Smoking Fetish..

If your question was directed at me.... I didn't start this thread. It's just one I really enjoy, so I contribute as often as possible.
Then why reply to the thread?

This is a thread for people who think girls smoking is sexy. I have never clicked on a thread that I found offensive. Why would anyone do that?

If your question was directed at me.... I didn't start this thread. It's just one I really enjoy, so I contribute as often as possible.

I don't mean to be flippant but if I meant to address you, one would think that I would use one of your pieces of work or statements--,(?)
Sorry, t's just that I haven't seen Bad Boy Bill on this thread for so long, that I wanted to make sure you weren't talking to me. I just didn't want to seem rude by not replying.


Shit no, I do not like smoking women at all. especially the how they smell. I even start to cough. I stopped smoking more than 5 years ago and I am happy with it. The only thing I am doing now is smoking cbd vape cartridges They are much more reflexive than normal cigarettes and much more healthier. I hope you won`t force your girlfriend smoke more.

There can't be ANY WAY on this earth that you believe that what you smoke is healthier in any respect than anything on the market or black market even.

Smoke is smoke and smoke will kill lung tissue, it don't matter what kind of device you use or if all you use is a corncob pipe. It don't matter if its low temperature- high temperature, it don't matter.
Smoke will kill lung tissue.

I do smoke, I smoke weed for pain. Sometimes I got a lot of pain, I smoke more weed, sometimes not so much then I don't smoke much. But everytime I strike that match or hit that button or flick that wheel to get that flame, I aint fooling myself or anyone else about what I think I'm doing or the damage getting done, no matter the reason for the use.