..i feel worthy...{bows to judo}

Moistened lips,
parted thighs
Musky scent,
where her hunger resides

Dancing, probing,
my nimble tongue is relentless
Feeling overwhelming her,
nothing can prevent this

Fingers tangle
in my hair
Drawing me in,
her scent becomes my air

Juices flowing,
quench my thirst
Greedily I drink,
this is only the first

Heels hook
behind my neck
as her hand on my head,
keeps me in check

Petals open,
her sex glistens before my eyes
Exploring deeper
my head held fast between her thighs

with wild abandon she quivered
Refusing to let go
until I delivered

Urging me on,
almost over the top
teasing her clit
she cries out "Don't stop"

Steadily now,
picking up the pace
as the outline of her mons
I started to trace

Sharp intake of breath,
suddenly she is still
Except for the aftershocks
brought on from my skill

My reward is your pleasure,
I revel in your taste
as I put my lips back,
not a drop shall go to waste
wow shameless..after all that i think i might need to go take a shower..mmmmm that was wonderful..thank-you..looking forward
to more of your rotic poems...Angel
wow shameless..after all that i think i might need to go take a shower..mmmmm that was wonderful..thank-you..looking forward
to more of your rotic poems...Angel
  Thank God It's Friday

    my crazy baby urges me:

        i am slick
        i am hot
        use the whip
        use my bod
        bite my nip
        push big dick
        use my butt
        gimmee big O!
        fuck my brains out

    like there is no tomorrow
    i have to calm her down:

        easy baby
        it's only Friday
        we'll skip Synagogue
        we'll skip Church
        i'm gona stay put in my Pussy Inn
        'till Blue Monday

(I know, I know, it is not my, how to put It, it's not my cup of tea, not yet, I m just trying to be social :)

    there goes the shoe the shirt
    the pantyhose the blouse the skirt
    the bra the underwear the panties the socks
    and jewelry

    here comes the skin the hair the neck the legs
    the breasts the belly and the belly button
    the hips the butt and all
    dips holes hills digits and protrusions

    and now

    application letters
    a broken muffler
    license plates

    not on my mind
    my head falls
    between your knees
    keeps sliding down the valley
    of your warm thighs
    lips land on lips
    the sweet taste of petals on my lapping flatten tongue
    nose buried in clit
    the petals part wide
    the now dick-like tongue reaches the spicy depths
    pulling my whole head in its wake
    my face drowns in the wet motherland like
    in a tropical night my arms
    steady your hips with all their might

    yes go
    go high
    where there are no
    bills to pay
    letters to answer
    time to kill
This used to be such a lively (lovely? :)) thread. Then I have posted two and it was like a kiss of death. Am I a thread breaker/killer? I know that the two by me were merely a debiut in this so difficult to master field of art but all U had to do was just to go on and continue like nothing has happened.

Regards :),
Don't worry, SJ

These things work in waves. People just need to be reminded once in a while. Good threads laying dormant need bumping. I'm sure we'll see a shower of new sexually explicit poems in the next few days...