
found blah blah blah

compulsory old and new settings conducted way through the strategies more from practice upon process satisfying their changes in the social factor the time can discuss specific information and will the fifth type from which relevant but wide understood contextualized techniques practice this part explored through interaction his story usually exists when a sense of audience being analyzed to which the body unfolds and their discussion location related to offices and/or home the role encouraged the ultimately first says and the scenes will form life
Tai Chi

___________Single whip, lift
______________hands, shoulder
________________strike right,
__________________white crane spreads__________________with heel
____________________wings, brush____________________body kick
_______________knee and twist_____________________feet pivot
___________step left deflect_____________________right and left
_______down, back fist punch___________________on one leg left and
_________cut, and punch, parting___________________golden cock stands
___________the wild horse's________________________whip downward
_______________mane, right, left_____________________clouds, single
___________________right, grasp_______________________hands in
______________________bird's tail, ward__________________wave
______________________________off roll back______single whip
___________________________________press and push
___________Beginning Tai Chi, raise
________________________arms grasp_______________________strike fist
_____________________bird's tail___________________turn body and
___________________ward off, roll_______________ground
_________________back, press and push___________and punch
___________Single whip, lift_______________________right, brush knee
______________hands, shoulder_____________________twist step left and
________________strike right,________________________brush knee and
__________________white crane spreads__________________with heel
____________________wings, brush____________________body kick
_______________knee and twist_____________________feet pivot
___________step left deflect_____________________right and left
_______down, back fist punch___________________on one leg left and
_________cut, and punch, parting___________________golden cock stands
___________the wild horse's________________________whip downward
_______________mane, right, left_____________________clouds, single
___________________right, grasp_______________________hands in
______________________bird's tail, ward__________________wave
______________________________off roll back______single whip
___________________________________press and push
Mermaid Tai Chi

_____whip, lift
_white crane
______spreads__________________with heel
_______wings, ____________________body kick
____brush___________knee and twist___________________feet pivot
_knee and__________step left deflect___________________right and left
twist step
___left deflect
__and punch___________left and
___parting the_________leg
_____wild horse's_____on one
_______mane_______cock stands
______right___________single whip, golden
_____left_______________in clouds
_______right______________wave hands
___________bird's tail___________single
_____________ward off_________and push
__________________roll back, press
___________________________and push
____________________________single whip, wave
________________________________________on one leg left and
_________cut, and punch, parting___________________golden cock stands
___________the wild horse's________________________whip downward
_______________mane, right, left_____________________clouds, single
___________________right, grasp_______________________hands in
______________________bird's tail, ward__________________wave
______________________________off roll back______single whip
___________________________________press and push
___whip, lift
__hands, ________knee and punch
___shoulder_____brush______ground______________kick left, turn
__strike ________right_________turn body_________high_______body
_right,________left and___________and strike________left________with
white crane ______step_________fist back (white_______kick______stretching
____spreads_____and twist_______snake puts_______stretching______kick
_____wings, ________knee_________out tongue)______fist_________right
_knee and_______heel________kick, right and_______ears___________kick
twist step______kick with_________separate right______strike________right
_left deflect_____body______________foot__________forward)______deflect
_down, __________feet pivot_________hit__________strike________down
__back_____________and left_______tiger, right_______(chest _______back
____fist_____________right ________turn, hit tiger______backward_____fist
_and punch__________left and _____open up_________down________and
__parting the________leg_____________heel kick_____pull________punch
____wild horse's______on one _______________forward______pull back
_____mane_________cock stands_______________________wipe off
_____right__________single whip, golden______________punch
____left______________in clouds________________push and turn
______right_____________wave hands________cross hands carry tiger
_______grasp______________whip_____________back to mountain
__________bird's tail___________single___________tiger descends
____________ward off_________and push____________tiger
_________________roll back, press
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Here's a bunch of quotes belaboring my point that the purpose of art varies from artist to artist:

"The purpose of art is to lay bare the questions that have been hidden by the answers." --James Baldwin (1924-1987)

Alain Arias-Misson – Belgian-born thinker, artist, writer, and sculptor:
“The purpose of art is not a rarified intellectual distillate – it is life, intensified, brilliant life"

Carl Andre – American minimalist sculptor and poet:
“Art is an intersection of many human needs.”

