Slow Cellar Door Poetry Challenge

Mea Culpa

I know it's not good to suggest a challenge then not present anything but it's gonna happen folks. Sorry, the muse is on strike.

Grandma's in the cellar
Lordy can't you smell 'er
cookin beans and biscuits
by the fire (by the fire)

Her eyes are full of water
drippin' in the batter
as the (cue: wipe nose with back of hand) sniffort
runs down her nose

I have not written one either, I am afraid to see when it is due
Tristesse said:
I know it's not good to suggest a challenge then not present anything but it's gonna happen folks. Sorry, the muse is on strike.

Mine too. :( The theme doesn't do anything for me and I've tried everything "Sloe" cellar door to "slow door seller". :rolleyes:
annaswirls said:
Grandma's in the cellar
Lordy can't you smell 'er
cookin beans and biscuits
by the fire (by the fire)

Her eyes are full of water
drippin' in the batter
as the (cue: wipe nose with back of hand) sniffort
runs down her nose

I have not written one either, I am afraid to see when it is due

They're due Sunday, June 19th. Do you all want more time? We can extend it by a week if people want. I sure haven't had a chance to write one.

Yes poets, Laurel our kitty mama has generously agreed to offer a gift certificate to the winner of this poetry challenge. Therefore, we'll take one more week to submit entries for the semifinals of this contest. The new deadline is

Sunday, June 26 8 pm EST

Submit your entries to The Poets by that date and we'll vote for our favorites to go into a finals round.

Remember, you have a few options on the title for the challenge. You can use:


Cellar Door


Slow Cellar Door

There are no other restrictions as to form or free verse, erotic or non-erotic. Just write poetry. For this contest, we'll take one submission per poet.

If you have any questions, put them in this thread or pm The Poets and we'll answer.

Good luck and happy poeming.

oh. by "we'll vote for our favorites" I mean all of you--not the moderators. Just to clarify in case you were wondering what I meant. As in other contests, moderators will vote in the finals round only in the event of a tie.

can everyone who plays vote in the final round again?

edited to say

damn it I have to write a poem....
cellar door cellar door cellar door
what happens at the cellar door
annaswirls said:
can everyone who plays vote in the final round again?

edited to say

damn it I have to write a poem....
cellar door cellar door cellar door
what happens at the cellar door

I don't see why not, but I'll check with Eve and Lauren to make sure we're all on the same page with this--methinks we can just do an open voting poll so your user name shows with the vote. That seems to work well.
wildsweetone said:
Mine's turning out quite strange too sandspike... the dark side coming out methinks. ;) Though mine's slipped out before lol

I"m too shallow to have a dark side. I can give the dark about 2 seconds
and I pop back up on the beach or start to think of beer or love. Check out
my dark ditty if you can find it 'open the cellar door'. You'll see in the end
I thought the topic was way off base for me. I ended telling everyone
to quit the darkness and hit the beach for a good look at how things really
are. Write something strange, I'll find it. :)
Angeline said:
Oh, I did have to separate two bad boys last week who wouldn't shut up about Star Wars. I spoke to them verrrry sternly.

ee said omg you dommed them. lol. (he's a sick old puppy.)
btw, no one should ever shut up about star wars. *grin*
perks said:
btw, no one should ever shut up about star wars. *grin*


You come up here Saturday by 8 am and you can talk to them about it.

I'll take the duckling out while you teach. We'll get our nails done. That's sounds more fun to me. hehe
Angeline said:

You come up here Saturday by 8 am and you can talk to them about it.

I'll take the duckling out while you teach. We'll get our nails done. That's sounds more fun to me. hehe

you move around so much I don't know where you are anymore...
But if you can meet me when I travel northward, I'll take you up on it.
The Poets said:
Yes poets, Laurel our kitty mama has generously agreed to offer a gift certificate to the winner of this poetry challenge. Therefore, we'll take one more week to submit entries for the semifinals of this contest. The new deadline is

Sunday, June 26 8 pm EST

Submit your entries to The Poets by that date and we'll vote for our favorites to go into a finals round.

Remember, you have a few options on the title for the challenge. You can use:


Cellar Door


Slow Cellar Door

There are no other restrictions as to form or free verse, erotic or non-erotic. Just write poetry. For this contest, we'll take one submission per poet.

If you have any questions, put them in this thread or pm The Poets and we'll answer.

Good luck and happy poeming.

Maybe you should start a new thread announcing this? :cool:
ThePoets said:
Remember, you have a few options on the title for the challenge. You can use:


Cellar Door


Slow Cellar Door

There are no other restrictions as to form or free verse, erotic or non-erotic. Just write poetry. For this contest, we'll take one submission per poet

Two questions.
Is that one submission period, or one for each of the title variations? and

Are those titles set firmly in stone, or can we make homeophonic versions of them?
Remec said:
Two questions.
Is that one submission period, or one for each of the title variations? and

Are those titles set firmly in stone, or can we make homeophonic versions of them?

I think one contest entry per poet because last time we did multiple submissions per poet and it wreaked havoc with the voting process, which is why the mods ending up having to vote on a 4-way tie. Of course you can write as many poems as you want and post or submit the ones that aren't contest entries. :D

Title variations are cool with me--we'll just vote on the poem we like best like always.

sandspike said:
I"m too shallow to have a dark side. I can give the dark about 2 seconds
and I pop back up on the beach or start to think of beer or love. Check out
my dark ditty if you can find it 'open the cellar door'. You'll see in the end
I thought the topic was way off base for me. I ended telling everyone
to quit the darkness and hit the beach for a good look at how things really
are. Write something strange, I'll find it. :)

Found it, commented and voted. Should be entered in the challenge.
wildsweetone said:
Found it, commented and voted. Should be entered in the challenge.

I agree. I didn't review it because I thought he might want to submit it for the challenge. :)
was a thing to ponder ~A~

but, I have penned a bit with "slow cellar door"...

and strange as must get your cherokee dictionary ready....o))

blue :rose:
bluerains said:
but, I have penned a bit with "slow cellar door"...

and strange as must get your cherokee dictionary ready....o))

blue :rose:

Is that anything like Yiddish? My Cherokee is well nonexistant. :)