Smoking Fetish..

I hope the following cross-forum link is allowed. If not, my apologies to the moderator.
For those interested, I'd like to extend an invitation to a thread in the "Visual Artist Corner" subforum featuring some of my smoking fetish artwork. A contributor/participant who frequents this thread suggested I should do so.

View attachment 2309828 (Sample of a roughing not yet posted in my thread.)
George, I have previously encouraged you to post your artwork on this thread. I'm quite sure all of us fetishers on here would love to see it all.
Hello everyone,

My name is George Tyerbyter; I'm an amateur artist/art hobbyist who dabbles in graphic illustration, which while done mostly digitally, utilizes decidedly more "traditional" medium and methods, e.g. drawing, sketching, brushwork, etc, done by hand on paper or canvas, but mostly produced by hand through those methods on digital drawing pads. I also do some photo "compositing," combining sketching and photographic layering. I've given this information emphasizing those approaches because I have not delved into any AI, preferring the more "hands-on" experience of hand sketching.

It has been suggested by a couple of member contributors to this thread that I share some of my little efforts here. I have already done so, posting smoking fetish-related art projects in this other thread located under the Visual Artists Corner subforum.

Okay, so why am I boring you with all of this text? Well, I have a couple of questions to pose:

First, I'm uncertain as to the rules concerning posting imagery already posted elsewhere in the forum. Is that allowed?

Secondly, I'd like to ask the opinion of those who come here to view the images as to what degree of explicitness is preferred. I do both "vanilla"/ mainstream and hardcore—the hardcore sometimes taking the form of adult comics, complete with all of what you might expect to find in such smut: fucking, hand-jobs, facials etc.

Sorry for rambling without attaching any sexy smoking images, like this...


Or, this...

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Hello everyone,

My name is George Tyerbyter; I'm an amateur artist/art hobbyist who dabbles in graphic illustration, which while done mostly digitally, utilizes decidedly more "traditional" medium and methods, e.g. drawing, sketching, brushwork, etc, done by hand on paper or canvas, but mostly produced by hand through those methods on digital drawing pads. I also do some photo "compositing," combining sketching and photographic layering. I've given this information emphasizing those approaches because I have not delved into any AI, preferring the more "hands-on" experience of hand sketching.

It has been suggested by a couple of member contributors to this thread that I share some of my little efforts here. I have already done so, posting smoking fetish-related art projects in this other thread located under the Visual Artists Corner subforum.

Okay, so why am I boring you with all of this text? Well, I have a couple of questions to pose:

First, I'm uncertain as to the rules concerning posting imagery already posted elsewhere in the forum. Is that allowed?

Secondly, I'd like to ask the opinion of those who come here to view the images as to what degree of explicitness is preferred. I do both "vanilla"/ mainstream and hardcore—the hardcore sometimes taking the form of adult comics, complete with all of what you might expect to find in such smut: fucking, hand-jobs, facials etc.

Sorry for rambling without attaching any sexy smoking images, like this...

View attachment 2310933

Or, this...

View attachment 2310937
First, I don't know of any rule prohibiting you cross-posting your own content on different threads. Second, since we're not allowed to post anything graphic in actual pictures, but you are allowed to post graphic artwork, I think I can speak for at least most of us that we'd love seeing your naughtier works, including the guys squirting their loads on a woman while she enjoys a cigarette...
First, I don't know of any rule prohibiting you cross-posting your own content on different threads. Second, since we're not allowed to post anything graphic in actual pictures, but you are allowed to post graphic artwork, I think I can speak for at least most of us that we'd love seeing your naughtier works, including the guys squirting their loads on a woman while she enjoys a cigarette...

...So, something like the following rough sketches would be acceptable so long as it is depicted through art? @SmokingFap (My apologies to the moderators if this does indeed break the rules.)

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