Marc Chagall – Russian-born French painter and stained glass artist:
“Art seems to me to be a state of soul more than anything else.”

Paul Cezanne – French impressionist painter:
“Art is harmony parallel with nature.”

The object of art is to give life a shape. (Jean Anouilh)

Art has no other purpose than to brush aside... the conventional and accepted generalities, in short everything that veils reality from us, in order to bring us face to face with reality itself. (Henri Bergson)

Our primordial purpose is to respond to the impulsion from within to solve the mystery of our individual existence, to find and be the authentic Self that is, has been and ever shall be. (Dr. Michael Beckwith)

If art takes up much of the artist's time, then it makes sense that she/he be "lost" in the euphoria of creating. Isn't that one of our ultimate purposes in life? (Harley Brown)

The purpose of art is to pass the time

"The purpose of art is to impart the sensation of things as they are perceived and not as they are known. The technique of art is to make objects ‘unfamiliar’, to make forms difficult, to increase the difficulty and length of perception because the process of perception is an aesthetic end in itself and must be prolonged. Art is a way of experiencing the artfulness of an object; the object is not important." (Shklovsky, "Art as Technique", 12) ~In other words, art presents things in a new, unfamiliar light by way of formal manipulation. This is what is artful about art.

Poetry is concerned with using with abusing, with
losing with wanting, with denying with avoiding with
adoring with replacing the noun. It is doing that always
doing that, doing that and doing nothing but that.
Poetry is doing nothing but using losing refusing
and pleasing and betraying and caressing nouns.
-Gertrude Stein

To know that one does not write for the other, to know
that these things I am going to write will never cause me to
be loved by the one I love (the other), to know that writing
compensates for nothing, subliminates nothing, that it is
precisely there where you are not—this is the beginning of
-Roland Barthes

Moreover, representational artists claim to engage in a "conversation" with the viewers of their works, whereas nonrepresentational artists prefer to "converse" with their materials or canvases.
Karen Sullivan
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______________________I know what you're doing ______________
_________________________I see you're doing it again____________
__________________we're going after this I
_______________know you'll take me I______
_____________________know that's your last ace I_______
_________________________went on that ride I_______________
___________________________knew I'd tell I
______________________________knew you'd tell the rest if you__________
________________________________said you didn't say you______
__________________________knew what to do you____________
____________________grew up on me I said__
__________________________ I picked you up I_______________
________________________________put your feet here_
_____________________________on the floor I_______
__________________________took the bed away the________
_____________________________beach I _____________
______________________________said let's go to the beach you__________
___________________________wore a dress your_____________________
________________________face you________________________
_____________________ smiled you_______________________________
___________________played air guitar __________________________
_________________skin your lips you______________________________
______________made a sand castle _______
_________________the dress you_________________________
_________________ stole the________________________
___________________shit you_____________________________
Strung Out

___________________________________________It started when
_____________________________________________her voice
_____________________________________________The two of
________________________________for____________face and she
____________________an_____________she __________________stairs
______________________a hundred years old______________________as
________________oh my_____________________________________slid
______________________same after________________face______he
____________________that she started__________________her__looked
__________________seeing psychics and____________________at
________________sensitives at work___________________________
____________________she talked for
_______________________an hour at a time________camera guy
_________________________about______________the_______get a
______________________ouji boards_________insisted________long
____________________and automatic__________she________shot of
________________________she __________shoot__________stairs
_________________________went_______for a _________which she
______________________________to the__________________use in
___________________________________________________the video
________________he was walking________________________but she
______________with_________park______________________did burn
_____________his_____________at the_________________the three
__________son a boy_____________her_______________minute clip to her
__she crouched____________________ran into____________personal video
____cupped__________________________in the_____________on
______________chin__________eventually she______________she
___________and said ____________her girlfriends____________would
_________hello and they____________phone with________watch it looped
_______talked and they went___________on the____________for hours
______away and to think he______________talking____________at
_______almost married her__________________toes_________a
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found in voicemail

i remember now
i didn't do a good job
i was thinking about the bedroom

at least two o'clock
four in the morning
quarter after six

right away in the morning
we should call there
if I ever got back to you

if i have to blow the snow
tomorrow morning
when you come over

i don't know
Back home with you
or somewhere

watching the game
shindig going on
i can't find it

i got your message
on the road
it's not there

lost you for a second
half hour out
i'm going to bed now
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he was a kid who
played the clarinet and who
had an afro and who
couldn't do the bent-arm hang

he got wise and he
looked for the dirt in
everybody so it couldn't
take him by surprise
he was a kid who
played the clarinet and who
had an afro and who
couldn't do the bent-arm hang

he got wise and he
looked for the dirt in
everybody so it couldn't
take him by surprise

damn. that's insightful
found -- inbound txts -- aka The Drama Train

Are you going to answer the rest of my questions?

Marry him

Oftentimes I want out

What did u mean last night?

What do u mean?

I am trying to find my parameters.

... drama train against my will ...

I can't sleep

It isn't your fault

Was that a dig? Or was that understanding?

I can't baby people

Wtf are u talking about?

Stroke it and get a good nite sleep!

I don't remember our conversation but I know we had one

i am a mess inside

my emotions r fucked

sometimes don't know how to deal with it all

Thanks again for not judging or hating me


he is mixing booze with pain meds

don't know if it was worth it

we could just relax

they r gonna blind fold me

still in hell

get it out of someone

then i gave in

something up her sleeve

they r tit babies

what do you want

wish u were here

bad weather

take care of yourself
The idea.

The whole idea and concept of having it curved is fantastic, i've never seen anything like that.Also the poems are really comming on well :)
Gratz x
Notes i'm too lazy to put someplace else

He placed the quilt in a cardboard box. He placed some pots and pans on top of that. He took the cap off a marker and wrote on the box. Unimportant Stuff.

A double wedding ring quilt. His mother had made it for him for his twenty fifth birthday. A year after he had told her he was gay. He had left the quilt at her house when he left for the city, and of course she was terribly hurt. He told his friend about the quilt, and she said of course he should bring it back the next time he visited.

So he did and now he had this quilt that he never used, that took up space in a box.

He wrote about the quilt in a story. He couldn't find the quilt in the story. And he woke up with a panic attack thinking about it. He called his mother and she couldn't remember where it was. He apologized for calling her at four in the morning.

He read the story to the group along with a couple other sketches. The old man chuckled and said he liked the pieces. He liked them even if they were about unimportant things. He could only write about unimportant things, he supposed, because he did not want to write about love. Because he had not told them, could not tell them. But his inability to write about love was becoming a glaring whole in his stories.
found txts rearranged

Look friend
i hate myself today

I would like to get
home i would like to
give up i feel an
idea, helpless, in love

I want someone who
can put ur mind at rest
I feel like shit

She told me she
became crazy after
looking the number up

U don't have to
leave. Feel bad love?

Look left, see that
guy? He bit three
fags in grade school

Your ear Your
back I can't
believe this

I have tried I
can't believe him
Just storing these here

These are exercises I would like to make into something else but I just wanted to type them up and store them here because I didn't feel like putting them on my computer somewhere... They are random words taken from different books generally seven words by seven lines per book. Not really great reads in this form LOL :):(

The transformation must be seen by this
young market, these ever-greater, unruly, more
communal practical guides of better value from
most loved centers and exquisitely common minds
the long judicious burglary; such lost times
the sense that perhaps one fill entirely
misguided hours by calm exercise and health

One key in all the niceness the
past a chest on very responsible grandiosity
the water the edge the excitement the victim
a royal womb he means initiation with
one growth and a space an entire
story looking by their unbeaten young warrior
but a head in agonizingly thin darkness

a shy shape a calm creating the
good work the complex act; we work
soon most people compare the courage by
being lost. About two doomsday concerns politely
tactfully discern gracefully view a cultural
competitive minority -- anything and wear those
less stand offish investigation I know only speaking

