Shave down there - for women

Pubes are an evolutionary part of us all. Something to at least consider, I respectfully suggest.

Why do I need to consider this? I know what pubic hair is and why it's there. You aren't telling me anything new. :rolleyes: Please respectfully shove off, your input on what I do for myself is not needed. We can make decisions about our body hair for ourselves with or with the input of partners. The women of the world are not being oppressed by body hair removal. If you like body hair go make a thread about it somewhere else. Jesus fuck, people.
Pubes are an evolutionary part of us all. Something to at least consider, I respectfully suggest.

Women look like women regardless of the amount of hair on their crotch. In YOUR mind's eye, MeekMe, and, to be sure, in those of many others, but it's hardly a factual matter.

Do men look like pre-pubescent boys when they remove their pubic hair? In my view, yes, you've hit it on the head. (Sorry, I couldn't resist.)

Not every woman out there shaving is doing it to impress men, some of us prefer it for ourselves. Is it not unfortunate that any woman should feel the need to do so to impress a man? In any event, it is unacceptable for any man to demand it.

I find it supremely ironic that a male is telling a woman how she should be embracing her body, regardless of the woman's opinion about what she wants to do with her body. She's the one who decides whether she does something for herself, or to please her partner. She does. Not you. Her. Her body, her rules. Period.

Sure. Pubic hair had an evolutionary purpose (kind of sort of, but this is not the place to debate evolutionary nature and the severely biased understanding of said field). So did vestigial tails, and yet some who are born with it go through surgery to remove it. Beards and long hair on men had an evolutionary purpose, and I would say that you at least trim your beard and cut your hair. In fact,based on a quick perusal of your posts, where you said you are a vet, I could safely say that you shaved your beard and buzzed your hair. So you willingly removed what evolution has given to you. How is that any different?

You don't like your partners to be shaved/waxed/whatever, that is absolutely your prerogative, and one that I wholeheartedly defend. Rock on. However, please do not presume to tell a woman that you find it "unfortunate that any woman should feel the need to do so [eliminate pubic hair] to impress a man" when the whole point of the post that you have quoted was a woman encouraging women to do what they want with their bodies, and a woman pointing out that many women eliminate their pubic hair because they prefer it.

In short, stop mansplaining why a woman should conform her body to what you think is ideal, couched in 'evolutionary' terms. We have free will, and we can go against instinct; therefore, we can move beyond evolution.
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Oh, for God's sake. Why are you so full of such self righteous indignation?
All I ever said was, if it is painful to shave, then just relax and don't feel it is something you must do. Feel free to do what feels most comfortable. That is all.
How the fuck is that "telling a woman ... (what) to do ... with her body"?
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Oh, for God's sake. Why are you so full of such self righteous indignation?
All I ever said was, if it is painful to shave, then just relax and don't feel it is something you must do. Feel free to do what feels most comfortable. That is all.
How the fuck is that "telling a woman ... (what) to do ... with her body"?

The problem is that, in this forum, you are making the assumption that this input is needed or novel. That's Pubic Hair 101. This is Pubic Hair 520. These women know the answers to basic questions, and a) making the assumption grad school-level women need the answers and b) that you're gonna be the nice guy to deliver it - well, those are behaviors that a) are so, so, so fucking common, and b) are incredibly annoying, and c) need to stop.

tl;dr version: even if you think you're just doing this to be nice, you're actually making typical and sexist assumptions. Now that you know, you can change.