so i just got back from my first date

i admire your strength in that situation...i probably would have folded and gone back to him in that situation. Good for you for keeping away from him and sticking with your decision...the new guy seems QUITE entertaining ^_~ i think i speak for most when i say to post more accounts from the following dates!
it is now a couple hours after my last post, and i am literally kneeling in my computer chair as i write this since sitting is no longer an option. i tried to scan my ass because it is so very red and covered with hairbrush and spatula shaped bruises, but the scan area is too small to get the whole effect, so i just asked him to take some pictures and i'll post those as soon as i get them developed (which might be a while, it's still early in the roll)

i wore a white button-button up shirt with a black tie and a black pleated skirt. i also wore black socks and loafers.

now is a good time to mention that long ago i stuck some velcro (the rough side) on the back of my hairbrush. it was not for the purpose of making it hurt more when spanked with it, but it does have that result.

the evening started with a good old fashioned begging. "i've been bad..." i whispered "i need to be spanked...please spank me....please...." within seconds i was over his knee, his hand raining blows on my bottom. i squirmed and screamed, but he's much larger than i am, and much stronger, so he had no problems holding me in place.

he then sends me to fetch the hairbrush. i hand it too him slowly with my eyes on the ground. for my lack of enthusiasm, i'm sent to the corner. he pulled my hips backward and kept my face to the wall with a fistfull of hair. "keep your nose in that corner" he said menacingly. he continues to hit me with the hairbrush for a while before sticking it on my bookshelf (i only discovered this after a good several minutes of looking for it after the scene was over and my hair was a mess)

"um.." he starts "did you lock the door after i came in?"

"honestly, i can't remember."

with a smack on the ass, he sends me out to go make sure. i straighten and smooth my skirt.

"no," he said "keep that skirt up."

i hold my skirt up to my waist and head out to the living room. he was still in the bedroom, so i didn't bother to keep my skirt up as i locked the door (i had, in fact, forgotten). imagine my surprise when i turn around and see him standing in the bedroom doorway.

"you let your skirt drop, DIDN'T YOU?"

i drop my gaze and nod. he pushes me against the wall and i can hear him moving around in the kitchen. he returned with a spatula and lost no time in bringing it down on my skin over and over. i leaned against the wall, trying futiley to wriggle away from the blows. just when i thought i was going to drop, he guided me back into the bedroom where he laid me down on my back. i knew what was coming and wasn't surprised when he lifted my legs into the air, leaving me completly exposed. i yelped and writhed on the bed, and i couldn't even tell what he was spanking me with anymore.

stopping, he asked me if i was crying. i wasn't, so i shook my head.

"no?" he asked "well this is what you're going to get until you are." with that, he slung me over his knee and fulfilled his promise. it wasn't until i was sobbing that he finally stopped and let me up and laid me back down on the bed. he ran his finger over my eyelids, wiping away my tears.

"you ok?" he asked softly.

i nodded.

"good. now, only fifteen more. and i want you to count." he again lifted my legs, but this time he instructed me to hold them there by myself. i was very worried that i would let them drop, but even more worried that he would punish me very severly if i did, so i managed to lay there on my back gripping the backs of my knees as i counted out every last one. he brought the spatula down on every bit of exposed tender skin, and my sobs could be heard with every number i said.

so yes, i had a good night! ^_^
Good?...sounds more like over the moon fantastic and then some.....happy you are enjoying yourself so well. LOL

yup I am jealious


but it pleases me that yoou had a good night

Did you hit subspace?
did he make it better after? or is the pain all the reward you need?
Richard: it would have been hard to avoid subspace! i was completly lost in that wonderful world of being a naughty little girl!

sirhugs: yeah, he cuddled and kissed me after, it was very sweet! though today i am rather enjoying the fire in my skin which i can feel even when i walk! owowowowow!
bunny bondage said:
Richard: it would have been hard to avoid subspace! i was completly lost in that wonderful world of being a naughty little girl!

sirhugs: yeah, he cuddled and kissed me after, it was very sweet! though today i am rather enjoying the fire in my skin which i can feel even when i walk! owowowowow!

so massaging cream in and rubbing it better not you thing?
sirhugs said:
so massaging cream in and rubbing it better not you thing?

my first reaction was to rub my hands over the bruised and burning skin, but that didn't do a damn thing to make it better! plus, we were at my house and i don't have any cream or anything (though i'm starting to think i should get some...)

here's a question: what's a good cream to buy that won't further irritate injured skin? something cold, preferably....
ok, you don't get to see the whole scope of bruising, and i had to make it a gif to post it, but i figured i'd show off a rather colorful bit of skin here.
bunny bondage said:
my first reaction was to rub my hands over the bruised and burning skin, but that didn't do a damn thing to make it better! plus, we were at my house and i don't have any cream or anything (though i'm starting to think i should get some...)

here's a question: what's a good cream to buy that won't further irritate injured skin? something cold, preferably....

bb have you forgotten about the infomation
on the cream I sell that I sent you ?

Healing A/C Cream
Richard49 said:
bb have you forgotten about the infomation
on the cream I sell that I sent you ?

Healing A/C Cream

oh yeah! duh! i still have that info here on my computer, too! i can't believe i totally forgot about that! heh, thanks Richard! (i'm spacey, and need to be reminded of things like advice, which state i'm in, and what year it is)
bunny bondage said:
oh yeah! duh! i still have that info here on my computer, too! i can't believe i totally forgot about that! heh, thanks Richard! (i'm spacey, and need to be reminded of things like advice, which state i'm in, and what year it is)

You seem to be in the state of bless
and the year of the angel

I "assume" you can find my web page?
bunny bondage said:
here's a question: what's a good cream to buy that won't further irritate injured skin? something cold, preferably....

try cream/lotion for sunburns.. a lot of them have menthol which feels really really nice on tired skin..

and I concur with Richard.. I'm jealous ;)
One of the best creams for bruising and scaring recommended to me by several Dominants is Hirudoid Cream. Is German made (Sankyo Pharma) and I have found it in both Australia and Europe, and know a US Dom who swears by it, so must be universally available.

Richard49 said:
You seem to be in the state of bless
and the year of the angel

I "assume" you can find my web page?


yeah, i remember how to get to your site! ^_^
as the day progressed, more bruises came to the surface. they're just so pretty, i have to share them!
the line of my thigh is kinda wobbly cuz i couldn't put all my weight on my scanner (i'm only 110lbs, but that's still too much for my hardware to handle) i guess i was shaking a bit with the effort of keeping myself on the scanner but keeping my weight on my arms.
Your hot dates

Bunny, I love reading your posts and this is -- I think -- the first time I've replied to one.

--You are right to be wary of your ex-flame. Obsession coupled with a sense of loss can do strange things. I've been on both sides of that equation. So keep your guard up.

--As for your new boyfriend, I'm very jealous :) , but am happy for you. Keep keeping us posted. :devil: It's a brave and kinky thing to live so fully. It's almost as if art resembles life.

--One last thing, if a stranger can play big brother, take care of yourself. Or perhaps even better, hope your new boyfriend takes care of you. :rose:

Best, Peter
Sounds like you had a wonderful time Bunny!!! Feel free to keep sharing happy stories like this with us, please!!!:p
the bruises have turned a lovely green today! i always say that wounds are the only jewlery i wear or want! (well, besides my earrings)

i'm so glad there's a place i can post these where the response i recieve isn't "omg, are you ok?" but instead "congratulations!"

*sniffles* i just love this little community!

i'll be sure to keep you all posted! ^_^

I am sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
jealious :rose: :rose:

Trophies are wonderful