Sit research perform fieldwork
the effect where she records
his life in a world leaned and
close stylishly to honestly choose
down the boring talk laptops in
front with shaggy photography
her project a sole a tour of humor

He was eating because his terribly white
store was the thickly paved problem and
her sullenly slashing hghway talked to the first
rented distance, which wasn't disposed for each
painlessly prowling discarded blood, so she took
the lunch that distracted her health and
nobody knew it was a shotgun hospital

I'm what the almost right driver questions
around the nice breakfast; a bright mile
the law that suddenly let a mattress
up to our crowd at the athletic
school, big mama shoulders that truthful cheer
perfectly hearing after they come, you nice
goddamn managers, puzzled as knives in such fire

The first black car in downtown to
become more fit ends like many
usual situations, those first wishes can
get proof with content behavior over
great times often began good direction
thereby leaving important hands and
dreams and weapons to use outside

The failed volunteer only repeated the notes
with good money, undressed, as young knees
with quietly pinched sweating fists in flat
grey lodges questioned in new glass footsteps
into there uniform years because he bet
I never once began scraping the terrible
moment only dying players on the licking teeth

He was lying more for his rather
limp reason; he got his waiter and
obviously bent some rather pointed pictures or
had not entered the open desk the
window or the Arabic manner; two stained
streets in many properly brown meterless
believers connected before his finally real enemies

Four new air recordings responded to many
lower softball gardens; safe in the country
Analysis or motion -- we have sold the large
malfunction in the earlier winter, that had
its home in the still adjusted junk car
The little fight site mostly will place
the connection when they double the operations

One is in the dream for certain
abandoned homes therefore maintained in his
underdeveloped marriage; such only came to the
rigid labor encountered in his uncomprehendingly atavistic
projections, but the eight parents would also
ascertain his left hilt; the key trip
was concretely and simply classical for this set

As the frequent daughter permitted four similarities
their chemical instinct recorded exactly the
wide, precisely unsatisfactory change, time
desires, uncertainty, materialism, fanaticism, votable
parts, away by keen acting, peculiar seminars
By her feet, the digging wink gaged; embarrassing
the son, mainly with the true crisis and failure

As our deep women send powerful computers
and neglected personalities of important objects when
the irritated oysters is an area of
simple attention; people want connections we get
carved like rare reverie only mesmerized, suspect
Wht gets genuine imitation? Fulfillment? Ego? Development?
The career would see his true masochism

I now have their savage birds; he let
these feet, their eyes catch broader arms
and moist, nameless logs visited my north
neighbor either muddied and unforeseen or different
Doing my entire breakfast I still think
the innocent handbook thought what I deal
I'm what it's supposed to be -- different

I like vitality; we observed the most
important juices, everything I described is there
blank in the memory with a focus you
only might sit and approach just a player
probably and directly potent; relativley
dominant; often times simply glass previously
sunny and shiny this light enhanced nothing
Wislawa Szymborska Rip Offs


>>>>>>>>>On the seventh of may
>>>>>>>>>>>at three in the
>>>>>Someone was taking a bath
>>>>>>>>in a misty pond
>>>>>>>>a fragrant
>>>>>>>>>>>lush cool pond
>>>>>>>>>>>>>and there breath came out
>>>>>>>>>frogs lived in the mud
>>>>>>>>>>>>and raccoons thrashed
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>out of site
>>>>>>>>>>in the shadows
>>>>>>cries of death
>>>>>>>>>>>>crickets scraping their legs
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>against their thorax
>>>>>>>>>call of future ecstacy
>>>>>excitedly helplessly
>>>>>>>>>>>wailing shrill excorbitant

Man where's your guts?--I don't know
When do you die, where do you live?--I don't know
Why did you put this here, this whole in the sky?--I don't know
When were you born?--I don't know
Woman, why did you put this here?--I don't know
Don't you know you'll put this here forever?--I don't know
Whose hat is this? Whose clothes are these?--I don't know
Where are they? Where are they you put here?--I don't know
There's a bomb here, you must run.--I don't know
Do you know where I live?--I don't know
Do you know I have a gun?--I don't know

I believe in the sound of the boombox
I believe in the hand through the hair
I believe in the bar stool and the rail
and the woman with gray hair
a shock of gray hair and the growl
I believe in the river in the winter friends
in the parks walking arm in arm threesomes
and the hospital through the trees

I believe in the dead men on
guerneys old men and gray women
too in the beds shrunken their
skeletons shrunken their skin on
wrong ashes the last blink the last
cough I believe in the telling of stories and
songs and uncles in the hallway gripping
the sleeve and I believe in football practice and
punches and nose bubbles and I believe he
wrestled school boys the principal in his suit and
I believe he was in the locker room with
the naked boys and I believe he liked the
locker room with the naked boys and
I was a school boy in a locker room naked
and Greg was muscled so differently and he
wore sambas and he said he wresteled with
his mind not his body and he I touched his chest I
blew on it and he hummed away my favorite
song after I believe in the smashing of fingers on
guitar strings and I believe in the piano and
the the sixth sense I believe in the secret finger
I believe in the future
I believe in the dismal prospects
I believe in the liquid tablets
the face of deep eyes the purple
face the smoke the touch of skin
the fingertips on the naked chest
the hair on the chin the finger on the
dick the stroke the frisk the rub the breath
the hits the tackles the bruises I believe the
rules the sidelines and the boundaries the
flags the hugs from behind the goal line stands
the endzones the coaches waving their arms in
slow motion even in my memory I see the waving
arms in slow motion the piano music makes
everything slow motion I am sure
neither spouse will know neither will give
it away I am sure no one will cry or punch
the walls no one will seek revenge no crimes
of passion no sobs of pain no convulsions no
vibrations no unnameable time

in progress. nothing to see here LOL :):(

____________________________What>>>>>>>did>>>>>>>you>>>>>>>wear Victor
____________________________gloves did you look at the I Ching Victor
___where>>>>do>>>>you>>>>walk>>>Victor>>>>what _________________________
___do>>>you>>>see>>in>>>the>>streets>>>I>>>have _________________________
___never>>>been>>>>to>>>>Russia,>Victor>>what _________________________
___rocket,>>Victor are you a comedian Victor_________________________
____________________________do>>you drink in a pub>>what__________
____________________________do>>you wear Victor who are__________
____________________________your friends do you know my__________
____________________________friend Sebastian Alvarez do__________
____________________________you performed on stage have__________

writes and walks in cold Moscow Victor
what does mean to
you a
there comedians in Moscow
Victor what do you
wear Victor who are your friends do
you know my friend Sebastian Alvarez do
you know my friend Vsevolod Meyerhold have
you performed on stage have
you lived in the 1920s what
is your feeling for 1920s Moscow, Victor? Did
the people wear fedoras? Were
the people hungry Were
there bread lines did
people throw themselves from
buildings Were the buildings
the same, the buildings you see now was
your breath the same walking in the winter what
do you wear Victor who are your friends where
do you sit where do you type in what bed do
you sleep have you
acted on stage have you
acted in front of Sergei's camera
what are the buildings you go to who
was your mother who was
your grandmother do you know my
friend Lily who are your
friends where do you sleep where
do you sit when you drink when you type do
you type? Sergei what do you see when
you walk in the street who do
you walk with what do you read in
the newspaper what do you think do
you have money in your pocket where do
you spend it what is the street made of do
you ride the bus do you
wear gloves do you carry a bag what
do you wear where do you work do
you teach do you shoot video all
day do you sit at a computer and edit do
you prefer film do you work
with actors what do you tell
actors what did you tell me who do
you work with what do you remember where
did you play where do you play do
you dance do you listen to music do
you wear headphones what are
your myths do you know Victor do
you know your eastern myths do
you want to make the government feel
remorse how do you want to
feel how do you want to change did you
see the funeral on tv did you
go to the funeral

