sharing poetry

Lauren Hynde said:
Did you know that Michelangelo, as he neared 89 and began preparing for death, burnt half of his drawings and poems, the ones he didn't think were good enough to be remembered for?
Quickly does the math, I'm about half as old, destroyed my all my stuff twice
I'm sixteen times better than Michel was-his-name...

at least
1. okay, for you wise owls who stash your work, what are some reasonable categories that i can revamp my mess into?

i'm guessing something like...

nature - sea, land, minute details, seasons,
world events
foreign? (other cultures)

2. and this is going to sound quite daft, but if i'm to print out my poetry, is there a set format (like prose) to use, or should i just print it as it comes?
wildsweetone said:
1. okay, for you wise owls who stash your work, what are some reasonable categories that i can revamp my mess into?

i'm guessing something like...

nature - sea, land, minute details, seasons,
world events
foreign? (other cultures)

y e s

2. and this is going to sound quite daft, but if i'm to print out my poetry, should i just print it as it comes?

y e s

see how easy life is? :D
Boo, i was hoping you of all people, would tell me not to bother sorting it all out. lolol


Angeline! Boo's writing a sestina!
wildsweetone said:
1. okay, for you wise owls who stash your work, what are some reasonable categories that i can revamp my mess into?

i'm guessing something like...

nature - sea, land, minute details, seasons,
world events
foreign? (other cultures)

2. and this is going to sound quite daft, but if i'm to print out my poetry, is there a set format (like prose) to use, or should i just print it as it comes?
  1. If those catgories make sense for you, they are probably good ones to choose. I use Serious, Silly, and Bad as categories. For some odd reason, Serious stays reluctantly empty, Silly holds (usually for only brief periods of time) a few poems, and Bad fills several folders.
  2. If formatting is important to you, then you may want to think about it a bit. I want a fixed pitch font for formatting purposes, so I print everything single-spaced in Courier font, titles in bold.
wildsweetone said:
Boo, i was hoping you of all people, would tell me not to bother sorting it all out. lolol


Angeline! Boo's writing a sestina!

Ten seconds ago I really loved you... then I scrolled down. Girlfriend?? You are so dead.

I think you should throw all your poetry away. Just cuz.

[SIZE=-4]justkiddingbabeee!![/SIZE] :nana:
wildsweetone said:
Boo, i was hoping you of all people, would tell me not to bother sorting it all out. lolol


Angeline! Boo's writing a sestina!

She has been promising one for over a year now, and I've been telling her that she a) can do it and b) I have no doubt it will be wonderful.

You hear that, B? Time's a'wastin, baby. They're not so bad--ask fooly--he has a cheat sheet for em. :p

if i chose those categories, all mine would end up in the 'bad' box. lol

Angeline! *waving*
sufferinsuckertash! over a year??? are you kidding me???

Boo, get that Sestina written! sheesh. like Angeline, i know you can do it and i know it will be wonderful. hurry up already, i want to read it! :)

throw all my poetry away? lol count on it!

heck, it'll be easier than trying to sort the stuff out. i was just working on transferring only my nature poems into a separate folder. 57. can you believe that? 57 poems! i think i need a day job. ;)


ps 'sok i still wuv you Boo, even though i'm dead. :p but, you better watch out because i'm gonna haunt you until you've got that sestina done! :D
wildsweetone said:
ps 'sok i still wuv you Boo, even though i'm dead. :p but, you better watch out because i'm gonna haunt you until you've got that sestina done! :D

[SIZE=-4]ohhh, fuuuuck...[/SIZE]
Angeline said:
She has been promising one for over a year now, and I've been telling her that she a) can do it and b) I have no doubt it will be wonderful.

You hear that, B? Time's a'wastin, baby. They're not so bad--ask fooly--he has a cheat sheet for em. :p


You are a sadist. I never wrote a sestina. You can't prove I did, so there..... :p
hmm... I just got an idea! How about a Sestina 101 thread and we'll get the Queeeen of Sesteeeenas in to help. Angeleeeeena??? Only it'll be really exclusive- like a snobby country club...


*deliberately ignoring WSO's kisses... ya big suckup!!
BooMerengue said:
hmm... I just got an idea! How about a Sestina 101 thread and we'll get the Queeeen of Sesteeeenas in to help. Angeleeeeena??? Only it'll be really exclusive- like a snobby country club...


*deliberately ignoring WSO's kisses... ya big suckup!!

you know you love me :p now quit swearing at me :kiss:

Sestina 101 sounds great! i second the idea, but i might just sit and watch.

wildsweetone said:
you know you love me :p now quit swearing at me :kiss:

Sestina 101 sounds great! i second the idea, but i might just sit and watch.


Oh, no, ya big wuss! 6 end words in a sestina stanza? then 6 allowed in- no more. And your in. Pick a good word. Wheres your thread of verb/nouns?

OK... thats you, me, and (I hope) Ange. Need 3 more. Serious folks only.

read my lips...




plum is nice. let me just reword what you said...

I am out!


want a good word?



and quit callin me a wuss. i'm doing a sestithing - it's sitting on the desk beside me. :p least i'll finish mine. ;)
wildsweetone said:
plum is nice. let me just reword what you said...

I am out!


want a good word?



and quit callin me a wuss. i'm doing a sestithing - it's sitting on the desk beside me. :p least i'll finish mine. ;)

Don't say that. You have to be in. But toenails? Where did that come from?? It doesn't sound like a sestina word to me. I wish you would stay in one place so we could have a sort of real time chat. You're very slippery. lol
wildsweetone said:
you know you love me :p now quit swearing at me :kiss:

Sestina 101 sounds great! i second the idea, but i might just sit and watch.


You already wrote one my friend. :)

The 101 thread (nonexclusive) was done last April right here.

Fooly? You out there dear man? Go look at that thread. :D
Angeline said:
You already wrote one my friend. :)

The 101 thread (nonexclusive) was done last April right here.

Fooly? You out there dear man? Go look at that thread. :D

she did??

good morning, sis. Are you in?
We need you. Well, I admit I need you- the others might not. admit it. lol
BooMerengue said:
she did??

good morning, sis. Are you in?
We need you. Well, I admit I need you- the others might not. admit it. lol

mornin baby. i'm here for a while. i don't go to work till around noon est today but i'll be there till tonight--and miss the beginning of game 3 of the world series damnit, but now i have a blessed hour where i can drink coffee and relax.

Angeline said:
mornin baby. i'm here for a while. i don't go to work till around noon est today but i'll be there till tonight--and miss the beginning of game 3 of the world series damnit, but now i have a blessed hour where i can drink coffee and relax.


I lost your number. Actually I sold it on eBay. I'd like to have it again. :rolleyes:
BooMerengue said:
I lost your number. Actually I sold it on eBay. I'd like to have it again. :rolleyes:

So that explains why that crazy woman with the Southern accent keeps calling trying to sell us African art. :p

I'll pm it to you, but I have to start getting ready for work in a few...
Angeline said:
So that explains why that crazy woman with the Southern accent keeps calling trying to sell us African art. :p
Is Eve making prank calls again? Sheesh. :rolleyes: