
______________________Who knows where you'll take us______________
____________________________cross your heart____________________
________________________________swear your sole______________
_____________________________________eat your breakfast_______
_________________________Once I know_______________
___________________________what to do you say
______________________________you'll get__________________
_________________________________the rest for me_______________
____________________________________you say you know what to do
____________________once you grow up once you're handsome______
____________________________don't sleep so soon_______________
________________________________wake yourself up_____________
_________________________________ push yourself up on your arms
______________________________pull your dress down________
_____________________________your sobs _____________
______________________________make you__________
_____________________drink your_______________________________
_______________ don't be breezy______________________________
____________slimy sweaters in your beige rooms________________
_____________ cruise the dance feeling_________________________
_________________out of taste_______________________________
____________________get clean_____________________________
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______________self effacement__________________________
______________self aggrandizing_________________________
______________self indulgent__________________________
_______________self righteous_________________________
______________self ingratiating_________________________
______________mad at you__________________________
______________self aware__________________________
_______________self can joke_________________________
______________self can tackle__________________________
_____________ it would be nice_____________________
___________to have some music_________________
________ _instead it's my breath had______________
______anything to do with their readers myself__________
___and now I'm home and damn I'm hungry_______
______better catch your buzz and cover up_____________
_________the company is coming back________________
___________she forgot her pillow________________
____________right on time______________
_______________for me______________​
______________right _________________________
_____________ walls cook_____________________
___________red cabbage pigs_________________
________ knuckles never tasted gay______________
______the bloodiest building on record__________
___never paid never died never stayed I never_______
______lied the Scotchman's city's letters _____________
_________appeared broken said________________
__________my friend hot________________
___________dot had a ______________
____________pet bot ______________​
______________________Who knows where your heart is______________
____________________________who knows______________________
________________________________the way out__________________
______________________________________who knows_______________
______________________where you keys is_________________________
___________________________once i know I'll tell you____
______________________________Once I_________________________
____________________________________your card__________
______________________I'll send it to you first__________________
____________________________this isn't a hustle____________________
________________________________I mean it this time_____________
_______________________the first________________________________
_______________step toward legitimacy______________________________
____________journey around the water land_________________________
______________the water tower looks_________________________
_________________gray your fish__________________________
___________________is dead__________________________________
______________________I know the score, it's ______________
____________________________zero zero zip zip___________________
___________________we're going somewhere after breakfast
_______________who knows where he'll take us______
___________________________drink your orange juice_______
_________________________eat your cereal_______________
___________________________Once I know
______________________________I'll tell you__________________
_________________________________the rest of you_______________
__________________________you say you know what to do
____________________you say once you grow up you'll______
___________________________sleep till noon_______________
________________________________you say you'll_____________
_________________________________ wake yourself up_______
__________________________you'll wear your skirt________
_____________________________as high as you want _____________
______________________________your just jealous__________
________________________at your________________________________
_____________________ zitty face_______________________________
____________________your big _________________________________
_________________fucking breezy______________________________
______________chin your slimy fucking teeth________________
_____________ ___your mouth looks like _________________________
_________________a dead fucking fish_______________________________
_________________ and it tastes_____________________________
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Found words - How do you plot out your stories thread

I use tools
I try to decide
I select
I start
I feel the story
I don't think
I agree
I'm half way there
I don't know
I definitely know
I came to
I have actually tried
I have found my ending
I love
I won't write
I do this
I change
I have to struggle
I tend to file
I am stumped
I will web
I don't plot
I don't sit
I write long
I sketch
I do prepare
I just can't write
hope -- phrases found in intros to am pic threads

I hope you like our stuff
let me know if I am any good
I've been on a journey
I am glad
Hope you don't mind
let me know if I am any good
I'm actually quite an original
I hope you enjoy
Let me know what you think
I'm sorry
I hope you enjoy these
let me know if i should
who's gonna be the first
Hope you all enjoy
if they are good enuff
to see if there is any interest
Hope you all like
I believe
i've been trying to convince the mrs
Hoping for some positive feedback
Lets kick off
Please, be kind
will post more if liked
let me know what you think
I'm sure you won't mind
found words -- dominance and emotions thread

__________________________We thank the surface .not___________
__________________________the sitting girl I worry with___________
__________________________your mess .you see .there___________
__________________________the .key I have both short___________
___________________________don't .point .impose _peer____________
hope you like our
let me know if I am any
I've been a
am glad
Hope you don't
let me know I am any good
I'm actually an original
I you enjoy
Let me know what you think
I'm sorry
hope you these
let me know i should
who's gonna be the first
Hope you all enjoy
if they are good enuff
to there is any
Hope you all like

i've been trying c the mrs
Hoping feedback
Please, kind
will more if liked
me know what you think
I'm sure you won't mind



if if if


found --

a friend showed me how
get my lips around it
i'm a straight guy
I'm wearing nothing
fantasizing about sucking
I love the feel
as far as we go
the internet will have to do
I watched
Thanks for sharing
I'm straight but
very straight, yet
hit me up
add me
Maybe one day
well horny
dads porn
__________________________We thank the surface .not___________
__________________________the sitting girl I worry with___________
__________________________your mess .you see .there___________
__________________________the .key I have both short___________
___________________________don't .point .impose _peer____________

this one -

has the visual impact for me the others lack. to me this looks like a cut-out from one blank page overlaying a page of text. what shows through is curious, interesting, to me. to my eyes, the others are distracting, the lines take me away from the words and their importance. i know you enjoy the lines, this is only my little note to you. :)
this one -

has the visual impact for me the others lack. to me this looks like a cut-out from one blank page overlaying a page of text. what shows through is curious, interesting, to me. to my eyes, the others are distracting, the lines take me away from the words and their importance. i know you enjoy the lines, this is only my little note to you. :)

Thanks Chipbutty. I hadn't thought of it as a blank page with a hole cut in it revealing something behind. That makes sense especially given the fragmentary nature of the words and phrases themselves... Thanks for pointing that out to me!

As for the other ones... I am planning to do a stop-motion project with these, IF I can get like 200 of them together :) They will be flickering by the viewer rather quickly, and the lines will be moving and undulating which I believe will make for a pleasing affect... We'll see!
phone call -- un fragmento

Sorry I dropped the phone

I was having a bowl of cereal

I just made myself a casserole

You do?

It was?
Oh geez

I called the clinic
talked to the nurse
so then

I called again in the afternoon
She didn't call me till five thirty

We went to the cafe

My email wasn't working

finally it started in the afternoon
it was kinda a silly article

I had a conversation with dad tonight
You did?

And it was very nice, I was surprised

We were talking about the snow
Shoveling lots of snow
A little bit of snow fell today

Does she know you?
Well some of the time, he said

He asked how far they are on the house
Did they put the heat in the dining room

It was so cold in the dining room
it's hard for me to stay there

He said I'll let you know the next time I'm coming
That's what he said?
it was a nice conservation
i guess he was lonely

he cooked some venison in the crock pot
another guy said I have an extra one
and you can have it

i'll leave it as it was
it was a nice conversation
it made me feel a little bit better
that he wasn't so rude and cold

he said he tried to call your brother
but he hasn't called him back

he hasn't tried to call ME

i have three days off still to use
yeah i gotta a couple days to use, too, I guess
we can hang out, go to a movie
i gotta use 'em or I lose 'em

hang on a minute i have a call

do you wanna just call me back?

Fine bye I'll call you back
bye bye
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let us go then you and i

teb wid rot tal tu den hy
kel het deb sil derse tan ky
kol nu tanpin themized punden nu baltai
______________________Tell your laughing girl the way______________
____________________________to take the bus______________________
________________________________boss and beat__________________
___________________________________my new bean______________
______________________I remember my hat_________________________
_________________________I remember all we wanted to____________
______________________________do I remember____________________
__________________________license plates and cars______________
________________________________with stripes and I__________
______________________remember stretching off__________________
____________________________the beach the bed__________________
_______________________________I remember the first____________
_________________________________hustle and_____________________
___________________________two yawns__________________________
________________________are better____________________________
_______________ toward legitimacy______________________________
____________I started a journey this summer_________________________
______________I remember the crest of___________________________
_________________the wave my foot_______________________________
____________________fell asleep________________________________
______________left _________________________
______________of school__________________________
_____________an actor's_________________________
_____________ cooks walk_____________________
___________like pigs with noses_________________
________ that never bleed the building______________
______of record never paid attention to __________
___what was important never died never lied_______
______the town crier lied and the pigeons _____________
_________appeared purple and ate_______________
___________bread my friend said________________
____________I was hot are ______________
_____________you hot?______________
Found -- The Office

Michael: Today they think
you see
well here, get another radar.
What feeling could you carry
once you laugh in here?
When the ties encourage
bad states, finally I put more people
on that pad.
That right need,
wanna be totally good?
Push a violent rock.
Any Mexican is a great left part.
I might work here, because
it got my hero.
______________________Tell you who knows where you'll take us________
____________________________our hurt soles our_________________
________________________________swear jars our sole______________
_____________________________________shoes eat your shorts eat___
_________________________what you know what_______________
___________________________you say do
______________________________you get it, do__________________
_________________________________the rest of you get______________
____________________________________what you say what you know
____________________did you know what to do once did __________
____________________________you grow up once will_______________
________________________________you wake yourself up were_________
_________________________________ you handsome yourself or were
______________________________your arms down by________
_____________________________your side _____________
______________________________will you make your__________
___________________________dress soon will_____________________
________________________you be jealous will______________________
_____________________you trim your_______________________________
_______________________beard will_______________________________
_______________ you be breezy will_________________________
____________your sweater leave room will________________
_____________you cruise the dance tasting_________________________
_________________clean getting_______________________________
______________________I know you swerved I ______________
__________________________know the curve in the road I____________
___________________know where we're going after this I
_______________know that you'll take us somewhere I______
_____________________drank your orange juice I_______
_________________________ate your oatmeal I_______________
___________________________knew you'd tell I'd
______________________________tell you the rest if_________________
________________________________ you said you didn't know you______
__________________________say you know what to do you
____________________grew up so you'll sleep till noon__
___________________________till noon you_______________
________________________________say you'll pick yourself up_______
_______________________________you'll push your torso_______
__________________________away from the bed as________
_____________________________if it were a beach you _____________
______________________________look jealous your__________
___________________________dress your_____________________
________________________breezy dress your________________________
_____________________ face_______________________________
____________________your pores _________________________________
_________________your chin your______________________________
______________teeth you tasted the ________________
_________________king your mouth your_________________________
_________________ taste like your________________________
___________________beach your_____________________________
story idea

________ a person who never quite seems
___________to have it together; who's
_____________not particularly bright; who
_______________doesn't achieve much; who
_________________had a few bright spots but
___________________was otherwise
_________________much to the
_____________astonishment of friends
______________out there__________________________
_____________ and the walk_____________________
___________the cooks twitched their_________________
________ noses the building bled the_____________
______record never never skipped never__________
___paid attention to what was important never_______
______scratched never lied the town crier never _____________
_________cried the building appeared purple_______________
___________and my friend broke bread________________
____________hot bread white bread ______________
______________are you hot friend?______________
found phrase -- the office

Michael: It's just
you feel good

Dwight: I know

M: It's just
you sound sexy

D: I think you can handle it

M: I want to
like it
I want to
to have
the two of us

D: you don't have to

M: I was thinking
I think
I have love
I have needs

D: Whoa
you are right
I should do you
I'm equipped

M: I need a little look

D: That sounds good

M: it's big. It is really big
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______________________You don't even care, you're ______________
____________________________rotten to the core zero_______________
___________________worth nothing are you going somewhere_______
_______________after all that you're leaving us no______
___________________________so you're taking us you're_______
_________________________not going to tell me you're_______________
___________________________going to be like all
______________________________the rest you're__________________
_________________________________sleeping in now you___________
__________________________said you were going to stop you
____________________said you're just jealous you______
___________________________sleep till noon you_______________
________________________________look at your face you_____________
_________________________________ push youself up on_______
__________________________your arms wear your skirt you're________
_____________________________as high as you want you're ____
______________________________just jealous__________
________________________at your________________________________
_____________________ face your_______________________________
____________________teeth have _________________________________
_________________changed your____________________________
______________chin your breath looks________________
_____________ ___like a spine _________________________
_________________ and it tastes_____________________________
______________________I know the road I ______________
__________________________know where we're going I____________
___________________know where we're going after this I
_______________know you'll take us somewhere I______
_____________________drank your last drink I_______
_________________________went on that curve I_______________
___________________________knew you'd tell I
______________________________knew you'd tell the rest if_____________
________________________________ you said you didn't ______
__________________________say you know what to do say
____________________you grew up on me when__
__________________________ you picked yourself up_______________
________________________________put your hands here_
______________________________on my chest_______
__________________________take the bed away the________
_____________________________beach you _____________
______________________________said you're jealous of__________
___________________________your dress your_____________________
________________________face your________________________
_____________________ smile_______________________________
____________________your eyes your __________________________
_________________skin your lips you______________________________
______________tasted the waves _______
_________________your mouth your_________________________
_________________ breezy breath________________________
___________________ youre_____________________________
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