my victor you are very handsome if
this photo is you do you know
my friend Sergei have you acted
in front of the camera have you
told a story with your body do
you believe in your body victor?
sebastian, have you met sergei?
have you met Alexander Tairov have
you acted on the stage have you
lived in the 1920s in Moscow did
you wear a fedora did you wear boots did
you breath the same breath did it snow? did
you believe your story did you
run away from home were you from
the country were you selfish were
you the talk of the town were you
the toast of the papers did you wear a mustache
who did you drink with where did you sleep who did
you sleep with did you twist the blankets did you
have children were you a child did you think of your
mother your father did your grandfather smile
in the doorway and did you stroke his face when
he wiggled his ears did you
drink milk did you have money in
your pocket did you mourn with the sun sergei did
you mourn with the sun victor did you
sit in school and listen to stories did
you play chess with your grandfather did
you listen to your grandmother's stories did
you sacrifice to your god victor, sergei did
you sacrifice to your camera did you
see the man jump from the building did
you live in the 1920s did
you do your math problems did you
watch the seasons did you fear time
Ride away with
money drink the
season believe your
camera believe your
birth. Victor, friend of
the stage comedian of
blueprints hungry and
cold what do buildings mean
to you comedian asleep on
the street the bag in your
pocket the grandmother's
dance. Lily, who was your
mother where are your
gloves. Lily, before you go, walk
the street, work the windows, work
the pockets the hats the money. The
actors read the lines the actors
jump dance work. The hats ride the
computer, edit with headphones the
breadline remembered you preferred
film what do you mean did you
overdraft did your mother overdraft
before your birth did she write a check in
blue did she sign her name in blue does
your mother draft her body in blue she
acted in front of the camera with
Victor telling stories of before their
birth do you walk in cold winter what
do you mean did you overdraft did
your mother overdraft before you
leave tell me before you leave did you
throw yourself from a building Victor tell me
before you leave what the front of the stage means to you.
scratch pad for contest poem ... it's hard


voices calling from miles away from
thousands of miles from
millions of miles
but only in my
mind in my
dream in
my soul

I am going there
now I am

outshoot the Russians
manufacturer of replicas
carbine trapper rifle
which holster is for you, Jerry?
Quick draw grab and go
the right gun and holster rig
the right situation

go the other way
protect the Bill of Rights
Yes you can own a machine gun
Hunting by the numbers

Master engraver shares his knowledge
Make me a goose dinner, Daddy
Bottom of the basket
open carry
conceal carry
bear shot buck shot
give it a pump

Maverick Arms
Eagle Pass, Texas

He measures pot his dad measures powder
on their electric scale ever smoke pot laced
with gun powder? Ever shoot a bick buck?

Big gun gunner top gun

Sheriff Department, open up! Request (a
for back up. Marines train in combat (b
marksmanship. Olympic medalist skis (c
with gun strapped on back. Kid shoots (d
bird with air rifle. Angels and demons (e

know the truth about combat. (b
Man surprises intruders and shoots (d
Intruders in critical condition request (a
dreams about his dad and new skis (c
the kid wanted angels but got demons (e

shoots (d
skis (c
combat (b
request (a
demons (e

we're taking requests
bark your shin and say oh shoot

is it the dogs or the demons
painful music by request
cowboys don't wear skis
shooters don't eat shoots
and leaves as for video games I prefer immortal combat

make ten line stanzas, short lines...
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Who shot me Jerry ten miles away from
the old home on the hill ten miles from
the woods who blew the
tornado horn in
town Who
called my name a thousand miles away from
my ears I heard it only in my soul from
another place not the
woods a voice in
and out Who
saw me float Jerry a million miles away from
here between the earth and the light from
the woods to the sky the
void I've not known in
town nor wood Who
blew the tornado horn Jerry ten miles away from
the house on the hill a mile from
my ears and dream the
voice I've known in
daydreams Who
rolled me from the house Jerry a distance from
the shore down the hill the sound from
the waves in the woods the
sound I've known in
life who Jerry who?
